var params = JSON.parse(value), request = new HttpRequest(), data = [], error_msg = [], measurement, temp_unit, wind_unit, errors_only = [], error_locations = [], unique_errors, new_error_msg; function getHttpData(query) { url = params.api_endpoint + query + '&appid=' + params.apikey + '&units=' + params.units + '&lang=' + params.lang; response = request.get(url); Zabbix.log(4, '[ Openweathermap ] [ ' + url + ' ] Received response with status code ' + request.getStatus() + ': ' + response); if (response !== null) { try { response = JSON.parse(response); } catch (error) { throw 'Failed to parse response.'; } } if (request.getStatus() !== 200) { if (response.error && response.error.message) { throw response.error.message; } else { throw 'Failed to receive data. Invalid response status code: ' + request.getStatus(); } } return response; } switch (params.units) { case 'metric': measurement = 'metric'; temp_unit = 'C'; wind_unit = 'meter/sec'; break; case 'imperial': measurement = 'imperial'; temp_unit = 'F'; wind_unit = 'miles/hour'; break; default: measurement = 'standard'; temp_unit = 'K'; wind_unit = 'meter/sec'; } locations = params.location.split('|'); for (var i in locations) { try { if (/^[0-9]+$/g.test(locations[i])) { result = getHttpData('id=' + locations[i]); } else if (/^.*,[\w]+$/g.test(locations[i])) { result = getHttpData('zip=' + locations[i]); } else if (/^(\-[0-9]|[0-9]){1,2}(\.[0-9]+)?,(\-[0-9]|[0-9]){1,2}(\.[0-9]+)?/g.test(locations[i])) { coordinates = locations[i].split(','); result = getHttpData('lat=' + coordinates[0] + '&lon=' + coordinates[1]); } else { result = getHttpData('q=' + encodeURIComponent(locations[i])); } if (!data.filter(function (location) { return ===; }).length) { result.measurement = measurement; result.temp_unit = temp_unit; result.wind_unit = wind_unit; data.push(result); } } catch (error) { errors = {}; errors.location = locations[i]; errors.error = error.toString(); error_msg.push(errors); errors_only.push(error.toString()); } } if (error_msg.length === 0) { return JSON.stringify({ 'data': data, 'errors': error_msg.toString() }); } else { unique_errors = errors_only.filter(function (value, index, self) { return self.indexOf(value) == index; }); if (unique_errors.length === 1) { for (var j in error_msg) { error_locations.push(error_msg[j].location); } new_error_msg = 'Failed to retrieve data for the following locations: ' + error_locations + '. ' + unique_errors[0]; return JSON.stringify({ 'data': data, 'errors': new_error_msg }); } else { return JSON.stringify({ 'data': data, 'errors': error_msg }); } }