Export - CSV (All fields)
Export - CSV (Current fields)
Allow trigger dependencies for trigger prototypes discovered for a host to have dependencies added via apiZBXNEXT-5979
Ability to post JSON code snippets into a Web formZBXNEXT-8352
Add support to MS Azure SCIM requests with the flagZBXNEXT-9817
Allow desc y asc parameter in lower an upper caseZBXNEXT-7897
Maintenance status with Zabbix APIZBXNEXT-8498
API method interface: change bulk to combinedZBXNEXT-7124
item.update should allow the ability to remove all preprocessing stepsZBXNEXT-7103
API problem.get property to skip Dependent ProblemsZBXNEXT-9884
Different maintenance icon for partial(tag) maintenanceZBXNEXT-9300
API methos should not return wrong propertiesZBXNEXT-9240
SVG Graph legend: make hostname optionalZBXNEXT-9207
Zabbix 6.4 API GrafanaZBXNEXT-6036
Add "Apply permissions and tag filters to all subgroups" in hostgroup.update API or with MassUpdate (Frontend)ZBXNEXT-5998
New Macro - {ITEM.ERROR<1-9>}ZBXNEXT-8443
API configuration.export and dashboardsZBXNEXT-8557
implement API method "massupdate" for class "item"ZBXNEXT-7818
Getting the Users Macros for a hostZBXNEXT-6403
Support for trigger tags macros parse via APIZBXNEXT-6205
Add more control on macro precedence in templatesZBXNEXT-6435
Ability to change secret macro by owner or superadminZBXNEXT-7467
PHP8: strict types in bitwise operatorsZBXNEXT-7485
PHP8: debug backtrace fixZBXNEXT-5758
Ambari integration in zabbixZBXNEXT-5918
Unable to add just one link using map.updateZBXNEXT-9853
Allow "task.get" API to return status of "type": 6 tasksZBXNEXT-6790
Save item error with "Check for not supported value"ZBXNEXT-7491
PHP8.1: PostgreSQL supportZBXNEXT-7397
Insecure md5 is used for verifying passwordsZBXNEXT-9351
Host tags should be inherited from templatesZBXNEXT-9006
Action only triggerZBXNEXT-8852
Add the ability to create a web item using the APIZBXNEXT-8862
Allow ordered application of templates and item overlapZBXNEXT-4447
Frontend - Change the severity of a problemZBXNEXT-4420
Frontend: Compression for communication server-proxy (Z4)ZBXNEXT-4409
Allow setting case-sensitivity of "search" in API get methodZBXNEXT-4611
HTTP GET by default for HTTP item typeZBXNEXT-4563
Ability to list inherited macros and values in host.getZBXNEXT-4402
TLS support for zabbix_sender_send_values() functionZBXNEXT-4268
Authentication APIZBXNEXT-4598
Frontend support of {ITEM.VALUE} in trigger URLZBXNEXT-4584
API to get auditlog recordsZBXNEXT-4490
Frontend changes for trapper in RestAPI itemZBXNEXT-4427
Frontend: Check now item value without config reload (Z4beta1)ZBXNEXT-5119
Limit amount of simultaneous sessions per userZBXNEXT-5040
Separate configuration and realtime fields in items tableZBXNEXT-4988
Frontend changes to Media types config should have "Test" featureZBXNEXT-4945
Frontend changes for Javascript Preprocessing (subtask)ZBXNEXT-4938
Frontend changes to ability to use discovery returned string as hostnameZBXNEXT-5762
Implement custom buttons with custom actions on alerts & problems widgetsZBXNEXT-3459
Create/Retrieve/Update/Delete Trigger Tags via API
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