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Loading bar in graph preview is not displayed correctly in IE 10.ZBX-7280
IE 10 blue background when editing mapZBX-7242
Dragging an element in list changes it's widthZBX-7259
Screen configuration incorrect max length for "Show lines" fieldZBX-5854
Host status in Host configuration page doesn't reflect maintenance stateZBX-7141
Some of error messages for triggers can misleadZBX-7186
escalations that are waiting for recovery stay in the database forever if their action is deletedZBX-7061
fix warnings produced by clang static analyzerZBX-7283
bad column layout in latest data if host is displayedZBX-7286
double quotes in trigger name rendered as html entities in menu popupZBX-6832
Reviewing of standard templatesZBX-7276
"Max count of elements to show inside table cell" not used in proxy listZBX-7292
Possible problem in configuration syncer interface synchronizationZBX-7258
VMware monitoring should use instanceUUID for host name instead of uuidZBX-7161
interface IP field is reset after unsuccessful save of a fully cloned hostZBX-7282
crash when upgrading database (events table)ZBX-7275
Eventlog does not workZBX-7284
No permission to a screen, but it can be used to create a slide showZBX-7273
importing data.sql for Oracle inserts \r\n literallyZBX-7299
Dashboard widget drag'n'drop doesn't work on PHP setups without JSONZBX-7291
Missing borders in the host configuration form
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