Export - CSV (All fields)
Export - CSV (Current fields)
Extend docker.container_stats item to return pids_stats.currentZBXNEXT-8245
Convert "Advanced configuration" from checkbox to collapsible blockZBXNEXT-8105
Support of streaming metrics and events to external systems over HTTPZBXNEXT-8217
Template for self monitoring of new processesZBXNEXT-8357
Proxy housekeepingZBXNEXT-7132
FQDN support in system.hostname key for Windows and other platformsZBXNEXT-8270
Replace family of zbx_socket_*() functions with thread compatible versionsZBXNEXT-8317
Update MariaDB maximum supported version to 10.11ZBXNEXT-7985
Add new Graph Wiget option to template dashboardsZBXNEXT-8263
Update template windows_snmpZBXNEXT-8289
Update template tplink_snmpZBXNEXT-8288
Update template mikrotik_snmpZBXNEXT-8287
Update template cisco_snmpZBXNEXT-8323
Add 'prometheus to json' preprocessing cachingZBXNEXT-8425
HTTP basic auth username / password longer than 64 charactersZBXNEXT-8330
Default values in Zabbix agent 2 plugin items with Session supportZBXNEXT-8394
Create separate triggers for unsupported proxy versionsZBXNEXT-8209
Integration for Azure: " Cosmos DB for MongoDB "ZBXNEXT-8235
Simplify cloning in the UI by leaving only one buttonZBXNEXT-8356
Frontend changes to support aggregation calculation improvementsZBXNEXT-8402
Support non-numeric vectors in aggregated calculationsZBXNEXT-8387
Make Scripts configuration form modalZBXNEXT-8386
Make Discovery configuration form modalZBXNEXT-8364
UI changes to show Zabbix Server and Frontend version in Reports - System informationZBXNEXT-8390
Add item state to the Latest dataZBXNEXT-8391
Support changes in docker templateZBXNEXT-8355
Aggregation calculation improvementsZBXNEXT-7640
Widget config help icon must point to the doc of specific widgetZBXNEXT-7759
Binary-safe JS functionsZBXNEXT-7569
Allow to use system.sw.packages on gentoo linuxZBXNEXT-8426
Server changes to support HTTP basic auth username / password longer than 64 charactersZBXNEXT-8286
Update template linux_snmpZBXNEXT-8324
Remove old style numericsZBXNEXT-8256
Rename the action operation types related with template linkageZBXNEXT-8208
Integration for Azure: "Storage accounts template"ZBXNEXT-8226
Increase length of "URLs" of map, map element to 2048, also other URLsZBXNEXT-8237
Changes in module details screen and module infoZBXNEXT-8275
Frontend changes for fping False Positive on Redirected ResponseZBXNEXT-8312
TimescaleDB 2.10 supportZBXNEXT-8086
Ability to use all widgets in dashboard templatesZBXNEXT-8334
Webhook for Event Driven Ansible (EDA)ZBXNEXT-8078
Remove unnecessary new line for each element in array for export .yaml templatesZBXNEXT-8012
API user.checkAuthentication returns error when using an API tokenZBXNEXT-8071
Add as sysasm connection option to Zabbix Agent 2 Oracle pluginZBXNEXT-8199
Integration with Google Cloud Platform (GCP)ZBXNEXT-8360
Include Docker container healthZBXNEXT-8241
Introduce RSA function to js engineZBXNEXT-8079
fping False Positive on Redirected ResponseZBXNEXT-7545
Create guidelines to standartise creation of modal forms (PoC)ZBXNEXT-8326
Show Zabbix Server and Frontend version in Reports - System information
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