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- ZBXNEXT-2108
sugestion to simple graph or support to a NaN value - ZBXNEXT-2040
Absolute time periods for scheduled item polling - ZBXNEXT-1965
[Patch] Improve ad-hoc navigation between item configuration and data - ZBXNEXT-1986
Selection shortcuts for comboboxes - ZBXNEXT-1983
Item parameter "Port" for "JMX agent" items - ZBXNEXT-1982
Expand macros in user macros - ZBXNEXT-1981
Named interfaces - ZBXNEXT-1978
Screen editor - add new resource simple Label - ZBXNEXT-2190
Screen editor - durability of select Resource in "Screen cell configuration" - ZBXNEXT-2003
web.page.* item monitoring from server - ZBXNEXT-2065
Option to see triggers in PROBLEM status only - ZBXNEXT-1993
see the values by mousehover in graphs - ZBXNEXT-1992
show multiple graphs by select - ZBXNEXT-1931
add a maintenance name to corresponding zabbix_server.log records - ZBXNEXT-2021
Add host name to 'ALARM ACKNOWLEDGES' - ZBXNEXT-2038
Set start date for IT services - ZBXNEXT-2148
Add summary and report options to auditlog views. - ZBXNEXT-2015
Number of active triggers per host group - ZBXNEXT-1905
event count in the graph - ZBXNEXT-2047
Improved Media Type support for scripts, xml, and json data - ZBXNEXT-1994
Notify before saving an action with changed but unsaved operation - ZBXNEXT-1997
net.if.discovery support for FreeBSD - ZBXNEXT-2018
Allow 'Super Admin' to take over a user role - ZBXNEXT-1961
Database monitor ODBC connections should be dynamic without involving odbc.ini - ZBXNEXT-2074
web monitoring variables are not URL-encoded - ZBXNEXT-1984
Configurable limitation for 'value like' searches in history - ZBXNEXT-2026
Macro prototypes for low level discovery - ZBXNEXT-2031
Ability to draw fixed rectangle, circle,... on a map to group for example some hosts.
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