[Agent] active: true capacity: 0/100 tasks: 0 agent.hostname: Returns Hostname from agent configuration. agent.ping: Returns agent availability check result. agent.version: Version of Zabbix agent. [Cpu] active: true capacity: 0/100 tasks: 1 system.cpu.discovery: List of detected CPUs/CPU cores, used for low-level discovery. system.cpu.num: Number of CPUs. system.cpu.util: CPU utilisation percentage. [File] active: true capacity: 0/100 tasks: 0 vfs.file.cksum: Returns File checksum, calculated by the UNIX cksum algorithm. vfs.file.contents: Retrieves contents of the file. vfs.file.exists: Returns if file exists or not. vfs.file.md5sum: Returns MD5 checksum of file. vfs.file.regexp: Find string in a file. vfs.file.regmatch: Find string in a file. vfs.file.size: Returns file size. vfs.file.time: Returns file time information. [Kernel] active: false capacity: 0/100 tasks: 0 kernel.maxfiles: Returns maximum number of opened files supported by OS. kernel.maxproc: Returns maximum number of processes supported by OS. [Log] active: false capacity: 0/100 tasks: 0 log: Log file monitoring. log.count: Count of matched lines in log file monitoring. logrt: Log file monitoring with log rotation support. logrt.count: Count of matched lines in log file monitoring with log rotation support. [NetIf] active: true capacity: 0/100 tasks: 0 net.if.collisions: Returns number of out-of-window collisions. net.if.discovery: Returns list of network interfaces. Used for low-level discovery. net.if.in: Returns incoming traffic statistics on network interface. net.if.out: Returns outgoing traffic statistics on network interface. net.if.total: Returns sum of incoming and outgoing traffic statistics on network interface. [Proc] active: false capacity: 0/100 tasks: 0 proc.cpu.util: Process CPU utilisation percentage. [Redis] active: false capacity: 0/100 tasks: 0 redis.config: Returns configuration parameters of Redis server. redis.info: Returns output of INFO command. redis.ping: Test if connection is alive or not. redis.slowlog.count: Returns the number of slow log entries since Redis has been started. [SystemRun] active: false capacity: 0/100 tasks: 0 system.run: Run specified command. [Systemd] active: false capacity: 0/100 tasks: 0 systemd.unit.discovery: Returns JSON array of discovered units, usage: systemd.unit.discovery[]. systemd.unit.info: Returns the unit info, usage: systemd.unit.info[unit,,]. [TCP] active: false capacity: 0/100 tasks: 0 net.tcp.port: Checks if it is possible to make TCP connection to specified port. [Uname] active: true capacity: 0/100 tasks: 0 system.hostname: Returns system host name. system.sw.arch: Software architecture information. system.uname: Returns system uname. [Uptime] active: true capacity: 0/100 tasks: 0 system.uptime: Returns system uptime in seconds. [UserParameter] active: true capacity: 0/100 tasks: 0 md.degraded: User parameter: cat /sys/block/$1/md/degraded. md.discover: User parameter: ls /sys/class/block | awk 'BEGIN{printf "{\"data\":["}; /^md[0-9]+$/ {printf c"{\"{#MDNAME}\":\""$1"\"}";c=","}; END{print "]}"}'. md.raid_disks: User parameter: cat /sys/block/$1/md/raid_disks. md.sync_action: User parameter: cat /sys/block/$1/md/sync_action. postfix.active: User parameter: postqueue -p | grep -E -c "^[0-9A-F]{10}[*]". postfix.deferred: User parameter: postqueue -p | grep -E -c "^[0-9A-F]{10}[^*]". postfix.logfile_status_all: User parameter: logtail -f /var/log/mail.log -o /var/lib/zabbix/postfix.$1.all.$2.logtail | grep -c "postfix/$1.*status=$2". postfix.logfile_status_local: User parameter: logtail -f /var/log/mail.log -o /var/lib/zabbix/postfix.$1.local.$2.logtail | grep "postfix/$1.*status=$2" | grep -c -E "relay=(127\.0\.0\.1|::1|localhost)". postfix.logfile_status_remote: User parameter: logtail -f /var/log/mail.log -o /var/lib/zabbix/postfix.$1.remote.$2.logtail | grep "postfix/$1.*status=$2" | grep -v -c -E "relay=(127\.0\.0\.1|::1|localhost)". [VFSDev] active: false capacity: 0/100 tasks: 0 vfs.dev.discovery: List of block devices and their type. Used for low-level discovery. vfs.dev.read: Disk read statistics. vfs.dev.write: Disk write statistics. [ZabbixAsync] active: true capacity: 0/100 tasks: 0 net.tcp.listen: Checks if this TCP port is in LISTEN state. net.udp.listen: Checks if this UDP port is in LISTEN state. sensor: Hardware sensor reading. system.boottime: Returns system boot time. system.cpu.intr: Device interrupts. system.cpu.load: CPU load. system.cpu.switches: Count of context switches. system.hw.cpu: CPU information. system.hw.macaddr: Listing of MAC addresses. system.localtime: Returns system local time. system.sw.os: Operating system information. system.swap.in: Swap in (from device into memory) statistics. system.swap.out: Swap out (from memory onto device) statistics. vfs.fs.discovery: List of mounted filesystems. Used for low-level discovery. [ZabbixStats] active: false capacity: 0/100 tasks: 0 zabbix.stats: Return a set of Zabbix server or proxy internal metrics or return number of monitored items in the queue which are delayed on Zabbix server or proxy. [ZabbixSync] active: true capacity: 0/1 tasks: 0 net.dns: Checks if DNS service is up. net.dns.record: Performs DNS query. net.tcp.service: Checks if service is running and accepting TCP connections. net.tcp.service.perf: Checks performance of TCP service. net.udp.service: Checks if service is running and responding to UDP requests. net.udp.service.perf: Checks performance of UDP service. proc.mem: Memory used by process in bytes. proc.num: The number of processes. system.hw.chassis: Chassis information. system.hw.devices: Listing of PCI or USB devices. system.sw.packages: Listing of installed packages. system.swap.size: Swap space size in bytes or in percentage from total. system.users.num: Number of users logged in. vfs.dir.count: Directory entry count. vfs.dir.size: Directory size (in bytes). vfs.fs.get: List of mounted filesystems with statistics. vfs.fs.inode: Number or percentage of inodes. vfs.fs.size: Disk space in bytes or in percentage from total. vm.memory.size: Memory size in bytes or in percentage from total. web.page.get: Get content of web page. web.page.perf: Loading time of full web page (in seconds). web.page.regexp: Find string on a web page.