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- ZBX-15646
Apache Request-URI Too Long error in trigger description field - ZBX-15622
Trigger expression test dialog is not usable with long trigger expressions - ZBX-15607
Zombie processes can occur when signalling agent during metric execution - ZBX-15539
Incorrect error message when changing item type to dependent item with no master item - ZBX-15537
Filter tab goes on top of sub navigation when browser is resized - ZBX-10496
Database creation scripts are not included in RPM packages as specified in docs - ZBX-15714
Obsolete constants in common.h - ZBX-15703
Uninitialized data could be sent to trapper - ZBX-15688
Wrong host group and host selection in trigger dependencies window - ZBX-15686
Wrong number of selected triggers when navigate to inherited template - ZBX-13332
Displayed loader in web step form because of Request-URI Too Long - ZBX-15625
Regular admins have clickable links to Media types in Reports->Notifications page - ZBX-15488
Cannot add trigger Incorrect trigger expression. Host "xyz" does not exist or you have no access to this host. - ZBX-8344
Trimming leading and trailing spaces for received values. Inconsistency. - ZBX-15532
Undefined offset: 488443 [jsrpc.php:208 → CScreenProblem->get() → CScreenProblem::makeData() → usort() → CScreenProblem::{closure}() in include/classes/screens/CScreenProblem.php:603] - ZBX-15867
Security vulnerability when processing discovery contents from proxy
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