View "information_schema._pg_foreign_data_wrappers" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description -------------------------------+-----------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- oid | oid | | | | plain | fdwowner | oid | | | | plain | fdwoptions | text[] | C | | | extended | foreign_data_wrapper_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | foreign_data_wrapper_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | authorization_identifier | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | foreign_data_wrapper_language | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT w.oid, w.fdwowner, w.fdwoptions, current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS foreign_data_wrapper_catalog, w.fdwname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS foreign_data_wrapper_name, u.rolname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS authorization_identifier, 'c'::character varying::information_schema.character_data AS foreign_data_wrapper_language FROM pg_foreign_data_wrapper w, pg_authid u WHERE u.oid = w.fdwowner AND (pg_has_role(w.fdwowner, 'USAGE'::text) OR has_foreign_data_wrapper_privilege(w.oid, 'USAGE'::text)); View "information_schema._pg_foreign_servers" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ------------------------------+-----------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- oid | oid | | | | plain | srvoptions | text[] | C | | | extended | foreign_server_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | foreign_server_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | foreign_data_wrapper_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | foreign_data_wrapper_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | foreign_server_type | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | foreign_server_version | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | authorization_identifier | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT s.oid, s.srvoptions, current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS foreign_server_catalog, s.srvname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS foreign_server_name, current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS foreign_data_wrapper_catalog, w.fdwname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS foreign_data_wrapper_name, s.srvtype::information_schema.character_data AS foreign_server_type, s.srvversion::information_schema.character_data AS foreign_server_version, u.rolname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS authorization_identifier FROM pg_foreign_server s, pg_foreign_data_wrapper w, pg_authid u WHERE w.oid = s.srvfdw AND u.oid = s.srvowner AND (pg_has_role(s.srvowner, 'USAGE'::text) OR has_server_privilege(s.oid, 'USAGE'::text)); View "information_schema._pg_foreign_table_columns" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ---------------+--------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- nspname | name | | | | plain | relname | name | | | | plain | attname | name | | | | plain | attfdwoptions | text[] | C | | | extended | View definition: SELECT n.nspname, c.relname, a.attname, a.attfdwoptions FROM pg_foreign_table t, pg_authid u, pg_namespace n, pg_class c, pg_attribute a WHERE u.oid = c.relowner AND (pg_has_role(c.relowner, 'USAGE'::text) OR has_column_privilege(c.oid, a.attnum, 'SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, REFERENCES'::text)) AND n.oid = c.relnamespace AND c.oid = t.ftrelid AND c.relkind = 'f'::"char" AND a.attrelid = c.oid AND a.attnum > 0; View "information_schema._pg_foreign_tables" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description --------------------------+-----------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- foreign_table_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | foreign_table_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | foreign_table_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | ftoptions | text[] | C | | | extended | foreign_server_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | foreign_server_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | authorization_identifier | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS foreign_table_catalog, n.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS foreign_table_schema, c.relname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS foreign_table_name, t.ftoptions, current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS foreign_server_catalog, s.srvname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS foreign_server_name, u.rolname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS authorization_identifier FROM pg_foreign_table t, pg_foreign_server s, pg_foreign_data_wrapper w, pg_authid u, pg_namespace n, pg_class c WHERE w.oid = s.srvfdw AND u.oid = c.relowner AND (pg_has_role(c.relowner, 'USAGE'::text) OR has_table_privilege(c.oid, 'SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, TRUNCATE, REFERENCES, TRIGGER'::text) OR has_any_column_privilege(c.oid, 'SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, REFERENCES'::text)) AND n.oid = c.relnamespace AND c.oid = t.ftrelid AND c.relkind = 'f'::"char" AND s.oid = t.ftserver; View "information_schema._pg_user_mappings" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description --------------------------+-----------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- oid | oid | | | | plain | umoptions | text[] | C | | | extended | umuser | oid | | | | plain | authorization_identifier | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | foreign_server_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | foreign_server_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | srvowner | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT um.oid, um.umoptions, um.umuser, COALESCE(u.rolname, 'PUBLIC'::name)::information_schema.sql_identifier AS authorization_identifier, s.foreign_server_catalog, s.foreign_server_name, s.authorization_identifier AS srvowner FROM pg_user_mapping um LEFT JOIN pg_authid u ON u.oid = um.umuser, information_schema._pg_foreign_servers s WHERE s.oid = um.umserver; View "information_schema.administrable_role_authorizations" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description --------------+-----------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- grantee | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | role_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | is_grantable | information_schema.yes_or_no | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT applicable_roles.grantee, applicable_roles.role_name, applicable_roles.is_grantable FROM information_schema.applicable_roles WHERE applicable_roles.is_grantable::text = 'YES'::text; View "information_schema.applicable_roles" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description --------------+-----------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- grantee | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | role_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | is_grantable | information_schema.yes_or_no | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT a.rolname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS grantee, b.rolname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS role_name, CASE WHEN m.admin_option THEN 'YES'::text ELSE 'NO'::text END::information_schema.yes_or_no AS is_grantable FROM ( SELECT pg_auth_members.member, pg_auth_members.roleid, pg_auth_members.admin_option FROM pg_auth_members UNION SELECT pg_database.datdba, pg_authid.oid, false AS bool FROM pg_database, pg_authid WHERE pg_database.datname = current_database() AND pg_authid.rolname = 'pg_database_owner'::name) m JOIN pg_authid a ON m.member = a.oid JOIN pg_authid b ON m.roleid = b.oid WHERE pg_has_role(a.oid, 'USAGE'::text); View "information_schema.attributes" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description --------------------------------+------------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- udt_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | udt_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | udt_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | attribute_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | ordinal_position | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | attribute_default | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | is_nullable | information_schema.yes_or_no | | | | extended | data_type | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | character_maximum_length | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | character_octet_length | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | character_set_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | character_set_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | character_set_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | collation_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | collation_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | collation_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | numeric_precision | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | numeric_precision_radix | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | numeric_scale | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | datetime_precision | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | interval_type | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | interval_precision | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | attribute_udt_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | attribute_udt_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | attribute_udt_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | scope_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | scope_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | scope_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | maximum_cardinality | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | dtd_identifier | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | is_derived_reference_attribute | information_schema.yes_or_no | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS udt_catalog, nc.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS udt_schema, c.relname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS udt_name, a.attname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS attribute_name, a.attnum::information_schema.cardinal_number AS ordinal_position, pg_get_expr(ad.adbin, ad.adrelid)::information_schema.character_data AS attribute_default, CASE WHEN a.attnotnull OR t.typtype = 'd'::"char" AND t.typnotnull THEN 'NO'::text ELSE 'YES'::text END::information_schema.yes_or_no AS is_nullable, CASE WHEN t.typelem <> 0::oid AND t.typlen = '-1'::integer THEN 'ARRAY'::text WHEN nt.nspname = 'pg_catalog'::name THEN format_type(a.atttypid, NULL::integer) ELSE 'USER-DEFINED'::text END::information_schema.character_data AS data_type, information_schema._pg_char_max_length(information_schema._pg_truetypid(a.*, t.*), information_schema._pg_truetypmod(a.*, t.*))::information_schema.cardinal_number AS character_maximum_length, information_schema._pg_char_octet_length(information_schema._pg_truetypid(a.*, t.*), information_schema._pg_truetypmod(a.*, t.*))::information_schema.cardinal_number AS character_octet_length, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS character_set_catalog, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS character_set_schema, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS character_set_name, CASE WHEN nco.nspname IS NOT NULL THEN current_database() ELSE NULL::name END::information_schema.sql_identifier AS collation_catalog, nco.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS collation_schema, co.collname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS collation_name, information_schema._pg_numeric_precision(information_schema._pg_truetypid(a.*, t.*), information_schema._pg_truetypmod(a.*, t.*))::information_schema.cardinal_number AS numeric_precision, information_schema._pg_numeric_precision_radix(information_schema._pg_truetypid(a.*, t.*), information_schema._pg_truetypmod(a.*, t.*))::information_schema.cardinal_number AS numeric_precision_radix, information_schema._pg_numeric_scale(information_schema._pg_truetypid(a.*, t.*), information_schema._pg_truetypmod(a.*, t.*))::information_schema.cardinal_number AS numeric_scale, information_schema._pg_datetime_precision(information_schema._pg_truetypid(a.*, t.*), information_schema._pg_truetypmod(a.*, t.*))::information_schema.cardinal_number AS datetime_precision, information_schema._pg_interval_type(information_schema._pg_truetypid(a.*, t.*), information_schema._pg_truetypmod(a.*, t.*))::information_schema.character_data AS interval_type, NULL::integer::information_schema.cardinal_number AS interval_precision, current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS attribute_udt_catalog, nt.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS attribute_udt_schema, t.typname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS attribute_udt_name, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS scope_catalog, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS scope_schema, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS scope_name, NULL::integer::information_schema.cardinal_number AS maximum_cardinality, a.attnum::information_schema.sql_identifier AS dtd_identifier, 'NO'::character varying::information_schema.yes_or_no AS is_derived_reference_attribute FROM pg_attribute a LEFT JOIN pg_attrdef ad ON a.attrelid = ad.adrelid AND a.attnum = ad.adnum JOIN (pg_class c JOIN pg_namespace nc ON c.relnamespace = nc.oid) ON a.attrelid = c.oid JOIN (pg_type t JOIN pg_namespace nt ON t.typnamespace = nt.oid) ON a.atttypid = t.oid LEFT JOIN (pg_collation co JOIN pg_namespace nco ON co.collnamespace = nco.oid) ON a.attcollation = co.oid AND (nco.nspname <> 'pg_catalog'::name OR co.collname <> 'default'::name) WHERE a.attnum > 0 AND NOT a.attisdropped AND c.relkind = 'c'::"char" AND (pg_has_role(c.relowner, 'USAGE'::text) OR has_type_privilege(c.reltype, 'USAGE'::text)); View "information_schema.character_sets" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description -------------------------+-----------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+------------- character_set_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | character_set_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | character_set_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | character_repertoire | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | form_of_use | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | default_collate_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | default_collate_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | default_collate_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS character_set_catalog, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS character_set_schema, getdatabaseencoding()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS character_set_name, CASE WHEN getdatabaseencoding() = 'UTF8'::name THEN 'UCS'::name ELSE getdatabaseencoding() END::information_schema.sql_identifier AS character_repertoire, getdatabaseencoding()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS form_of_use, current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS default_collate_catalog, nc.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS default_collate_schema, c.collname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS default_collate_name FROM pg_database d LEFT JOIN (pg_collation c JOIN pg_namespace nc ON c.collnamespace = nc.oid) ON d.datcollate = c.collcollate AND d.datctype = c.collctype WHERE d.datname = current_database() ORDER BY (char_length(c.collname::text)) DESC, c.collname LIMIT 1; View "information_schema.check_constraint_routine_usage" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description --------------------+-----------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+------------- constraint_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | constraint_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | constraint_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | specific_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | specific_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | specific_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT DISTINCT current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS constraint_catalog, nc.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS constraint_schema, c.conname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS constraint_name, current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS specific_catalog, np.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS specific_schema, nameconcatoid(p.proname, p.oid)::information_schema.sql_identifier AS specific_name FROM pg_namespace nc, pg_constraint c, pg_depend d, pg_proc p, pg_namespace np WHERE nc.oid = c.connamespace AND c.contype = 'c'::"char" AND c.oid = d.objid AND d.classid = 'pg_constraint'::regclass::oid AND d.refobjid = p.oid AND d.refclassid = 'pg_proc'::regclass::oid AND p.pronamespace = np.oid AND pg_has_role(p.proowner, 'USAGE'::text); View "information_schema.check_constraints" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description --------------------+-----------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- constraint_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | constraint_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | constraint_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | check_clause | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS constraint_catalog, rs.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS constraint_schema, con.conname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS constraint_name, SUBSTRING(pg_get_constraintdef(con.oid) FROM 7)::information_schema.character_data AS check_clause FROM pg_constraint con LEFT JOIN pg_namespace rs ON rs.oid = con.connamespace LEFT JOIN pg_class c ON c.oid = con.conrelid LEFT JOIN pg_type t ON t.oid = con.contypid WHERE pg_has_role(COALESCE(c.relowner, t.typowner), 'USAGE'::text) AND con.contype = 'c'::"char" UNION SELECT current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS constraint_catalog, n.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS constraint_schema, (((((n.oid::text || '_'::text) || r.oid::text) || '_'::text) || a.attnum::text) || '_not_null'::text)::information_schema.sql_identifier AS constraint_name, (a.attname::text || ' IS NOT NULL'::text)::information_schema.character_data AS check_clause FROM pg_namespace n, pg_class r, pg_attribute a WHERE n.oid = r.relnamespace AND r.oid = a.attrelid AND a.attnum > 0 AND NOT a.attisdropped AND a.attnotnull AND (r.relkind = ANY (ARRAY['r'::"char", 'p'::"char"])) AND pg_has_role(r.relowner, 'USAGE'::text); View "information_schema.collation_character_set_applicability" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description -----------------------+-----------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+------------- collation_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | collation_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | collation_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | character_set_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | character_set_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | character_set_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS collation_catalog, nc.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS collation_schema, c.collname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS collation_name, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS character_set_catalog, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS character_set_schema, getdatabaseencoding()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS character_set_name FROM pg_collation c, pg_namespace nc WHERE c.collnamespace = nc.oid AND (c.collencoding = ANY (ARRAY['-1'::integer, ( SELECT pg_database.encoding FROM pg_database WHERE pg_database.datname = current_database())])); View "information_schema.collations" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description -------------------+-----------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- collation_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | collation_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | collation_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | pad_attribute | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS collation_catalog, nc.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS collation_schema, c.collname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS collation_name, 'NO PAD'::character varying::information_schema.character_data AS pad_attribute FROM pg_collation c, pg_namespace nc WHERE c.collnamespace = nc.oid AND (c.collencoding = ANY (ARRAY['-1'::integer, ( SELECT pg_database.encoding FROM pg_database WHERE pg_database.datname = current_database())])); View "information_schema.column_column_usage" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ------------------+-----------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+------------- table_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | table_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | table_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | column_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | dependent_column | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT DISTINCT current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_catalog, n.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_schema, c.relname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_name, ac.attname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS column_name, ad.attname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS dependent_column FROM pg_namespace n, pg_class c, pg_depend d, pg_attribute ac, pg_attribute ad WHERE n.oid = c.relnamespace AND c.oid = ac.attrelid AND c.oid = ad.attrelid AND d.classid = 'pg_class'::regclass::oid AND d.refclassid = 'pg_class'::regclass::oid AND d.objid = d.refobjid AND c.oid = d.objid AND d.objsubid = ad.attnum AND d.refobjsubid = ac.attnum AND ad.attgenerated <> ''::"char" AND pg_has_role(c.relowner, 'USAGE'::text); View "information_schema.column_domain_usage" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ----------------+-----------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+------------- domain_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | domain_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | domain_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | table_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | table_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | table_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | column_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS domain_catalog, nt.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS domain_schema, t.typname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS domain_name, current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_catalog, nc.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_schema, c.relname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_name, a.attname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS column_name FROM pg_type t, pg_namespace nt, pg_class c, pg_namespace nc, pg_attribute a WHERE t.typnamespace = nt.oid AND c.relnamespace = nc.oid AND a.attrelid = c.oid AND a.atttypid = t.oid AND t.typtype = 'd'::"char" AND (c.relkind = ANY (ARRAY['r'::"char", 'v'::"char", 'f'::"char", 'p'::"char"])) AND a.attnum > 0 AND NOT a.attisdropped AND pg_has_role(t.typowner, 'USAGE'::text); View "information_schema.column_options" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ---------------+-----------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- table_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | table_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | table_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | column_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | option_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | option_value | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_catalog, c.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_schema, c.relname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_name, c.attname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS column_name, (pg_options_to_table(c.attfdwoptions)).option_name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS option_name, (pg_options_to_table(c.attfdwoptions)).option_value::information_schema.character_data AS option_value FROM information_schema._pg_foreign_table_columns c; View "information_schema.column_privileges" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ----------------+-----------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- grantor | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | grantee | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | table_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | table_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | table_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | column_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | privilege_type | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | is_grantable | information_schema.yes_or_no | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT u_grantor.rolname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS grantor, grantee.rolname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS grantee, current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_catalog, nc.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_schema, x.relname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_name, x.attname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS column_name, x.prtype::information_schema.character_data AS privilege_type, CASE WHEN pg_has_role(x.grantee, x.relowner, 'USAGE'::text) OR x.grantable THEN 'YES'::text ELSE 'NO'::text END::information_schema.yes_or_no AS is_grantable FROM ( SELECT pr_c.grantor, pr_c.grantee, a.attname, pr_c.relname, pr_c.relnamespace, pr_c.prtype, pr_c.grantable, pr_c.relowner FROM ( SELECT pg_class.oid, pg_class.relname, pg_class.relnamespace, pg_class.relowner, (aclexplode(COALESCE(pg_class.relacl, acldefault('r'::"char", pg_class.relowner)))).grantor AS grantor, (aclexplode(COALESCE(pg_class.relacl, acldefault('r'::"char", pg_class.relowner)))).grantee AS grantee, (aclexplode(COALESCE(pg_class.relacl, acldefault('r'::"char", pg_class.relowner)))).privilege_type AS privilege_type, (aclexplode(COALESCE(pg_class.relacl, acldefault('r'::"char", pg_class.relowner)))).is_grantable AS is_grantable FROM pg_class WHERE pg_class.relkind = ANY (ARRAY['r'::"char", 'v'::"char", 'f'::"char", 'p'::"char"])) pr_c(oid, relname, relnamespace, relowner, grantor, grantee, prtype, grantable), pg_attribute a WHERE a.attrelid = pr_c.oid AND a.attnum > 0 AND NOT a.attisdropped UNION SELECT pr_a.grantor, pr_a.grantee, pr_a.attname, c.relname, c.relnamespace, pr_a.prtype, pr_a.grantable, c.relowner FROM ( SELECT a.attrelid, a.attname, (aclexplode(COALESCE(a.attacl, acldefault('c'::"char", cc.relowner)))).grantor AS grantor, (aclexplode(COALESCE(a.attacl, acldefault('c'::"char", cc.relowner)))).grantee AS grantee, (aclexplode(COALESCE(a.attacl, acldefault('c'::"char", cc.relowner)))).privilege_type AS privilege_type, (aclexplode(COALESCE(a.attacl, acldefault('c'::"char", cc.relowner)))).is_grantable AS is_grantable FROM pg_attribute a JOIN pg_class cc ON a.attrelid = cc.oid WHERE a.attnum > 0 AND NOT a.attisdropped) pr_a(attrelid, attname, grantor, grantee, prtype, grantable), pg_class c WHERE pr_a.attrelid = c.oid AND (c.relkind = ANY (ARRAY['r'::"char", 'v'::"char", 'f'::"char", 'p'::"char"]))) x, pg_namespace nc, pg_authid u_grantor, ( SELECT pg_authid.oid, pg_authid.rolname FROM pg_authid UNION ALL SELECT 0::oid AS oid, 'PUBLIC'::name) grantee(oid, rolname) WHERE x.relnamespace = nc.oid AND x.grantee = grantee.oid AND x.grantor = u_grantor.oid AND (x.prtype = ANY (ARRAY['INSERT'::text, 'SELECT'::text, 'UPDATE'::text, 'REFERENCES'::text])) AND (pg_has_role(u_grantor.oid, 'USAGE'::text) OR pg_has_role(grantee.oid, 'USAGE'::text) OR grantee.rolname = 'PUBLIC'::name); View "information_schema.column_udt_usage" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ---------------+-----------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+------------- udt_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | udt_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | udt_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | table_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | table_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | table_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | column_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS udt_catalog, COALESCE(nbt.nspname, nt.nspname)::information_schema.sql_identifier AS udt_schema, COALESCE(bt.typname, t.typname)::information_schema.sql_identifier AS udt_name, current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_catalog, nc.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_schema, c.relname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_name, a.attname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS column_name FROM pg_attribute a, pg_class c, pg_namespace nc, pg_type t JOIN pg_namespace nt ON t.typnamespace = nt.oid LEFT JOIN (pg_type bt JOIN pg_namespace nbt ON bt.typnamespace = nbt.oid) ON t.typtype = 'd'::"char" AND t.typbasetype = bt.oid WHERE a.attrelid = c.oid AND a.atttypid = t.oid AND nc.oid = c.relnamespace AND a.attnum > 0 AND NOT a.attisdropped AND (c.relkind = ANY (ARRAY['r'::"char", 'v'::"char", 'f'::"char", 'p'::"char"])) AND pg_has_role(COALESCE(bt.typowner, t.typowner), 'USAGE'::text); View "information_schema.columns" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description --------------------------+------------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- table_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | table_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | table_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | column_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | ordinal_position | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | column_default | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | is_nullable | information_schema.yes_or_no | | | | extended | data_type | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | character_maximum_length | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | character_octet_length | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | numeric_precision | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | numeric_precision_radix | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | numeric_scale | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | datetime_precision | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | interval_type | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | interval_precision | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | character_set_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | character_set_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | character_set_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | collation_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | collation_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | collation_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | domain_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | domain_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | domain_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | udt_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | udt_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | udt_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | scope_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | scope_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | scope_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | maximum_cardinality | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | dtd_identifier | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | is_self_referencing | information_schema.yes_or_no | | | | extended | is_identity | information_schema.yes_or_no | | | | extended | identity_generation | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | identity_start | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | identity_increment | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | identity_maximum | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | identity_minimum | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | identity_cycle | information_schema.yes_or_no | | | | extended | is_generated | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | generation_expression | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | is_updatable | information_schema.yes_or_no | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_catalog, nc.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_schema, c.relname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_name, a.attname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS column_name, a.attnum::information_schema.cardinal_number AS ordinal_position, CASE WHEN a.attgenerated = ''::"char" THEN pg_get_expr(ad.adbin, ad.adrelid) ELSE NULL::text END::information_schema.character_data AS column_default, CASE WHEN a.attnotnull OR t.typtype = 'd'::"char" AND t.typnotnull THEN 'NO'::text ELSE 'YES'::text END::information_schema.yes_or_no AS is_nullable, CASE WHEN t.typtype = 'd'::"char" THEN CASE WHEN bt.typelem <> 0::oid AND bt.typlen = '-1'::integer THEN 'ARRAY'::text WHEN nbt.nspname = 'pg_catalog'::name THEN format_type(t.typbasetype, NULL::integer) ELSE 'USER-DEFINED'::text END ELSE CASE WHEN t.typelem <> 0::oid AND t.typlen = '-1'::integer THEN 'ARRAY'::text WHEN nt.nspname = 'pg_catalog'::name THEN format_type(a.atttypid, NULL::integer) ELSE 'USER-DEFINED'::text END END::information_schema.character_data AS data_type, information_schema._pg_char_max_length(information_schema._pg_truetypid(a.*, t.*), information_schema._pg_truetypmod(a.*, t.*))::information_schema.cardinal_number AS character_maximum_length, information_schema._pg_char_octet_length(information_schema._pg_truetypid(a.*, t.*), information_schema._pg_truetypmod(a.*, t.*))::information_schema.cardinal_number AS character_octet_length, information_schema._pg_numeric_precision(information_schema._pg_truetypid(a.*, t.*), information_schema._pg_truetypmod(a.*, t.*))::information_schema.cardinal_number AS numeric_precision, information_schema._pg_numeric_precision_radix(information_schema._pg_truetypid(a.*, t.*), information_schema._pg_truetypmod(a.*, t.*))::information_schema.cardinal_number AS numeric_precision_radix, information_schema._pg_numeric_scale(information_schema._pg_truetypid(a.*, t.*), information_schema._pg_truetypmod(a.*, t.*))::information_schema.cardinal_number AS numeric_scale, information_schema._pg_datetime_precision(information_schema._pg_truetypid(a.*, t.*), information_schema._pg_truetypmod(a.*, t.*))::information_schema.cardinal_number AS datetime_precision, information_schema._pg_interval_type(information_schema._pg_truetypid(a.*, t.*), information_schema._pg_truetypmod(a.*, t.*))::information_schema.character_data AS interval_type, NULL::integer::information_schema.cardinal_number AS interval_precision, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS character_set_catalog, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS character_set_schema, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS character_set_name, CASE WHEN nco.nspname IS NOT NULL THEN current_database() ELSE NULL::name END::information_schema.sql_identifier AS collation_catalog, nco.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS collation_schema, co.collname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS collation_name, CASE WHEN t.typtype = 'd'::"char" THEN current_database() ELSE NULL::name END::information_schema.sql_identifier AS domain_catalog, CASE WHEN t.typtype = 'd'::"char" THEN nt.nspname ELSE NULL::name END::information_schema.sql_identifier AS domain_schema, CASE WHEN t.typtype = 'd'::"char" THEN t.typname ELSE NULL::name END::information_schema.sql_identifier AS domain_name, current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS udt_catalog, COALESCE(nbt.nspname, nt.nspname)::information_schema.sql_identifier AS udt_schema, COALESCE(bt.typname, t.typname)::information_schema.sql_identifier AS udt_name, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS scope_catalog, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS scope_schema, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS scope_name, NULL::integer::information_schema.cardinal_number AS maximum_cardinality, a.attnum::information_schema.sql_identifier AS dtd_identifier, 'NO'::character varying::information_schema.yes_or_no AS is_self_referencing, CASE WHEN a.attidentity = ANY (ARRAY['a'::"char", 'd'::"char"]) THEN 'YES'::text ELSE 'NO'::text END::information_schema.yes_or_no AS is_identity, CASE a.attidentity WHEN 'a'::"char" THEN 'ALWAYS'::text WHEN 'd'::"char" THEN 'BY DEFAULT'::text ELSE NULL::text END::information_schema.character_data AS identity_generation, seq.seqstart::information_schema.character_data AS identity_start, seq.seqincrement::information_schema.character_data AS identity_increment, seq.seqmax::information_schema.character_data AS identity_maximum, seq.seqmin::information_schema.character_data AS identity_minimum, CASE WHEN seq.seqcycle THEN 'YES'::text ELSE 'NO'::text END::information_schema.yes_or_no AS identity_cycle, CASE WHEN a.attgenerated <> ''::"char" THEN 'ALWAYS'::text ELSE 'NEVER'::text END::information_schema.character_data AS is_generated, CASE WHEN a.attgenerated <> ''::"char" THEN pg_get_expr(ad.adbin, ad.adrelid) ELSE NULL::text END::information_schema.character_data AS generation_expression, CASE WHEN (c.relkind = ANY (ARRAY['r'::"char", 'p'::"char"])) OR (c.relkind = ANY (ARRAY['v'::"char", 'f'::"char"])) AND pg_column_is_updatable(c.oid::regclass, a.attnum, false) THEN 'YES'::text ELSE 'NO'::text END::information_schema.yes_or_no AS is_updatable FROM pg_attribute a LEFT JOIN pg_attrdef ad ON a.attrelid = ad.adrelid AND a.attnum = ad.adnum JOIN (pg_class c JOIN pg_namespace nc ON c.relnamespace = nc.oid) ON a.attrelid = c.oid JOIN (pg_type t JOIN pg_namespace nt ON t.typnamespace = nt.oid) ON a.atttypid = t.oid LEFT JOIN (pg_type bt JOIN pg_namespace nbt ON bt.typnamespace = nbt.oid) ON t.typtype = 'd'::"char" AND t.typbasetype = bt.oid LEFT JOIN (pg_collation co JOIN pg_namespace nco ON co.collnamespace = nco.oid) ON a.attcollation = co.oid AND (nco.nspname <> 'pg_catalog'::name OR co.collname <> 'default'::name) LEFT JOIN (pg_depend dep JOIN pg_sequence seq ON dep.classid = 'pg_class'::regclass::oid AND dep.objid = seq.seqrelid AND dep.deptype = 'i'::"char") ON dep.refclassid = 'pg_class'::regclass::oid AND dep.refobjid = c.oid AND dep.refobjsubid = a.attnum WHERE NOT pg_is_other_temp_schema(nc.oid) AND a.attnum > 0 AND NOT a.attisdropped AND (c.relkind = ANY (ARRAY['r'::"char", 'v'::"char", 'f'::"char", 'p'::"char"])) AND (pg_has_role(c.relowner, 'USAGE'::text) OR has_column_privilege(c.oid, a.attnum, 'SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, REFERENCES'::text)); View "information_schema.constraint_column_usage" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description --------------------+-----------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+------------- table_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | table_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | table_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | column_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | constraint_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | constraint_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | constraint_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_catalog, x.tblschema::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_schema, x.tblname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_name, x.colname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS column_name, current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS constraint_catalog, x.cstrschema::information_schema.sql_identifier AS constraint_schema, x.cstrname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS constraint_name FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT nr.nspname, r.relname, r.relowner, a.attname, nc.nspname, c.conname FROM pg_namespace nr, pg_class r, pg_attribute a, pg_depend d, pg_namespace nc, pg_constraint c WHERE nr.oid = r.relnamespace AND r.oid = a.attrelid AND d.refclassid = 'pg_class'::regclass::oid AND d.refobjid = r.oid AND d.refobjsubid = a.attnum AND d.classid = 'pg_constraint'::regclass::oid AND d.objid = c.oid AND c.connamespace = nc.oid AND c.contype = 'c'::"char" AND (r.relkind = ANY (ARRAY['r'::"char", 'p'::"char"])) AND NOT a.attisdropped UNION ALL SELECT nr.nspname, r.relname, r.relowner, a.attname, nc.nspname, c.conname FROM pg_namespace nr, pg_class r, pg_attribute a, pg_namespace nc, pg_constraint c WHERE nr.oid = r.relnamespace AND r.oid = a.attrelid AND nc.oid = c.connamespace AND r.oid = CASE c.contype WHEN 'f'::"char" THEN c.confrelid ELSE c.conrelid END AND (a.attnum = ANY ( CASE c.contype WHEN 'f'::"char" THEN c.confkey ELSE c.conkey END)) AND NOT a.attisdropped AND (c.contype = ANY (ARRAY['p'::"char", 'u'::"char", 'f'::"char"])) AND (r.relkind = ANY (ARRAY['r'::"char", 'p'::"char"]))) x(tblschema, tblname, tblowner, colname, cstrschema, cstrname) WHERE pg_has_role(x.tblowner, 'USAGE'::text); View "information_schema.constraint_table_usage" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description --------------------+-----------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+------------- table_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | table_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | table_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | constraint_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | constraint_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | constraint_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_catalog, nr.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_schema, r.relname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_name, current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS constraint_catalog, nc.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS constraint_schema, c.conname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS constraint_name FROM pg_constraint c, pg_namespace nc, pg_class r, pg_namespace nr WHERE c.connamespace = nc.oid AND r.relnamespace = nr.oid AND (c.contype = 'f'::"char" AND c.confrelid = r.oid OR (c.contype = ANY (ARRAY['p'::"char", 'u'::"char"])) AND c.conrelid = r.oid) AND (r.relkind = ANY (ARRAY['r'::"char", 'p'::"char"])) AND pg_has_role(r.relowner, 'USAGE'::text); View "information_schema.data_type_privileges" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ----------------+-----------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- object_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | object_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | object_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | object_type | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | dtd_identifier | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS object_catalog, x.objschema AS object_schema, x.objname AS object_name, x.objtype::information_schema.character_data AS object_type, x.objdtdid AS dtd_identifier FROM ( SELECT attributes.udt_schema, attributes.udt_name, 'USER-DEFINED TYPE'::text AS text, attributes.dtd_identifier FROM information_schema.attributes UNION ALL SELECT columns.table_schema, columns.table_name, 'TABLE'::text AS text, columns.dtd_identifier FROM information_schema.columns UNION ALL SELECT domains.domain_schema, domains.domain_name, 'DOMAIN'::text AS text, domains.dtd_identifier FROM UNION ALL SELECT parameters.specific_schema, parameters.specific_name, 'ROUTINE'::text AS text, parameters.dtd_identifier FROM information_schema.parameters UNION ALL SELECT routines.specific_schema, routines.specific_name, 'ROUTINE'::text AS text, routines.dtd_identifier FROM information_schema.routines) x(objschema, objname, objtype, objdtdid); View "information_schema.domain_constraints" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description --------------------+-----------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- constraint_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | constraint_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | constraint_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | domain_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | domain_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | domain_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | is_deferrable | information_schema.yes_or_no | | | | extended | initially_deferred | information_schema.yes_or_no | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS constraint_catalog, rs.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS constraint_schema, con.conname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS constraint_name, current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS domain_catalog, n.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS domain_schema, t.typname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS domain_name, CASE WHEN con.condeferrable THEN 'YES'::text ELSE 'NO'::text END::information_schema.yes_or_no AS is_deferrable, CASE WHEN con.condeferred THEN 'YES'::text ELSE 'NO'::text END::information_schema.yes_or_no AS initially_deferred FROM pg_namespace rs, pg_namespace n, pg_constraint con, pg_type t WHERE rs.oid = con.connamespace AND n.oid = t.typnamespace AND t.oid = con.contypid AND (pg_has_role(t.typowner, 'USAGE'::text) OR has_type_privilege(t.oid, 'USAGE'::text)); View "information_schema.domain_udt_usage" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ----------------+-----------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+------------- udt_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | udt_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | udt_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | domain_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | domain_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | domain_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS udt_catalog, nbt.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS udt_schema, bt.typname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS udt_name, current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS domain_catalog, nt.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS domain_schema, t.typname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS domain_name FROM pg_type t, pg_namespace nt, pg_type bt, pg_namespace nbt WHERE t.typnamespace = nt.oid AND t.typbasetype = bt.oid AND bt.typnamespace = nbt.oid AND t.typtype = 'd'::"char" AND pg_has_role(bt.typowner, 'USAGE'::text); View "" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description --------------------------+------------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- domain_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | domain_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | domain_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | data_type | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | character_maximum_length | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | character_octet_length | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | character_set_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | character_set_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | character_set_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | collation_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | collation_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | collation_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | numeric_precision | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | numeric_precision_radix | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | numeric_scale | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | datetime_precision | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | interval_type | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | interval_precision | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | domain_default | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | udt_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | udt_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | udt_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | scope_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | scope_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | scope_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | maximum_cardinality | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | dtd_identifier | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS domain_catalog, nt.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS domain_schema, t.typname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS domain_name, CASE WHEN t.typelem <> 0::oid AND t.typlen = '-1'::integer THEN 'ARRAY'::text WHEN nbt.nspname = 'pg_catalog'::name THEN format_type(t.typbasetype, NULL::integer) ELSE 'USER-DEFINED'::text END::information_schema.character_data AS data_type, information_schema._pg_char_max_length(t.typbasetype, t.typtypmod)::information_schema.cardinal_number AS character_maximum_length, information_schema._pg_char_octet_length(t.typbasetype, t.typtypmod)::information_schema.cardinal_number AS character_octet_length, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS character_set_catalog, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS character_set_schema, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS character_set_name, CASE WHEN nco.nspname IS NOT NULL THEN current_database() ELSE NULL::name END::information_schema.sql_identifier AS collation_catalog, nco.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS collation_schema, co.collname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS collation_name, information_schema._pg_numeric_precision(t.typbasetype, t.typtypmod)::information_schema.cardinal_number AS numeric_precision, information_schema._pg_numeric_precision_radix(t.typbasetype, t.typtypmod)::information_schema.cardinal_number AS numeric_precision_radix, information_schema._pg_numeric_scale(t.typbasetype, t.typtypmod)::information_schema.cardinal_number AS numeric_scale, information_schema._pg_datetime_precision(t.typbasetype, t.typtypmod)::information_schema.cardinal_number AS datetime_precision, information_schema._pg_interval_type(t.typbasetype, t.typtypmod)::information_schema.character_data AS interval_type, NULL::integer::information_schema.cardinal_number AS interval_precision, t.typdefault::information_schema.character_data AS domain_default, current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS udt_catalog, nbt.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS udt_schema, bt.typname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS udt_name, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS scope_catalog, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS scope_schema, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS scope_name, NULL::integer::information_schema.cardinal_number AS maximum_cardinality, 1::information_schema.sql_identifier AS dtd_identifier FROM pg_type t JOIN pg_namespace nt ON t.typnamespace = nt.oid JOIN (pg_type bt JOIN pg_namespace nbt ON bt.typnamespace = nbt.oid) ON t.typbasetype = bt.oid AND t.typtype = 'd'::"char" LEFT JOIN (pg_collation co JOIN pg_namespace nco ON co.collnamespace = nco.oid) ON t.typcollation = co.oid AND (nco.nspname <> 'pg_catalog'::name OR co.collname <> 'default'::name) WHERE pg_has_role(t.typowner, 'USAGE'::text) OR has_type_privilege(t.oid, 'USAGE'::text); View "information_schema.element_types" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ----------------------------+------------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- object_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | object_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | object_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | object_type | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | collection_type_identifier | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | data_type | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | character_maximum_length | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | character_octet_length | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | character_set_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | character_set_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | character_set_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | collation_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | collation_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | collation_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | numeric_precision | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | numeric_precision_radix | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | numeric_scale | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | datetime_precision | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | interval_type | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | interval_precision | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | domain_default | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | udt_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | udt_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | udt_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | scope_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | scope_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | scope_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | maximum_cardinality | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | dtd_identifier | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS object_catalog, n.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS object_schema, x.objname AS object_name, x.objtype::information_schema.character_data AS object_type, x.objdtdid::information_schema.sql_identifier AS collection_type_identifier, CASE WHEN nbt.nspname = 'pg_catalog'::name THEN format_type(bt.oid, NULL::integer) ELSE 'USER-DEFINED'::text END::information_schema.character_data AS data_type, NULL::integer::information_schema.cardinal_number AS character_maximum_length, NULL::integer::information_schema.cardinal_number AS character_octet_length, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS character_set_catalog, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS character_set_schema, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS character_set_name, CASE WHEN nco.nspname IS NOT NULL THEN current_database() ELSE NULL::name END::information_schema.sql_identifier AS collation_catalog, nco.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS collation_schema, co.collname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS collation_name, NULL::integer::information_schema.cardinal_number AS numeric_precision, NULL::integer::information_schema.cardinal_number AS numeric_precision_radix, NULL::integer::information_schema.cardinal_number AS numeric_scale, NULL::integer::information_schema.cardinal_number AS datetime_precision, NULL::character varying::information_schema.character_data AS interval_type, NULL::integer::information_schema.cardinal_number AS interval_precision, NULL::character varying::information_schema.character_data AS domain_default, current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS udt_catalog, nbt.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS udt_schema, bt.typname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS udt_name, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS scope_catalog, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS scope_schema, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS scope_name, NULL::integer::information_schema.cardinal_number AS maximum_cardinality, ('a'::text || x.objdtdid::text)::information_schema.sql_identifier AS dtd_identifier FROM pg_namespace n, pg_type at, pg_namespace nbt, pg_type bt, ( SELECT c.relnamespace, c.relname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS relname, CASE WHEN c.relkind = 'c'::"char" THEN 'USER-DEFINED TYPE'::text ELSE 'TABLE'::text END AS "case", a.attnum, a.atttypid, a.attcollation FROM pg_class c, pg_attribute a WHERE c.oid = a.attrelid AND (c.relkind = ANY (ARRAY['r'::"char", 'v'::"char", 'f'::"char", 'c'::"char", 'p'::"char"])) AND a.attnum > 0 AND NOT a.attisdropped UNION ALL SELECT t.typnamespace, t.typname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS typname, 'DOMAIN'::text AS text, 1, t.typbasetype, t.typcollation FROM pg_type t WHERE t.typtype = 'd'::"char" UNION ALL SELECT ss.pronamespace, nameconcatoid(ss.proname, ss.oid)::information_schema.sql_identifier AS nameconcatoid, 'ROUTINE'::text AS text, (ss.x).n AS n, (ss.x).x AS x, 0 FROM ( SELECT p.pronamespace, p.proname, p.oid, information_schema._pg_expandarray(COALESCE(p.proallargtypes, p.proargtypes::oid[])) AS x FROM pg_proc p) ss UNION ALL SELECT p.pronamespace, nameconcatoid(p.proname, p.oid)::information_schema.sql_identifier AS nameconcatoid, 'ROUTINE'::text AS text, 0, p.prorettype, 0 FROM pg_proc p) x(objschema, objname, objtype, objdtdid, objtypeid, objcollation) LEFT JOIN (pg_collation co JOIN pg_namespace nco ON co.collnamespace = nco.oid) ON x.objcollation = co.oid AND (nco.nspname <> 'pg_catalog'::name OR co.collname <> 'default'::name) WHERE n.oid = x.objschema AND at.oid = x.objtypeid AND at.typelem <> 0::oid AND at.typlen = '-1'::integer AND at.typelem = bt.oid AND nbt.oid = bt.typnamespace AND ((n.nspname, x.objname::name, x.objtype, x.objdtdid::information_schema.sql_identifier::name) IN ( SELECT data_type_privileges.object_schema, data_type_privileges.object_name, data_type_privileges.object_type, data_type_privileges.dtd_identifier FROM information_schema.data_type_privileges)); View "information_schema.enabled_roles" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description -----------+-----------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+------------- role_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT a.rolname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS role_name FROM pg_authid a WHERE pg_has_role(a.oid, 'USAGE'::text); View "information_schema.foreign_data_wrapper_options" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ------------------------------+-----------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- foreign_data_wrapper_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | foreign_data_wrapper_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | option_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | option_value | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT w.foreign_data_wrapper_catalog, w.foreign_data_wrapper_name, (pg_options_to_table(w.fdwoptions)).option_name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS option_name, (pg_options_to_table(w.fdwoptions)).option_value::information_schema.character_data AS option_value FROM information_schema._pg_foreign_data_wrappers w; View "information_schema.foreign_data_wrappers" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description -------------------------------+-----------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- foreign_data_wrapper_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | foreign_data_wrapper_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | authorization_identifier | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | library_name | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | foreign_data_wrapper_language | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT w.foreign_data_wrapper_catalog, w.foreign_data_wrapper_name, w.authorization_identifier, NULL::character varying::information_schema.character_data AS library_name, w.foreign_data_wrapper_language FROM information_schema._pg_foreign_data_wrappers w; View "information_schema.foreign_server_options" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ------------------------+-----------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- foreign_server_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | foreign_server_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | option_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | option_value | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT s.foreign_server_catalog, s.foreign_server_name, (pg_options_to_table(s.srvoptions)).option_name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS option_name, (pg_options_to_table(s.srvoptions)).option_value::information_schema.character_data AS option_value FROM information_schema._pg_foreign_servers s; View "information_schema.foreign_servers" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ------------------------------+-----------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- foreign_server_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | foreign_server_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | foreign_data_wrapper_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | foreign_data_wrapper_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | foreign_server_type | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | foreign_server_version | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | authorization_identifier | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT _pg_foreign_servers.foreign_server_catalog, _pg_foreign_servers.foreign_server_name, _pg_foreign_servers.foreign_data_wrapper_catalog, _pg_foreign_servers.foreign_data_wrapper_name, _pg_foreign_servers.foreign_server_type, _pg_foreign_servers.foreign_server_version, _pg_foreign_servers.authorization_identifier FROM information_schema._pg_foreign_servers; View "information_schema.foreign_table_options" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description -----------------------+-----------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- foreign_table_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | foreign_table_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | foreign_table_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | option_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | option_value | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT t.foreign_table_catalog, t.foreign_table_schema, t.foreign_table_name, (pg_options_to_table(t.ftoptions)).option_name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS option_name, (pg_options_to_table(t.ftoptions)).option_value::information_schema.character_data AS option_value FROM information_schema._pg_foreign_tables t; View "information_schema.foreign_tables" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ------------------------+-----------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+------------- foreign_table_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | foreign_table_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | foreign_table_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | foreign_server_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | foreign_server_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT _pg_foreign_tables.foreign_table_catalog, _pg_foreign_tables.foreign_table_schema, _pg_foreign_tables.foreign_table_name, _pg_foreign_tables.foreign_server_catalog, _pg_foreign_tables.foreign_server_name FROM information_schema._pg_foreign_tables; View "information_schema.information_schema_catalog_name" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description --------------+-----------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+------------- catalog_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS catalog_name; View "information_schema.key_column_usage" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description -------------------------------+------------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+------------- constraint_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | constraint_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | constraint_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | table_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | table_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | table_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | column_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | ordinal_position | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | position_in_unique_constraint | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS constraint_catalog, ss.nc_nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS constraint_schema, ss.conname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS constraint_name, current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_catalog, ss.nr_nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_schema, ss.relname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_name, a.attname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS column_name, (ss.x).n::information_schema.cardinal_number AS ordinal_position, CASE WHEN ss.contype = 'f'::"char" THEN information_schema._pg_index_position(ss.conindid, ss.confkey[(ss.x).n]) ELSE NULL::integer END::information_schema.cardinal_number AS position_in_unique_constraint FROM pg_attribute a, ( SELECT r.oid AS roid, r.relname, r.relowner, nc.nspname AS nc_nspname, nr.nspname AS nr_nspname, c.oid AS coid, c.conname, c.contype, c.conindid, c.confkey, c.confrelid, information_schema._pg_expandarray(c.conkey) AS x FROM pg_namespace nr, pg_class r, pg_namespace nc, pg_constraint c WHERE nr.oid = r.relnamespace AND r.oid = c.conrelid AND nc.oid = c.connamespace AND (c.contype = ANY (ARRAY['p'::"char", 'u'::"char", 'f'::"char"])) AND (r.relkind = ANY (ARRAY['r'::"char", 'p'::"char"])) AND NOT pg_is_other_temp_schema(nr.oid)) ss WHERE ss.roid = a.attrelid AND a.attnum = (ss.x).x AND NOT a.attisdropped AND (pg_has_role(ss.relowner, 'USAGE'::text) OR has_column_privilege(ss.roid, a.attnum, 'SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, REFERENCES'::text)); View "information_schema.parameters" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description --------------------------+------------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- specific_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | specific_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | specific_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | ordinal_position | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | parameter_mode | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | is_result | information_schema.yes_or_no | | | | extended | as_locator | information_schema.yes_or_no | | | | extended | parameter_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | data_type | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | character_maximum_length | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | character_octet_length | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | character_set_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | character_set_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | character_set_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | collation_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | collation_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | collation_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | numeric_precision | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | numeric_precision_radix | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | numeric_scale | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | datetime_precision | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | interval_type | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | interval_precision | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | udt_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | udt_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | udt_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | scope_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | scope_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | scope_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | maximum_cardinality | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | dtd_identifier | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | parameter_default | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS specific_catalog, ss.n_nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS specific_schema, nameconcatoid(ss.proname, ss.p_oid)::information_schema.sql_identifier AS specific_name, (ss.x).n::information_schema.cardinal_number AS ordinal_position, CASE WHEN ss.proargmodes IS NULL THEN 'IN'::text WHEN ss.proargmodes[(ss.x).n] = 'i'::"char" THEN 'IN'::text WHEN ss.proargmodes[(ss.x).n] = 'o'::"char" THEN 'OUT'::text WHEN ss.proargmodes[(ss.x).n] = 'b'::"char" THEN 'INOUT'::text WHEN ss.proargmodes[(ss.x).n] = 'v'::"char" THEN 'IN'::text WHEN ss.proargmodes[(ss.x).n] = 't'::"char" THEN 'OUT'::text ELSE NULL::text END::information_schema.character_data AS parameter_mode, 'NO'::character varying::information_schema.yes_or_no AS is_result, 'NO'::character varying::information_schema.yes_or_no AS as_locator, NULLIF(ss.proargnames[(ss.x).n], ''::text)::information_schema.sql_identifier AS parameter_name, CASE WHEN t.typelem <> 0::oid AND t.typlen = '-1'::integer THEN 'ARRAY'::text WHEN nt.nspname = 'pg_catalog'::name THEN format_type(t.oid, NULL::integer) ELSE 'USER-DEFINED'::text END::information_schema.character_data AS data_type, NULL::integer::information_schema.cardinal_number AS character_maximum_length, NULL::integer::information_schema.cardinal_number AS character_octet_length, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS character_set_catalog, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS character_set_schema, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS character_set_name, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS collation_catalog, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS collation_schema, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS collation_name, NULL::integer::information_schema.cardinal_number AS numeric_precision, NULL::integer::information_schema.cardinal_number AS numeric_precision_radix, NULL::integer::information_schema.cardinal_number AS numeric_scale, NULL::integer::information_schema.cardinal_number AS datetime_precision, NULL::character varying::information_schema.character_data AS interval_type, NULL::integer::information_schema.cardinal_number AS interval_precision, current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS udt_catalog, nt.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS udt_schema, t.typname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS udt_name, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS scope_catalog, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS scope_schema, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS scope_name, NULL::integer::information_schema.cardinal_number AS maximum_cardinality, (ss.x).n::information_schema.sql_identifier AS dtd_identifier, CASE WHEN pg_has_role(ss.proowner, 'USAGE'::text) THEN pg_get_function_arg_default(ss.p_oid, (ss.x).n) ELSE NULL::text END::information_schema.character_data AS parameter_default FROM pg_type t, pg_namespace nt, ( SELECT n.nspname AS n_nspname, p.proname, p.oid AS p_oid, p.proowner, p.proargnames, p.proargmodes, information_schema._pg_expandarray(COALESCE(p.proallargtypes, p.proargtypes::oid[])) AS x FROM pg_namespace n, pg_proc p WHERE n.oid = p.pronamespace AND (pg_has_role(p.proowner, 'USAGE'::text) OR has_function_privilege(p.oid, 'EXECUTE'::text))) ss WHERE t.oid = (ss.x).x AND t.typnamespace = nt.oid; View "information_schema.referential_constraints" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ---------------------------+-----------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- constraint_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | constraint_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | constraint_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | unique_constraint_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | unique_constraint_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | unique_constraint_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | match_option | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | update_rule | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | delete_rule | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS constraint_catalog, ncon.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS constraint_schema, con.conname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS constraint_name, CASE WHEN npkc.nspname IS NULL THEN NULL::name ELSE current_database() END::information_schema.sql_identifier AS unique_constraint_catalog, npkc.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS unique_constraint_schema, pkc.conname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS unique_constraint_name, CASE con.confmatchtype WHEN 'f'::"char" THEN 'FULL'::text WHEN 'p'::"char" THEN 'PARTIAL'::text WHEN 's'::"char" THEN 'NONE'::text ELSE NULL::text END::information_schema.character_data AS match_option, CASE con.confupdtype WHEN 'c'::"char" THEN 'CASCADE'::text WHEN 'n'::"char" THEN 'SET NULL'::text WHEN 'd'::"char" THEN 'SET DEFAULT'::text WHEN 'r'::"char" THEN 'RESTRICT'::text WHEN 'a'::"char" THEN 'NO ACTION'::text ELSE NULL::text END::information_schema.character_data AS update_rule, CASE con.confdeltype WHEN 'c'::"char" THEN 'CASCADE'::text WHEN 'n'::"char" THEN 'SET NULL'::text WHEN 'd'::"char" THEN 'SET DEFAULT'::text WHEN 'r'::"char" THEN 'RESTRICT'::text WHEN 'a'::"char" THEN 'NO ACTION'::text ELSE NULL::text END::information_schema.character_data AS delete_rule FROM pg_namespace ncon JOIN pg_constraint con ON ncon.oid = con.connamespace JOIN pg_class c ON con.conrelid = c.oid AND con.contype = 'f'::"char" LEFT JOIN pg_depend d1 ON d1.objid = con.oid AND d1.classid = 'pg_constraint'::regclass::oid AND d1.refclassid = 'pg_class'::regclass::oid AND d1.refobjsubid = 0 LEFT JOIN pg_depend d2 ON d2.refclassid = 'pg_constraint'::regclass::oid AND d2.classid = 'pg_class'::regclass::oid AND d2.objid = d1.refobjid AND d2.objsubid = 0 AND d2.deptype = 'i'::"char" LEFT JOIN pg_constraint pkc ON pkc.oid = d2.refobjid AND (pkc.contype = ANY (ARRAY['p'::"char", 'u'::"char"])) AND pkc.conrelid = con.confrelid LEFT JOIN pg_namespace npkc ON pkc.connamespace = npkc.oid WHERE pg_has_role(c.relowner, 'USAGE'::text) OR has_table_privilege(c.oid, 'INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, TRUNCATE, REFERENCES, TRIGGER'::text) OR has_any_column_privilege(c.oid, 'INSERT, UPDATE, REFERENCES'::text); View "information_schema.role_column_grants" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ----------------+-----------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- grantor | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | grantee | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | table_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | table_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | table_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | column_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | privilege_type | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | is_grantable | information_schema.yes_or_no | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT column_privileges.grantor, column_privileges.grantee, column_privileges.table_catalog, column_privileges.table_schema, column_privileges.table_name, column_privileges.column_name, column_privileges.privilege_type, column_privileges.is_grantable FROM information_schema.column_privileges WHERE (column_privileges.grantor::name IN ( SELECT enabled_roles.role_name FROM information_schema.enabled_roles)) OR (column_privileges.grantee::name IN ( SELECT enabled_roles.role_name FROM information_schema.enabled_roles)); View "information_schema.role_routine_grants" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ------------------+-----------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- grantor | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | grantee | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | specific_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | specific_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | specific_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | routine_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | routine_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | routine_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | privilege_type | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | is_grantable | information_schema.yes_or_no | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT routine_privileges.grantor, routine_privileges.grantee, routine_privileges.specific_catalog, routine_privileges.specific_schema, routine_privileges.specific_name, routine_privileges.routine_catalog, routine_privileges.routine_schema, routine_privileges.routine_name, routine_privileges.privilege_type, routine_privileges.is_grantable FROM information_schema.routine_privileges WHERE (routine_privileges.grantor::name IN ( SELECT enabled_roles.role_name FROM information_schema.enabled_roles)) OR (routine_privileges.grantee::name IN ( SELECT enabled_roles.role_name FROM information_schema.enabled_roles)); View "information_schema.role_table_grants" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ----------------+-----------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- grantor | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | grantee | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | table_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | table_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | table_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | privilege_type | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | is_grantable | information_schema.yes_or_no | | | | extended | with_hierarchy | information_schema.yes_or_no | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT table_privileges.grantor, table_privileges.grantee, table_privileges.table_catalog, table_privileges.table_schema, table_privileges.table_name, table_privileges.privilege_type, table_privileges.is_grantable, table_privileges.with_hierarchy FROM information_schema.table_privileges WHERE (table_privileges.grantor::name IN ( SELECT enabled_roles.role_name FROM information_schema.enabled_roles)) OR (table_privileges.grantee::name IN ( SELECT enabled_roles.role_name FROM information_schema.enabled_roles)); View "information_schema.role_udt_grants" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ----------------+-----------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- grantor | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | grantee | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | udt_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | udt_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | udt_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | privilege_type | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | is_grantable | information_schema.yes_or_no | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT udt_privileges.grantor, udt_privileges.grantee, udt_privileges.udt_catalog, udt_privileges.udt_schema, udt_privileges.udt_name, udt_privileges.privilege_type, udt_privileges.is_grantable FROM information_schema.udt_privileges WHERE (udt_privileges.grantor::name IN ( SELECT enabled_roles.role_name FROM information_schema.enabled_roles)) OR (udt_privileges.grantee::name IN ( SELECT enabled_roles.role_name FROM information_schema.enabled_roles)); View "information_schema.role_usage_grants" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ----------------+-----------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- grantor | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | grantee | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | object_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | object_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | object_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | object_type | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | privilege_type | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | is_grantable | information_schema.yes_or_no | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT usage_privileges.grantor, usage_privileges.grantee, usage_privileges.object_catalog, usage_privileges.object_schema, usage_privileges.object_name, usage_privileges.object_type, usage_privileges.privilege_type, usage_privileges.is_grantable FROM information_schema.usage_privileges WHERE (usage_privileges.grantor::name IN ( SELECT enabled_roles.role_name FROM information_schema.enabled_roles)) OR (usage_privileges.grantee::name IN ( SELECT enabled_roles.role_name FROM information_schema.enabled_roles)); View "information_schema.routine_column_usage" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ------------------+-----------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+------------- specific_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | specific_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | specific_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | routine_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | routine_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | routine_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | table_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | table_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | table_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | column_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT DISTINCT current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS specific_catalog, np.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS specific_schema, nameconcatoid(p.proname, p.oid)::information_schema.sql_identifier AS specific_name, current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS routine_catalog, np.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS routine_schema, p.proname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS routine_name, current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_catalog, nt.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_schema, t.relname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_name, a.attname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS column_name FROM pg_namespace np, pg_proc p, pg_depend d, pg_class t, pg_namespace nt, pg_attribute a WHERE np.oid = p.pronamespace AND p.oid = d.objid AND d.classid = 'pg_proc'::regclass::oid AND d.refobjid = t.oid AND d.refclassid = 'pg_class'::regclass::oid AND t.relnamespace = nt.oid AND (t.relkind = ANY (ARRAY['r'::"char", 'v'::"char", 'f'::"char", 'p'::"char"])) AND t.oid = a.attrelid AND d.refobjsubid = a.attnum AND pg_has_role(t.relowner, 'USAGE'::text); View "information_schema.routine_privileges" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ------------------+-----------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- grantor | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | grantee | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | specific_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | specific_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | specific_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | routine_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | routine_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | routine_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | privilege_type | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | is_grantable | information_schema.yes_or_no | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT u_grantor.rolname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS grantor, grantee.rolname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS grantee, current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS specific_catalog, n.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS specific_schema, nameconcatoid(p.proname, p.oid)::information_schema.sql_identifier AS specific_name, current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS routine_catalog, n.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS routine_schema, p.proname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS routine_name, 'EXECUTE'::character varying::information_schema.character_data AS privilege_type, CASE WHEN pg_has_role(grantee.oid, p.proowner, 'USAGE'::text) OR p.grantable THEN 'YES'::text ELSE 'NO'::text END::information_schema.yes_or_no AS is_grantable FROM ( SELECT pg_proc.oid, pg_proc.proname, pg_proc.proowner, pg_proc.pronamespace, (aclexplode(COALESCE(pg_proc.proacl, acldefault('f'::"char", pg_proc.proowner)))).grantor AS grantor, (aclexplode(COALESCE(pg_proc.proacl, acldefault('f'::"char", pg_proc.proowner)))).grantee AS grantee, (aclexplode(COALESCE(pg_proc.proacl, acldefault('f'::"char", pg_proc.proowner)))).privilege_type AS privilege_type, (aclexplode(COALESCE(pg_proc.proacl, acldefault('f'::"char", pg_proc.proowner)))).is_grantable AS is_grantable FROM pg_proc) p(oid, proname, proowner, pronamespace, grantor, grantee, prtype, grantable), pg_namespace n, pg_authid u_grantor, ( SELECT pg_authid.oid, pg_authid.rolname FROM pg_authid UNION ALL SELECT 0::oid AS oid, 'PUBLIC'::name) grantee(oid, rolname) WHERE p.pronamespace = n.oid AND grantee.oid = p.grantee AND u_grantor.oid = p.grantor AND p.prtype = 'EXECUTE'::text AND (pg_has_role(u_grantor.oid, 'USAGE'::text) OR pg_has_role(grantee.oid, 'USAGE'::text) OR grantee.rolname = 'PUBLIC'::name); View "information_schema.routine_routine_usage" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ------------------+-----------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+------------- specific_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | specific_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | specific_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | routine_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | routine_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | routine_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT DISTINCT current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS specific_catalog, np.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS specific_schema, nameconcatoid(p.proname, p.oid)::information_schema.sql_identifier AS specific_name, current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS routine_catalog, np1.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS routine_schema, nameconcatoid(p1.proname, p1.oid)::information_schema.sql_identifier AS routine_name FROM pg_namespace np, pg_proc p, pg_depend d, pg_proc p1, pg_namespace np1 WHERE np.oid = p.pronamespace AND p.oid = d.objid AND d.classid = 'pg_proc'::regclass::oid AND d.refobjid = p1.oid AND d.refclassid = 'pg_proc'::regclass::oid AND p1.pronamespace = np1.oid AND (p.prokind = ANY (ARRAY['f'::"char", 'p'::"char"])) AND (p1.prokind = ANY (ARRAY['f'::"char", 'p'::"char"])) AND pg_has_role(p1.proowner, 'USAGE'::text); View "information_schema.routine_sequence_usage" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ------------------+-----------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+------------- specific_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | specific_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | specific_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | routine_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | routine_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | routine_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | sequence_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | sequence_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | sequence_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT DISTINCT current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS specific_catalog, np.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS specific_schema, nameconcatoid(p.proname, p.oid)::information_schema.sql_identifier AS specific_name, current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS routine_catalog, np.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS routine_schema, p.proname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS routine_name, current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS sequence_catalog, ns.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS sequence_schema, s.relname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS sequence_name FROM pg_namespace np, pg_proc p, pg_depend d, pg_class s, pg_namespace ns WHERE np.oid = p.pronamespace AND p.oid = d.objid AND d.classid = 'pg_proc'::regclass::oid AND d.refobjid = s.oid AND d.refclassid = 'pg_class'::regclass::oid AND s.relnamespace = ns.oid AND s.relkind = 'S'::"char" AND pg_has_role(s.relowner, 'USAGE'::text); View "information_schema.routine_table_usage" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ------------------+-----------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+------------- specific_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | specific_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | specific_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | routine_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | routine_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | routine_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | table_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | table_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | table_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT DISTINCT current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS specific_catalog, np.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS specific_schema, nameconcatoid(p.proname, p.oid)::information_schema.sql_identifier AS specific_name, current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS routine_catalog, np.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS routine_schema, p.proname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS routine_name, current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_catalog, nt.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_schema, t.relname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_name FROM pg_namespace np, pg_proc p, pg_depend d, pg_class t, pg_namespace nt WHERE np.oid = p.pronamespace AND p.oid = d.objid AND d.classid = 'pg_proc'::regclass::oid AND d.refobjid = t.oid AND d.refclassid = 'pg_class'::regclass::oid AND t.relnamespace = nt.oid AND (t.relkind = ANY (ARRAY['r'::"char", 'v'::"char", 'f'::"char", 'p'::"char"])) AND pg_has_role(t.relowner, 'USAGE'::text); View "information_schema.routines" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description -------------------------------------+------------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- specific_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | specific_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | specific_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | routine_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | routine_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | routine_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | routine_type | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | module_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | module_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | module_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | udt_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | udt_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | udt_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | data_type | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | character_maximum_length | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | character_octet_length | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | character_set_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | character_set_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | character_set_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | collation_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | collation_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | collation_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | numeric_precision | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | numeric_precision_radix | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | numeric_scale | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | datetime_precision | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | interval_type | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | interval_precision | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | type_udt_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | type_udt_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | type_udt_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | scope_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | scope_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | scope_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | maximum_cardinality | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | dtd_identifier | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | routine_body | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | routine_definition | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | external_name | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | external_language | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | parameter_style | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | is_deterministic | information_schema.yes_or_no | | | | extended | sql_data_access | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | is_null_call | information_schema.yes_or_no | | | | extended | sql_path | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | schema_level_routine | information_schema.yes_or_no | | | | extended | max_dynamic_result_sets | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | is_user_defined_cast | information_schema.yes_or_no | | | | extended | is_implicitly_invocable | information_schema.yes_or_no | | | | extended | security_type | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | to_sql_specific_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | to_sql_specific_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | to_sql_specific_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | as_locator | information_schema.yes_or_no | | | | extended | created | information_schema.time_stamp | | | | plain | last_altered | information_schema.time_stamp | | | | plain | new_savepoint_level | information_schema.yes_or_no | | | | extended | is_udt_dependent | information_schema.yes_or_no | | | | extended | result_cast_from_data_type | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | result_cast_as_locator | information_schema.yes_or_no | | | | extended | result_cast_char_max_length | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | result_cast_char_octet_length | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | result_cast_char_set_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | result_cast_char_set_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | result_cast_char_set_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | result_cast_collation_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | result_cast_collation_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | result_cast_collation_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | result_cast_numeric_precision | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | result_cast_numeric_precision_radix | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | result_cast_numeric_scale | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | result_cast_datetime_precision | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | result_cast_interval_type | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | result_cast_interval_precision | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | result_cast_type_udt_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | result_cast_type_udt_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | result_cast_type_udt_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | result_cast_scope_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | result_cast_scope_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | result_cast_scope_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | result_cast_maximum_cardinality | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | result_cast_dtd_identifier | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS specific_catalog, n.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS specific_schema, nameconcatoid(p.proname, p.oid)::information_schema.sql_identifier AS specific_name, current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS routine_catalog, n.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS routine_schema, p.proname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS routine_name, CASE p.prokind WHEN 'f'::"char" THEN 'FUNCTION'::text WHEN 'p'::"char" THEN 'PROCEDURE'::text ELSE NULL::text END::information_schema.character_data AS routine_type, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS module_catalog, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS module_schema, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS module_name, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS udt_catalog, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS udt_schema, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS udt_name, CASE WHEN p.prokind = 'p'::"char" THEN NULL::text WHEN t.typelem <> 0::oid AND t.typlen = '-1'::integer THEN 'ARRAY'::text WHEN nt.nspname = 'pg_catalog'::name THEN format_type(t.oid, NULL::integer) ELSE 'USER-DEFINED'::text END::information_schema.character_data AS data_type, NULL::integer::information_schema.cardinal_number AS character_maximum_length, NULL::integer::information_schema.cardinal_number AS character_octet_length, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS character_set_catalog, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS character_set_schema, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS character_set_name, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS collation_catalog, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS collation_schema, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS collation_name, NULL::integer::information_schema.cardinal_number AS numeric_precision, NULL::integer::information_schema.cardinal_number AS numeric_precision_radix, NULL::integer::information_schema.cardinal_number AS numeric_scale, NULL::integer::information_schema.cardinal_number AS datetime_precision, NULL::character varying::information_schema.character_data AS interval_type, NULL::integer::information_schema.cardinal_number AS interval_precision, CASE WHEN nt.nspname IS NOT NULL THEN current_database() ELSE NULL::name END::information_schema.sql_identifier AS type_udt_catalog, nt.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS type_udt_schema, t.typname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS type_udt_name, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS scope_catalog, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS scope_schema, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS scope_name, NULL::integer::information_schema.cardinal_number AS maximum_cardinality, CASE WHEN p.prokind <> 'p'::"char" THEN 0 ELSE NULL::integer END::information_schema.sql_identifier AS dtd_identifier, CASE WHEN l.lanname = 'sql'::name THEN 'SQL'::text ELSE 'EXTERNAL'::text END::information_schema.character_data AS routine_body, CASE WHEN pg_has_role(p.proowner, 'USAGE'::text) THEN p.prosrc ELSE NULL::text END::information_schema.character_data AS routine_definition, CASE WHEN l.lanname = 'c'::name THEN p.prosrc ELSE NULL::text END::information_schema.character_data AS external_name, upper(l.lanname::text)::information_schema.character_data AS external_language, 'GENERAL'::character varying::information_schema.character_data AS parameter_style, CASE WHEN p.provolatile = 'i'::"char" THEN 'YES'::text ELSE 'NO'::text END::information_schema.yes_or_no AS is_deterministic, 'MODIFIES'::character varying::information_schema.character_data AS sql_data_access, CASE WHEN p.prokind <> 'p'::"char" THEN CASE WHEN p.proisstrict THEN 'YES'::text ELSE 'NO'::text END ELSE NULL::text END::information_schema.yes_or_no AS is_null_call, NULL::character varying::information_schema.character_data AS sql_path, 'YES'::character varying::information_schema.yes_or_no AS schema_level_routine, 0::information_schema.cardinal_number AS max_dynamic_result_sets, NULL::character varying::information_schema.yes_or_no AS is_user_defined_cast, NULL::character varying::information_schema.yes_or_no AS is_implicitly_invocable, CASE WHEN p.prosecdef THEN 'DEFINER'::text ELSE 'INVOKER'::text END::information_schema.character_data AS security_type, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS to_sql_specific_catalog, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS to_sql_specific_schema, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS to_sql_specific_name, 'NO'::character varying::information_schema.yes_or_no AS as_locator, NULL::timestamp with time zone::information_schema.time_stamp AS created, NULL::timestamp with time zone::information_schema.time_stamp AS last_altered, NULL::character varying::information_schema.yes_or_no AS new_savepoint_level, 'NO'::character varying::information_schema.yes_or_no AS is_udt_dependent, NULL::character varying::information_schema.character_data AS result_cast_from_data_type, NULL::character varying::information_schema.yes_or_no AS result_cast_as_locator, NULL::integer::information_schema.cardinal_number AS result_cast_char_max_length, NULL::integer::information_schema.cardinal_number AS result_cast_char_octet_length, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS result_cast_char_set_catalog, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS result_cast_char_set_schema, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS result_cast_char_set_name, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS result_cast_collation_catalog, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS result_cast_collation_schema, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS result_cast_collation_name, NULL::integer::information_schema.cardinal_number AS result_cast_numeric_precision, NULL::integer::information_schema.cardinal_number AS result_cast_numeric_precision_radix, NULL::integer::information_schema.cardinal_number AS result_cast_numeric_scale, NULL::integer::information_schema.cardinal_number AS result_cast_datetime_precision, NULL::character varying::information_schema.character_data AS result_cast_interval_type, NULL::integer::information_schema.cardinal_number AS result_cast_interval_precision, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS result_cast_type_udt_catalog, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS result_cast_type_udt_schema, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS result_cast_type_udt_name, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS result_cast_scope_catalog, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS result_cast_scope_schema, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS result_cast_scope_name, NULL::integer::information_schema.cardinal_number AS result_cast_maximum_cardinality, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS result_cast_dtd_identifier FROM pg_namespace n JOIN pg_proc p ON n.oid = p.pronamespace JOIN pg_language l ON p.prolang = l.oid LEFT JOIN (pg_type t JOIN pg_namespace nt ON t.typnamespace = nt.oid) ON p.prorettype = t.oid AND p.prokind <> 'p'::"char" WHERE pg_has_role(p.proowner, 'USAGE'::text) OR has_function_privilege(p.oid, 'EXECUTE'::text); View "information_schema.schemata" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description -------------------------------+-----------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- catalog_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | schema_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | schema_owner | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | default_character_set_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | default_character_set_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | default_character_set_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | sql_path | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS catalog_name, n.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS schema_name, u.rolname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS schema_owner, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS default_character_set_catalog, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS default_character_set_schema, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS default_character_set_name, NULL::character varying::information_schema.character_data AS sql_path FROM pg_namespace n, pg_authid u WHERE n.nspowner = u.oid AND (pg_has_role(n.nspowner, 'USAGE'::text) OR has_schema_privilege(n.oid, 'CREATE, USAGE'::text)); View "information_schema.sequences" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description -------------------------+------------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- sequence_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | sequence_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | sequence_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | data_type | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | numeric_precision | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | numeric_precision_radix | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | numeric_scale | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | start_value | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | minimum_value | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | maximum_value | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | increment | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | cycle_option | information_schema.yes_or_no | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS sequence_catalog, nc.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS sequence_schema, c.relname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS sequence_name, format_type(s.seqtypid, NULL::integer)::information_schema.character_data AS data_type, information_schema._pg_numeric_precision(s.seqtypid, '-1'::integer)::information_schema.cardinal_number AS numeric_precision, 2::information_schema.cardinal_number AS numeric_precision_radix, 0::information_schema.cardinal_number AS numeric_scale, s.seqstart::information_schema.character_data AS start_value, s.seqmin::information_schema.character_data AS minimum_value, s.seqmax::information_schema.character_data AS maximum_value, s.seqincrement::information_schema.character_data AS increment, CASE WHEN s.seqcycle THEN 'YES'::text ELSE 'NO'::text END::information_schema.yes_or_no AS cycle_option FROM pg_namespace nc, pg_class c, pg_sequence s WHERE c.relnamespace = nc.oid AND c.relkind = 'S'::"char" AND NOT (EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM pg_depend WHERE pg_depend.classid = 'pg_class'::regclass::oid AND pg_depend.objid = c.oid AND pg_depend.deptype = 'i'::"char")) AND NOT pg_is_other_temp_schema(nc.oid) AND c.oid = s.seqrelid AND (pg_has_role(c.relowner, 'USAGE'::text) OR has_sequence_privilege(c.oid, 'SELECT, UPDATE, USAGE'::text)); Table "information_schema.sql_features" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ------------------+-----------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- feature_id | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | | | feature_name | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | | | sub_feature_id | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | | | sub_feature_name | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | | | is_supported | information_schema.yes_or_no | | | | extended | | | is_verified_by | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | | | comments | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | | | Access method: heap Table "information_schema.sql_implementation_info" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description --------------------------+------------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- implementation_info_id | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | | | implementation_info_name | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | | | integer_value | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | | | character_value | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | | | comments | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | | | Access method: heap Table "information_schema.sql_parts" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ----------------+-----------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- feature_id | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | | | feature_name | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | | | is_supported | information_schema.yes_or_no | | | | extended | | | is_verified_by | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | | | comments | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | | | Access method: heap Table "information_schema.sql_sizing" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description -----------------+------------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- sizing_id | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | | | sizing_name | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | | | supported_value | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | | | comments | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | | | Access method: heap View "information_schema.table_constraints" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description --------------------+-----------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- constraint_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | constraint_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | constraint_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | table_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | table_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | table_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | constraint_type | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | is_deferrable | information_schema.yes_or_no | | | | extended | initially_deferred | information_schema.yes_or_no | | | | extended | enforced | information_schema.yes_or_no | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS constraint_catalog, nc.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS constraint_schema, c.conname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS constraint_name, current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_catalog, nr.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_schema, r.relname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_name, CASE c.contype WHEN 'c'::"char" THEN 'CHECK'::text WHEN 'f'::"char" THEN 'FOREIGN KEY'::text WHEN 'p'::"char" THEN 'PRIMARY KEY'::text WHEN 'u'::"char" THEN 'UNIQUE'::text ELSE NULL::text END::information_schema.character_data AS constraint_type, CASE WHEN c.condeferrable THEN 'YES'::text ELSE 'NO'::text END::information_schema.yes_or_no AS is_deferrable, CASE WHEN c.condeferred THEN 'YES'::text ELSE 'NO'::text END::information_schema.yes_or_no AS initially_deferred, 'YES'::character varying::information_schema.yes_or_no AS enforced FROM pg_namespace nc, pg_namespace nr, pg_constraint c, pg_class r WHERE nc.oid = c.connamespace AND nr.oid = r.relnamespace AND c.conrelid = r.oid AND (c.contype <> ALL (ARRAY['t'::"char", 'x'::"char"])) AND (r.relkind = ANY (ARRAY['r'::"char", 'p'::"char"])) AND NOT pg_is_other_temp_schema(nr.oid) AND (pg_has_role(r.relowner, 'USAGE'::text) OR has_table_privilege(r.oid, 'INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, TRUNCATE, REFERENCES, TRIGGER'::text) OR has_any_column_privilege(r.oid, 'INSERT, UPDATE, REFERENCES'::text)) UNION ALL SELECT current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS constraint_catalog, nr.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS constraint_schema, (((((nr.oid::text || '_'::text) || r.oid::text) || '_'::text) || a.attnum::text) || '_not_null'::text)::information_schema.sql_identifier AS constraint_name, current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_catalog, nr.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_schema, r.relname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_name, 'CHECK'::character varying::information_schema.character_data AS constraint_type, 'NO'::character varying::information_schema.yes_or_no AS is_deferrable, 'NO'::character varying::information_schema.yes_or_no AS initially_deferred, 'YES'::character varying::information_schema.yes_or_no AS enforced FROM pg_namespace nr, pg_class r, pg_attribute a WHERE nr.oid = r.relnamespace AND r.oid = a.attrelid AND a.attnotnull AND a.attnum > 0 AND NOT a.attisdropped AND (r.relkind = ANY (ARRAY['r'::"char", 'p'::"char"])) AND NOT pg_is_other_temp_schema(nr.oid) AND (pg_has_role(r.relowner, 'USAGE'::text) OR has_table_privilege(r.oid, 'INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, TRUNCATE, REFERENCES, TRIGGER'::text) OR has_any_column_privilege(r.oid, 'INSERT, UPDATE, REFERENCES'::text)); View "information_schema.table_privileges" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ----------------+-----------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- grantor | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | grantee | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | table_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | table_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | table_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | privilege_type | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | is_grantable | information_schema.yes_or_no | | | | extended | with_hierarchy | information_schema.yes_or_no | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT u_grantor.rolname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS grantor, grantee.rolname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS grantee, current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_catalog, nc.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_schema, c.relname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_name, c.prtype::information_schema.character_data AS privilege_type, CASE WHEN pg_has_role(grantee.oid, c.relowner, 'USAGE'::text) OR c.grantable THEN 'YES'::text ELSE 'NO'::text END::information_schema.yes_or_no AS is_grantable, CASE WHEN c.prtype = 'SELECT'::text THEN 'YES'::text ELSE 'NO'::text END::information_schema.yes_or_no AS with_hierarchy FROM ( SELECT pg_class.oid, pg_class.relname, pg_class.relnamespace, pg_class.relkind, pg_class.relowner, (aclexplode(COALESCE(pg_class.relacl, acldefault('r'::"char", pg_class.relowner)))).grantor AS grantor, (aclexplode(COALESCE(pg_class.relacl, acldefault('r'::"char", pg_class.relowner)))).grantee AS grantee, (aclexplode(COALESCE(pg_class.relacl, acldefault('r'::"char", pg_class.relowner)))).privilege_type AS privilege_type, (aclexplode(COALESCE(pg_class.relacl, acldefault('r'::"char", pg_class.relowner)))).is_grantable AS is_grantable FROM pg_class) c(oid, relname, relnamespace, relkind, relowner, grantor, grantee, prtype, grantable), pg_namespace nc, pg_authid u_grantor, ( SELECT pg_authid.oid, pg_authid.rolname FROM pg_authid UNION ALL SELECT 0::oid AS oid, 'PUBLIC'::name) grantee(oid, rolname) WHERE c.relnamespace = nc.oid AND (c.relkind = ANY (ARRAY['r'::"char", 'v'::"char", 'f'::"char", 'p'::"char"])) AND c.grantee = grantee.oid AND c.grantor = u_grantor.oid AND (c.prtype = ANY (ARRAY['INSERT'::text, 'SELECT'::text, 'UPDATE'::text, 'DELETE'::text, 'TRUNCATE'::text, 'REFERENCES'::text, 'TRIGGER'::text])) AND (pg_has_role(u_grantor.oid, 'USAGE'::text) OR pg_has_role(grantee.oid, 'USAGE'::text) OR grantee.rolname = 'PUBLIC'::name); View "information_schema.tables" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ------------------------------+-----------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- table_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | table_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | table_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | table_type | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | self_referencing_column_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | reference_generation | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | user_defined_type_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | user_defined_type_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | user_defined_type_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | is_insertable_into | information_schema.yes_or_no | | | | extended | is_typed | information_schema.yes_or_no | | | | extended | commit_action | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_catalog, nc.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_schema, c.relname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_name, CASE WHEN nc.oid = pg_my_temp_schema() THEN 'LOCAL TEMPORARY'::text WHEN c.relkind = ANY (ARRAY['r'::"char", 'p'::"char"]) THEN 'BASE TABLE'::text WHEN c.relkind = 'v'::"char" THEN 'VIEW'::text WHEN c.relkind = 'f'::"char" THEN 'FOREIGN'::text ELSE NULL::text END::information_schema.character_data AS table_type, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS self_referencing_column_name, NULL::character varying::information_schema.character_data AS reference_generation, CASE WHEN t.typname IS NOT NULL THEN current_database() ELSE NULL::name END::information_schema.sql_identifier AS user_defined_type_catalog, nt.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS user_defined_type_schema, t.typname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS user_defined_type_name, CASE WHEN (c.relkind = ANY (ARRAY['r'::"char", 'p'::"char"])) OR (c.relkind = ANY (ARRAY['v'::"char", 'f'::"char"])) AND (pg_relation_is_updatable(c.oid::regclass, false) & 8) = 8 THEN 'YES'::text ELSE 'NO'::text END::information_schema.yes_or_no AS is_insertable_into, CASE WHEN t.typname IS NOT NULL THEN 'YES'::text ELSE 'NO'::text END::information_schema.yes_or_no AS is_typed, NULL::character varying::information_schema.character_data AS commit_action FROM pg_namespace nc JOIN pg_class c ON nc.oid = c.relnamespace LEFT JOIN (pg_type t JOIN pg_namespace nt ON t.typnamespace = nt.oid) ON c.reloftype = t.oid WHERE (c.relkind = ANY (ARRAY['r'::"char", 'v'::"char", 'f'::"char", 'p'::"char"])) AND NOT pg_is_other_temp_schema(nc.oid) AND (pg_has_role(c.relowner, 'USAGE'::text) OR has_table_privilege(c.oid, 'SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, TRUNCATE, REFERENCES, TRIGGER'::text) OR has_any_column_privilege(c.oid, 'SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, REFERENCES'::text)); View "information_schema.transforms" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ------------------+-----------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- udt_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | udt_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | udt_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | specific_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | specific_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | specific_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | group_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | transform_type | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS udt_catalog, nt.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS udt_schema, t.typname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS udt_name, current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS specific_catalog, np.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS specific_schema, nameconcatoid(p.proname, p.oid)::information_schema.sql_identifier AS specific_name, l.lanname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS group_name, 'FROM SQL'::character varying::information_schema.character_data AS transform_type FROM pg_type t JOIN pg_transform x ON t.oid = x.trftype JOIN pg_language l ON x.trflang = l.oid JOIN pg_proc p ON x.trffromsql::oid = p.oid JOIN pg_namespace nt ON t.typnamespace = nt.oid JOIN pg_namespace np ON p.pronamespace = np.oid UNION SELECT current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS udt_catalog, nt.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS udt_schema, t.typname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS udt_name, current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS specific_catalog, np.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS specific_schema, nameconcatoid(p.proname, p.oid)::information_schema.sql_identifier AS specific_name, l.lanname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS group_name, 'TO SQL'::character varying::information_schema.character_data AS transform_type FROM pg_type t JOIN pg_transform x ON t.oid = x.trftype JOIN pg_language l ON x.trflang = l.oid JOIN pg_proc p ON x.trftosql::oid = p.oid JOIN pg_namespace nt ON t.typnamespace = nt.oid JOIN pg_namespace np ON p.pronamespace = np.oid ORDER BY 1, 2, 3, 7, 8; View "information_schema.triggered_update_columns" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ----------------------+-----------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+------------- trigger_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | trigger_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | trigger_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | event_object_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | event_object_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | event_object_table | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | event_object_column | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS trigger_catalog, n.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS trigger_schema, t.tgname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS trigger_name, current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS event_object_catalog, n.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS event_object_schema, c.relname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS event_object_table, a.attname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS event_object_column FROM pg_namespace n, pg_class c, pg_trigger t, ( SELECT ta0.tgoid, (ta0.tgat).x AS tgattnum, (ta0.tgat).n AS tgattpos FROM ( SELECT pg_trigger.oid AS tgoid, information_schema._pg_expandarray(pg_trigger.tgattr) AS tgat FROM pg_trigger) ta0) ta, pg_attribute a WHERE n.oid = c.relnamespace AND c.oid = t.tgrelid AND t.oid = ta.tgoid AND a.attrelid = t.tgrelid AND a.attnum = ta.tgattnum AND NOT t.tgisinternal AND NOT pg_is_other_temp_schema(n.oid) AND (pg_has_role(c.relowner, 'USAGE'::text) OR has_column_privilege(c.oid, a.attnum, 'INSERT, UPDATE, REFERENCES'::text)); View "information_schema.triggers" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ----------------------------+------------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- trigger_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | trigger_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | trigger_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | event_manipulation | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | event_object_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | event_object_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | event_object_table | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | action_order | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | action_condition | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | action_statement | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | action_orientation | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | action_timing | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | action_reference_old_table | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | action_reference_new_table | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | action_reference_old_row | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | action_reference_new_row | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | created | information_schema.time_stamp | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS trigger_catalog, n.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS trigger_schema, t.tgname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS trigger_name, em.text::information_schema.character_data AS event_manipulation, current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS event_object_catalog, n.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS event_object_schema, c.relname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS event_object_table, rank() OVER (PARTITION BY (n.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier), (c.relname::information_schema.sql_identifier), em.num, (t.tgtype::integer & 1), (t.tgtype::integer & 66) ORDER BY t.tgname)::information_schema.cardinal_number AS action_order, CASE WHEN pg_has_role(c.relowner, 'USAGE'::text) THEN (regexp_match(pg_get_triggerdef(t.oid), '.{35,} WHEN \((.+)\) EXECUTE FUNCTION'::text))[1] ELSE NULL::text END::information_schema.character_data AS action_condition, SUBSTRING(pg_get_triggerdef(t.oid) FROM POSITION(('EXECUTE FUNCTION'::text) IN (SUBSTRING(pg_get_triggerdef(t.oid) FROM 48))) + 47)::information_schema.character_data AS action_statement, CASE t.tgtype::integer & 1 WHEN 1 THEN 'ROW'::text ELSE 'STATEMENT'::text END::information_schema.character_data AS action_orientation, CASE t.tgtype::integer & 66 WHEN 2 THEN 'BEFORE'::text WHEN 64 THEN 'INSTEAD OF'::text ELSE 'AFTER'::text END::information_schema.character_data AS action_timing, t.tgoldtable::information_schema.sql_identifier AS action_reference_old_table, t.tgnewtable::information_schema.sql_identifier AS action_reference_new_table, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS action_reference_old_row, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS action_reference_new_row, NULL::timestamp with time zone::information_schema.time_stamp AS created FROM pg_namespace n, pg_class c, pg_trigger t, ( VALUES (4,'INSERT'::text), (8,'DELETE'::text), (16,'UPDATE'::text)) em(num, text) WHERE n.oid = c.relnamespace AND c.oid = t.tgrelid AND (t.tgtype::integer & em.num) <> 0 AND NOT t.tgisinternal AND NOT pg_is_other_temp_schema(n.oid) AND (pg_has_role(c.relowner, 'USAGE'::text) OR has_table_privilege(c.oid, 'INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, TRUNCATE, REFERENCES, TRIGGER'::text) OR has_any_column_privilege(c.oid, 'INSERT, UPDATE, REFERENCES'::text)); View "information_schema.udt_privileges" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ----------------+-----------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- grantor | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | grantee | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | udt_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | udt_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | udt_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | privilege_type | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | is_grantable | information_schema.yes_or_no | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT u_grantor.rolname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS grantor, grantee.rolname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS grantee, current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS udt_catalog, n.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS udt_schema, t.typname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS udt_name, 'TYPE USAGE'::character varying::information_schema.character_data AS privilege_type, CASE WHEN pg_has_role(grantee.oid, t.typowner, 'USAGE'::text) OR t.grantable THEN 'YES'::text ELSE 'NO'::text END::information_schema.yes_or_no AS is_grantable FROM ( SELECT pg_type.oid, pg_type.typname, pg_type.typnamespace, pg_type.typtype, pg_type.typowner, (aclexplode(COALESCE(pg_type.typacl, acldefault('T'::"char", pg_type.typowner)))).grantor AS grantor, (aclexplode(COALESCE(pg_type.typacl, acldefault('T'::"char", pg_type.typowner)))).grantee AS grantee, (aclexplode(COALESCE(pg_type.typacl, acldefault('T'::"char", pg_type.typowner)))).privilege_type AS privilege_type, (aclexplode(COALESCE(pg_type.typacl, acldefault('T'::"char", pg_type.typowner)))).is_grantable AS is_grantable FROM pg_type) t(oid, typname, typnamespace, typtype, typowner, grantor, grantee, prtype, grantable), pg_namespace n, pg_authid u_grantor, ( SELECT pg_authid.oid, pg_authid.rolname FROM pg_authid UNION ALL SELECT 0::oid AS oid, 'PUBLIC'::name) grantee(oid, rolname) WHERE t.typnamespace = n.oid AND t.typtype = 'c'::"char" AND t.grantee = grantee.oid AND t.grantor = u_grantor.oid AND t.prtype = 'USAGE'::text AND (pg_has_role(u_grantor.oid, 'USAGE'::text) OR pg_has_role(grantee.oid, 'USAGE'::text) OR grantee.rolname = 'PUBLIC'::name); View "information_schema.usage_privileges" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ----------------+-----------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- grantor | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | grantee | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | object_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | object_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | object_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | object_type | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | privilege_type | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | is_grantable | information_schema.yes_or_no | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT u.rolname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS grantor, 'PUBLIC'::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS grantee, current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS object_catalog, n.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS object_schema, c.collname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS object_name, 'COLLATION'::character varying::information_schema.character_data AS object_type, 'USAGE'::character varying::information_schema.character_data AS privilege_type, 'NO'::character varying::information_schema.yes_or_no AS is_grantable FROM pg_authid u, pg_namespace n, pg_collation c WHERE u.oid = c.collowner AND c.collnamespace = n.oid AND (c.collencoding = ANY (ARRAY['-1'::integer, ( SELECT pg_database.encoding FROM pg_database WHERE pg_database.datname = current_database())])) UNION ALL SELECT u_grantor.rolname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS grantor, grantee.rolname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS grantee, current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS object_catalog, n.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS object_schema, t.typname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS object_name, 'DOMAIN'::character varying::information_schema.character_data AS object_type, 'USAGE'::character varying::information_schema.character_data AS privilege_type, CASE WHEN pg_has_role(grantee.oid, t.typowner, 'USAGE'::text) OR t.grantable THEN 'YES'::text ELSE 'NO'::text END::information_schema.yes_or_no AS is_grantable FROM ( SELECT pg_type.oid, pg_type.typname, pg_type.typnamespace, pg_type.typtype, pg_type.typowner, (aclexplode(COALESCE(pg_type.typacl, acldefault('T'::"char", pg_type.typowner)))).grantor AS grantor, (aclexplode(COALESCE(pg_type.typacl, acldefault('T'::"char", pg_type.typowner)))).grantee AS grantee, (aclexplode(COALESCE(pg_type.typacl, acldefault('T'::"char", pg_type.typowner)))).privilege_type AS privilege_type, (aclexplode(COALESCE(pg_type.typacl, acldefault('T'::"char", pg_type.typowner)))).is_grantable AS is_grantable FROM pg_type) t(oid, typname, typnamespace, typtype, typowner, grantor, grantee, prtype, grantable), pg_namespace n, pg_authid u_grantor, ( SELECT pg_authid.oid, pg_authid.rolname FROM pg_authid UNION ALL SELECT 0::oid AS oid, 'PUBLIC'::name) grantee(oid, rolname) WHERE t.typnamespace = n.oid AND t.typtype = 'd'::"char" AND t.grantee = grantee.oid AND t.grantor = u_grantor.oid AND t.prtype = 'USAGE'::text AND (pg_has_role(u_grantor.oid, 'USAGE'::text) OR pg_has_role(grantee.oid, 'USAGE'::text) OR grantee.rolname = 'PUBLIC'::name) UNION ALL SELECT u_grantor.rolname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS grantor, grantee.rolname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS grantee, current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS object_catalog, ''::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS object_schema, fdw.fdwname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS object_name, 'FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER'::character varying::information_schema.character_data AS object_type, 'USAGE'::character varying::information_schema.character_data AS privilege_type, CASE WHEN pg_has_role(grantee.oid, fdw.fdwowner, 'USAGE'::text) OR fdw.grantable THEN 'YES'::text ELSE 'NO'::text END::information_schema.yes_or_no AS is_grantable FROM ( SELECT pg_foreign_data_wrapper.fdwname, pg_foreign_data_wrapper.fdwowner, (aclexplode(COALESCE(pg_foreign_data_wrapper.fdwacl, acldefault('F'::"char", pg_foreign_data_wrapper.fdwowner)))).grantor AS grantor, (aclexplode(COALESCE(pg_foreign_data_wrapper.fdwacl, acldefault('F'::"char", pg_foreign_data_wrapper.fdwowner)))).grantee AS grantee, (aclexplode(COALESCE(pg_foreign_data_wrapper.fdwacl, acldefault('F'::"char", pg_foreign_data_wrapper.fdwowner)))).privilege_type AS privilege_type, (aclexplode(COALESCE(pg_foreign_data_wrapper.fdwacl, acldefault('F'::"char", pg_foreign_data_wrapper.fdwowner)))).is_grantable AS is_grantable FROM pg_foreign_data_wrapper) fdw(fdwname, fdwowner, grantor, grantee, prtype, grantable), pg_authid u_grantor, ( SELECT pg_authid.oid, pg_authid.rolname FROM pg_authid UNION ALL SELECT 0::oid AS oid, 'PUBLIC'::name) grantee(oid, rolname) WHERE u_grantor.oid = fdw.grantor AND grantee.oid = fdw.grantee AND fdw.prtype = 'USAGE'::text AND (pg_has_role(u_grantor.oid, 'USAGE'::text) OR pg_has_role(grantee.oid, 'USAGE'::text) OR grantee.rolname = 'PUBLIC'::name) UNION ALL SELECT u_grantor.rolname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS grantor, grantee.rolname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS grantee, current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS object_catalog, ''::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS object_schema, srv.srvname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS object_name, 'FOREIGN SERVER'::character varying::information_schema.character_data AS object_type, 'USAGE'::character varying::information_schema.character_data AS privilege_type, CASE WHEN pg_has_role(grantee.oid, srv.srvowner, 'USAGE'::text) OR srv.grantable THEN 'YES'::text ELSE 'NO'::text END::information_schema.yes_or_no AS is_grantable FROM ( SELECT pg_foreign_server.srvname, pg_foreign_server.srvowner, (aclexplode(COALESCE(pg_foreign_server.srvacl, acldefault('S'::"char", pg_foreign_server.srvowner)))).grantor AS grantor, (aclexplode(COALESCE(pg_foreign_server.srvacl, acldefault('S'::"char", pg_foreign_server.srvowner)))).grantee AS grantee, (aclexplode(COALESCE(pg_foreign_server.srvacl, acldefault('S'::"char", pg_foreign_server.srvowner)))).privilege_type AS privilege_type, (aclexplode(COALESCE(pg_foreign_server.srvacl, acldefault('S'::"char", pg_foreign_server.srvowner)))).is_grantable AS is_grantable FROM pg_foreign_server) srv(srvname, srvowner, grantor, grantee, prtype, grantable), pg_authid u_grantor, ( SELECT pg_authid.oid, pg_authid.rolname FROM pg_authid UNION ALL SELECT 0::oid AS oid, 'PUBLIC'::name) grantee(oid, rolname) WHERE u_grantor.oid = srv.grantor AND grantee.oid = srv.grantee AND srv.prtype = 'USAGE'::text AND (pg_has_role(u_grantor.oid, 'USAGE'::text) OR pg_has_role(grantee.oid, 'USAGE'::text) OR grantee.rolname = 'PUBLIC'::name) UNION ALL SELECT u_grantor.rolname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS grantor, grantee.rolname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS grantee, current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS object_catalog, n.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS object_schema, c.relname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS object_name, 'SEQUENCE'::character varying::information_schema.character_data AS object_type, 'USAGE'::character varying::information_schema.character_data AS privilege_type, CASE WHEN pg_has_role(grantee.oid, c.relowner, 'USAGE'::text) OR c.grantable THEN 'YES'::text ELSE 'NO'::text END::information_schema.yes_or_no AS is_grantable FROM ( SELECT pg_class.oid, pg_class.relname, pg_class.relnamespace, pg_class.relkind, pg_class.relowner, (aclexplode(COALESCE(pg_class.relacl, acldefault('r'::"char", pg_class.relowner)))).grantor AS grantor, (aclexplode(COALESCE(pg_class.relacl, acldefault('r'::"char", pg_class.relowner)))).grantee AS grantee, (aclexplode(COALESCE(pg_class.relacl, acldefault('r'::"char", pg_class.relowner)))).privilege_type AS privilege_type, (aclexplode(COALESCE(pg_class.relacl, acldefault('r'::"char", pg_class.relowner)))).is_grantable AS is_grantable FROM pg_class) c(oid, relname, relnamespace, relkind, relowner, grantor, grantee, prtype, grantable), pg_namespace n, pg_authid u_grantor, ( SELECT pg_authid.oid, pg_authid.rolname FROM pg_authid UNION ALL SELECT 0::oid AS oid, 'PUBLIC'::name) grantee(oid, rolname) WHERE c.relnamespace = n.oid AND c.relkind = 'S'::"char" AND c.grantee = grantee.oid AND c.grantor = u_grantor.oid AND c.prtype = 'USAGE'::text AND (pg_has_role(u_grantor.oid, 'USAGE'::text) OR pg_has_role(grantee.oid, 'USAGE'::text) OR grantee.rolname = 'PUBLIC'::name); View "information_schema.user_defined_types" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ----------------------------+------------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- user_defined_type_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | user_defined_type_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | user_defined_type_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | user_defined_type_category | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | is_instantiable | information_schema.yes_or_no | | | | extended | is_final | information_schema.yes_or_no | | | | extended | ordering_form | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | ordering_category | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | ordering_routine_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | ordering_routine_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | ordering_routine_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | reference_type | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | data_type | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | character_maximum_length | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | character_octet_length | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | character_set_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | character_set_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | character_set_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | collation_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | collation_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | collation_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | numeric_precision | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | numeric_precision_radix | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | numeric_scale | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | datetime_precision | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | interval_type | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | interval_precision | information_schema.cardinal_number | | | | plain | source_dtd_identifier | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | ref_dtd_identifier | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS user_defined_type_catalog, n.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS user_defined_type_schema, c.relname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS user_defined_type_name, 'STRUCTURED'::character varying::information_schema.character_data AS user_defined_type_category, 'YES'::character varying::information_schema.yes_or_no AS is_instantiable, NULL::character varying::information_schema.yes_or_no AS is_final, NULL::character varying::information_schema.character_data AS ordering_form, NULL::character varying::information_schema.character_data AS ordering_category, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS ordering_routine_catalog, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS ordering_routine_schema, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS ordering_routine_name, NULL::character varying::information_schema.character_data AS reference_type, NULL::character varying::information_schema.character_data AS data_type, NULL::integer::information_schema.cardinal_number AS character_maximum_length, NULL::integer::information_schema.cardinal_number AS character_octet_length, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS character_set_catalog, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS character_set_schema, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS character_set_name, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS collation_catalog, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS collation_schema, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS collation_name, NULL::integer::information_schema.cardinal_number AS numeric_precision, NULL::integer::information_schema.cardinal_number AS numeric_precision_radix, NULL::integer::information_schema.cardinal_number AS numeric_scale, NULL::integer::information_schema.cardinal_number AS datetime_precision, NULL::character varying::information_schema.character_data AS interval_type, NULL::integer::information_schema.cardinal_number AS interval_precision, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS source_dtd_identifier, NULL::name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS ref_dtd_identifier FROM pg_namespace n, pg_class c, pg_type t WHERE n.oid = c.relnamespace AND t.typrelid = c.oid AND c.relkind = 'c'::"char" AND (pg_has_role(t.typowner, 'USAGE'::text) OR has_type_privilege(t.oid, 'USAGE'::text)); View "information_schema.user_mapping_options" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description --------------------------+-----------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- authorization_identifier | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | foreign_server_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | foreign_server_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | option_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | option_value | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT um.authorization_identifier, um.foreign_server_catalog, um.foreign_server_name, opts.option_name::information_schema.sql_identifier AS option_name, CASE WHEN um.umuser <> 0::oid AND um.authorization_identifier::name = CURRENT_USER OR um.umuser = 0::oid AND pg_has_role(um.srvowner::name, 'USAGE'::text) OR ( SELECT pg_authid.rolsuper FROM pg_authid WHERE pg_authid.rolname = CURRENT_USER) THEN opts.option_value ELSE NULL::text END::information_schema.character_data AS option_value FROM information_schema._pg_user_mappings um, LATERAL pg_options_to_table(um.umoptions) opts(option_name, option_value); View "information_schema.user_mappings" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description --------------------------+-----------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+------------- authorization_identifier | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | foreign_server_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | foreign_server_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT _pg_user_mappings.authorization_identifier, _pg_user_mappings.foreign_server_catalog, _pg_user_mappings.foreign_server_name FROM information_schema._pg_user_mappings; View "information_schema.view_column_usage" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ---------------+-----------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+------------- view_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | view_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | view_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | table_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | table_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | table_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | column_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT DISTINCT current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS view_catalog, nv.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS view_schema, v.relname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS view_name, current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_catalog, nt.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_schema, t.relname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_name, a.attname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS column_name FROM pg_namespace nv, pg_class v, pg_depend dv, pg_depend dt, pg_class t, pg_namespace nt, pg_attribute a WHERE nv.oid = v.relnamespace AND v.relkind = 'v'::"char" AND v.oid = dv.refobjid AND dv.refclassid = 'pg_class'::regclass::oid AND dv.classid = 'pg_rewrite'::regclass::oid AND dv.deptype = 'i'::"char" AND dv.objid = dt.objid AND dv.refobjid <> dt.refobjid AND dt.classid = 'pg_rewrite'::regclass::oid AND dt.refclassid = 'pg_class'::regclass::oid AND dt.refobjid = t.oid AND t.relnamespace = nt.oid AND (t.relkind = ANY (ARRAY['r'::"char", 'v'::"char", 'f'::"char", 'p'::"char"])) AND t.oid = a.attrelid AND dt.refobjsubid = a.attnum AND pg_has_role(t.relowner, 'USAGE'::text); View "information_schema.view_routine_usage" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ------------------+-----------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+------------- table_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | table_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | table_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | specific_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | specific_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | specific_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT DISTINCT current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_catalog, nv.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_schema, v.relname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_name, current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS specific_catalog, np.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS specific_schema, nameconcatoid(p.proname, p.oid)::information_schema.sql_identifier AS specific_name FROM pg_namespace nv, pg_class v, pg_depend dv, pg_depend dp, pg_proc p, pg_namespace np WHERE nv.oid = v.relnamespace AND v.relkind = 'v'::"char" AND v.oid = dv.refobjid AND dv.refclassid = 'pg_class'::regclass::oid AND dv.classid = 'pg_rewrite'::regclass::oid AND dv.deptype = 'i'::"char" AND dv.objid = dp.objid AND dp.classid = 'pg_rewrite'::regclass::oid AND dp.refclassid = 'pg_proc'::regclass::oid AND dp.refobjid = p.oid AND p.pronamespace = np.oid AND pg_has_role(p.proowner, 'USAGE'::text); View "information_schema.view_table_usage" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ---------------+-----------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+------------- view_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | view_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | view_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | table_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | table_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | table_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT DISTINCT current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS view_catalog, nv.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS view_schema, v.relname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS view_name, current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_catalog, nt.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_schema, t.relname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_name FROM pg_namespace nv, pg_class v, pg_depend dv, pg_depend dt, pg_class t, pg_namespace nt WHERE nv.oid = v.relnamespace AND v.relkind = 'v'::"char" AND v.oid = dv.refobjid AND dv.refclassid = 'pg_class'::regclass::oid AND dv.classid = 'pg_rewrite'::regclass::oid AND dv.deptype = 'i'::"char" AND dv.objid = dt.objid AND dv.refobjid <> dt.refobjid AND dt.classid = 'pg_rewrite'::regclass::oid AND dt.refclassid = 'pg_class'::regclass::oid AND dt.refobjid = t.oid AND t.relnamespace = nt.oid AND (t.relkind = ANY (ARRAY['r'::"char", 'v'::"char", 'f'::"char", 'p'::"char"])) AND pg_has_role(t.relowner, 'USAGE'::text); View "information_schema.views" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ----------------------------+-----------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- table_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | table_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | table_name | information_schema.sql_identifier | | | | plain | view_definition | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | check_option | information_schema.character_data | | | | extended | is_updatable | information_schema.yes_or_no | | | | extended | is_insertable_into | information_schema.yes_or_no | | | | extended | is_trigger_updatable | information_schema.yes_or_no | | | | extended | is_trigger_deletable | information_schema.yes_or_no | | | | extended | is_trigger_insertable_into | information_schema.yes_or_no | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_catalog, nc.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_schema, c.relname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_name, CASE WHEN pg_has_role(c.relowner, 'USAGE'::text) THEN pg_get_viewdef(c.oid) ELSE NULL::text END::information_schema.character_data AS view_definition, CASE WHEN 'check_option=cascaded'::text = ANY (c.reloptions) THEN 'CASCADED'::text WHEN 'check_option=local'::text = ANY (c.reloptions) THEN 'LOCAL'::text ELSE 'NONE'::text END::information_schema.character_data AS check_option, CASE WHEN (pg_relation_is_updatable(c.oid::regclass, false) & 20) = 20 THEN 'YES'::text ELSE 'NO'::text END::information_schema.yes_or_no AS is_updatable, CASE WHEN (pg_relation_is_updatable(c.oid::regclass, false) & 8) = 8 THEN 'YES'::text ELSE 'NO'::text END::information_schema.yes_or_no AS is_insertable_into, CASE WHEN (EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM pg_trigger WHERE pg_trigger.tgrelid = c.oid AND (pg_trigger.tgtype::integer & 81) = 81)) THEN 'YES'::text ELSE 'NO'::text END::information_schema.yes_or_no AS is_trigger_updatable, CASE WHEN (EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM pg_trigger WHERE pg_trigger.tgrelid = c.oid AND (pg_trigger.tgtype::integer & 73) = 73)) THEN 'YES'::text ELSE 'NO'::text END::information_schema.yes_or_no AS is_trigger_deletable, CASE WHEN (EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM pg_trigger WHERE pg_trigger.tgrelid = c.oid AND (pg_trigger.tgtype::integer & 69) = 69)) THEN 'YES'::text ELSE 'NO'::text END::information_schema.yes_or_no AS is_trigger_insertable_into FROM pg_namespace nc, pg_class c WHERE c.relnamespace = nc.oid AND c.relkind = 'v'::"char" AND NOT pg_is_other_temp_schema(nc.oid) AND (pg_has_role(c.relowner, 'USAGE'::text) OR has_table_privilege(c.oid, 'SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, TRUNCATE, REFERENCES, TRIGGER'::text) OR has_any_column_privilege(c.oid, 'SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, REFERENCES'::text)); Table "pg_catalog.pg_aggregate" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ------------------+----------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- aggfnoid | regproc | | not null | | plain | | | aggkind | "char" | | not null | | plain | | | aggnumdirectargs | smallint | | not null | | plain | | | aggtransfn | regproc | | not null | | plain | | | aggfinalfn | regproc | | not null | | plain | | | aggcombinefn | regproc | | not null | | plain | | | aggserialfn | regproc | | not null | | plain | | | aggdeserialfn | regproc | | not null | | plain | | | aggmtransfn | regproc | | not null | | plain | | | aggminvtransfn | regproc | | not null | | plain | | | aggmfinalfn | regproc | | not null | | plain | | | aggfinalextra | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | aggmfinalextra | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | aggfinalmodify | "char" | | not null | | plain | | | aggmfinalmodify | "char" | | not null | | plain | | | aggsortop | oid | | not null | | plain | | | aggtranstype | oid | | not null | | plain | | | aggtransspace | integer | | not null | | plain | | | aggmtranstype | oid | | not null | | plain | | | aggmtransspace | integer | | not null | | plain | | | agginitval | text | C | | | extended | | | aggminitval | text | C | | | extended | | | Indexes: "pg_aggregate_fnoid_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (aggfnoid) Access method: heap Index "pg_catalog.pg_aggregate_fnoid_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- aggfnoid | regproc | yes | aggfnoid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_aggregate" Table "pg_catalog.pg_am" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description -----------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- oid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | amname | name | | not null | | plain | | | amhandler | regproc | | not null | | plain | | | amtype | "char" | | not null | | plain | | | Indexes: "pg_am_oid_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (oid) "pg_am_name_index" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (amname) Access method: heap Index "pg_catalog.pg_am_name_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- amname | cstring | yes | amname | plain | unique, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_am" Index "pg_catalog.pg_am_oid_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+------+------+------------+---------+-------------- oid | oid | yes | oid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_am" Table "pg_catalog.pg_amop" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ----------------+----------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- oid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | amopfamily | oid | | not null | | plain | | | amoplefttype | oid | | not null | | plain | | | amoprighttype | oid | | not null | | plain | | | amopstrategy | smallint | | not null | | plain | | | amoppurpose | "char" | | not null | | plain | | | amopopr | oid | | not null | | plain | | | amopmethod | oid | | not null | | plain | | | amopsortfamily | oid | | not null | | plain | | | Indexes: "pg_amop_oid_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (oid) "pg_amop_fam_strat_index" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (amopfamily, amoplefttype, amoprighttype, amopstrategy) "pg_amop_opr_fam_index" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (amopopr, amoppurpose, amopfamily) Access method: heap Index "pg_catalog.pg_amop_fam_strat_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------------+----------+------+---------------+---------+-------------- amopfamily | oid | yes | amopfamily | plain | amoplefttype | oid | yes | amoplefttype | plain | amoprighttype | oid | yes | amoprighttype | plain | amopstrategy | smallint | yes | amopstrategy | plain | unique, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_amop" Index "pg_catalog.pg_amop_oid_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+------+------+------------+---------+-------------- oid | oid | yes | oid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_amop" Index "pg_catalog.pg_amop_opr_fam_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -------------+--------+------+-------------+---------+-------------- amopopr | oid | yes | amopopr | plain | amoppurpose | "char" | yes | amoppurpose | plain | amopfamily | oid | yes | amopfamily | plain | unique, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_amop" Table "pg_catalog.pg_amproc" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description -----------------+----------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- oid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | amprocfamily | oid | | not null | | plain | | | amproclefttype | oid | | not null | | plain | | | amprocrighttype | oid | | not null | | plain | | | amprocnum | smallint | | not null | | plain | | | amproc | regproc | | not null | | plain | | | Indexes: "pg_amproc_oid_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (oid) "pg_amproc_fam_proc_index" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (amprocfamily, amproclefttype, amprocrighttype, amprocnum) Access method: heap Index "pg_catalog.pg_amproc_fam_proc_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------------+----------+------+-----------------+---------+-------------- amprocfamily | oid | yes | amprocfamily | plain | amproclefttype | oid | yes | amproclefttype | plain | amprocrighttype | oid | yes | amprocrighttype | plain | amprocnum | smallint | yes | amprocnum | plain | unique, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_amproc" Index "pg_catalog.pg_amproc_oid_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+------+------+------------+---------+-------------- oid | oid | yes | oid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_amproc" Table "pg_catalog.pg_attrdef" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ---------+--------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- oid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | adrelid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | adnum | smallint | | not null | | plain | | | adbin | pg_node_tree | C | not null | | extended | | | Indexes: "pg_attrdef_oid_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (oid) "pg_attrdef_adrelid_adnum_index" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (adrelid, adnum) Access method: heap Index "pg_catalog.pg_attrdef_adrelid_adnum_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------+----------+------+------------+---------+-------------- adrelid | oid | yes | adrelid | plain | adnum | smallint | yes | adnum | plain | unique, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_attrdef" Index "pg_catalog.pg_attrdef_oid_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+------+------+------------+---------+-------------- oid | oid | yes | oid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_attrdef" Table "pg_catalog.pg_attribute" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ----------------+-----------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- attrelid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | attname | name | | not null | | plain | | | atttypid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | attstattarget | integer | | not null | | plain | | | attlen | smallint | | not null | | plain | | | attnum | smallint | | not null | | plain | | | attndims | integer | | not null | | plain | | | attcacheoff | integer | | not null | | plain | | | atttypmod | integer | | not null | | plain | | | attbyval | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | attalign | "char" | | not null | | plain | | | attstorage | "char" | | not null | | plain | | | attcompression | "char" | | not null | | plain | | | attnotnull | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | atthasdef | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | atthasmissing | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | attidentity | "char" | | not null | | plain | | | attgenerated | "char" | | not null | | plain | | | attisdropped | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | attislocal | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | attinhcount | integer | | not null | | plain | | | attcollation | oid | | not null | | plain | | | attacl | aclitem[] | | | | extended | | | attoptions | text[] | C | | | extended | | | attfdwoptions | text[] | C | | | extended | | | attmissingval | anyarray | | | | extended | | | Indexes: "pg_attribute_relid_attnum_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (attrelid, attnum) "pg_attribute_relid_attnam_index" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (attrelid, attname) Access method: heap Index "pg_catalog.pg_attribute_relid_attnam_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- attrelid | oid | yes | attrelid | plain | attname | cstring | yes | attname | plain | unique, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_attribute" Index "pg_catalog.pg_attribute_relid_attnum_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------+----------+------+------------+---------+-------------- attrelid | oid | yes | attrelid | plain | attnum | smallint | yes | attnum | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_attribute" Table "pg_catalog.pg_auth_members" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description --------------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- roleid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | member | oid | | not null | | plain | | | grantor | oid | | not null | | plain | | | admin_option | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | Indexes: "pg_auth_members_role_member_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (roleid, member), tablespace "pg_global" "pg_auth_members_member_role_index" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (member, roleid), tablespace "pg_global" Tablespace: "pg_global" Access method: heap Index "pg_catalog.pg_auth_members_member_role_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+------+------+------------+---------+-------------- member | oid | yes | member | plain | roleid | oid | yes | roleid | plain | unique, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_auth_members" Tablespace: "pg_global" Index "pg_catalog.pg_auth_members_role_member_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+------+------+------------+---------+-------------- roleid | oid | yes | roleid | plain | member | oid | yes | member | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_auth_members" Tablespace: "pg_global" Table "pg_catalog.pg_authid" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ----------------+--------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- oid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | rolname | name | | not null | | plain | | | rolsuper | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | rolinherit | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | rolcreaterole | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | rolcreatedb | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | rolcanlogin | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | rolreplication | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | rolbypassrls | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | rolconnlimit | integer | | not null | | plain | | | rolpassword | text | C | | | extended | | | rolvaliduntil | timestamp with time zone | | | | plain | | | Indexes: "pg_authid_oid_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (oid), tablespace "pg_global" "pg_authid_rolname_index" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (rolname), tablespace "pg_global" Tablespace: "pg_global" Access method: heap Index "pg_catalog.pg_authid_oid_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+------+------+------------+---------+-------------- oid | oid | yes | oid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_authid" Tablespace: "pg_global" Index "pg_catalog.pg_authid_rolname_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- rolname | cstring | yes | rolname | plain | unique, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_authid" Tablespace: "pg_global" View "pg_catalog.pg_available_extension_versions" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description -------------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- name | name | | | | plain | version | text | | | | extended | installed | boolean | | | | plain | superuser | boolean | | | | plain | trusted | boolean | | | | plain | relocatable | boolean | | | | plain | schema | name | | | | plain | requires | name[] | | | | extended | comment | text | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT, e.version, x.extname IS NOT NULL AS installed, e.superuser, e.trusted, e.relocatable, e.schema, e.requires, e.comment FROM pg_available_extension_versions() e(name, version, superuser, trusted, relocatable, schema, requires, comment) LEFT JOIN pg_extension x ON = x.extname AND e.version = x.extversion; View "pg_catalog.pg_available_extensions" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description -------------------+------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- name | name | | | | plain | default_version | text | | | | extended | installed_version | text | C | | | extended | comment | text | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT, e.default_version, x.extversion AS installed_version, e.comment FROM pg_available_extensions() e(name, default_version, comment) LEFT JOIN pg_extension x ON = x.extname; View "pg_catalog.pg_backend_memory_contexts" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ---------------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- name | text | | | | extended | ident | text | | | | extended | parent | text | | | | extended | level | integer | | | | plain | total_bytes | bigint | | | | plain | total_nblocks | bigint | | | | plain | free_bytes | bigint | | | | plain | free_chunks | bigint | | | | plain | used_bytes | bigint | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT, pg_get_backend_memory_contexts.ident, pg_get_backend_memory_contexts.parent, pg_get_backend_memory_contexts.level, pg_get_backend_memory_contexts.total_bytes, pg_get_backend_memory_contexts.total_nblocks, pg_get_backend_memory_contexts.free_bytes, pg_get_backend_memory_contexts.free_chunks, pg_get_backend_memory_contexts.used_bytes FROM pg_get_backend_memory_contexts() pg_get_backend_memory_contexts(name, ident, parent, level, total_bytes, total_nblocks, free_bytes, free_chunks, used_bytes); Table "pg_catalog.pg_cast" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description -------------+--------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- oid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | castsource | oid | | not null | | plain | | | casttarget | oid | | not null | | plain | | | castfunc | oid | | not null | | plain | | | castcontext | "char" | | not null | | plain | | | castmethod | "char" | | not null | | plain | | | Indexes: "pg_cast_oid_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (oid) "pg_cast_source_target_index" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (castsource, casttarget) Access method: heap Index "pg_catalog.pg_cast_oid_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+------+------+------------+---------+-------------- oid | oid | yes | oid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_cast" Index "pg_catalog.pg_cast_source_target_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ------------+------+------+------------+---------+-------------- castsource | oid | yes | castsource | plain | casttarget | oid | yes | casttarget | plain | unique, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_cast" Table "pg_catalog.pg_class" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ---------------------+--------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- oid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | relname | name | | not null | | plain | | | relnamespace | oid | | not null | | plain | | | reltype | oid | | not null | | plain | | | reloftype | oid | | not null | | plain | | | relowner | oid | | not null | | plain | | | relam | oid | | not null | | plain | | | relfilenode | oid | | not null | | plain | | | reltablespace | oid | | not null | | plain | | | relpages | integer | | not null | | plain | | | reltuples | real | | not null | | plain | | | relallvisible | integer | | not null | | plain | | | reltoastrelid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | relhasindex | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | relisshared | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | relpersistence | "char" | | not null | | plain | | | relkind | "char" | | not null | | plain | | | relnatts | smallint | | not null | | plain | | | relchecks | smallint | | not null | | plain | | | relhasrules | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | relhastriggers | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | relhassubclass | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | relrowsecurity | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | relforcerowsecurity | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | relispopulated | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | relreplident | "char" | | not null | | plain | | | relispartition | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | relrewrite | oid | | not null | | plain | | | relfrozenxid | xid | | not null | | plain | | | relminmxid | xid | | not null | | plain | | | relacl | aclitem[] | | | | extended | | | reloptions | text[] | C | | | extended | | | relpartbound | pg_node_tree | C | | | extended | | | Indexes: "pg_class_oid_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (oid) "pg_class_relname_nsp_index" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (relname, relnamespace) "pg_class_tblspc_relfilenode_index" btree (reltablespace, relfilenode) Access method: heap Index "pg_catalog.pg_class_oid_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+------+------+------------+---------+-------------- oid | oid | yes | oid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_class" Index "pg_catalog.pg_class_relname_nsp_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------------+---------+------+--------------+---------+-------------- relname | cstring | yes | relname | plain | relnamespace | oid | yes | relnamespace | plain | unique, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_class" Index "pg_catalog.pg_class_tblspc_relfilenode_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------------+------+------+---------------+---------+-------------- reltablespace | oid | yes | reltablespace | plain | relfilenode | oid | yes | relfilenode | plain | btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_class" Table "pg_catalog.pg_collation" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ---------------------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- oid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | collname | name | | not null | | plain | | | collnamespace | oid | | not null | | plain | | | collowner | oid | | not null | | plain | | | collprovider | "char" | | not null | | plain | | | collisdeterministic | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | collencoding | integer | | not null | | plain | | | collcollate | name | | not null | | plain | | | collctype | name | | not null | | plain | | | collversion | text | C | | | extended | | | Indexes: "pg_collation_oid_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (oid) "pg_collation_name_enc_nsp_index" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (collname, collencoding, collnamespace) Access method: heap Index "pg_catalog.pg_collation_name_enc_nsp_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------------+---------+------+---------------+---------+-------------- collname | cstring | yes | collname | plain | collencoding | integer | yes | collencoding | plain | collnamespace | oid | yes | collnamespace | plain | unique, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_collation" Index "pg_catalog.pg_collation_oid_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+------+------+------------+---------+-------------- oid | oid | yes | oid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_collation" View "pg_catalog.pg_config" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ---------+------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- name | text | | | | extended | setting | text | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT, pg_config.setting FROM pg_config() pg_config(name, setting); Table "pg_catalog.pg_constraint" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ---------------+--------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- oid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | conname | name | | not null | | plain | | | connamespace | oid | | not null | | plain | | | contype | "char" | | not null | | plain | | | condeferrable | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | condeferred | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | convalidated | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | conrelid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | contypid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | conindid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | conparentid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | confrelid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | confupdtype | "char" | | not null | | plain | | | confdeltype | "char" | | not null | | plain | | | confmatchtype | "char" | | not null | | plain | | | conislocal | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | coninhcount | integer | | not null | | plain | | | connoinherit | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | conkey | smallint[] | | | | extended | | | confkey | smallint[] | | | | extended | | | conpfeqop | oid[] | | | | extended | | | conppeqop | oid[] | | | | extended | | | conffeqop | oid[] | | | | extended | | | conexclop | oid[] | | | | extended | | | conbin | pg_node_tree | C | | | extended | | | Indexes: "pg_constraint_oid_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (oid) "pg_constraint_conname_nsp_index" btree (conname, connamespace) "pg_constraint_conparentid_index" btree (conparentid) "pg_constraint_conrelid_contypid_conname_index" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (conrelid, contypid, conname) "pg_constraint_contypid_index" btree (contypid) Access method: heap Index "pg_catalog.pg_constraint_conname_nsp_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------------+---------+------+--------------+---------+-------------- conname | cstring | yes | conname | plain | connamespace | oid | yes | connamespace | plain | btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_constraint" Index "pg_catalog.pg_constraint_conparentid_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -------------+------+------+-------------+---------+-------------- conparentid | oid | yes | conparentid | plain | btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_constraint" Index "pg_catalog.pg_constraint_conrelid_contypid_conname_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- conrelid | oid | yes | conrelid | plain | contypid | oid | yes | contypid | plain | conname | cstring | yes | conname | plain | unique, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_constraint" Index "pg_catalog.pg_constraint_contypid_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------+------+------+------------+---------+-------------- contypid | oid | yes | contypid | plain | btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_constraint" Index "pg_catalog.pg_constraint_oid_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+------+------+------------+---------+-------------- oid | oid | yes | oid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_constraint" Table "pg_catalog.pg_conversion" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ----------------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- oid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | conname | name | | not null | | plain | | | connamespace | oid | | not null | | plain | | | conowner | oid | | not null | | plain | | | conforencoding | integer | | not null | | plain | | | contoencoding | integer | | not null | | plain | | | conproc | regproc | | not null | | plain | | | condefault | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | Indexes: "pg_conversion_oid_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (oid) "pg_conversion_default_index" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (connamespace, conforencoding, contoencoding, oid) "pg_conversion_name_nsp_index" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (conname, connamespace) Access method: heap Index "pg_catalog.pg_conversion_default_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------------+---------+------+----------------+---------+-------------- connamespace | oid | yes | connamespace | plain | conforencoding | integer | yes | conforencoding | plain | contoencoding | integer | yes | contoencoding | plain | oid | oid | yes | oid | plain | unique, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_conversion" Index "pg_catalog.pg_conversion_name_nsp_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------------+---------+------+--------------+---------+-------------- conname | cstring | yes | conname | plain | connamespace | oid | yes | connamespace | plain | unique, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_conversion" Index "pg_catalog.pg_conversion_oid_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+------+------+------------+---------+-------------- oid | oid | yes | oid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_conversion" View "pg_catalog.pg_cursors" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ---------------+--------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- name | text | | | | extended | statement | text | | | | extended | is_holdable | boolean | | | | plain | is_binary | boolean | | | | plain | is_scrollable | boolean | | | | plain | creation_time | timestamp with time zone | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT, c.statement, c.is_holdable, c.is_binary, c.is_scrollable, c.creation_time FROM pg_cursor() c(name, statement, is_holdable, is_binary, is_scrollable, creation_time); Table "pg_catalog.pg_database" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ---------------+-----------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- oid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | datname | name | | not null | | plain | | | datdba | oid | | not null | | plain | | | encoding | integer | | not null | | plain | | | datcollate | name | | not null | | plain | | | datctype | name | | not null | | plain | | | datistemplate | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | datallowconn | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | datconnlimit | integer | | not null | | plain | | | datlastsysoid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | datfrozenxid | xid | | not null | | plain | | | datminmxid | xid | | not null | | plain | | | dattablespace | oid | | not null | | plain | | | datacl | aclitem[] | | | | extended | | | Indexes: "pg_database_oid_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (oid), tablespace "pg_global" "pg_database_datname_index" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (datname), tablespace "pg_global" Tablespace: "pg_global" Access method: heap Index "pg_catalog.pg_database_datname_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- datname | cstring | yes | datname | plain | unique, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_database" Tablespace: "pg_global" Index "pg_catalog.pg_database_oid_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+------+------+------------+---------+-------------- oid | oid | yes | oid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_database" Tablespace: "pg_global" Table "pg_catalog.pg_db_role_setting" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description -------------+--------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- setdatabase | oid | | not null | | plain | | | setrole | oid | | not null | | plain | | | setconfig | text[] | C | | | extended | | | Indexes: "pg_db_role_setting_databaseid_rol_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (setdatabase, setrole), tablespace "pg_global" Tablespace: "pg_global" Access method: heap Index "pg_catalog.pg_db_role_setting_databaseid_rol_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -------------+------+------+-------------+---------+-------------- setdatabase | oid | yes | setdatabase | plain | setrole | oid | yes | setrole | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_db_role_setting" Tablespace: "pg_global" Table "pg_catalog.pg_default_acl" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description -----------------+-----------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- oid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | defaclrole | oid | | not null | | plain | | | defaclnamespace | oid | | not null | | plain | | | defaclobjtype | "char" | | not null | | plain | | | defaclacl | aclitem[] | | not null | | extended | | | Indexes: "pg_default_acl_oid_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (oid) "pg_default_acl_role_nsp_obj_index" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (defaclrole, defaclnamespace, defaclobjtype) Access method: heap Index "pg_catalog.pg_default_acl_oid_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+------+------+------------+---------+-------------- oid | oid | yes | oid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_default_acl" Index "pg_catalog.pg_default_acl_role_nsp_obj_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------------+--------+------+-----------------+---------+-------------- defaclrole | oid | yes | defaclrole | plain | defaclnamespace | oid | yes | defaclnamespace | plain | defaclobjtype | "char" | yes | defaclobjtype | plain | unique, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_default_acl" Table "pg_catalog.pg_depend" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description -------------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- classid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | objid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | objsubid | integer | | not null | | plain | | | refclassid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | refobjid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | refobjsubid | integer | | not null | | plain | | | deptype | "char" | | not null | | plain | | | Indexes: "pg_depend_depender_index" btree (classid, objid, objsubid) "pg_depend_reference_index" btree (refclassid, refobjid, refobjsubid) Access method: heap Index "pg_catalog.pg_depend_depender_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- classid | oid | yes | classid | plain | objid | oid | yes | objid | plain | objsubid | integer | yes | objsubid | plain | btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_depend" Index "pg_catalog.pg_depend_reference_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -------------+---------+------+-------------+---------+-------------- refclassid | oid | yes | refclassid | plain | refobjid | oid | yes | refobjid | plain | refobjsubid | integer | yes | refobjsubid | plain | btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_depend" Table "pg_catalog.pg_description" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description -------------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- objoid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | classoid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | objsubid | integer | | not null | | plain | | | description | text | C | not null | | extended | | | Indexes: "pg_description_o_c_o_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (objoid, classoid, objsubid) Access method: heap Index "pg_catalog.pg_description_o_c_o_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- objoid | oid | yes | objoid | plain | classoid | oid | yes | classoid | plain | objsubid | integer | yes | objsubid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_description" Table "pg_catalog.pg_enum" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ---------------+------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- oid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | enumtypid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | enumsortorder | real | | not null | | plain | | | enumlabel | name | | not null | | plain | | | Indexes: "pg_enum_oid_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (oid) "pg_enum_typid_label_index" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (enumtypid, enumlabel) "pg_enum_typid_sortorder_index" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (enumtypid, enumsortorder) Access method: heap Index "pg_catalog.pg_enum_oid_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+------+------+------------+---------+-------------- oid | oid | yes | oid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_enum" Index "pg_catalog.pg_enum_typid_label_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- enumtypid | oid | yes | enumtypid | plain | enumlabel | cstring | yes | enumlabel | plain | unique, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_enum" Index "pg_catalog.pg_enum_typid_sortorder_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------------+------+------+---------------+---------+-------------- enumtypid | oid | yes | enumtypid | plain | enumsortorder | real | yes | enumsortorder | plain | unique, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_enum" Table "pg_catalog.pg_event_trigger" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ------------+--------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- oid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | evtname | name | | not null | | plain | | | evtevent | name | | not null | | plain | | | evtowner | oid | | not null | | plain | | | evtfoid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | evtenabled | "char" | | not null | | plain | | | evttags | text[] | C | | | extended | | | Indexes: "pg_event_trigger_oid_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (oid) "pg_event_trigger_evtname_index" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (evtname) Access method: heap Index "pg_catalog.pg_event_trigger_evtname_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- evtname | cstring | yes | evtname | plain | unique, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_event_trigger" Index "pg_catalog.pg_event_trigger_oid_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+------+------+------------+---------+-------------- oid | oid | yes | oid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_event_trigger" Table "pg_catalog.pg_extension" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ----------------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- oid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | extname | name | | not null | | plain | | | extowner | oid | | not null | | plain | | | extnamespace | oid | | not null | | plain | | | extrelocatable | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | extversion | text | C | not null | | extended | | | extconfig | oid[] | | | | extended | | | extcondition | text[] | C | | | extended | | | Indexes: "pg_extension_oid_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (oid) "pg_extension_name_index" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (extname) Access method: heap Index "pg_catalog.pg_extension_name_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- extname | cstring | yes | extname | plain | unique, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_extension" Index "pg_catalog.pg_extension_oid_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+------+------+------------+---------+-------------- oid | oid | yes | oid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_extension" View "pg_catalog.pg_file_settings" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ------------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- sourcefile | text | | | | extended | sourceline | integer | | | | plain | seqno | integer | | | | plain | name | text | | | | extended | setting | text | | | | extended | applied | boolean | | | | plain | error | text | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT a.sourcefile, a.sourceline, a.seqno,, a.setting, a.applied, a.error FROM pg_show_all_file_settings() a(sourcefile, sourceline, seqno, name, setting, applied, error); Table "pg_catalog.pg_foreign_data_wrapper" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description --------------+-----------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- oid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | fdwname | name | | not null | | plain | | | fdwowner | oid | | not null | | plain | | | fdwhandler | oid | | not null | | plain | | | fdwvalidator | oid | | not null | | plain | | | fdwacl | aclitem[] | | | | extended | | | fdwoptions | text[] | C | | | extended | | | Indexes: "pg_foreign_data_wrapper_oid_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (oid) "pg_foreign_data_wrapper_name_index" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (fdwname) Access method: heap Index "pg_catalog.pg_foreign_data_wrapper_name_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- fdwname | cstring | yes | fdwname | plain | unique, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_foreign_data_wrapper" Index "pg_catalog.pg_foreign_data_wrapper_oid_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+------+------+------------+---------+-------------- oid | oid | yes | oid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_foreign_data_wrapper" Table "pg_catalog.pg_foreign_server" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ------------+-----------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- oid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | srvname | name | | not null | | plain | | | srvowner | oid | | not null | | plain | | | srvfdw | oid | | not null | | plain | | | srvtype | text | C | | | extended | | | srvversion | text | C | | | extended | | | srvacl | aclitem[] | | | | extended | | | srvoptions | text[] | C | | | extended | | | Indexes: "pg_foreign_server_oid_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (oid) "pg_foreign_server_name_index" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (srvname) Access method: heap Index "pg_catalog.pg_foreign_server_name_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- srvname | cstring | yes | srvname | plain | unique, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_foreign_server" Index "pg_catalog.pg_foreign_server_oid_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+------+------+------------+---------+-------------- oid | oid | yes | oid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_foreign_server" Table "pg_catalog.pg_foreign_table" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description -----------+--------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- ftrelid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | ftserver | oid | | not null | | plain | | | ftoptions | text[] | C | | | extended | | | Indexes: "pg_foreign_table_relid_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (ftrelid) Access method: heap Index "pg_catalog.pg_foreign_table_relid_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------+------+------+------------+---------+-------------- ftrelid | oid | yes | ftrelid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_foreign_table" View "pg_catalog.pg_group" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ----------+-------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- groname | name | | | | plain | grosysid | oid | | | | plain | grolist | oid[] | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT pg_authid.rolname AS groname, pg_authid.oid AS grosysid, ARRAY( SELECT pg_auth_members.member FROM pg_auth_members WHERE pg_auth_members.roleid = pg_authid.oid) AS grolist FROM pg_authid WHERE NOT pg_authid.rolcanlogin; View "pg_catalog.pg_hba_file_rules" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description -------------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- line_number | integer | | | | plain | type | text | | | | extended | database | text[] | | | | extended | user_name | text[] | | | | extended | address | text | | | | extended | netmask | text | | | | extended | auth_method | text | | | | extended | options | text[] | | | | extended | error | text | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT a.line_number, a.type, a.database, a.user_name, a.address, a.netmask, a.auth_method, a.options, a.error FROM pg_hba_file_rules() a(line_number, type, database, user_name, address, netmask, auth_method, options, error); Table "pg_catalog.pg_index" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ----------------+--------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- indexrelid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | indrelid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | indnatts | smallint | | not null | | plain | | | indnkeyatts | smallint | | not null | | plain | | | indisunique | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | indisprimary | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | indisexclusion | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | indimmediate | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | indisclustered | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | indisvalid | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | indcheckxmin | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | indisready | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | indislive | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | indisreplident | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | indkey | int2vector | | not null | | plain | | | indcollation | oidvector | | not null | | plain | | | indclass | oidvector | | not null | | plain | | | indoption | int2vector | | not null | | plain | | | indexprs | pg_node_tree | C | | | extended | | | indpred | pg_node_tree | C | | | extended | | | Indexes: "pg_index_indexrelid_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (indexrelid) "pg_index_indrelid_index" btree (indrelid) Access method: heap Index "pg_catalog.pg_index_indexrelid_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ------------+------+------+------------+---------+-------------- indexrelid | oid | yes | indexrelid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_index" Index "pg_catalog.pg_index_indrelid_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------+------+------+------------+---------+-------------- indrelid | oid | yes | indrelid | plain | btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_index" View "pg_catalog.pg_indexes" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ------------+------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- schemaname | name | | | | plain | tablename | name | | | | plain | indexname | name | | | | plain | tablespace | name | | | | plain | indexdef | text | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT n.nspname AS schemaname, c.relname AS tablename, i.relname AS indexname, t.spcname AS tablespace, pg_get_indexdef(i.oid) AS indexdef FROM pg_index x JOIN pg_class c ON c.oid = x.indrelid JOIN pg_class i ON i.oid = x.indexrelid LEFT JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace LEFT JOIN pg_tablespace t ON t.oid = i.reltablespace WHERE (c.relkind = ANY (ARRAY['r'::"char", 'm'::"char", 'p'::"char"])) AND (i.relkind = ANY (ARRAY['i'::"char", 'I'::"char"])); Table "pg_catalog.pg_inherits" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ------------------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- inhrelid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | inhparent | oid | | not null | | plain | | | inhseqno | integer | | not null | | plain | | | inhdetachpending | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | Indexes: "pg_inherits_relid_seqno_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (inhrelid, inhseqno) "pg_inherits_parent_index" btree (inhparent) Access method: heap Index "pg_catalog.pg_inherits_parent_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+------+------+------------+---------+-------------- inhparent | oid | yes | inhparent | plain | btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_inherits" Index "pg_catalog.pg_inherits_relid_seqno_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- inhrelid | oid | yes | inhrelid | plain | inhseqno | integer | yes | inhseqno | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_inherits" Table "pg_catalog.pg_init_privs" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description -----------+-----------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- objoid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | classoid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | objsubid | integer | | not null | | plain | | | privtype | "char" | | not null | | plain | | | initprivs | aclitem[] | | not null | | extended | | | Indexes: "pg_init_privs_o_c_o_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (objoid, classoid, objsubid) Access method: heap Index "pg_catalog.pg_init_privs_o_c_o_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- objoid | oid | yes | objoid | plain | classoid | oid | yes | classoid | plain | objsubid | integer | yes | objsubid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_init_privs" Table "pg_catalog.pg_language" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ---------------+-----------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- oid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | lanname | name | | not null | | plain | | | lanowner | oid | | not null | | plain | | | lanispl | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | lanpltrusted | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | lanplcallfoid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | laninline | oid | | not null | | plain | | | lanvalidator | oid | | not null | | plain | | | lanacl | aclitem[] | | | | extended | | | Indexes: "pg_language_oid_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (oid) "pg_language_name_index" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (lanname) Access method: heap Index "pg_catalog.pg_language_name_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- lanname | cstring | yes | lanname | plain | unique, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_language" Index "pg_catalog.pg_language_oid_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+------+------+------------+---------+-------------- oid | oid | yes | oid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_language" Table "pg_catalog.pg_largeobject" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description --------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- loid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | pageno | integer | | not null | | plain | | | data | bytea | | not null | | extended | | | Indexes: "pg_largeobject_loid_pn_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (loid, pageno) Access method: heap Index "pg_catalog.pg_largeobject_loid_pn_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- loid | oid | yes | loid | plain | pageno | integer | yes | pageno | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_largeobject" Table "pg_catalog.pg_largeobject_metadata" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ----------+-----------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- oid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | lomowner | oid | | not null | | plain | | | lomacl | aclitem[] | | | | extended | | | Indexes: "pg_largeobject_metadata_oid_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (oid) Access method: heap Index "pg_catalog.pg_largeobject_metadata_oid_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+------+------+------------+---------+-------------- oid | oid | yes | oid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_largeobject_metadata" View "pg_catalog.pg_locks" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description --------------------+--------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- locktype | text | | | | extended | database | oid | | | | plain | relation | oid | | | | plain | page | integer | | | | plain | tuple | smallint | | | | plain | virtualxid | text | | | | extended | transactionid | xid | | | | plain | classid | oid | | | | plain | objid | oid | | | | plain | objsubid | smallint | | | | plain | virtualtransaction | text | | | | extended | pid | integer | | | | plain | mode | text | | | | extended | granted | boolean | | | | plain | fastpath | boolean | | | | plain | waitstart | timestamp with time zone | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT l.locktype, l.database, l.relation,, l.tuple, l.virtualxid, l.transactionid, l.classid, l.objid, l.objsubid, l.virtualtransaction,, l.mode, l.granted, l.fastpath, l.waitstart FROM pg_lock_status() l(locktype, database, relation, page, tuple, virtualxid, transactionid, classid, objid, objsubid, virtualtransaction, pid, mode, granted, fastpath, waitstart); View "pg_catalog.pg_matviews" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description --------------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- schemaname | name | | | | plain | matviewname | name | | | | plain | matviewowner | name | | | | plain | tablespace | name | | | | plain | hasindexes | boolean | | | | plain | ispopulated | boolean | | | | plain | definition | text | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT n.nspname AS schemaname, c.relname AS matviewname, pg_get_userbyid(c.relowner) AS matviewowner, t.spcname AS tablespace, c.relhasindex AS hasindexes, c.relispopulated AS ispopulated, pg_get_viewdef(c.oid) AS definition FROM pg_class c LEFT JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace LEFT JOIN pg_tablespace t ON t.oid = c.reltablespace WHERE c.relkind = 'm'::"char"; Table "pg_catalog.pg_namespace" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ----------+-----------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- oid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | nspname | name | | not null | | plain | | | nspowner | oid | | not null | | plain | | | nspacl | aclitem[] | | | | extended | | | Indexes: "pg_namespace_oid_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (oid) "pg_namespace_nspname_index" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (nspname) Access method: heap Index "pg_catalog.pg_namespace_nspname_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- nspname | cstring | yes | nspname | plain | unique, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_namespace" Index "pg_catalog.pg_namespace_oid_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+------+------+------------+---------+-------------- oid | oid | yes | oid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_namespace" Table "pg_catalog.pg_opclass" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description --------------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- oid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | opcmethod | oid | | not null | | plain | | | opcname | name | | not null | | plain | | | opcnamespace | oid | | not null | | plain | | | opcowner | oid | | not null | | plain | | | opcfamily | oid | | not null | | plain | | | opcintype | oid | | not null | | plain | | | opcdefault | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | opckeytype | oid | | not null | | plain | | | Indexes: "pg_opclass_oid_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (oid) "pg_opclass_am_name_nsp_index" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (opcmethod, opcname, opcnamespace) Access method: heap Index "pg_catalog.pg_opclass_am_name_nsp_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------------+---------+------+--------------+---------+-------------- opcmethod | oid | yes | opcmethod | plain | opcname | cstring | yes | opcname | plain | opcnamespace | oid | yes | opcnamespace | plain | unique, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_opclass" Index "pg_catalog.pg_opclass_oid_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+------+------+------------+---------+-------------- oid | oid | yes | oid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_opclass" Table "pg_catalog.pg_operator" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description --------------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- oid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | oprname | name | | not null | | plain | | | oprnamespace | oid | | not null | | plain | | | oprowner | oid | | not null | | plain | | | oprkind | "char" | | not null | | plain | | | oprcanmerge | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | oprcanhash | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | oprleft | oid | | not null | | plain | | | oprright | oid | | not null | | plain | | | oprresult | oid | | not null | | plain | | | oprcom | oid | | not null | | plain | | | oprnegate | oid | | not null | | plain | | | oprcode | regproc | | not null | | plain | | | oprrest | regproc | | not null | | plain | | | oprjoin | regproc | | not null | | plain | | | Indexes: "pg_operator_oid_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (oid) "pg_operator_oprname_l_r_n_index" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (oprname, oprleft, oprright, oprnamespace) Access method: heap Index "pg_catalog.pg_operator_oid_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+------+------+------------+---------+-------------- oid | oid | yes | oid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_operator" Index "pg_catalog.pg_operator_oprname_l_r_n_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------------+---------+------+--------------+---------+-------------- oprname | cstring | yes | oprname | plain | oprleft | oid | yes | oprleft | plain | oprright | oid | yes | oprright | plain | oprnamespace | oid | yes | oprnamespace | plain | unique, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_operator" Table "pg_catalog.pg_opfamily" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description --------------+------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- oid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | opfmethod | oid | | not null | | plain | | | opfname | name | | not null | | plain | | | opfnamespace | oid | | not null | | plain | | | opfowner | oid | | not null | | plain | | | Indexes: "pg_opfamily_oid_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (oid) "pg_opfamily_am_name_nsp_index" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (opfmethod, opfname, opfnamespace) Access method: heap Index "pg_catalog.pg_opfamily_am_name_nsp_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------------+---------+------+--------------+---------+-------------- opfmethod | oid | yes | opfmethod | plain | opfname | cstring | yes | opfname | plain | opfnamespace | oid | yes | opfnamespace | plain | unique, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_opfamily" Index "pg_catalog.pg_opfamily_oid_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+------+------+------------+---------+-------------- oid | oid | yes | oid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_opfamily" Table "pg_catalog.pg_partitioned_table" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ---------------+--------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- partrelid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | partstrat | "char" | | not null | | plain | | | partnatts | smallint | | not null | | plain | | | partdefid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | partattrs | int2vector | | not null | | plain | | | partclass | oidvector | | not null | | plain | | | partcollation | oidvector | | not null | | plain | | | partexprs | pg_node_tree | C | | | extended | | | Indexes: "pg_partitioned_table_partrelid_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (partrelid) Access method: heap Index "pg_catalog.pg_partitioned_table_partrelid_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+------+------+------------+---------+-------------- partrelid | oid | yes | partrelid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_partitioned_table" View "pg_catalog.pg_policies" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ------------+--------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- schemaname | name | | | | plain | tablename | name | | | | plain | policyname | name | | | | plain | permissive | text | | | | extended | roles | name[] | | | | extended | cmd | text | | | | extended | qual | text | C | | | extended | with_check | text | C | | | extended | View definition: SELECT n.nspname AS schemaname, c.relname AS tablename, pol.polname AS policyname, CASE WHEN pol.polpermissive THEN 'PERMISSIVE'::text ELSE 'RESTRICTIVE'::text END AS permissive, CASE WHEN pol.polroles = '{0}'::oid[] THEN string_to_array('public'::text, ''::text)::name[] ELSE ARRAY( SELECT pg_authid.rolname FROM pg_authid WHERE pg_authid.oid = ANY (pol.polroles) ORDER BY pg_authid.rolname) END AS roles, CASE pol.polcmd WHEN 'r'::"char" THEN 'SELECT'::text WHEN 'a'::"char" THEN 'INSERT'::text WHEN 'w'::"char" THEN 'UPDATE'::text WHEN 'd'::"char" THEN 'DELETE'::text WHEN '*'::"char" THEN 'ALL'::text ELSE NULL::text END AS cmd, pg_get_expr(pol.polqual, pol.polrelid) AS qual, pg_get_expr(pol.polwithcheck, pol.polrelid) AS with_check FROM pg_policy pol JOIN pg_class c ON c.oid = pol.polrelid LEFT JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace; Table "pg_catalog.pg_policy" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ---------------+--------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- oid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | polname | name | | not null | | plain | | | polrelid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | polcmd | "char" | | not null | | plain | | | polpermissive | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | polroles | oid[] | | not null | | extended | | | polqual | pg_node_tree | C | | | extended | | | polwithcheck | pg_node_tree | C | | | extended | | | Indexes: "pg_policy_oid_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (oid) "pg_policy_polrelid_polname_index" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (polrelid, polname) Access method: heap Index "pg_catalog.pg_policy_oid_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+------+------+------------+---------+-------------- oid | oid | yes | oid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_policy" Index "pg_catalog.pg_policy_polrelid_polname_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- polrelid | oid | yes | polrelid | plain | polname | cstring | yes | polname | plain | unique, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_policy" View "pg_catalog.pg_prepared_statements" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description -----------------+--------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- name | text | | | | extended | statement | text | | | | extended | prepare_time | timestamp with time zone | | | | plain | parameter_types | regtype[] | | | | extended | from_sql | boolean | | | | plain | generic_plans | bigint | | | | plain | custom_plans | bigint | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT, p.statement, p.prepare_time, p.parameter_types, p.from_sql, p.generic_plans, p.custom_plans FROM pg_prepared_statement() p(name, statement, prepare_time, parameter_types, from_sql, generic_plans, custom_plans); View "pg_catalog.pg_prepared_xacts" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description -------------+--------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- transaction | xid | | | | plain | gid | text | | | | extended | prepared | timestamp with time zone | | | | plain | owner | name | | | | plain | database | name | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT p.transaction, p.gid, p.prepared, u.rolname AS owner, d.datname AS database FROM pg_prepared_xact() p(transaction, gid, prepared, ownerid, dbid) LEFT JOIN pg_authid u ON p.ownerid = u.oid LEFT JOIN pg_database d ON p.dbid = d.oid; Table "pg_catalog.pg_proc" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description -----------------+--------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- oid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | proname | name | | not null | | plain | | | pronamespace | oid | | not null | | plain | | | proowner | oid | | not null | | plain | | | prolang | oid | | not null | | plain | | | procost | real | | not null | | plain | | | prorows | real | | not null | | plain | | | provariadic | oid | | not null | | plain | | | prosupport | regproc | | not null | | plain | | | prokind | "char" | | not null | | plain | | | prosecdef | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | proleakproof | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | proisstrict | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | proretset | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | provolatile | "char" | | not null | | plain | | | proparallel | "char" | | not null | | plain | | | pronargs | smallint | | not null | | plain | | | pronargdefaults | smallint | | not null | | plain | | | prorettype | oid | | not null | | plain | | | proargtypes | oidvector | | not null | | plain | | | proallargtypes | oid[] | | | | extended | | | proargmodes | "char"[] | | | | extended | | | proargnames | text[] | C | | | extended | | | proargdefaults | pg_node_tree | C | | | extended | | | protrftypes | oid[] | | | | extended | | | prosrc | text | C | not null | | extended | | | probin | text | C | | | extended | | | prosqlbody | pg_node_tree | C | | | extended | | | proconfig | text[] | C | | | extended | | | proacl | aclitem[] | | | | extended | | | Indexes: "pg_proc_oid_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (oid) "pg_proc_proname_args_nsp_index" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (proname, proargtypes, pronamespace) Access method: heap Index "pg_catalog.pg_proc_oid_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+------+------+------------+---------+-------------- oid | oid | yes | oid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_proc" Index "pg_catalog.pg_proc_proname_args_nsp_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------------+-----------+------+--------------+---------+-------------- proname | cstring | yes | proname | plain | proargtypes | oidvector | yes | proargtypes | plain | pronamespace | oid | yes | pronamespace | plain | unique, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_proc" Table "pg_catalog.pg_publication" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description --------------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- oid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | pubname | name | | not null | | plain | | | pubowner | oid | | not null | | plain | | | puballtables | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | pubinsert | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | pubupdate | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | pubdelete | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | pubtruncate | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | pubviaroot | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | Indexes: "pg_publication_oid_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (oid) "pg_publication_pubname_index" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (pubname) Access method: heap Index "pg_catalog.pg_publication_oid_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+------+------+------------+---------+-------------- oid | oid | yes | oid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_publication" Index "pg_catalog.pg_publication_pubname_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- pubname | cstring | yes | pubname | plain | unique, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_publication" Table "pg_catalog.pg_publication_rel" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ---------+------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- oid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | prpubid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | prrelid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | Indexes: "pg_publication_rel_oid_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (oid) "pg_publication_rel_prrelid_prpubid_index" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (prrelid, prpubid) Access method: heap Index "pg_catalog.pg_publication_rel_oid_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+------+------+------------+---------+-------------- oid | oid | yes | oid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_publication_rel" Index "pg_catalog.pg_publication_rel_prrelid_prpubid_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------+------+------+------------+---------+-------------- prrelid | oid | yes | prrelid | plain | prpubid | oid | yes | prpubid | plain | unique, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_publication_rel" View "pg_catalog.pg_publication_tables" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ------------+------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+------------- pubname | name | | | | plain | schemaname | name | | | | plain | tablename | name | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT p.pubname, n.nspname AS schemaname, c.relname AS tablename FROM pg_publication p, LATERAL pg_get_publication_tables(p.pubname::text) gpt(relid), pg_class c JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace WHERE c.oid = gpt.relid; Table "pg_catalog.pg_range" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ---------------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- rngtypid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | rngsubtype | oid | | not null | | plain | | | rngmultitypid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | rngcollation | oid | | not null | | plain | | | rngsubopc | oid | | not null | | plain | | | rngcanonical | regproc | | not null | | plain | | | rngsubdiff | regproc | | not null | | plain | | | Indexes: "pg_range_rngtypid_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (rngtypid) "pg_range_rngmultitypid_index" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (rngmultitypid) Access method: heap Index "pg_catalog.pg_range_rngmultitypid_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------------+------+------+---------------+---------+-------------- rngmultitypid | oid | yes | rngmultitypid | plain | unique, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_range" Index "pg_catalog.pg_range_rngtypid_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------+------+------+------------+---------+-------------- rngtypid | oid | yes | rngtypid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_range" Table "pg_catalog.pg_replication_origin" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ---------+------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- roident | oid | | not null | | plain | | | roname | text | C | not null | | extended | | | Indexes: "pg_replication_origin_roiident_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (roident), tablespace "pg_global" "pg_replication_origin_roname_index" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (roname), tablespace "pg_global" Tablespace: "pg_global" Access method: heap Index "pg_catalog.pg_replication_origin_roiident_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------+------+------+------------+---------+-------------- roident | oid | yes | roident | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_replication_origin" Tablespace: "pg_global" Index "pg_catalog.pg_replication_origin_roname_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+------+------+------------+----------+-------------- roname | text | yes | roname | extended | unique, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_replication_origin" Tablespace: "pg_global" View "pg_catalog.pg_replication_origin_status" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description -------------+--------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- local_id | oid | | | | plain | external_id | text | | | | extended | remote_lsn | pg_lsn | | | | plain | local_lsn | pg_lsn | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT pg_show_replication_origin_status.local_id, pg_show_replication_origin_status.external_id, pg_show_replication_origin_status.remote_lsn, pg_show_replication_origin_status.local_lsn FROM pg_show_replication_origin_status() pg_show_replication_origin_status(local_id, external_id, remote_lsn, local_lsn); View "pg_catalog.pg_replication_slots" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ---------------------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- slot_name | name | | | | plain | plugin | name | | | | plain | slot_type | text | | | | extended | datoid | oid | | | | plain | database | name | | | | plain | temporary | boolean | | | | plain | active | boolean | | | | plain | active_pid | integer | | | | plain | xmin | xid | | | | plain | catalog_xmin | xid | | | | plain | restart_lsn | pg_lsn | | | | plain | confirmed_flush_lsn | pg_lsn | | | | plain | wal_status | text | | | | extended | safe_wal_size | bigint | | | | plain | two_phase | boolean | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT l.slot_name, l.plugin, l.slot_type, l.datoid, d.datname AS database, l.temporary,, l.active_pid, l.xmin, l.catalog_xmin, l.restart_lsn, l.confirmed_flush_lsn, l.wal_status, l.safe_wal_size, l.two_phase FROM pg_get_replication_slots() l(slot_name, plugin, slot_type, datoid, temporary, active, active_pid, xmin, catalog_xmin, restart_lsn, confirmed_flush_lsn, wal_status, safe_wal_size, two_phase) LEFT JOIN pg_database d ON l.datoid = d.oid; Table "pg_catalog.pg_rewrite" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ------------+--------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- oid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | rulename | name | | not null | | plain | | | ev_class | oid | | not null | | plain | | | ev_type | "char" | | not null | | plain | | | ev_enabled | "char" | | not null | | plain | | | is_instead | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | ev_qual | pg_node_tree | C | not null | | extended | | | ev_action | pg_node_tree | C | not null | | extended | | | Indexes: "pg_rewrite_oid_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (oid) "pg_rewrite_rel_rulename_index" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (ev_class, rulename) Access method: heap Index "pg_catalog.pg_rewrite_oid_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+------+------+------------+---------+-------------- oid | oid | yes | oid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_rewrite" Index "pg_catalog.pg_rewrite_rel_rulename_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- ev_class | oid | yes | ev_class | plain | rulename | cstring | yes | rulename | plain | unique, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_rewrite" View "pg_catalog.pg_roles" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ----------------+--------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- rolname | name | | | | plain | rolsuper | boolean | | | | plain | rolinherit | boolean | | | | plain | rolcreaterole | boolean | | | | plain | rolcreatedb | boolean | | | | plain | rolcanlogin | boolean | | | | plain | rolreplication | boolean | | | | plain | rolconnlimit | integer | | | | plain | rolpassword | text | | | | extended | rolvaliduntil | timestamp with time zone | | | | plain | rolbypassrls | boolean | | | | plain | rolconfig | text[] | C | | | extended | oid | oid | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT pg_authid.rolname, pg_authid.rolsuper, pg_authid.rolinherit, pg_authid.rolcreaterole, pg_authid.rolcreatedb, pg_authid.rolcanlogin, pg_authid.rolreplication, pg_authid.rolconnlimit, '********'::text AS rolpassword, pg_authid.rolvaliduntil, pg_authid.rolbypassrls, s.setconfig AS rolconfig, pg_authid.oid FROM pg_authid LEFT JOIN pg_db_role_setting s ON pg_authid.oid = s.setrole AND s.setdatabase = 0::oid; View "pg_catalog.pg_rules" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ------------+------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- schemaname | name | | | | plain | tablename | name | | | | plain | rulename | name | | | | plain | definition | text | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT n.nspname AS schemaname, c.relname AS tablename, r.rulename, pg_get_ruledef(r.oid) AS definition FROM pg_rewrite r JOIN pg_class c ON c.oid = r.ev_class LEFT JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace WHERE r.rulename <> '_RETURN'::name; Table "pg_catalog.pg_seclabel" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ----------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- objoid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | classoid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | objsubid | integer | | not null | | plain | | | provider | text | C | not null | | extended | | | label | text | C | not null | | extended | | | Indexes: "pg_seclabel_object_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (objoid, classoid, objsubid, provider) Access method: heap Index "pg_catalog.pg_seclabel_object_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------+---------+------+------------+----------+-------------- objoid | oid | yes | objoid | plain | classoid | oid | yes | classoid | plain | objsubid | integer | yes | objsubid | plain | provider | text | yes | provider | extended | primary key, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_seclabel" View "pg_catalog.pg_seclabels" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description --------------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- objoid | oid | | | | plain | classoid | oid | | | | plain | objsubid | integer | | | | plain | objtype | text | | | | extended | objnamespace | oid | | | | plain | objname | text | C | | | extended | provider | text | C | | | extended | label | text | C | | | extended | View definition: SELECT l.objoid, l.classoid, l.objsubid, CASE WHEN rel.relkind = ANY (ARRAY['r'::"char", 'p'::"char"]) THEN 'table'::text WHEN rel.relkind = 'v'::"char" THEN 'view'::text WHEN rel.relkind = 'm'::"char" THEN 'materialized view'::text WHEN rel.relkind = 'S'::"char" THEN 'sequence'::text WHEN rel.relkind = 'f'::"char" THEN 'foreign table'::text ELSE NULL::text END AS objtype, rel.relnamespace AS objnamespace, CASE WHEN pg_table_is_visible(rel.oid) THEN quote_ident(rel.relname::text) ELSE (quote_ident(nsp.nspname::text) || '.'::text) || quote_ident(rel.relname::text) END AS objname, l.provider, l.label FROM pg_seclabel l JOIN pg_class rel ON l.classoid = rel.tableoid AND l.objoid = rel.oid JOIN pg_namespace nsp ON rel.relnamespace = nsp.oid WHERE l.objsubid = 0 UNION ALL SELECT l.objoid, l.classoid, l.objsubid, 'column'::text AS objtype, rel.relnamespace AS objnamespace, ( CASE WHEN pg_table_is_visible(rel.oid) THEN quote_ident(rel.relname::text) ELSE (quote_ident(nsp.nspname::text) || '.'::text) || quote_ident(rel.relname::text) END || '.'::text) || att.attname::text AS objname, l.provider, l.label FROM pg_seclabel l JOIN pg_class rel ON l.classoid = rel.tableoid AND l.objoid = rel.oid JOIN pg_attribute att ON rel.oid = att.attrelid AND l.objsubid = att.attnum JOIN pg_namespace nsp ON rel.relnamespace = nsp.oid WHERE l.objsubid <> 0 UNION ALL SELECT l.objoid, l.classoid, l.objsubid, CASE pro.prokind WHEN 'a'::"char" THEN 'aggregate'::text WHEN 'f'::"char" THEN 'function'::text WHEN 'p'::"char" THEN 'procedure'::text WHEN 'w'::"char" THEN 'window'::text ELSE NULL::text END AS objtype, pro.pronamespace AS objnamespace, (( CASE WHEN pg_function_is_visible(pro.oid) THEN quote_ident(pro.proname::text) ELSE (quote_ident(nsp.nspname::text) || '.'::text) || quote_ident(pro.proname::text) END || '('::text) || pg_get_function_arguments(pro.oid)) || ')'::text AS objname, l.provider, l.label FROM pg_seclabel l JOIN pg_proc pro ON l.classoid = pro.tableoid AND l.objoid = pro.oid JOIN pg_namespace nsp ON pro.pronamespace = nsp.oid WHERE l.objsubid = 0 UNION ALL SELECT l.objoid, l.classoid, l.objsubid, CASE WHEN typ.typtype = 'd'::"char" THEN 'domain'::text ELSE 'type'::text END AS objtype, typ.typnamespace AS objnamespace, CASE WHEN pg_type_is_visible(typ.oid) THEN quote_ident(typ.typname::text) ELSE (quote_ident(nsp.nspname::text) || '.'::text) || quote_ident(typ.typname::text) END AS objname, l.provider, l.label FROM pg_seclabel l JOIN pg_type typ ON l.classoid = typ.tableoid AND l.objoid = typ.oid JOIN pg_namespace nsp ON typ.typnamespace = nsp.oid WHERE l.objsubid = 0 UNION ALL SELECT l.objoid, l.classoid, l.objsubid, 'large object'::text AS objtype, NULL::oid AS objnamespace, l.objoid::text AS objname, l.provider, l.label FROM pg_seclabel l JOIN pg_largeobject_metadata lom ON l.objoid = lom.oid WHERE l.classoid = 'pg_largeobject'::regclass::oid AND l.objsubid = 0 UNION ALL SELECT l.objoid, l.classoid, l.objsubid, 'language'::text AS objtype, NULL::oid AS objnamespace, quote_ident(lan.lanname::text) AS objname, l.provider, l.label FROM pg_seclabel l JOIN pg_language lan ON l.classoid = lan.tableoid AND l.objoid = lan.oid WHERE l.objsubid = 0 UNION ALL SELECT l.objoid, l.classoid, l.objsubid, 'schema'::text AS objtype, nsp.oid AS objnamespace, quote_ident(nsp.nspname::text) AS objname, l.provider, l.label FROM pg_seclabel l JOIN pg_namespace nsp ON l.classoid = nsp.tableoid AND l.objoid = nsp.oid WHERE l.objsubid = 0 UNION ALL SELECT l.objoid, l.classoid, l.objsubid, 'event trigger'::text AS objtype, NULL::oid AS objnamespace, quote_ident(evt.evtname::text) AS objname, l.provider, l.label FROM pg_seclabel l JOIN pg_event_trigger evt ON l.classoid = evt.tableoid AND l.objoid = evt.oid WHERE l.objsubid = 0 UNION ALL SELECT l.objoid, l.classoid, l.objsubid, 'publication'::text AS objtype, NULL::oid AS objnamespace, quote_ident(p.pubname::text) AS objname, l.provider, l.label FROM pg_seclabel l JOIN pg_publication p ON l.classoid = p.tableoid AND l.objoid = p.oid WHERE l.objsubid = 0 UNION ALL SELECT l.objoid, l.classoid, 0 AS objsubid, 'subscription'::text AS objtype, NULL::oid AS objnamespace, quote_ident(s.subname::text) AS objname, l.provider, l.label FROM pg_shseclabel l JOIN pg_subscription s ON l.classoid = s.tableoid AND l.objoid = s.oid UNION ALL SELECT l.objoid, l.classoid, 0 AS objsubid, 'database'::text AS objtype, NULL::oid AS objnamespace, quote_ident(dat.datname::text) AS objname, l.provider, l.label FROM pg_shseclabel l JOIN pg_database dat ON l.classoid = dat.tableoid AND l.objoid = dat.oid UNION ALL SELECT l.objoid, l.classoid, 0 AS objsubid, 'tablespace'::text AS objtype, NULL::oid AS objnamespace, quote_ident(spc.spcname::text) AS objname, l.provider, l.label FROM pg_shseclabel l JOIN pg_tablespace spc ON l.classoid = spc.tableoid AND l.objoid = spc.oid UNION ALL SELECT l.objoid, l.classoid, 0 AS objsubid, 'role'::text AS objtype, NULL::oid AS objnamespace, quote_ident(rol.rolname::text) AS objname, l.provider, l.label FROM pg_shseclabel l JOIN pg_authid rol ON l.classoid = rol.tableoid AND l.objoid = rol.oid; Table "pg_catalog.pg_sequence" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description --------------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- seqrelid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | seqtypid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | seqstart | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | seqincrement | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | seqmax | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | seqmin | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | seqcache | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | seqcycle | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | Indexes: "pg_sequence_seqrelid_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (seqrelid) Access method: heap Index "pg_catalog.pg_sequence_seqrelid_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------+------+------+------------+---------+-------------- seqrelid | oid | yes | seqrelid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_sequence" View "pg_catalog.pg_sequences" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ---------------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+------------- schemaname | name | | | | plain | sequencename | name | | | | plain | sequenceowner | name | | | | plain | data_type | regtype | | | | plain | start_value | bigint | | | | plain | min_value | bigint | | | | plain | max_value | bigint | | | | plain | increment_by | bigint | | | | plain | cycle | boolean | | | | plain | cache_size | bigint | | | | plain | last_value | bigint | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT n.nspname AS schemaname, c.relname AS sequencename, pg_get_userbyid(c.relowner) AS sequenceowner, s.seqtypid::regtype AS data_type, s.seqstart AS start_value, s.seqmin AS min_value, s.seqmax AS max_value, s.seqincrement AS increment_by, s.seqcycle AS cycle, s.seqcache AS cache_size, CASE WHEN has_sequence_privilege(c.oid, 'SELECT,USAGE'::text) THEN pg_sequence_last_value(c.oid::regclass) ELSE NULL::bigint END AS last_value FROM pg_sequence s JOIN pg_class c ON c.oid = s.seqrelid LEFT JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace WHERE NOT pg_is_other_temp_schema(n.oid) AND c.relkind = 'S'::"char"; View "pg_catalog.pg_settings" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description -----------------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- name | text | | | | extended | setting | text | | | | extended | unit | text | | | | extended | category | text | | | | extended | short_desc | text | | | | extended | extra_desc | text | | | | extended | context | text | | | | extended | vartype | text | | | | extended | source | text | | | | extended | min_val | text | | | | extended | max_val | text | | | | extended | enumvals | text[] | | | | extended | boot_val | text | | | | extended | reset_val | text | | | | extended | sourcefile | text | | | | extended | sourceline | integer | | | | plain | pending_restart | boolean | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT, a.setting, a.unit, a.category, a.short_desc, a.extra_desc, a.context, a.vartype, a.source, a.min_val, a.max_val, a.enumvals, a.boot_val, a.reset_val, a.sourcefile, a.sourceline, a.pending_restart FROM pg_show_all_settings() a(name, setting, unit, category, short_desc, extra_desc, context, vartype, source, min_val, max_val, enumvals, boot_val, reset_val, sourcefile, sourceline, pending_restart); Rules: pg_settings_n AS ON UPDATE TO pg_settings DO INSTEAD NOTHING pg_settings_u AS ON UPDATE TO pg_settings WHERE = DO SELECT set_config(, new.setting, false) AS set_config View "pg_catalog.pg_shadow" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description --------------+--------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- usename | name | | | | plain | usesysid | oid | | | | plain | usecreatedb | boolean | | | | plain | usesuper | boolean | | | | plain | userepl | boolean | | | | plain | usebypassrls | boolean | | | | plain | passwd | text | C | | | extended | valuntil | timestamp with time zone | | | | plain | useconfig | text[] | C | | | extended | View definition: SELECT pg_authid.rolname AS usename, pg_authid.oid AS usesysid, pg_authid.rolcreatedb AS usecreatedb, pg_authid.rolsuper AS usesuper, pg_authid.rolreplication AS userepl, pg_authid.rolbypassrls AS usebypassrls, pg_authid.rolpassword AS passwd, pg_authid.rolvaliduntil AS valuntil, s.setconfig AS useconfig FROM pg_authid LEFT JOIN pg_db_role_setting s ON pg_authid.oid = s.setrole AND s.setdatabase = 0::oid WHERE pg_authid.rolcanlogin; Table "pg_catalog.pg_shdepend" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ------------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- dbid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | classid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | objid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | objsubid | integer | | not null | | plain | | | refclassid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | refobjid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | deptype | "char" | | not null | | plain | | | Indexes: "pg_shdepend_depender_index" btree (dbid, classid, objid, objsubid), tablespace "pg_global" "pg_shdepend_reference_index" btree (refclassid, refobjid), tablespace "pg_global" Tablespace: "pg_global" Access method: heap Index "pg_catalog.pg_shdepend_depender_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- dbid | oid | yes | dbid | plain | classid | oid | yes | classid | plain | objid | oid | yes | objid | plain | objsubid | integer | yes | objsubid | plain | btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_shdepend" Tablespace: "pg_global" Index "pg_catalog.pg_shdepend_reference_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ------------+------+------+------------+---------+-------------- refclassid | oid | yes | refclassid | plain | refobjid | oid | yes | refobjid | plain | btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_shdepend" Tablespace: "pg_global" Table "pg_catalog.pg_shdescription" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description -------------+------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- objoid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | classoid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | description | text | C | not null | | extended | | | Indexes: "pg_shdescription_o_c_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (objoid, classoid), tablespace "pg_global" Tablespace: "pg_global" Access method: heap Index "pg_catalog.pg_shdescription_o_c_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------+------+------+------------+---------+-------------- objoid | oid | yes | objoid | plain | classoid | oid | yes | classoid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_shdescription" Tablespace: "pg_global" View "pg_catalog.pg_shmem_allocations" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ----------------+--------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- name | text | | | | extended | off | bigint | | | | plain | size | bigint | | | | plain | allocated_size | bigint | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT,, pg_get_shmem_allocations.size, pg_get_shmem_allocations.allocated_size FROM pg_get_shmem_allocations() pg_get_shmem_allocations(name, off, size, allocated_size); Table "pg_catalog.pg_shseclabel" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ----------+------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- objoid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | classoid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | provider | text | C | not null | | extended | | | label | text | C | not null | | extended | | | Indexes: "pg_shseclabel_object_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (objoid, classoid, provider), tablespace "pg_global" Tablespace: "pg_global" Access method: heap Index "pg_catalog.pg_shseclabel_object_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------+------+------+------------+----------+-------------- objoid | oid | yes | objoid | plain | classoid | oid | yes | classoid | plain | provider | text | yes | provider | extended | primary key, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_shseclabel" Tablespace: "pg_global" View "pg_catalog.pg_stat_activity" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ------------------+--------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- datid | oid | | | | plain | datname | name | | | | plain | pid | integer | | | | plain | leader_pid | integer | | | | plain | usesysid | oid | | | | plain | usename | name | | | | plain | application_name | text | | | | extended | client_addr | inet | | | | main | client_hostname | text | | | | extended | client_port | integer | | | | plain | backend_start | timestamp with time zone | | | | plain | xact_start | timestamp with time zone | | | | plain | query_start | timestamp with time zone | | | | plain | state_change | timestamp with time zone | | | | plain | wait_event_type | text | | | | extended | wait_event | text | | | | extended | state | text | | | | extended | backend_xid | xid | | | | plain | backend_xmin | xid | | | | plain | query_id | bigint | | | | plain | query | text | | | | extended | backend_type | text | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT s.datid, d.datname,, s.leader_pid, s.usesysid, u.rolname AS usename, s.application_name, s.client_addr, s.client_hostname, s.client_port, s.backend_start, s.xact_start, s.query_start, s.state_change, s.wait_event_type, s.wait_event, s.state, s.backend_xid, s.backend_xmin, s.query_id, s.query, s.backend_type FROM pg_stat_get_activity(NULL::integer) s(datid, pid, usesysid, application_name, state, query, wait_event_type, wait_event, xact_start, query_start, backend_start, state_change, client_addr, client_hostname, client_port, backend_xid, backend_xmin, backend_type, ssl, sslversion, sslcipher, sslbits, ssl_client_dn, ssl_client_serial, ssl_issuer_dn, gss_auth, gss_princ, gss_enc, leader_pid, query_id) LEFT JOIN pg_database d ON s.datid = d.oid LEFT JOIN pg_authid u ON s.usesysid = u.oid; View "pg_catalog.pg_stat_all_indexes" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ---------------+--------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+------------- relid | oid | | | | plain | indexrelid | oid | | | | plain | schemaname | name | | | | plain | relname | name | | | | plain | indexrelname | name | | | | plain | idx_scan | bigint | | | | plain | idx_tup_read | bigint | | | | plain | idx_tup_fetch | bigint | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT c.oid AS relid, i.oid AS indexrelid, n.nspname AS schemaname, c.relname, i.relname AS indexrelname, pg_stat_get_numscans(i.oid) AS idx_scan, pg_stat_get_tuples_returned(i.oid) AS idx_tup_read, pg_stat_get_tuples_fetched(i.oid) AS idx_tup_fetch FROM pg_class c JOIN pg_index x ON c.oid = x.indrelid JOIN pg_class i ON i.oid = x.indexrelid LEFT JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace WHERE c.relkind = ANY (ARRAY['r'::"char", 't'::"char", 'm'::"char"]); View "pg_catalog.pg_stat_all_tables" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ---------------------+--------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+------------- relid | oid | | | | plain | schemaname | name | | | | plain | relname | name | | | | plain | seq_scan | bigint | | | | plain | seq_tup_read | bigint | | | | plain | idx_scan | bigint | | | | plain | idx_tup_fetch | bigint | | | | plain | n_tup_ins | bigint | | | | plain | n_tup_upd | bigint | | | | plain | n_tup_del | bigint | | | | plain | n_tup_hot_upd | bigint | | | | plain | n_live_tup | bigint | | | | plain | n_dead_tup | bigint | | | | plain | n_mod_since_analyze | bigint | | | | plain | n_ins_since_vacuum | bigint | | | | plain | last_vacuum | timestamp with time zone | | | | plain | last_autovacuum | timestamp with time zone | | | | plain | last_analyze | timestamp with time zone | | | | plain | last_autoanalyze | timestamp with time zone | | | | plain | vacuum_count | bigint | | | | plain | autovacuum_count | bigint | | | | plain | analyze_count | bigint | | | | plain | autoanalyze_count | bigint | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT c.oid AS relid, n.nspname AS schemaname, c.relname, pg_stat_get_numscans(c.oid) AS seq_scan, pg_stat_get_tuples_returned(c.oid) AS seq_tup_read, sum(pg_stat_get_numscans(i.indexrelid))::bigint AS idx_scan, sum(pg_stat_get_tuples_fetched(i.indexrelid))::bigint + pg_stat_get_tuples_fetched(c.oid) AS idx_tup_fetch, pg_stat_get_tuples_inserted(c.oid) AS n_tup_ins, pg_stat_get_tuples_updated(c.oid) AS n_tup_upd, pg_stat_get_tuples_deleted(c.oid) AS n_tup_del, pg_stat_get_tuples_hot_updated(c.oid) AS n_tup_hot_upd, pg_stat_get_live_tuples(c.oid) AS n_live_tup, pg_stat_get_dead_tuples(c.oid) AS n_dead_tup, pg_stat_get_mod_since_analyze(c.oid) AS n_mod_since_analyze, pg_stat_get_ins_since_vacuum(c.oid) AS n_ins_since_vacuum, pg_stat_get_last_vacuum_time(c.oid) AS last_vacuum, pg_stat_get_last_autovacuum_time(c.oid) AS last_autovacuum, pg_stat_get_last_analyze_time(c.oid) AS last_analyze, pg_stat_get_last_autoanalyze_time(c.oid) AS last_autoanalyze, pg_stat_get_vacuum_count(c.oid) AS vacuum_count, pg_stat_get_autovacuum_count(c.oid) AS autovacuum_count, pg_stat_get_analyze_count(c.oid) AS analyze_count, pg_stat_get_autoanalyze_count(c.oid) AS autoanalyze_count FROM pg_class c LEFT JOIN pg_index i ON c.oid = i.indrelid LEFT JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace WHERE c.relkind = ANY (ARRAY['r'::"char", 't'::"char", 'm'::"char", 'p'::"char"]) GROUP BY c.oid, n.nspname, c.relname; View "pg_catalog.pg_stat_archiver" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description --------------------+--------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- archived_count | bigint | | | | plain | last_archived_wal | text | | | | extended | last_archived_time | timestamp with time zone | | | | plain | failed_count | bigint | | | | plain | last_failed_wal | text | | | | extended | last_failed_time | timestamp with time zone | | | | plain | stats_reset | timestamp with time zone | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT s.archived_count, s.last_archived_wal, s.last_archived_time, s.failed_count, s.last_failed_wal, s.last_failed_time, s.stats_reset FROM pg_stat_get_archiver() s(archived_count, last_archived_wal, last_archived_time, failed_count, last_failed_wal, last_failed_time, stats_reset); View "pg_catalog.pg_stat_bgwriter" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description -----------------------+--------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+------------- checkpoints_timed | bigint | | | | plain | checkpoints_req | bigint | | | | plain | checkpoint_write_time | double precision | | | | plain | checkpoint_sync_time | double precision | | | | plain | buffers_checkpoint | bigint | | | | plain | buffers_clean | bigint | | | | plain | maxwritten_clean | bigint | | | | plain | buffers_backend | bigint | | | | plain | buffers_backend_fsync | bigint | | | | plain | buffers_alloc | bigint | | | | plain | stats_reset | timestamp with time zone | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT pg_stat_get_bgwriter_timed_checkpoints() AS checkpoints_timed, pg_stat_get_bgwriter_requested_checkpoints() AS checkpoints_req, pg_stat_get_checkpoint_write_time() AS checkpoint_write_time, pg_stat_get_checkpoint_sync_time() AS checkpoint_sync_time, pg_stat_get_bgwriter_buf_written_checkpoints() AS buffers_checkpoint, pg_stat_get_bgwriter_buf_written_clean() AS buffers_clean, pg_stat_get_bgwriter_maxwritten_clean() AS maxwritten_clean, pg_stat_get_buf_written_backend() AS buffers_backend, pg_stat_get_buf_fsync_backend() AS buffers_backend_fsync, pg_stat_get_buf_alloc() AS buffers_alloc, pg_stat_get_bgwriter_stat_reset_time() AS stats_reset; View "pg_catalog.pg_stat_database" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description --------------------------+--------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+------------- datid | oid | | | | plain | datname | name | | | | plain | numbackends | integer | | | | plain | xact_commit | bigint | | | | plain | xact_rollback | bigint | | | | plain | blks_read | bigint | | | | plain | blks_hit | bigint | | | | plain | tup_returned | bigint | | | | plain | tup_fetched | bigint | | | | plain | tup_inserted | bigint | | | | plain | tup_updated | bigint | | | | plain | tup_deleted | bigint | | | | plain | conflicts | bigint | | | | plain | temp_files | bigint | | | | plain | temp_bytes | bigint | | | | plain | deadlocks | bigint | | | | plain | checksum_failures | bigint | | | | plain | checksum_last_failure | timestamp with time zone | | | | plain | blk_read_time | double precision | | | | plain | blk_write_time | double precision | | | | plain | session_time | double precision | | | | plain | active_time | double precision | | | | plain | idle_in_transaction_time | double precision | | | | plain | sessions | bigint | | | | plain | sessions_abandoned | bigint | | | | plain | sessions_fatal | bigint | | | | plain | sessions_killed | bigint | | | | plain | stats_reset | timestamp with time zone | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT d.oid AS datid, d.datname, CASE WHEN d.oid = 0::oid THEN 0 ELSE pg_stat_get_db_numbackends(d.oid) END AS numbackends, pg_stat_get_db_xact_commit(d.oid) AS xact_commit, pg_stat_get_db_xact_rollback(d.oid) AS xact_rollback, pg_stat_get_db_blocks_fetched(d.oid) - pg_stat_get_db_blocks_hit(d.oid) AS blks_read, pg_stat_get_db_blocks_hit(d.oid) AS blks_hit, pg_stat_get_db_tuples_returned(d.oid) AS tup_returned, pg_stat_get_db_tuples_fetched(d.oid) AS tup_fetched, pg_stat_get_db_tuples_inserted(d.oid) AS tup_inserted, pg_stat_get_db_tuples_updated(d.oid) AS tup_updated, pg_stat_get_db_tuples_deleted(d.oid) AS tup_deleted, pg_stat_get_db_conflict_all(d.oid) AS conflicts, pg_stat_get_db_temp_files(d.oid) AS temp_files, pg_stat_get_db_temp_bytes(d.oid) AS temp_bytes, pg_stat_get_db_deadlocks(d.oid) AS deadlocks, pg_stat_get_db_checksum_failures(d.oid) AS checksum_failures, pg_stat_get_db_checksum_last_failure(d.oid) AS checksum_last_failure, pg_stat_get_db_blk_read_time(d.oid) AS blk_read_time, pg_stat_get_db_blk_write_time(d.oid) AS blk_write_time, pg_stat_get_db_session_time(d.oid) AS session_time, pg_stat_get_db_active_time(d.oid) AS active_time, pg_stat_get_db_idle_in_transaction_time(d.oid) AS idle_in_transaction_time, pg_stat_get_db_sessions(d.oid) AS sessions, pg_stat_get_db_sessions_abandoned(d.oid) AS sessions_abandoned, pg_stat_get_db_sessions_fatal(d.oid) AS sessions_fatal, pg_stat_get_db_sessions_killed(d.oid) AS sessions_killed, pg_stat_get_db_stat_reset_time(d.oid) AS stats_reset FROM ( SELECT 0 AS oid, NULL::name AS datname UNION ALL SELECT pg_database.oid, pg_database.datname FROM pg_database) d; View "pg_catalog.pg_stat_database_conflicts" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ------------------+--------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+------------- datid | oid | | | | plain | datname | name | | | | plain | confl_tablespace | bigint | | | | plain | confl_lock | bigint | | | | plain | confl_snapshot | bigint | | | | plain | confl_bufferpin | bigint | | | | plain | confl_deadlock | bigint | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT d.oid AS datid, d.datname, pg_stat_get_db_conflict_tablespace(d.oid) AS confl_tablespace, pg_stat_get_db_conflict_lock(d.oid) AS confl_lock, pg_stat_get_db_conflict_snapshot(d.oid) AS confl_snapshot, pg_stat_get_db_conflict_bufferpin(d.oid) AS confl_bufferpin, pg_stat_get_db_conflict_startup_deadlock(d.oid) AS confl_deadlock FROM pg_database d; View "pg_catalog.pg_stat_gssapi" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description -------------------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- pid | integer | | | | plain | gss_authenticated | boolean | | | | plain | principal | text | | | | extended | encrypted | boolean | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT, s.gss_auth AS gss_authenticated, s.gss_princ AS principal, s.gss_enc AS encrypted FROM pg_stat_get_activity(NULL::integer) s(datid, pid, usesysid, application_name, state, query, wait_event_type, wait_event, xact_start, query_start, backend_start, state_change, client_addr, client_hostname, client_port, backend_xid, backend_xmin, backend_type, ssl, sslversion, sslcipher, sslbits, ssl_client_dn, ssl_client_serial, ssl_issuer_dn, gss_auth, gss_princ, gss_enc, leader_pid, query_id) WHERE s.client_port IS NOT NULL; View "pg_catalog.pg_stat_progress_analyze" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ---------------------------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- pid | integer | | | | plain | datid | oid | | | | plain | datname | name | | | | plain | relid | oid | | | | plain | phase | text | | | | extended | sample_blks_total | bigint | | | | plain | sample_blks_scanned | bigint | | | | plain | ext_stats_total | bigint | | | | plain | ext_stats_computed | bigint | | | | plain | child_tables_total | bigint | | | | plain | child_tables_done | bigint | | | | plain | current_child_table_relid | oid | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT, s.datid, d.datname, s.relid, CASE s.param1 WHEN 0 THEN 'initializing'::text WHEN 1 THEN 'acquiring sample rows'::text WHEN 2 THEN 'acquiring inherited sample rows'::text WHEN 3 THEN 'computing statistics'::text WHEN 4 THEN 'computing extended statistics'::text WHEN 5 THEN 'finalizing analyze'::text ELSE NULL::text END AS phase, s.param2 AS sample_blks_total, s.param3 AS sample_blks_scanned, s.param4 AS ext_stats_total, s.param5 AS ext_stats_computed, s.param6 AS child_tables_total, s.param7 AS child_tables_done, s.param8::oid AS current_child_table_relid FROM pg_stat_get_progress_info('ANALYZE'::text) s(pid, datid, relid, param1, param2, param3, param4, param5, param6, param7, param8, param9, param10, param11, param12, param13, param14, param15, param16, param17, param18, param19, param20) LEFT JOIN pg_database d ON s.datid = d.oid; View "pg_catalog.pg_stat_progress_basebackup" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ----------------------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- pid | integer | | | | plain | phase | text | | | | extended | backup_total | bigint | | | | plain | backup_streamed | bigint | | | | plain | tablespaces_total | bigint | | | | plain | tablespaces_streamed | bigint | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT, CASE s.param1 WHEN 0 THEN 'initializing'::text WHEN 1 THEN 'waiting for checkpoint to finish'::text WHEN 2 THEN 'estimating backup size'::text WHEN 3 THEN 'streaming database files'::text WHEN 4 THEN 'waiting for wal archiving to finish'::text WHEN 5 THEN 'transferring wal files'::text ELSE NULL::text END AS phase, CASE s.param2 WHEN '-1'::integer THEN NULL::bigint ELSE s.param2 END AS backup_total, s.param3 AS backup_streamed, s.param4 AS tablespaces_total, s.param5 AS tablespaces_streamed FROM pg_stat_get_progress_info('BASEBACKUP'::text) s(pid, datid, relid, param1, param2, param3, param4, param5, param6, param7, param8, param9, param10, param11, param12, param13, param14, param15, param16, param17, param18, param19, param20); View "pg_catalog.pg_stat_progress_cluster" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ---------------------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- pid | integer | | | | plain | datid | oid | | | | plain | datname | name | | | | plain | relid | oid | | | | plain | command | text | | | | extended | phase | text | | | | extended | cluster_index_relid | oid | | | | plain | heap_tuples_scanned | bigint | | | | plain | heap_tuples_written | bigint | | | | plain | heap_blks_total | bigint | | | | plain | heap_blks_scanned | bigint | | | | plain | index_rebuild_count | bigint | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT, s.datid, d.datname, s.relid, CASE s.param1 WHEN 1 THEN 'CLUSTER'::text WHEN 2 THEN 'VACUUM FULL'::text ELSE NULL::text END AS command, CASE s.param2 WHEN 0 THEN 'initializing'::text WHEN 1 THEN 'seq scanning heap'::text WHEN 2 THEN 'index scanning heap'::text WHEN 3 THEN 'sorting tuples'::text WHEN 4 THEN 'writing new heap'::text WHEN 5 THEN 'swapping relation files'::text WHEN 6 THEN 'rebuilding index'::text WHEN 7 THEN 'performing final cleanup'::text ELSE NULL::text END AS phase, s.param3::oid AS cluster_index_relid, s.param4 AS heap_tuples_scanned, s.param5 AS heap_tuples_written, s.param6 AS heap_blks_total, s.param7 AS heap_blks_scanned, s.param8 AS index_rebuild_count FROM pg_stat_get_progress_info('CLUSTER'::text) s(pid, datid, relid, param1, param2, param3, param4, param5, param6, param7, param8, param9, param10, param11, param12, param13, param14, param15, param16, param17, param18, param19, param20) LEFT JOIN pg_database d ON s.datid = d.oid; View "pg_catalog.pg_stat_progress_copy" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ------------------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- pid | integer | | | | plain | datid | oid | | | | plain | datname | name | | | | plain | relid | oid | | | | plain | command | text | | | | extended | type | text | | | | extended | bytes_processed | bigint | | | | plain | bytes_total | bigint | | | | plain | tuples_processed | bigint | | | | plain | tuples_excluded | bigint | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT, s.datid, d.datname, s.relid, CASE s.param5 WHEN 1 THEN 'COPY FROM'::text WHEN 2 THEN 'COPY TO'::text ELSE NULL::text END AS command, CASE s.param6 WHEN 1 THEN 'FILE'::text WHEN 2 THEN 'PROGRAM'::text WHEN 3 THEN 'PIPE'::text WHEN 4 THEN 'CALLBACK'::text ELSE NULL::text END AS type, s.param1 AS bytes_processed, s.param2 AS bytes_total, s.param3 AS tuples_processed, s.param4 AS tuples_excluded FROM pg_stat_get_progress_info('COPY'::text) s(pid, datid, relid, param1, param2, param3, param4, param5, param6, param7, param8, param9, param10, param11, param12, param13, param14, param15, param16, param17, param18, param19, param20) LEFT JOIN pg_database d ON s.datid = d.oid; View "pg_catalog.pg_stat_progress_create_index" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description --------------------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- pid | integer | | | | plain | datid | oid | | | | plain | datname | name | | | | plain | relid | oid | | | | plain | index_relid | oid | | | | plain | command | text | | | | extended | phase | text | | | | extended | lockers_total | bigint | | | | plain | lockers_done | bigint | | | | plain | current_locker_pid | bigint | | | | plain | blocks_total | bigint | | | | plain | blocks_done | bigint | | | | plain | tuples_total | bigint | | | | plain | tuples_done | bigint | | | | plain | partitions_total | bigint | | | | plain | partitions_done | bigint | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT, s.datid, d.datname, s.relid, s.param7::oid AS index_relid, CASE s.param1 WHEN 1 THEN 'CREATE INDEX'::text WHEN 2 THEN 'CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY'::text WHEN 3 THEN 'REINDEX'::text WHEN 4 THEN 'REINDEX CONCURRENTLY'::text ELSE NULL::text END AS command, CASE s.param10 WHEN 0 THEN 'initializing'::text WHEN 1 THEN 'waiting for writers before build'::text WHEN 2 THEN 'building index'::text || COALESCE(': '::text || pg_indexam_progress_phasename(s.param9::oid, s.param11), ''::text) WHEN 3 THEN 'waiting for writers before validation'::text WHEN 4 THEN 'index validation: scanning index'::text WHEN 5 THEN 'index validation: sorting tuples'::text WHEN 6 THEN 'index validation: scanning table'::text WHEN 7 THEN 'waiting for old snapshots'::text WHEN 8 THEN 'waiting for readers before marking dead'::text WHEN 9 THEN 'waiting for readers before dropping'::text ELSE NULL::text END AS phase, s.param4 AS lockers_total, s.param5 AS lockers_done, s.param6 AS current_locker_pid, s.param16 AS blocks_total, s.param17 AS blocks_done, s.param12 AS tuples_total, s.param13 AS tuples_done, s.param14 AS partitions_total, s.param15 AS partitions_done FROM pg_stat_get_progress_info('CREATE INDEX'::text) s(pid, datid, relid, param1, param2, param3, param4, param5, param6, param7, param8, param9, param10, param11, param12, param13, param14, param15, param16, param17, param18, param19, param20) LEFT JOIN pg_database d ON s.datid = d.oid; View "pg_catalog.pg_stat_progress_vacuum" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description --------------------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- pid | integer | | | | plain | datid | oid | | | | plain | datname | name | | | | plain | relid | oid | | | | plain | phase | text | | | | extended | heap_blks_total | bigint | | | | plain | heap_blks_scanned | bigint | | | | plain | heap_blks_vacuumed | bigint | | | | plain | index_vacuum_count | bigint | | | | plain | max_dead_tuples | bigint | | | | plain | num_dead_tuples | bigint | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT, s.datid, d.datname, s.relid, CASE s.param1 WHEN 0 THEN 'initializing'::text WHEN 1 THEN 'scanning heap'::text WHEN 2 THEN 'vacuuming indexes'::text WHEN 3 THEN 'vacuuming heap'::text WHEN 4 THEN 'cleaning up indexes'::text WHEN 5 THEN 'truncating heap'::text WHEN 6 THEN 'performing final cleanup'::text ELSE NULL::text END AS phase, s.param2 AS heap_blks_total, s.param3 AS heap_blks_scanned, s.param4 AS heap_blks_vacuumed, s.param5 AS index_vacuum_count, s.param6 AS max_dead_tuples, s.param7 AS num_dead_tuples FROM pg_stat_get_progress_info('VACUUM'::text) s(pid, datid, relid, param1, param2, param3, param4, param5, param6, param7, param8, param9, param10, param11, param12, param13, param14, param15, param16, param17, param18, param19, param20) LEFT JOIN pg_database d ON s.datid = d.oid; View "pg_catalog.pg_stat_replication" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ------------------+--------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- pid | integer | | | | plain | usesysid | oid | | | | plain | usename | name | | | | plain | application_name | text | | | | extended | client_addr | inet | | | | main | client_hostname | text | | | | extended | client_port | integer | | | | plain | backend_start | timestamp with time zone | | | | plain | backend_xmin | xid | | | | plain | state | text | | | | extended | sent_lsn | pg_lsn | | | | plain | write_lsn | pg_lsn | | | | plain | flush_lsn | pg_lsn | | | | plain | replay_lsn | pg_lsn | | | | plain | write_lag | interval | | | | plain | flush_lag | interval | | | | plain | replay_lag | interval | | | | plain | sync_priority | integer | | | | plain | sync_state | text | | | | extended | reply_time | timestamp with time zone | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT, s.usesysid, u.rolname AS usename, s.application_name, s.client_addr, s.client_hostname, s.client_port, s.backend_start, s.backend_xmin, w.state, w.sent_lsn, w.write_lsn, w.flush_lsn, w.replay_lsn, w.write_lag, w.flush_lag, w.replay_lag, w.sync_priority, w.sync_state, w.reply_time FROM pg_stat_get_activity(NULL::integer) s(datid, pid, usesysid, application_name, state, query, wait_event_type, wait_event, xact_start, query_start, backend_start, state_change, client_addr, client_hostname, client_port, backend_xid, backend_xmin, backend_type, ssl, sslversion, sslcipher, sslbits, ssl_client_dn, ssl_client_serial, ssl_issuer_dn, gss_auth, gss_princ, gss_enc, leader_pid, query_id) JOIN pg_stat_get_wal_senders() w(pid, state, sent_lsn, write_lsn, flush_lsn, replay_lsn, write_lag, flush_lag, replay_lag, sync_priority, sync_state, reply_time) ON = LEFT JOIN pg_authid u ON s.usesysid = u.oid; View "pg_catalog.pg_stat_replication_slots" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description --------------+--------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- slot_name | text | | | | extended | spill_txns | bigint | | | | plain | spill_count | bigint | | | | plain | spill_bytes | bigint | | | | plain | stream_txns | bigint | | | | plain | stream_count | bigint | | | | plain | stream_bytes | bigint | | | | plain | total_txns | bigint | | | | plain | total_bytes | bigint | | | | plain | stats_reset | timestamp with time zone | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT s.slot_name, s.spill_txns, s.spill_count, s.spill_bytes, s.stream_txns, s.stream_count, s.stream_bytes, s.total_txns, s.total_bytes, s.stats_reset FROM pg_replication_slots r, LATERAL pg_stat_get_replication_slot(r.slot_name::text) s(slot_name, spill_txns, spill_count, spill_bytes, stream_txns, stream_count, stream_bytes, total_txns, total_bytes, stats_reset) WHERE r.datoid IS NOT NULL; View "pg_catalog.pg_stat_slru" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description --------------+--------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- name | text | | | | extended | blks_zeroed | bigint | | | | plain | blks_hit | bigint | | | | plain | blks_read | bigint | | | | plain | blks_written | bigint | | | | plain | blks_exists | bigint | | | | plain | flushes | bigint | | | | plain | truncates | bigint | | | | plain | stats_reset | timestamp with time zone | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT, s.blks_zeroed, s.blks_hit, s.blks_read, s.blks_written, s.blks_exists, s.flushes, s.truncates, s.stats_reset FROM pg_stat_get_slru() s(name, blks_zeroed, blks_hit, blks_read, blks_written, blks_exists, flushes, truncates, stats_reset); View "pg_catalog.pg_stat_ssl" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ---------------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- pid | integer | | | | plain | ssl | boolean | | | | plain | version | text | | | | extended | cipher | text | | | | extended | bits | integer | | | | plain | client_dn | text | | | | extended | client_serial | numeric | | | | main | issuer_dn | text | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT, s.ssl, s.sslversion AS version, s.sslcipher AS cipher, s.sslbits AS bits, s.ssl_client_dn AS client_dn, s.ssl_client_serial AS client_serial, s.ssl_issuer_dn AS issuer_dn FROM pg_stat_get_activity(NULL::integer) s(datid, pid, usesysid, application_name, state, query, wait_event_type, wait_event, xact_start, query_start, backend_start, state_change, client_addr, client_hostname, client_port, backend_xid, backend_xmin, backend_type, ssl, sslversion, sslcipher, sslbits, ssl_client_dn, ssl_client_serial, ssl_issuer_dn, gss_auth, gss_princ, gss_enc, leader_pid, query_id) WHERE s.client_port IS NOT NULL; View "pg_catalog.pg_stat_subscription" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description -----------------------+--------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+------------- subid | oid | | | | plain | subname | name | | | | plain | pid | integer | | | | plain | relid | oid | | | | plain | received_lsn | pg_lsn | | | | plain | last_msg_send_time | timestamp with time zone | | | | plain | last_msg_receipt_time | timestamp with time zone | | | | plain | latest_end_lsn | pg_lsn | | | | plain | latest_end_time | timestamp with time zone | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT su.oid AS subid, su.subname,, st.relid, st.received_lsn, st.last_msg_send_time, st.last_msg_receipt_time, st.latest_end_lsn, st.latest_end_time FROM pg_subscription su LEFT JOIN pg_stat_get_subscription(NULL::oid) st(subid, relid, pid, received_lsn, last_msg_send_time, last_msg_receipt_time, latest_end_lsn, latest_end_time) ON st.subid = su.oid; View "pg_catalog.pg_stat_sys_indexes" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ---------------+--------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+------------- relid | oid | | | | plain | indexrelid | oid | | | | plain | schemaname | name | | | | plain | relname | name | | | | plain | indexrelname | name | | | | plain | idx_scan | bigint | | | | plain | idx_tup_read | bigint | | | | plain | idx_tup_fetch | bigint | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT pg_stat_all_indexes.relid, pg_stat_all_indexes.indexrelid, pg_stat_all_indexes.schemaname, pg_stat_all_indexes.relname, pg_stat_all_indexes.indexrelname, pg_stat_all_indexes.idx_scan, pg_stat_all_indexes.idx_tup_read, pg_stat_all_indexes.idx_tup_fetch FROM pg_stat_all_indexes WHERE (pg_stat_all_indexes.schemaname = ANY (ARRAY['pg_catalog'::name, 'information_schema'::name])) OR pg_stat_all_indexes.schemaname ~ '^pg_toast'::text; View "pg_catalog.pg_stat_sys_tables" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ---------------------+--------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+------------- relid | oid | | | | plain | schemaname | name | | | | plain | relname | name | | | | plain | seq_scan | bigint | | | | plain | seq_tup_read | bigint | | | | plain | idx_scan | bigint | | | | plain | idx_tup_fetch | bigint | | | | plain | n_tup_ins | bigint | | | | plain | n_tup_upd | bigint | | | | plain | n_tup_del | bigint | | | | plain | n_tup_hot_upd | bigint | | | | plain | n_live_tup | bigint | | | | plain | n_dead_tup | bigint | | | | plain | n_mod_since_analyze | bigint | | | | plain | n_ins_since_vacuum | bigint | | | | plain | last_vacuum | timestamp with time zone | | | | plain | last_autovacuum | timestamp with time zone | | | | plain | last_analyze | timestamp with time zone | | | | plain | last_autoanalyze | timestamp with time zone | | | | plain | vacuum_count | bigint | | | | plain | autovacuum_count | bigint | | | | plain | analyze_count | bigint | | | | plain | autoanalyze_count | bigint | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT pg_stat_all_tables.relid, pg_stat_all_tables.schemaname, pg_stat_all_tables.relname, pg_stat_all_tables.seq_scan, pg_stat_all_tables.seq_tup_read, pg_stat_all_tables.idx_scan, pg_stat_all_tables.idx_tup_fetch, pg_stat_all_tables.n_tup_ins, pg_stat_all_tables.n_tup_upd, pg_stat_all_tables.n_tup_del, pg_stat_all_tables.n_tup_hot_upd, pg_stat_all_tables.n_live_tup, pg_stat_all_tables.n_dead_tup, pg_stat_all_tables.n_mod_since_analyze, pg_stat_all_tables.n_ins_since_vacuum, pg_stat_all_tables.last_vacuum, pg_stat_all_tables.last_autovacuum, pg_stat_all_tables.last_analyze, pg_stat_all_tables.last_autoanalyze, pg_stat_all_tables.vacuum_count, pg_stat_all_tables.autovacuum_count, pg_stat_all_tables.analyze_count, pg_stat_all_tables.autoanalyze_count FROM pg_stat_all_tables WHERE (pg_stat_all_tables.schemaname = ANY (ARRAY['pg_catalog'::name, 'information_schema'::name])) OR pg_stat_all_tables.schemaname ~ '^pg_toast'::text; View "pg_catalog.pg_stat_user_functions" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ------------+------------------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+------------- funcid | oid | | | | plain | schemaname | name | | | | plain | funcname | name | | | | plain | calls | bigint | | | | plain | total_time | double precision | | | | plain | self_time | double precision | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT p.oid AS funcid, n.nspname AS schemaname, p.proname AS funcname, pg_stat_get_function_calls(p.oid) AS calls, pg_stat_get_function_total_time(p.oid) AS total_time, pg_stat_get_function_self_time(p.oid) AS self_time FROM pg_proc p LEFT JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = p.pronamespace WHERE p.prolang <> 12::oid AND pg_stat_get_function_calls(p.oid) IS NOT NULL; View "pg_catalog.pg_stat_user_indexes" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ---------------+--------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+------------- relid | oid | | | | plain | indexrelid | oid | | | | plain | schemaname | name | | | | plain | relname | name | | | | plain | indexrelname | name | | | | plain | idx_scan | bigint | | | | plain | idx_tup_read | bigint | | | | plain | idx_tup_fetch | bigint | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT pg_stat_all_indexes.relid, pg_stat_all_indexes.indexrelid, pg_stat_all_indexes.schemaname, pg_stat_all_indexes.relname, pg_stat_all_indexes.indexrelname, pg_stat_all_indexes.idx_scan, pg_stat_all_indexes.idx_tup_read, pg_stat_all_indexes.idx_tup_fetch FROM pg_stat_all_indexes WHERE (pg_stat_all_indexes.schemaname <> ALL (ARRAY['pg_catalog'::name, 'information_schema'::name])) AND pg_stat_all_indexes.schemaname !~ '^pg_toast'::text; View "pg_catalog.pg_stat_user_tables" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ---------------------+--------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+------------- relid | oid | | | | plain | schemaname | name | | | | plain | relname | name | | | | plain | seq_scan | bigint | | | | plain | seq_tup_read | bigint | | | | plain | idx_scan | bigint | | | | plain | idx_tup_fetch | bigint | | | | plain | n_tup_ins | bigint | | | | plain | n_tup_upd | bigint | | | | plain | n_tup_del | bigint | | | | plain | n_tup_hot_upd | bigint | | | | plain | n_live_tup | bigint | | | | plain | n_dead_tup | bigint | | | | plain | n_mod_since_analyze | bigint | | | | plain | n_ins_since_vacuum | bigint | | | | plain | last_vacuum | timestamp with time zone | | | | plain | last_autovacuum | timestamp with time zone | | | | plain | last_analyze | timestamp with time zone | | | | plain | last_autoanalyze | timestamp with time zone | | | | plain | vacuum_count | bigint | | | | plain | autovacuum_count | bigint | | | | plain | analyze_count | bigint | | | | plain | autoanalyze_count | bigint | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT pg_stat_all_tables.relid, pg_stat_all_tables.schemaname, pg_stat_all_tables.relname, pg_stat_all_tables.seq_scan, pg_stat_all_tables.seq_tup_read, pg_stat_all_tables.idx_scan, pg_stat_all_tables.idx_tup_fetch, pg_stat_all_tables.n_tup_ins, pg_stat_all_tables.n_tup_upd, pg_stat_all_tables.n_tup_del, pg_stat_all_tables.n_tup_hot_upd, pg_stat_all_tables.n_live_tup, pg_stat_all_tables.n_dead_tup, pg_stat_all_tables.n_mod_since_analyze, pg_stat_all_tables.n_ins_since_vacuum, pg_stat_all_tables.last_vacuum, pg_stat_all_tables.last_autovacuum, pg_stat_all_tables.last_analyze, pg_stat_all_tables.last_autoanalyze, pg_stat_all_tables.vacuum_count, pg_stat_all_tables.autovacuum_count, pg_stat_all_tables.analyze_count, pg_stat_all_tables.autoanalyze_count FROM pg_stat_all_tables WHERE (pg_stat_all_tables.schemaname <> ALL (ARRAY['pg_catalog'::name, 'information_schema'::name])) AND pg_stat_all_tables.schemaname !~ '^pg_toast'::text; View "pg_catalog.pg_stat_wal" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ------------------+--------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+------------- wal_records | bigint | | | | plain | wal_fpi | bigint | | | | plain | wal_bytes | numeric | | | | main | wal_buffers_full | bigint | | | | plain | wal_write | bigint | | | | plain | wal_sync | bigint | | | | plain | wal_write_time | double precision | | | | plain | wal_sync_time | double precision | | | | plain | stats_reset | timestamp with time zone | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT w.wal_records, w.wal_fpi, w.wal_bytes, w.wal_buffers_full, w.wal_write, w.wal_sync, w.wal_write_time, w.wal_sync_time, w.stats_reset FROM pg_stat_get_wal() w(wal_records, wal_fpi, wal_bytes, wal_buffers_full, wal_write, wal_sync, wal_write_time, wal_sync_time, stats_reset); View "pg_catalog.pg_stat_wal_receiver" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description -----------------------+--------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- pid | integer | | | | plain | status | text | | | | extended | receive_start_lsn | pg_lsn | | | | plain | receive_start_tli | integer | | | | plain | written_lsn | pg_lsn | | | | plain | flushed_lsn | pg_lsn | | | | plain | received_tli | integer | | | | plain | last_msg_send_time | timestamp with time zone | | | | plain | last_msg_receipt_time | timestamp with time zone | | | | plain | latest_end_lsn | pg_lsn | | | | plain | latest_end_time | timestamp with time zone | | | | plain | slot_name | text | | | | extended | sender_host | text | | | | extended | sender_port | integer | | | | plain | conninfo | text | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT, s.status, s.receive_start_lsn, s.receive_start_tli, s.written_lsn, s.flushed_lsn, s.received_tli, s.last_msg_send_time, s.last_msg_receipt_time, s.latest_end_lsn, s.latest_end_time, s.slot_name, s.sender_host, s.sender_port, s.conninfo FROM pg_stat_get_wal_receiver() s(pid, status, receive_start_lsn, receive_start_tli, written_lsn, flushed_lsn, received_tli, last_msg_send_time, last_msg_receipt_time, latest_end_lsn, latest_end_time, slot_name, sender_host, sender_port, conninfo) WHERE IS NOT NULL; View "pg_catalog.pg_stat_xact_all_tables" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ---------------+--------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+------------- relid | oid | | | | plain | schemaname | name | | | | plain | relname | name | | | | plain | seq_scan | bigint | | | | plain | seq_tup_read | bigint | | | | plain | idx_scan | bigint | | | | plain | idx_tup_fetch | bigint | | | | plain | n_tup_ins | bigint | | | | plain | n_tup_upd | bigint | | | | plain | n_tup_del | bigint | | | | plain | n_tup_hot_upd | bigint | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT c.oid AS relid, n.nspname AS schemaname, c.relname, pg_stat_get_xact_numscans(c.oid) AS seq_scan, pg_stat_get_xact_tuples_returned(c.oid) AS seq_tup_read, sum(pg_stat_get_xact_numscans(i.indexrelid))::bigint AS idx_scan, sum(pg_stat_get_xact_tuples_fetched(i.indexrelid))::bigint + pg_stat_get_xact_tuples_fetched(c.oid) AS idx_tup_fetch, pg_stat_get_xact_tuples_inserted(c.oid) AS n_tup_ins, pg_stat_get_xact_tuples_updated(c.oid) AS n_tup_upd, pg_stat_get_xact_tuples_deleted(c.oid) AS n_tup_del, pg_stat_get_xact_tuples_hot_updated(c.oid) AS n_tup_hot_upd FROM pg_class c LEFT JOIN pg_index i ON c.oid = i.indrelid LEFT JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace WHERE c.relkind = ANY (ARRAY['r'::"char", 't'::"char", 'm'::"char", 'p'::"char"]) GROUP BY c.oid, n.nspname, c.relname; View "pg_catalog.pg_stat_xact_sys_tables" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ---------------+--------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+------------- relid | oid | | | | plain | schemaname | name | | | | plain | relname | name | | | | plain | seq_scan | bigint | | | | plain | seq_tup_read | bigint | | | | plain | idx_scan | bigint | | | | plain | idx_tup_fetch | bigint | | | | plain | n_tup_ins | bigint | | | | plain | n_tup_upd | bigint | | | | plain | n_tup_del | bigint | | | | plain | n_tup_hot_upd | bigint | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT pg_stat_xact_all_tables.relid, pg_stat_xact_all_tables.schemaname, pg_stat_xact_all_tables.relname, pg_stat_xact_all_tables.seq_scan, pg_stat_xact_all_tables.seq_tup_read, pg_stat_xact_all_tables.idx_scan, pg_stat_xact_all_tables.idx_tup_fetch, pg_stat_xact_all_tables.n_tup_ins, pg_stat_xact_all_tables.n_tup_upd, pg_stat_xact_all_tables.n_tup_del, pg_stat_xact_all_tables.n_tup_hot_upd FROM pg_stat_xact_all_tables WHERE (pg_stat_xact_all_tables.schemaname = ANY (ARRAY['pg_catalog'::name, 'information_schema'::name])) OR pg_stat_xact_all_tables.schemaname ~ '^pg_toast'::text; View "pg_catalog.pg_stat_xact_user_functions" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ------------+------------------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+------------- funcid | oid | | | | plain | schemaname | name | | | | plain | funcname | name | | | | plain | calls | bigint | | | | plain | total_time | double precision | | | | plain | self_time | double precision | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT p.oid AS funcid, n.nspname AS schemaname, p.proname AS funcname, pg_stat_get_xact_function_calls(p.oid) AS calls, pg_stat_get_xact_function_total_time(p.oid) AS total_time, pg_stat_get_xact_function_self_time(p.oid) AS self_time FROM pg_proc p LEFT JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = p.pronamespace WHERE p.prolang <> 12::oid AND pg_stat_get_xact_function_calls(p.oid) IS NOT NULL; View "pg_catalog.pg_stat_xact_user_tables" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ---------------+--------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+------------- relid | oid | | | | plain | schemaname | name | | | | plain | relname | name | | | | plain | seq_scan | bigint | | | | plain | seq_tup_read | bigint | | | | plain | idx_scan | bigint | | | | plain | idx_tup_fetch | bigint | | | | plain | n_tup_ins | bigint | | | | plain | n_tup_upd | bigint | | | | plain | n_tup_del | bigint | | | | plain | n_tup_hot_upd | bigint | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT pg_stat_xact_all_tables.relid, pg_stat_xact_all_tables.schemaname, pg_stat_xact_all_tables.relname, pg_stat_xact_all_tables.seq_scan, pg_stat_xact_all_tables.seq_tup_read, pg_stat_xact_all_tables.idx_scan, pg_stat_xact_all_tables.idx_tup_fetch, pg_stat_xact_all_tables.n_tup_ins, pg_stat_xact_all_tables.n_tup_upd, pg_stat_xact_all_tables.n_tup_del, pg_stat_xact_all_tables.n_tup_hot_upd FROM pg_stat_xact_all_tables WHERE (pg_stat_xact_all_tables.schemaname <> ALL (ARRAY['pg_catalog'::name, 'information_schema'::name])) AND pg_stat_xact_all_tables.schemaname !~ '^pg_toast'::text; View "pg_catalog.pg_statio_all_indexes" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ---------------+--------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+------------- relid | oid | | | | plain | indexrelid | oid | | | | plain | schemaname | name | | | | plain | relname | name | | | | plain | indexrelname | name | | | | plain | idx_blks_read | bigint | | | | plain | idx_blks_hit | bigint | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT c.oid AS relid, i.oid AS indexrelid, n.nspname AS schemaname, c.relname, i.relname AS indexrelname, pg_stat_get_blocks_fetched(i.oid) - pg_stat_get_blocks_hit(i.oid) AS idx_blks_read, pg_stat_get_blocks_hit(i.oid) AS idx_blks_hit FROM pg_class c JOIN pg_index x ON c.oid = x.indrelid JOIN pg_class i ON i.oid = x.indexrelid LEFT JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace WHERE c.relkind = ANY (ARRAY['r'::"char", 't'::"char", 'm'::"char"]); View "pg_catalog.pg_statio_all_sequences" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ------------+--------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+------------- relid | oid | | | | plain | schemaname | name | | | | plain | relname | name | | | | plain | blks_read | bigint | | | | plain | blks_hit | bigint | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT c.oid AS relid, n.nspname AS schemaname, c.relname, pg_stat_get_blocks_fetched(c.oid) - pg_stat_get_blocks_hit(c.oid) AS blks_read, pg_stat_get_blocks_hit(c.oid) AS blks_hit FROM pg_class c LEFT JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace WHERE c.relkind = 'S'::"char"; View "pg_catalog.pg_statio_all_tables" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description -----------------+--------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+------------- relid | oid | | | | plain | schemaname | name | | | | plain | relname | name | | | | plain | heap_blks_read | bigint | | | | plain | heap_blks_hit | bigint | | | | plain | idx_blks_read | bigint | | | | plain | idx_blks_hit | bigint | | | | plain | toast_blks_read | bigint | | | | plain | toast_blks_hit | bigint | | | | plain | tidx_blks_read | bigint | | | | plain | tidx_blks_hit | bigint | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT c.oid AS relid, n.nspname AS schemaname, c.relname, pg_stat_get_blocks_fetched(c.oid) - pg_stat_get_blocks_hit(c.oid) AS heap_blks_read, pg_stat_get_blocks_hit(c.oid) AS heap_blks_hit, sum(pg_stat_get_blocks_fetched(i.indexrelid) - pg_stat_get_blocks_hit(i.indexrelid))::bigint AS idx_blks_read, sum(pg_stat_get_blocks_hit(i.indexrelid))::bigint AS idx_blks_hit, pg_stat_get_blocks_fetched(t.oid) - pg_stat_get_blocks_hit(t.oid) AS toast_blks_read, pg_stat_get_blocks_hit(t.oid) AS toast_blks_hit, pg_stat_get_blocks_fetched(x.indexrelid) - pg_stat_get_blocks_hit(x.indexrelid) AS tidx_blks_read, pg_stat_get_blocks_hit(x.indexrelid) AS tidx_blks_hit FROM pg_class c LEFT JOIN pg_index i ON c.oid = i.indrelid LEFT JOIN pg_class t ON c.reltoastrelid = t.oid LEFT JOIN pg_index x ON t.oid = x.indrelid LEFT JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace WHERE c.relkind = ANY (ARRAY['r'::"char", 't'::"char", 'm'::"char"]) GROUP BY c.oid, n.nspname, c.relname, t.oid, x.indexrelid; View "pg_catalog.pg_statio_sys_indexes" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ---------------+--------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+------------- relid | oid | | | | plain | indexrelid | oid | | | | plain | schemaname | name | | | | plain | relname | name | | | | plain | indexrelname | name | | | | plain | idx_blks_read | bigint | | | | plain | idx_blks_hit | bigint | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT pg_statio_all_indexes.relid, pg_statio_all_indexes.indexrelid, pg_statio_all_indexes.schemaname, pg_statio_all_indexes.relname, pg_statio_all_indexes.indexrelname, pg_statio_all_indexes.idx_blks_read, pg_statio_all_indexes.idx_blks_hit FROM pg_statio_all_indexes WHERE (pg_statio_all_indexes.schemaname = ANY (ARRAY['pg_catalog'::name, 'information_schema'::name])) OR pg_statio_all_indexes.schemaname ~ '^pg_toast'::text; View "pg_catalog.pg_statio_sys_sequences" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ------------+--------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+------------- relid | oid | | | | plain | schemaname | name | | | | plain | relname | name | | | | plain | blks_read | bigint | | | | plain | blks_hit | bigint | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT pg_statio_all_sequences.relid, pg_statio_all_sequences.schemaname, pg_statio_all_sequences.relname, pg_statio_all_sequences.blks_read, pg_statio_all_sequences.blks_hit FROM pg_statio_all_sequences WHERE (pg_statio_all_sequences.schemaname = ANY (ARRAY['pg_catalog'::name, 'information_schema'::name])) OR pg_statio_all_sequences.schemaname ~ '^pg_toast'::text; View "pg_catalog.pg_statio_sys_tables" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description -----------------+--------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+------------- relid | oid | | | | plain | schemaname | name | | | | plain | relname | name | | | | plain | heap_blks_read | bigint | | | | plain | heap_blks_hit | bigint | | | | plain | idx_blks_read | bigint | | | | plain | idx_blks_hit | bigint | | | | plain | toast_blks_read | bigint | | | | plain | toast_blks_hit | bigint | | | | plain | tidx_blks_read | bigint | | | | plain | tidx_blks_hit | bigint | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT pg_statio_all_tables.relid, pg_statio_all_tables.schemaname, pg_statio_all_tables.relname, pg_statio_all_tables.heap_blks_read, pg_statio_all_tables.heap_blks_hit, pg_statio_all_tables.idx_blks_read, pg_statio_all_tables.idx_blks_hit, pg_statio_all_tables.toast_blks_read, pg_statio_all_tables.toast_blks_hit, pg_statio_all_tables.tidx_blks_read, pg_statio_all_tables.tidx_blks_hit FROM pg_statio_all_tables WHERE (pg_statio_all_tables.schemaname = ANY (ARRAY['pg_catalog'::name, 'information_schema'::name])) OR pg_statio_all_tables.schemaname ~ '^pg_toast'::text; View "pg_catalog.pg_statio_user_indexes" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ---------------+--------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+------------- relid | oid | | | | plain | indexrelid | oid | | | | plain | schemaname | name | | | | plain | relname | name | | | | plain | indexrelname | name | | | | plain | idx_blks_read | bigint | | | | plain | idx_blks_hit | bigint | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT pg_statio_all_indexes.relid, pg_statio_all_indexes.indexrelid, pg_statio_all_indexes.schemaname, pg_statio_all_indexes.relname, pg_statio_all_indexes.indexrelname, pg_statio_all_indexes.idx_blks_read, pg_statio_all_indexes.idx_blks_hit FROM pg_statio_all_indexes WHERE (pg_statio_all_indexes.schemaname <> ALL (ARRAY['pg_catalog'::name, 'information_schema'::name])) AND pg_statio_all_indexes.schemaname !~ '^pg_toast'::text; View "pg_catalog.pg_statio_user_sequences" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ------------+--------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+------------- relid | oid | | | | plain | schemaname | name | | | | plain | relname | name | | | | plain | blks_read | bigint | | | | plain | blks_hit | bigint | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT pg_statio_all_sequences.relid, pg_statio_all_sequences.schemaname, pg_statio_all_sequences.relname, pg_statio_all_sequences.blks_read, pg_statio_all_sequences.blks_hit FROM pg_statio_all_sequences WHERE (pg_statio_all_sequences.schemaname <> ALL (ARRAY['pg_catalog'::name, 'information_schema'::name])) AND pg_statio_all_sequences.schemaname !~ '^pg_toast'::text; View "pg_catalog.pg_statio_user_tables" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description -----------------+--------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+------------- relid | oid | | | | plain | schemaname | name | | | | plain | relname | name | | | | plain | heap_blks_read | bigint | | | | plain | heap_blks_hit | bigint | | | | plain | idx_blks_read | bigint | | | | plain | idx_blks_hit | bigint | | | | plain | toast_blks_read | bigint | | | | plain | toast_blks_hit | bigint | | | | plain | tidx_blks_read | bigint | | | | plain | tidx_blks_hit | bigint | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT pg_statio_all_tables.relid, pg_statio_all_tables.schemaname, pg_statio_all_tables.relname, pg_statio_all_tables.heap_blks_read, pg_statio_all_tables.heap_blks_hit, pg_statio_all_tables.idx_blks_read, pg_statio_all_tables.idx_blks_hit, pg_statio_all_tables.toast_blks_read, pg_statio_all_tables.toast_blks_hit, pg_statio_all_tables.tidx_blks_read, pg_statio_all_tables.tidx_blks_hit FROM pg_statio_all_tables WHERE (pg_statio_all_tables.schemaname <> ALL (ARRAY['pg_catalog'::name, 'information_schema'::name])) AND pg_statio_all_tables.schemaname !~ '^pg_toast'::text; Table "pg_catalog.pg_statistic" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description -------------+----------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- starelid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | staattnum | smallint | | not null | | plain | | | stainherit | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | stanullfrac | real | | not null | | plain | | | stawidth | integer | | not null | | plain | | | stadistinct | real | | not null | | plain | | | stakind1 | smallint | | not null | | plain | | | stakind2 | smallint | | not null | | plain | | | stakind3 | smallint | | not null | | plain | | | stakind4 | smallint | | not null | | plain | | | stakind5 | smallint | | not null | | plain | | | staop1 | oid | | not null | | plain | | | staop2 | oid | | not null | | plain | | | staop3 | oid | | not null | | plain | | | staop4 | oid | | not null | | plain | | | staop5 | oid | | not null | | plain | | | stacoll1 | oid | | not null | | plain | | | stacoll2 | oid | | not null | | plain | | | stacoll3 | oid | | not null | | plain | | | stacoll4 | oid | | not null | | plain | | | stacoll5 | oid | | not null | | plain | | | stanumbers1 | real[] | | | | extended | | | stanumbers2 | real[] | | | | extended | | | stanumbers3 | real[] | | | | extended | | | stanumbers4 | real[] | | | | extended | | | stanumbers5 | real[] | | | | extended | | | stavalues1 | anyarray | | | | extended | | | stavalues2 | anyarray | | | | extended | | | stavalues3 | anyarray | | | | extended | | | stavalues4 | anyarray | | | | extended | | | stavalues5 | anyarray | | | | extended | | | Indexes: "pg_statistic_relid_att_inh_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (starelid, staattnum, stainherit) Access method: heap Table "pg_catalog.pg_statistic_ext" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ---------------+--------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- oid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | stxrelid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | stxname | name | | not null | | plain | | | stxnamespace | oid | | not null | | plain | | | stxowner | oid | | not null | | plain | | | stxstattarget | integer | | not null | | plain | | | stxkeys | int2vector | | not null | | plain | | | stxkind | "char"[] | | not null | | extended | | | stxexprs | pg_node_tree | C | | | extended | | | Indexes: "pg_statistic_ext_oid_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (oid) "pg_statistic_ext_name_index" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (stxname, stxnamespace) "pg_statistic_ext_relid_index" btree (stxrelid) Access method: heap Table "pg_catalog.pg_statistic_ext_data" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ------------------+-----------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- stxoid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | stxdndistinct | pg_ndistinct | C | | | extended | | | stxddependencies | pg_dependencies | C | | | extended | | | stxdmcv | pg_mcv_list | C | | | extended | | | stxdexpr | pg_statistic[] | | | | extended | | | Indexes: "pg_statistic_ext_data_stxoid_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (stxoid) Access method: heap Index "pg_catalog.pg_statistic_ext_data_stxoid_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+------+------+------------+---------+-------------- stxoid | oid | yes | stxoid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_statistic_ext_data" Index "pg_catalog.pg_statistic_ext_name_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------------+---------+------+--------------+---------+-------------- stxname | cstring | yes | stxname | plain | stxnamespace | oid | yes | stxnamespace | plain | unique, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_statistic_ext" Index "pg_catalog.pg_statistic_ext_oid_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+------+------+------------+---------+-------------- oid | oid | yes | oid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_statistic_ext" Index "pg_catalog.pg_statistic_ext_relid_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------+------+------+------------+---------+-------------- stxrelid | oid | yes | stxrelid | plain | btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_statistic_ext" Index "pg_catalog.pg_statistic_relid_att_inh_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ------------+----------+------+------------+---------+-------------- starelid | oid | yes | starelid | plain | staattnum | smallint | yes | staattnum | plain | stainherit | boolean | yes | stainherit | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_statistic" View "pg_catalog.pg_stats" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ------------------------+----------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- schemaname | name | | | | plain | tablename | name | | | | plain | attname | name | | | | plain | inherited | boolean | | | | plain | null_frac | real | | | | plain | avg_width | integer | | | | plain | n_distinct | real | | | | plain | most_common_vals | anyarray | | | | extended | most_common_freqs | real[] | | | | extended | histogram_bounds | anyarray | | | | extended | correlation | real | | | | plain | most_common_elems | anyarray | | | | extended | most_common_elem_freqs | real[] | | | | extended | elem_count_histogram | real[] | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT n.nspname AS schemaname, c.relname AS tablename, a.attname, s.stainherit AS inherited, s.stanullfrac AS null_frac, s.stawidth AS avg_width, s.stadistinct AS n_distinct, CASE WHEN s.stakind1 = 1 THEN s.stavalues1 WHEN s.stakind2 = 1 THEN s.stavalues2 WHEN s.stakind3 = 1 THEN s.stavalues3 WHEN s.stakind4 = 1 THEN s.stavalues4 WHEN s.stakind5 = 1 THEN s.stavalues5 ELSE NULL::anyarray END AS most_common_vals, CASE WHEN s.stakind1 = 1 THEN s.stanumbers1 WHEN s.stakind2 = 1 THEN s.stanumbers2 WHEN s.stakind3 = 1 THEN s.stanumbers3 WHEN s.stakind4 = 1 THEN s.stanumbers4 WHEN s.stakind5 = 1 THEN s.stanumbers5 ELSE NULL::real[] END AS most_common_freqs, CASE WHEN s.stakind1 = 2 THEN s.stavalues1 WHEN s.stakind2 = 2 THEN s.stavalues2 WHEN s.stakind3 = 2 THEN s.stavalues3 WHEN s.stakind4 = 2 THEN s.stavalues4 WHEN s.stakind5 = 2 THEN s.stavalues5 ELSE NULL::anyarray END AS histogram_bounds, CASE WHEN s.stakind1 = 3 THEN s.stanumbers1[1] WHEN s.stakind2 = 3 THEN s.stanumbers2[1] WHEN s.stakind3 = 3 THEN s.stanumbers3[1] WHEN s.stakind4 = 3 THEN s.stanumbers4[1] WHEN s.stakind5 = 3 THEN s.stanumbers5[1] ELSE NULL::real END AS correlation, CASE WHEN s.stakind1 = 4 THEN s.stavalues1 WHEN s.stakind2 = 4 THEN s.stavalues2 WHEN s.stakind3 = 4 THEN s.stavalues3 WHEN s.stakind4 = 4 THEN s.stavalues4 WHEN s.stakind5 = 4 THEN s.stavalues5 ELSE NULL::anyarray END AS most_common_elems, CASE WHEN s.stakind1 = 4 THEN s.stanumbers1 WHEN s.stakind2 = 4 THEN s.stanumbers2 WHEN s.stakind3 = 4 THEN s.stanumbers3 WHEN s.stakind4 = 4 THEN s.stanumbers4 WHEN s.stakind5 = 4 THEN s.stanumbers5 ELSE NULL::real[] END AS most_common_elem_freqs, CASE WHEN s.stakind1 = 5 THEN s.stanumbers1 WHEN s.stakind2 = 5 THEN s.stanumbers2 WHEN s.stakind3 = 5 THEN s.stanumbers3 WHEN s.stakind4 = 5 THEN s.stanumbers4 WHEN s.stakind5 = 5 THEN s.stanumbers5 ELSE NULL::real[] END AS elem_count_histogram FROM pg_statistic s JOIN pg_class c ON c.oid = s.starelid JOIN pg_attribute a ON c.oid = a.attrelid AND a.attnum = s.staattnum LEFT JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace WHERE NOT a.attisdropped AND has_column_privilege(c.oid, a.attnum, 'select'::text) AND (c.relrowsecurity = false OR NOT row_security_active(c.oid)); Options: security_barrier=true View "pg_catalog.pg_stats_ext" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ------------------------+--------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- schemaname | name | | | | plain | tablename | name | | | | plain | statistics_schemaname | name | | | | plain | statistics_name | name | | | | plain | statistics_owner | name | | | | plain | attnames | name[] | | | | extended | exprs | text[] | | | | extended | kinds | "char"[] | | | | extended | n_distinct | pg_ndistinct | C | | | extended | dependencies | pg_dependencies | C | | | extended | most_common_vals | text[] | | | | extended | most_common_val_nulls | boolean[] | | | | extended | most_common_freqs | double precision[] | | | | extended | most_common_base_freqs | double precision[] | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT cn.nspname AS schemaname, c.relname AS tablename, sn.nspname AS statistics_schemaname, s.stxname AS statistics_name, pg_get_userbyid(s.stxowner) AS statistics_owner, ( SELECT array_agg(a.attname ORDER BY a.attnum) AS array_agg FROM unnest(s.stxkeys) k(k) JOIN pg_attribute a ON a.attrelid = s.stxrelid AND a.attnum = k.k) AS attnames, pg_get_statisticsobjdef_expressions(s.oid) AS exprs, s.stxkind AS kinds, sd.stxdndistinct AS n_distinct, sd.stxddependencies AS dependencies, m.most_common_vals, m.most_common_val_nulls, m.most_common_freqs, m.most_common_base_freqs FROM pg_statistic_ext s JOIN pg_class c ON c.oid = s.stxrelid JOIN pg_statistic_ext_data sd ON s.oid = sd.stxoid LEFT JOIN pg_namespace cn ON cn.oid = c.relnamespace LEFT JOIN pg_namespace sn ON sn.oid = s.stxnamespace LEFT JOIN LATERAL ( SELECT array_agg(pg_mcv_list_items."values") AS most_common_vals, array_agg(pg_mcv_list_items.nulls) AS most_common_val_nulls, array_agg(pg_mcv_list_items.frequency) AS most_common_freqs, array_agg(pg_mcv_list_items.base_frequency) AS most_common_base_freqs FROM pg_mcv_list_items(sd.stxdmcv) pg_mcv_list_items(index, "values", nulls, frequency, base_frequency)) m ON sd.stxdmcv IS NOT NULL WHERE NOT (EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM unnest(s.stxkeys) k(k) JOIN pg_attribute a ON a.attrelid = s.stxrelid AND a.attnum = k.k WHERE NOT has_column_privilege(c.oid, a.attnum, 'select'::text))) AND (c.relrowsecurity = false OR NOT row_security_active(c.oid)); Options: security_barrier=true View "pg_catalog.pg_stats_ext_exprs" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ------------------------+----------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- schemaname | name | | | | plain | tablename | name | | | | plain | statistics_schemaname | name | | | | plain | statistics_name | name | | | | plain | statistics_owner | name | | | | plain | expr | text | | | | extended | null_frac | real | | | | plain | avg_width | integer | | | | plain | n_distinct | real | | | | plain | most_common_vals | anyarray | | | | extended | most_common_freqs | real[] | | | | extended | histogram_bounds | anyarray | | | | extended | correlation | real | | | | plain | most_common_elems | anyarray | | | | extended | most_common_elem_freqs | real[] | | | | extended | elem_count_histogram | real[] | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT cn.nspname AS schemaname, c.relname AS tablename, sn.nspname AS statistics_schemaname, s.stxname AS statistics_name, pg_get_userbyid(s.stxowner) AS statistics_owner, stat.expr, (stat.a).stanullfrac AS null_frac, (stat.a).stawidth AS avg_width, (stat.a).stadistinct AS n_distinct, CASE WHEN (stat.a).stakind1 = 1 THEN (stat.a).stavalues1 WHEN (stat.a).stakind2 = 1 THEN (stat.a).stavalues2 WHEN (stat.a).stakind3 = 1 THEN (stat.a).stavalues3 WHEN (stat.a).stakind4 = 1 THEN (stat.a).stavalues4 WHEN (stat.a).stakind5 = 1 THEN (stat.a).stavalues5 ELSE NULL::anyarray END AS most_common_vals, CASE WHEN (stat.a).stakind1 = 1 THEN (stat.a).stanumbers1 WHEN (stat.a).stakind2 = 1 THEN (stat.a).stanumbers2 WHEN (stat.a).stakind3 = 1 THEN (stat.a).stanumbers3 WHEN (stat.a).stakind4 = 1 THEN (stat.a).stanumbers4 WHEN (stat.a).stakind5 = 1 THEN (stat.a).stanumbers5 ELSE NULL::real[] END AS most_common_freqs, CASE WHEN (stat.a).stakind1 = 2 THEN (stat.a).stavalues1 WHEN (stat.a).stakind2 = 2 THEN (stat.a).stavalues2 WHEN (stat.a).stakind3 = 2 THEN (stat.a).stavalues3 WHEN (stat.a).stakind4 = 2 THEN (stat.a).stavalues4 WHEN (stat.a).stakind5 = 2 THEN (stat.a).stavalues5 ELSE NULL::anyarray END AS histogram_bounds, CASE WHEN (stat.a).stakind1 = 3 THEN (stat.a).stanumbers1[1] WHEN (stat.a).stakind2 = 3 THEN (stat.a).stanumbers2[1] WHEN (stat.a).stakind3 = 3 THEN (stat.a).stanumbers3[1] WHEN (stat.a).stakind4 = 3 THEN (stat.a).stanumbers4[1] WHEN (stat.a).stakind5 = 3 THEN (stat.a).stanumbers5[1] ELSE NULL::real END AS correlation, CASE WHEN (stat.a).stakind1 = 4 THEN (stat.a).stavalues1 WHEN (stat.a).stakind2 = 4 THEN (stat.a).stavalues2 WHEN (stat.a).stakind3 = 4 THEN (stat.a).stavalues3 WHEN (stat.a).stakind4 = 4 THEN (stat.a).stavalues4 WHEN (stat.a).stakind5 = 4 THEN (stat.a).stavalues5 ELSE NULL::anyarray END AS most_common_elems, CASE WHEN (stat.a).stakind1 = 4 THEN (stat.a).stanumbers1 WHEN (stat.a).stakind2 = 4 THEN (stat.a).stanumbers2 WHEN (stat.a).stakind3 = 4 THEN (stat.a).stanumbers3 WHEN (stat.a).stakind4 = 4 THEN (stat.a).stanumbers4 WHEN (stat.a).stakind5 = 4 THEN (stat.a).stanumbers5 ELSE NULL::real[] END AS most_common_elem_freqs, CASE WHEN (stat.a).stakind1 = 5 THEN (stat.a).stanumbers1 WHEN (stat.a).stakind2 = 5 THEN (stat.a).stanumbers2 WHEN (stat.a).stakind3 = 5 THEN (stat.a).stanumbers3 WHEN (stat.a).stakind4 = 5 THEN (stat.a).stanumbers4 WHEN (stat.a).stakind5 = 5 THEN (stat.a).stanumbers5 ELSE NULL::real[] END AS elem_count_histogram FROM pg_statistic_ext s JOIN pg_class c ON c.oid = s.stxrelid LEFT JOIN pg_statistic_ext_data sd ON s.oid = sd.stxoid LEFT JOIN pg_namespace cn ON cn.oid = c.relnamespace LEFT JOIN pg_namespace sn ON sn.oid = s.stxnamespace JOIN LATERAL ( SELECT unnest(pg_get_statisticsobjdef_expressions(s.oid)) AS expr, unnest(sd.stxdexpr) AS a) stat ON stat.expr IS NOT NULL; Options: security_barrier=true Table "pg_catalog.pg_subscription" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description -----------------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- oid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | subdbid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | subname | name | | not null | | plain | | | subowner | oid | | not null | | plain | | | subenabled | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | subbinary | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | substream | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | subconninfo | text | C | not null | | extended | | | subslotname | name | | | | plain | | | subsynccommit | text | C | not null | | extended | | | subpublications | text[] | C | not null | | extended | | | Indexes: "pg_subscription_oid_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (oid), tablespace "pg_global" "pg_subscription_subname_index" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (subdbid, subname), tablespace "pg_global" Tablespace: "pg_global" Access method: heap Index "pg_catalog.pg_subscription_oid_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+------+------+------------+---------+-------------- oid | oid | yes | oid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_subscription" Tablespace: "pg_global" Table "pg_catalog.pg_subscription_rel" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ------------+--------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- srsubid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | srrelid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | srsubstate | "char" | | not null | | plain | | | srsublsn | pg_lsn | | | | plain | | | Indexes: "pg_subscription_rel_srrelid_srsubid_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (srrelid, srsubid) Access method: heap Index "pg_catalog.pg_subscription_rel_srrelid_srsubid_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------+------+------+------------+---------+-------------- srrelid | oid | yes | srrelid | plain | srsubid | oid | yes | srsubid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_subscription_rel" Index "pg_catalog.pg_subscription_subname_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- subdbid | oid | yes | subdbid | plain | subname | cstring | yes | subname | plain | unique, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_subscription" Tablespace: "pg_global" View "pg_catalog.pg_tables" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description -------------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+------------- schemaname | name | | | | plain | tablename | name | | | | plain | tableowner | name | | | | plain | tablespace | name | | | | plain | hasindexes | boolean | | | | plain | hasrules | boolean | | | | plain | hastriggers | boolean | | | | plain | rowsecurity | boolean | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT n.nspname AS schemaname, c.relname AS tablename, pg_get_userbyid(c.relowner) AS tableowner, t.spcname AS tablespace, c.relhasindex AS hasindexes, c.relhasrules AS hasrules, c.relhastriggers AS hastriggers, c.relrowsecurity AS rowsecurity FROM pg_class c LEFT JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace LEFT JOIN pg_tablespace t ON t.oid = c.reltablespace WHERE c.relkind = ANY (ARRAY['r'::"char", 'p'::"char"]); Table "pg_catalog.pg_tablespace" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ------------+-----------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- oid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | spcname | name | | not null | | plain | | | spcowner | oid | | not null | | plain | | | spcacl | aclitem[] | | | | extended | | | spcoptions | text[] | C | | | extended | | | Indexes: "pg_tablespace_oid_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (oid), tablespace "pg_global" "pg_tablespace_spcname_index" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (spcname), tablespace "pg_global" Tablespace: "pg_global" Access method: heap Index "pg_catalog.pg_tablespace_oid_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+------+------+------------+---------+-------------- oid | oid | yes | oid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_tablespace" Tablespace: "pg_global" Index "pg_catalog.pg_tablespace_spcname_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- spcname | cstring | yes | spcname | plain | unique, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_tablespace" Tablespace: "pg_global" View "pg_catalog.pg_timezone_abbrevs" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ------------+----------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- abbrev | text | | | | extended | utc_offset | interval | | | | plain | is_dst | boolean | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT pg_timezone_abbrevs.abbrev, pg_timezone_abbrevs.utc_offset, pg_timezone_abbrevs.is_dst FROM pg_timezone_abbrevs() pg_timezone_abbrevs(abbrev, utc_offset, is_dst); View "pg_catalog.pg_timezone_names" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ------------+----------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- name | text | | | | extended | abbrev | text | | | | extended | utc_offset | interval | | | | plain | is_dst | boolean | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT, pg_timezone_names.abbrev, pg_timezone_names.utc_offset, pg_timezone_names.is_dst FROM pg_timezone_names() pg_timezone_names(name, abbrev, utc_offset, is_dst); Table "pg_catalog.pg_transform" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ------------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- oid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | trftype | oid | | not null | | plain | | | trflang | oid | | not null | | plain | | | trffromsql | regproc | | not null | | plain | | | trftosql | regproc | | not null | | plain | | | Indexes: "pg_transform_oid_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (oid) "pg_transform_type_lang_index" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (trftype, trflang) Access method: heap Index "pg_catalog.pg_transform_oid_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+------+------+------------+---------+-------------- oid | oid | yes | oid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_transform" Index "pg_catalog.pg_transform_type_lang_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------+------+------+------------+---------+-------------- trftype | oid | yes | trftype | plain | trflang | oid | yes | trflang | plain | unique, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_transform" Table "pg_catalog.pg_trigger" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ----------------+--------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- oid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | tgrelid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | tgparentid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | tgname | name | | not null | | plain | | | tgfoid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | tgtype | smallint | | not null | | plain | | | tgenabled | "char" | | not null | | plain | | | tgisinternal | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | tgconstrrelid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | tgconstrindid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | tgconstraint | oid | | not null | | plain | | | tgdeferrable | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | tginitdeferred | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | tgnargs | smallint | | not null | | plain | | | tgattr | int2vector | | not null | | plain | | | tgargs | bytea | | not null | | extended | | | tgqual | pg_node_tree | C | | | extended | | | tgoldtable | name | | | | plain | | | tgnewtable | name | | | | plain | | | Indexes: "pg_trigger_oid_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (oid) "pg_trigger_tgconstraint_index" btree (tgconstraint) "pg_trigger_tgrelid_tgname_index" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (tgrelid, tgname) Access method: heap Index "pg_catalog.pg_trigger_oid_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+------+------+------------+---------+-------------- oid | oid | yes | oid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_trigger" Index "pg_catalog.pg_trigger_tgconstraint_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------------+------+------+--------------+---------+-------------- tgconstraint | oid | yes | tgconstraint | plain | btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_trigger" Index "pg_catalog.pg_trigger_tgrelid_tgname_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- tgrelid | oid | yes | tgrelid | plain | tgname | cstring | yes | tgname | plain | unique, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_trigger" Table "pg_catalog.pg_ts_config" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description --------------+------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- oid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | cfgname | name | | not null | | plain | | | cfgnamespace | oid | | not null | | plain | | | cfgowner | oid | | not null | | plain | | | cfgparser | oid | | not null | | plain | | | Indexes: "pg_ts_config_oid_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (oid) "pg_ts_config_cfgname_index" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (cfgname, cfgnamespace) Access method: heap Index "pg_catalog.pg_ts_config_cfgname_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------------+---------+------+--------------+---------+-------------- cfgname | cstring | yes | cfgname | plain | cfgnamespace | oid | yes | cfgnamespace | plain | unique, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_ts_config" Table "pg_catalog.pg_ts_config_map" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description --------------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- mapcfg | oid | | not null | | plain | | | maptokentype | integer | | not null | | plain | | | mapseqno | integer | | not null | | plain | | | mapdict | oid | | not null | | plain | | | Indexes: "pg_ts_config_map_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (mapcfg, maptokentype, mapseqno) Access method: heap Index "pg_catalog.pg_ts_config_map_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------------+---------+------+--------------+---------+-------------- mapcfg | oid | yes | mapcfg | plain | maptokentype | integer | yes | maptokentype | plain | mapseqno | integer | yes | mapseqno | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_ts_config_map" Index "pg_catalog.pg_ts_config_oid_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+------+------+------------+---------+-------------- oid | oid | yes | oid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_ts_config" Table "pg_catalog.pg_ts_dict" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ----------------+------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- oid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | dictname | name | | not null | | plain | | | dictnamespace | oid | | not null | | plain | | | dictowner | oid | | not null | | plain | | | dicttemplate | oid | | not null | | plain | | | dictinitoption | text | C | | | extended | | | Indexes: "pg_ts_dict_oid_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (oid) "pg_ts_dict_dictname_index" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (dictname, dictnamespace) Access method: heap Index "pg_catalog.pg_ts_dict_dictname_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------------+---------+------+---------------+---------+-------------- dictname | cstring | yes | dictname | plain | dictnamespace | oid | yes | dictnamespace | plain | unique, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_ts_dict" Index "pg_catalog.pg_ts_dict_oid_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+------+------+------------+---------+-------------- oid | oid | yes | oid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_ts_dict" Table "pg_catalog.pg_ts_parser" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description --------------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- oid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | prsname | name | | not null | | plain | | | prsnamespace | oid | | not null | | plain | | | prsstart | regproc | | not null | | plain | | | prstoken | regproc | | not null | | plain | | | prsend | regproc | | not null | | plain | | | prsheadline | regproc | | not null | | plain | | | prslextype | regproc | | not null | | plain | | | Indexes: "pg_ts_parser_oid_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (oid) "pg_ts_parser_prsname_index" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (prsname, prsnamespace) Access method: heap Index "pg_catalog.pg_ts_parser_oid_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+------+------+------------+---------+-------------- oid | oid | yes | oid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_ts_parser" Index "pg_catalog.pg_ts_parser_prsname_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------------+---------+------+--------------+---------+-------------- prsname | cstring | yes | prsname | plain | prsnamespace | oid | yes | prsnamespace | plain | unique, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_ts_parser" Table "pg_catalog.pg_ts_template" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ---------------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- oid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | tmplname | name | | not null | | plain | | | tmplnamespace | oid | | not null | | plain | | | tmplinit | regproc | | not null | | plain | | | tmpllexize | regproc | | not null | | plain | | | Indexes: "pg_ts_template_oid_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (oid) "pg_ts_template_tmplname_index" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (tmplname, tmplnamespace) Access method: heap Index "pg_catalog.pg_ts_template_oid_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+------+------+------------+---------+-------------- oid | oid | yes | oid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_ts_template" Index "pg_catalog.pg_ts_template_tmplname_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------------+---------+------+---------------+---------+-------------- tmplname | cstring | yes | tmplname | plain | tmplnamespace | oid | yes | tmplnamespace | plain | unique, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_ts_template" Table "pg_catalog.pg_type" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ----------------+--------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- oid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | typname | name | | not null | | plain | | | typnamespace | oid | | not null | | plain | | | typowner | oid | | not null | | plain | | | typlen | smallint | | not null | | plain | | | typbyval | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | typtype | "char" | | not null | | plain | | | typcategory | "char" | | not null | | plain | | | typispreferred | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | typisdefined | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | typdelim | "char" | | not null | | plain | | | typrelid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | typsubscript | regproc | | not null | | plain | | | typelem | oid | | not null | | plain | | | typarray | oid | | not null | | plain | | | typinput | regproc | | not null | | plain | | | typoutput | regproc | | not null | | plain | | | typreceive | regproc | | not null | | plain | | | typsend | regproc | | not null | | plain | | | typmodin | regproc | | not null | | plain | | | typmodout | regproc | | not null | | plain | | | typanalyze | regproc | | not null | | plain | | | typalign | "char" | | not null | | plain | | | typstorage | "char" | | not null | | plain | | | typnotnull | boolean | | not null | | plain | | | typbasetype | oid | | not null | | plain | | | typtypmod | integer | | not null | | plain | | | typndims | integer | | not null | | plain | | | typcollation | oid | | not null | | plain | | | typdefaultbin | pg_node_tree | C | | | extended | | | typdefault | text | C | | | extended | | | typacl | aclitem[] | | | | extended | | | Indexes: "pg_type_oid_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (oid) "pg_type_typname_nsp_index" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (typname, typnamespace) Access method: heap Index "pg_catalog.pg_type_oid_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+------+------+------------+---------+-------------- oid | oid | yes | oid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_type" Index "pg_catalog.pg_type_typname_nsp_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------------+---------+------+--------------+---------+-------------- typname | cstring | yes | typname | plain | typnamespace | oid | yes | typnamespace | plain | unique, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_type" View "pg_catalog.pg_user" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description --------------+--------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- usename | name | | | | plain | usesysid | oid | | | | plain | usecreatedb | boolean | | | | plain | usesuper | boolean | | | | plain | userepl | boolean | | | | plain | usebypassrls | boolean | | | | plain | passwd | text | | | | extended | valuntil | timestamp with time zone | | | | plain | useconfig | text[] | C | | | extended | View definition: SELECT pg_shadow.usename, pg_shadow.usesysid, pg_shadow.usecreatedb, pg_shadow.usesuper, pg_shadow.userepl, pg_shadow.usebypassrls, '********'::text AS passwd, pg_shadow.valuntil, pg_shadow.useconfig FROM pg_shadow; Table "pg_catalog.pg_user_mapping" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description -----------+--------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- oid | oid | | not null | | plain | | | umuser | oid | | not null | | plain | | | umserver | oid | | not null | | plain | | | umoptions | text[] | C | | | extended | | | Indexes: "pg_user_mapping_oid_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (oid) "pg_user_mapping_user_server_index" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (umuser, umserver) Access method: heap Index "pg_catalog.pg_user_mapping_oid_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+------+------+------------+---------+-------------- oid | oid | yes | oid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_user_mapping" Index "pg_catalog.pg_user_mapping_user_server_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------+------+------+------------+---------+-------------- umuser | oid | yes | umuser | plain | umserver | oid | yes | umserver | plain | unique, btree, for table "pg_catalog.pg_user_mapping" View "pg_catalog.pg_user_mappings" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description -----------+--------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- umid | oid | | | | plain | srvid | oid | | | | plain | srvname | name | | | | plain | umuser | oid | | | | plain | usename | name | | | | plain | umoptions | text[] | C | | | extended | View definition: SELECT u.oid AS umid, s.oid AS srvid, s.srvname, u.umuser, CASE WHEN u.umuser = 0::oid THEN 'public'::name ELSE a.rolname END AS usename, CASE WHEN u.umuser <> 0::oid AND a.rolname = CURRENT_USER AND (pg_has_role(s.srvowner, 'USAGE'::text) OR has_server_privilege(s.oid, 'USAGE'::text)) OR u.umuser = 0::oid AND pg_has_role(s.srvowner, 'USAGE'::text) OR ( SELECT pg_authid.rolsuper FROM pg_authid WHERE pg_authid.rolname = CURRENT_USER) THEN u.umoptions ELSE NULL::text[] END AS umoptions FROM pg_user_mapping u JOIN pg_foreign_server s ON u.umserver = s.oid LEFT JOIN pg_authid a ON a.oid = u.umuser; View "pg_catalog.pg_views" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ------------+------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- schemaname | name | | | | plain | viewname | name | | | | plain | viewowner | name | | | | plain | definition | text | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT n.nspname AS schemaname, c.relname AS viewname, pg_get_userbyid(c.relowner) AS viewowner, pg_get_viewdef(c.oid) AS definition FROM pg_class c LEFT JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace WHERE c.relkind = 'v'::"char"; TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_1213" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "pg_catalog.pg_tablespace" Indexes: "pg_toast_1213_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq), tablespace "pg_global" Tablespace: "pg_global" Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_1213_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_1213" Tablespace: "pg_global" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_1247" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "pg_catalog.pg_type" Indexes: "pg_toast_1247_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_1247_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_1247" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_1255" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "pg_catalog.pg_proc" Indexes: "pg_toast_1255_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_1255_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_1255" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_1260" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "pg_catalog.pg_authid" Indexes: "pg_toast_1260_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq), tablespace "pg_global" Tablespace: "pg_global" Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_1260_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_1260" Tablespace: "pg_global" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_1262" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "pg_catalog.pg_database" Indexes: "pg_toast_1262_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq), tablespace "pg_global" Tablespace: "pg_global" Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_1262_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_1262" Tablespace: "pg_global" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_1417" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "pg_catalog.pg_foreign_server" Indexes: "pg_toast_1417_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_1417_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_1417" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_1418" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "pg_catalog.pg_user_mapping" Indexes: "pg_toast_1418_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_14180" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "information_schema.sql_features" Indexes: "pg_toast_14180_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_14180_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_14180" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_14185" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "information_schema.sql_implementation_info" Indexes: "pg_toast_14185_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_14185_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_14185" Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_1418_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_1418" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_14190" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "information_schema.sql_parts" Indexes: "pg_toast_14190_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_14190_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_14190" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_14195" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "information_schema.sql_sizing" Indexes: "pg_toast_14195_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_14195_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_14195" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_16470" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.users" Indexes: "pg_toast_16470_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_16470_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_16470" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_16493" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.maintenances" Indexes: "pg_toast_16493_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_16493_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_16493" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_16508" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.hosts" Indexes: "pg_toast_16508_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_16508_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_16508" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_16569" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.drules" Indexes: "pg_toast_16569_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_16569_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_16569" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_16583" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.dchecks" Indexes: "pg_toast_16583_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_16583_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_16583" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_16605" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.httptest" Indexes: "pg_toast_16605_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_16605_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_16605" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_16631" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.httpstep" Indexes: "pg_toast_16631_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_16631_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_16631" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_16649" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.interface" Indexes: "pg_toast_16649_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_16649_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_16649" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_16677" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.items" Indexes: "pg_toast_16677_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_16677_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_16677" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_16753" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.media_type" Indexes: "pg_toast_16753_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_16753_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_16753" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_16788" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.media_type_param" Indexes: "pg_toast_16788_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_16788_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_16788" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_16798" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.media_type_message" Indexes: "pg_toast_16798_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_16798_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_16798" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_16825" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.scripts" Indexes: "pg_toast_16825_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_16825_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_16825" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_16851" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.script_param" Indexes: "pg_toast_16851_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_16851_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_16851" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_16861" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.actions" Indexes: "pg_toast_16861_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_16861_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_16861" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_16890" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.opmessage" Indexes: "pg_toast_16890_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_16890_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_16890" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_16958" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.conditions" Indexes: "pg_toast_16958_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_16958_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_16958" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_16970" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.config" Indexes: "pg_toast_16970_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_16970_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_16970" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_17091" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.triggers" Indexes: "pg_toast_17091_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_17091_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_17091" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_17195" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.globalmacro" Indexes: "pg_toast_17195_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_17195_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_17195" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_17207" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.hostmacro" Indexes: "pg_toast_17207_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_17207_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_17207" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_17243" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "" Indexes: "pg_toast_17243_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_17243_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_17243" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_17264" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "" Indexes: "pg_toast_17264_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_17264_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_17264" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_17306" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.sysmaps" Indexes: "pg_toast_17306_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_17306_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_17306" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_17343" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.sysmaps_elements" Indexes: "pg_toast_17343_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_17343_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_17343" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_17368" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.sysmaps_links" Indexes: "pg_toast_17368_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_17368_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_17368" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_17390" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.sysmap_element_url" Indexes: "pg_toast_17390_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_17390_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_17390" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_17399" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.sysmap_url" Indexes: "pg_toast_17399_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_17399_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_17399" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_17457" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.regexps" Indexes: "pg_toast_17457_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_17457_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_17457" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_17484" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.alerts" Indexes: "pg_toast_17484_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_17484_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_17484" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_17533" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.history_log" Indexes: "pg_toast_17533_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_17533_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_17533" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_17547" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.history_text" Indexes: "pg_toast_17547_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_17547_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_17547" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_17558" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.proxy_history" Indexes: "pg_toast_17558_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_17558_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_17558" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_17580" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.proxy_dhistory" Indexes: "pg_toast_17580_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_17580_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_17580" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_17596" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "" Indexes: "pg_toast_17596_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_17596_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_17596" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_17634" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.acknowledges" Indexes: "pg_toast_17634_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_17634_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_17634" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_17649" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.auditlog" Indexes: "pg_toast_17649_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_17649_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_17649" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_17675" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.autoreg_host" Indexes: "pg_toast_17675_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_17675_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_17675" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_17692" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.proxy_autoreg_host" Indexes: "pg_toast_17692_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_17692_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_17692" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_17718" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.dservices" Indexes: "pg_toast_17718_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_17718_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_17718" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_17759" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.host_inventory" Indexes: "pg_toast_17759_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_17759_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_17759" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_17844" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.images" Indexes: "pg_toast_17844_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_17844_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_17844" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_17855" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.item_discovery" Indexes: "pg_toast_17855_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_17855_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_17855" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_17880" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.profiles" Indexes: "pg_toast_17880_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_17880_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_17880" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_17922" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.item_rtdata" Indexes: "pg_toast_17922_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_17922_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_17922" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_17939" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.trigger_tag" Indexes: "pg_toast_17939_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_17939_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_17939" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_17949" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.event_tag" Indexes: "pg_toast_17949_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_17949_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_17949" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_17959" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.problem" Indexes: "pg_toast_17959_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_17959_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_17959" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_17979" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.problem_tag" Indexes: "pg_toast_17979_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_17979_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_17979" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_17989" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.tag_filter" Indexes: "pg_toast_17989_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_17989_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_17989" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18005" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.correlation" Indexes: "pg_toast_18005_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_18005_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18005" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18039" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.corr_condition_tagpair" Indexes: "pg_toast_18039_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_18039_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18039" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18048" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.corr_condition_tagvalue" Indexes: "pg_toast_18048_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_18048_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18048" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18079" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.item_preproc" Indexes: "pg_toast_18079_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_18079_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18079" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18092" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.task_remote_command" Indexes: "pg_toast_18092_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_18092_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18092" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18108" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.task_remote_command_result" Indexes: "pg_toast_18108_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_18108_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18108" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18117" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.task_data" Indexes: "pg_toast_18117_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_18117_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18117" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18126" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.task_result" Indexes: "pg_toast_18126_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_18126_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18126" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18141" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.sysmap_shape" Indexes: "pg_toast_18141_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_18141_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18141" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18171" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.httptest_field" Indexes: "pg_toast_18171_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_18171_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18171" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18182" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.httpstep_field" Indexes: "pg_toast_18182_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_18182_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18182" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18227" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.widget" Indexes: "pg_toast_18227_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_18227_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18227" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18242" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.widget_field" Indexes: "pg_toast_18242_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_18242_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18242" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18275" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.maintenance_tag" Indexes: "pg_toast_18275_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_18275_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18275" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18286" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.lld_macro_path" Indexes: "pg_toast_18286_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_18286_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18286" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18296" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.host_tag" Indexes: "pg_toast_18296_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_18296_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18296" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18306" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.config_autoreg_tls" Indexes: "pg_toast_18306_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_18306_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18306" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18316" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.module" Indexes: "pg_toast_18316_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_18316_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18316" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18327" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.interface_snmp" Indexes: "pg_toast_18327_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_18327_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18327" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18344" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.lld_override" Indexes: "pg_toast_18344_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_18344_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18344" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18387" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.lld_override_opperiod" Indexes: "pg_toast_18387_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_18387_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18387" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18413" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.lld_override_optag" Indexes: "pg_toast_18413_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_18413_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18413" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18444" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.item_parameter" Indexes: "pg_toast_18444_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_18444_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18444" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18454" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.role_rule" Indexes: "pg_toast_18454_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_18454_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18454" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18468" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.token" Indexes: "pg_toast_18468_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_18468_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18468" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18485" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.item_tag" Indexes: "pg_toast_18485_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_18485_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18485" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18495" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.httptest_tag" Indexes: "pg_toast_18495_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_18495_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18495" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18505" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.sysmaps_element_tag" Indexes: "pg_toast_18505_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_18505_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18505" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18516" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "" Indexes: "pg_toast_18516_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_18516_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18516" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18536" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.report_param" Indexes: "pg_toast_18536_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_18536_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18536" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18559" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.service_problem_tag" Indexes: "pg_toast_18559_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_18559_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18559" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18578" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.service_tag" Indexes: "pg_toast_18578_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_18578_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18578" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18598" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.ha_node" Indexes: "pg_toast_18598_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_18598_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18598" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18613" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.sla" Indexes: "pg_toast_18613_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_18613_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18613" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18645" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.sla_service_tag" Indexes: "pg_toast_18645_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_18645_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_18645" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_2328" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "pg_catalog.pg_foreign_data_wrapper" Indexes: "pg_toast_2328_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_2328_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_2328" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_2396" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "pg_catalog.pg_shdescription" Indexes: "pg_toast_2396_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq), tablespace "pg_global" Tablespace: "pg_global" Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_2396_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_2396" Tablespace: "pg_global" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_2600" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "pg_catalog.pg_aggregate" Indexes: "pg_toast_2600_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_2600_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_2600" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_2604" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "pg_catalog.pg_attrdef" Indexes: "pg_toast_2604_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_2604_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_2604" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_2606" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "pg_catalog.pg_constraint" Indexes: "pg_toast_2606_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_2606_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_2606" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_2609" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "pg_catalog.pg_description" Indexes: "pg_toast_2609_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_2609_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_2609" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_2612" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "pg_catalog.pg_language" Indexes: "pg_toast_2612_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_2612_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_2612" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_2615" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "pg_catalog.pg_namespace" Indexes: "pg_toast_2615_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_2615_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_2615" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_2618" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "pg_catalog.pg_rewrite" Indexes: "pg_toast_2618_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_2618_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_2618" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_2619" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "pg_catalog.pg_statistic" Indexes: "pg_toast_2619_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_2619_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_2619" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_2620" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "pg_catalog.pg_trigger" Indexes: "pg_toast_2620_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_2620_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_2620" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_2964" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "pg_catalog.pg_db_role_setting" Indexes: "pg_toast_2964_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq), tablespace "pg_global" Tablespace: "pg_global" Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_2964_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_2964" Tablespace: "pg_global" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_3079" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "pg_catalog.pg_extension" Indexes: "pg_toast_3079_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_3079_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_3079" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_3118" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "pg_catalog.pg_foreign_table" Indexes: "pg_toast_3118_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_3118_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_3118" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_3256" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "pg_catalog.pg_policy" Indexes: "pg_toast_3256_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_3256_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_3256" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_3350" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "pg_catalog.pg_partitioned_table" Indexes: "pg_toast_3350_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_3350_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_3350" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_3381" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "pg_catalog.pg_statistic_ext" Indexes: "pg_toast_3381_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_3381_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_3381" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_3394" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "pg_catalog.pg_init_privs" Indexes: "pg_toast_3394_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_3394_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_3394" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_3429" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "pg_catalog.pg_statistic_ext_data" Indexes: "pg_toast_3429_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_3429_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_3429" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_3456" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "pg_catalog.pg_collation" Indexes: "pg_toast_3456_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_3456_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_3456" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_3466" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "pg_catalog.pg_event_trigger" Indexes: "pg_toast_3466_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_3466_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_3466" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_3592" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "pg_catalog.pg_shseclabel" Indexes: "pg_toast_3592_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq), tablespace "pg_global" Tablespace: "pg_global" Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_3592_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_3592" Tablespace: "pg_global" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_3596" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "pg_catalog.pg_seclabel" Indexes: "pg_toast_3596_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_3596_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_3596" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_3600" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "pg_catalog.pg_ts_dict" Indexes: "pg_toast_3600_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_3600_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_3600" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_6000" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "pg_catalog.pg_replication_origin" Indexes: "pg_toast_6000_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq), tablespace "pg_global" Tablespace: "pg_global" Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_6000_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_6000" Tablespace: "pg_global" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_6100" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "pg_catalog.pg_subscription" Indexes: "pg_toast_6100_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq), tablespace "pg_global" Tablespace: "pg_global" Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_6100_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_6100" Tablespace: "pg_global" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_75042" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "public.userdirectory" Indexes: "pg_toast_75042_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_75042_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_75042" TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_826" Column | Type | Storage ------------+---------+--------- chunk_id | oid | plain chunk_seq | integer | plain chunk_data | bytea | plain Owning table: "pg_catalog.pg_default_acl" Indexes: "pg_toast_826_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) Access method: heap Index "pg_toast.pg_toast_826_index" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- chunk_id | oid | yes | chunk_id | plain | chunk_seq | integer | yes | chunk_seq | plain | primary key, btree, for table "pg_toast.pg_toast_826" Table "public.acknowledges" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ----------------+-------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- acknowledgeid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | userid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | eventid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | clock | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | message | character varying(2048) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | action | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | old_severity | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | new_severity | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | suppress_until | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | Indexes: "acknowledges_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (acknowledgeid) "acknowledges_1" btree (userid) "acknowledges_2" btree (eventid) "acknowledges_3" btree (clock) Foreign-key constraints: "c_acknowledges_1" FOREIGN KEY (userid) REFERENCES users(userid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_acknowledges_2" FOREIGN KEY (eventid) REFERENCES events(eventid) ON DELETE CASCADE Referenced by: TABLE "alerts" CONSTRAINT "c_alerts_6" FOREIGN KEY (acknowledgeid) REFERENCES acknowledges(acknowledgeid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.acknowledges_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- userid | bigint | yes | userid | plain | btree, for table "public.acknowledges" Index "public.acknowledges_2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- eventid | bigint | yes | eventid | plain | btree, for table "public.acknowledges" Index "public.acknowledges_3" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- clock | integer | yes | clock | plain | btree, for table "public.acknowledges" Index "public.acknowledges_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------------+--------+------+---------------+---------+-------------- acknowledgeid | bigint | yes | acknowledgeid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.acknowledges" Table "public.actions" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description --------------------+-------------------------+-----------+----------+-------------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- actionid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | name | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | eventsource | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | evaltype | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | status | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | esc_period | character varying(255) | | not null | '1h'::character varying | extended | | | formula | character varying(1024) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | pause_suppressed | integer | | not null | 1 | plain | | | notify_if_canceled | integer | | not null | 1 | plain | | | Indexes: "actions_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (actionid) "actions_1" btree (eventsource, status) "actions_2" UNIQUE, btree (name) Referenced by: TABLE "alerts" CONSTRAINT "c_alerts_1" FOREIGN KEY (actionid) REFERENCES actions(actionid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "conditions" CONSTRAINT "c_conditions_1" FOREIGN KEY (actionid) REFERENCES actions(actionid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "operations" CONSTRAINT "c_operations_1" FOREIGN KEY (actionid) REFERENCES actions(actionid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.actions_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -------------+---------+------+-------------+---------+-------------- eventsource | integer | yes | eventsource | plain | status | integer | yes | status | plain | btree, for table "public.actions" Index "public.actions_2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+------------------------+------+------------+----------+-------------- name | character varying(255) | yes | name | extended | unique, btree, for table "public.actions" Index "public.actions_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- actionid | bigint | yes | actionid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.actions" Table "public.alerts" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ---------------+-------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- alertid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | actionid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | eventid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | userid | bigint | | | | plain | | | clock | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | mediatypeid | bigint | | | | plain | | | sendto | character varying(1024) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | subject | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | message | text | | not null | ''::text | extended | | | status | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | retries | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | error | character varying(2048) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | esc_step | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | alerttype | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | p_eventid | bigint | | | | plain | | | acknowledgeid | bigint | | | | plain | | | parameters | text | | not null | '{}'::text | extended | | | Indexes: "alerts_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (alertid) "alerts_1" btree (actionid) "alerts_2" btree (clock) "alerts_3" btree (eventid) "alerts_4" btree (status) "alerts_5" btree (mediatypeid) "alerts_6" btree (userid) "alerts_7" btree (p_eventid) "alerts_8" btree (acknowledgeid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_alerts_1" FOREIGN KEY (actionid) REFERENCES actions(actionid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_alerts_2" FOREIGN KEY (eventid) REFERENCES events(eventid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_alerts_3" FOREIGN KEY (userid) REFERENCES users(userid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_alerts_4" FOREIGN KEY (mediatypeid) REFERENCES media_type(mediatypeid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_alerts_5" FOREIGN KEY (p_eventid) REFERENCES events(eventid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_alerts_6" FOREIGN KEY (acknowledgeid) REFERENCES acknowledges(acknowledgeid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.alerts_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- actionid | bigint | yes | actionid | plain | btree, for table "public.alerts" Index "public.alerts_2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- clock | integer | yes | clock | plain | btree, for table "public.alerts" Index "public.alerts_3" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- eventid | bigint | yes | eventid | plain | btree, for table "public.alerts" Index "public.alerts_4" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- status | integer | yes | status | plain | btree, for table "public.alerts" Index "public.alerts_5" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -------------+--------+------+-------------+---------+-------------- mediatypeid | bigint | yes | mediatypeid | plain | btree, for table "public.alerts" Index "public.alerts_6" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- userid | bigint | yes | userid | plain | btree, for table "public.alerts" Index "public.alerts_7" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- p_eventid | bigint | yes | p_eventid | plain | btree, for table "public.alerts" Index "public.alerts_8" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------------+--------+------+---------------+---------+-------------- acknowledgeid | bigint | yes | acknowledgeid | plain | btree, for table "public.alerts" Index "public.alerts_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- alertid | bigint | yes | alertid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.alerts" Table "public.auditlog" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ---------------+------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- auditid | character varying(25) | | not null | | extended | | | userid | bigint | | | | plain | | | username | character varying(100) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | clock | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | ip | character varying(39) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | action | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | resourcetype | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | resourceid | bigint | | | | plain | | | resource_cuid | character varying(25) | | | | extended | | | resourcename | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | recordsetid | character varying(25) | | not null | | extended | | | details | text | | not null | ''::text | extended | | | Indexes: "auditlog_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (auditid) "auditlog_1" btree (userid, clock) "auditlog_2" btree (clock) "auditlog_3" btree (resourcetype, resourceid) Access method: heap Index "public.auditlog_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- userid | bigint | yes | userid | plain | clock | integer | yes | clock | plain | btree, for table "public.auditlog" Index "public.auditlog_2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- clock | integer | yes | clock | plain | btree, for table "public.auditlog" Index "public.auditlog_3" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------------+---------+------+--------------+---------+-------------- resourcetype | integer | yes | resourcetype | plain | resourceid | bigint | yes | resourceid | plain | btree, for table "public.auditlog" Index "public.auditlog_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------+-----------------------+------+------------+----------+-------------- auditid | character varying(25) | yes | auditid | extended | primary key, btree, for table "public.auditlog" Table "public.autoreg_host" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ----------------+------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- autoreg_hostid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | proxy_hostid | bigint | | | | plain | | | host | character varying(128) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | listen_ip | character varying(39) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | listen_port | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | listen_dns | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | host_metadata | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | flags | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | tls_accepted | integer | | not null | 1 | plain | | | Indexes: "autoreg_host_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (autoreg_hostid) "autoreg_host_1" btree (host) "autoreg_host_2" btree (proxy_hostid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_autoreg_host_1" FOREIGN KEY (proxy_hostid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.autoreg_host_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+------------------------+------+------------+----------+-------------- host | character varying(128) | yes | host | extended | btree, for table "public.autoreg_host" Index "public.autoreg_host_2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------------+--------+------+--------------+---------+-------------- proxy_hostid | bigint | yes | proxy_hostid | plain | btree, for table "public.autoreg_host" Index "public.autoreg_host_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------------+--------+------+----------------+---------+-------------- autoreg_hostid | bigint | yes | autoreg_hostid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.autoreg_host" Table "public.changelog" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description -------------+---------+-----------+----------+------------------------------------------------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- changelogid | bigint | | not null | nextval('changelog_changelogid_seq'::regclass) | plain | | | object | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | objectid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | operation | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | clock | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | Indexes: "changelog_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (changelogid) "changelog_1" btree (clock) Access method: heap Index "public.changelog_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- clock | integer | yes | clock | plain | btree, for table "public.changelog" Sequence "public.changelog_changelogid_seq" Type | Start | Minimum | Maximum | Increment | Cycles? | Cache --------+-------+---------+---------------------+-----------+---------+------- bigint | 1 | 1 | 9223372036854775807 | 1 | no | 1 Owned by: public.changelog.changelogid Index "public.changelog_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -------------+--------+------+-------------+---------+-------------- changelogid | bigint | yes | changelogid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.changelog" Table "public.conditions" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ---------------+------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- conditionid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | actionid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | conditiontype | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | operator | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | value | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | value2 | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | Indexes: "conditions_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (conditionid) "conditions_1" btree (actionid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_conditions_1" FOREIGN KEY (actionid) REFERENCES actions(actionid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.conditions_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- actionid | bigint | yes | actionid | plain | btree, for table "public.conditions" Index "public.conditions_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -------------+--------+------+-------------+---------+-------------- conditionid | bigint | yes | conditionid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.conditions" Table "public.config" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ------------------------------+-------------------------+-----------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- configid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | work_period | character varying(255) | | not null | '1-5,09:00-18:00'::character varying | extended | | | alert_usrgrpid | bigint | | | | plain | | | default_theme | character varying(128) | | not null | 'blue-theme'::character varying | extended | | | authentication_type | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | discovery_groupid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | max_in_table | integer | | not null | 50 | plain | | | search_limit | integer | | not null | 1000 | plain | | | severity_color_0 | character varying(6) | | not null | '97AAB3'::character varying | extended | | | severity_color_1 | character varying(6) | | not null | '7499FF'::character varying | extended | | | severity_color_2 | character varying(6) | | not null | 'FFC859'::character varying | extended | | | severity_color_3 | character varying(6) | | not null | 'FFA059'::character varying | extended | | | severity_color_4 | character varying(6) | | not null | 'E97659'::character varying | extended | | | severity_color_5 | character varying(6) | | not null | 'E45959'::character varying | extended | | | severity_name_0 | character varying(32) | | not null | 'Not classified'::character varying | extended | | | severity_name_1 | character varying(32) | | not null | 'Information'::character varying | extended | | | severity_name_2 | character varying(32) | | not null | 'Warning'::character varying | extended | | | severity_name_3 | character varying(32) | | not null | 'Average'::character varying | extended | | | severity_name_4 | character varying(32) | | not null | 'High'::character varying | extended | | | severity_name_5 | character varying(32) | | not null | 'Disaster'::character varying | extended | | | ok_period | character varying(32) | | not null | '5m'::character varying | extended | | | blink_period | character varying(32) | | not null | '2m'::character varying | extended | | | problem_unack_color | character varying(6) | | not null | 'CC0000'::character varying | extended | | | problem_ack_color | character varying(6) | | not null | 'CC0000'::character varying | extended | | | ok_unack_color | character varying(6) | | not null | '009900'::character varying | extended | | | ok_ack_color | character varying(6) | | not null | '009900'::character varying | extended | | | problem_unack_style | integer | | not null | 1 | plain | | | problem_ack_style | integer | | not null | 1 | plain | | | ok_unack_style | integer | | not null | 1 | plain | | | ok_ack_style | integer | | not null | 1 | plain | | | snmptrap_logging | integer | | not null | 1 | plain | | | server_check_interval | integer | | not null | 10 | plain | | | hk_events_mode | integer | | not null | 1 | plain | | | hk_events_trigger | character varying(32) | | not null | '365d'::character varying | extended | | | hk_events_internal | character varying(32) | | not null | '1d'::character varying | extended | | | hk_events_discovery | character varying(32) | | not null | '1d'::character varying | extended | | | hk_events_autoreg | character varying(32) | | not null | '1d'::character varying | extended | | | hk_services_mode | integer | | not null | 1 | plain | | | hk_services | character varying(32) | | not null | '365d'::character varying | extended | | | hk_audit_mode | integer | | not null | 1 | plain | | | hk_audit | character varying(32) | | not null | '365d'::character varying | extended | | | hk_sessions_mode | integer | | not null | 1 | plain | | | hk_sessions | character varying(32) | | not null | '365d'::character varying | extended | | | hk_history_mode | integer | | not null | 1 | plain | | | hk_history_global | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | hk_history | character varying(32) | | not null | '90d'::character varying | extended | | | hk_trends_mode | integer | | not null | 1 | plain | | | hk_trends_global | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | hk_trends | character varying(32) | | not null | '365d'::character varying | extended | | | default_inventory_mode | integer | | not null | '-1'::integer | plain | | | custom_color | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | http_auth_enabled | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | http_login_form | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | http_strip_domains | character varying(2048) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | http_case_sensitive | integer | | not null | 1 | plain | | | ldap_configured | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | ldap_case_sensitive | integer | | not null | 1 | plain | | | db_extension | character varying(32) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | autoreg_tls_accept | integer | | not null | 1 | plain | | | compression_status | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | compress_older | character varying(32) | | not null | '7d'::character varying | extended | | | instanceid | character varying(32) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | saml_auth_enabled | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | saml_idp_entityid | character varying(1024) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | saml_sso_url | character varying(2048) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | saml_slo_url | character varying(2048) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | saml_username_attribute | character varying(128) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | saml_sp_entityid | character varying(1024) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | saml_nameid_format | character varying(2048) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | saml_sign_messages | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | saml_sign_assertions | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | saml_sign_authn_requests | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | saml_sign_logout_requests | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | saml_sign_logout_responses | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | saml_encrypt_nameid | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | saml_encrypt_assertions | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | saml_case_sensitive | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | default_lang | character varying(5) | | not null | 'en_US'::character varying | extended | | | default_timezone | character varying(50) | | not null | 'system'::character varying | extended | | | login_attempts | integer | | not null | 5 | plain | | | login_block | character varying(32) | | not null | '30s'::character varying | extended | | | show_technical_errors | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | validate_uri_schemes | integer | | not null | 1 | plain | | | uri_valid_schemes | character varying(255) | | not null | 'http,https,ftp,file,mailto,tel,ssh'::character varying | extended | | | x_frame_options | character varying(255) | | not null | 'SAMEORIGIN'::character varying | extended | | | iframe_sandboxing_enabled | integer | | not null | 1 | plain | | | iframe_sandboxing_exceptions | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | max_overview_table_size | integer | | not null | 50 | plain | | | history_period | character varying(32) | | not null | '24h'::character varying | extended | | | period_default | character varying(32) | | not null | '1h'::character varying | extended | | | max_period | character varying(32) | | not null | '2y'::character varying | extended | | | socket_timeout | character varying(32) | | not null | '3s'::character varying | extended | | | connect_timeout | character varying(32) | | not null | '3s'::character varying | extended | | | media_type_test_timeout | character varying(32) | | not null | '65s'::character varying | extended | | | script_timeout | character varying(32) | | not null | '60s'::character varying | extended | | | item_test_timeout | character varying(32) | | not null | '60s'::character varying | extended | | | session_key | character varying(32) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | url | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | report_test_timeout | character varying(32) | | not null | '60s'::character varying | extended | | | dbversion_status | text | | not null | ''::text | extended | | | hk_events_service | character varying(32) | | not null | '1d'::character varying | extended | | | passwd_min_length | integer | | not null | 8 | plain | | | passwd_check_rules | integer | | not null | 8 | plain | | | auditlog_enabled | integer | | not null | 1 | plain | | | ha_failover_delay | character varying(32) | | not null | '1m'::character varying | extended | | | geomaps_tile_provider | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | geomaps_tile_url | character varying(1024) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | geomaps_max_zoom | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | geomaps_attribution | character varying(1024) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | vault_provider | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | ldap_userdirectoryid | bigint | | | | plain | | | Indexes: "config_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (configid) "config_1" btree (alert_usrgrpid) "config_2" btree (discovery_groupid) "config_3" btree (ldap_userdirectoryid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_config_1" FOREIGN KEY (alert_usrgrpid) REFERENCES usrgrp(usrgrpid) "c_config_2" FOREIGN KEY (discovery_groupid) REFERENCES hstgrp(groupid) "c_config_3" FOREIGN KEY (ldap_userdirectoryid) REFERENCES userdirectory(userdirectoryid) Access method: heap Index "public.config_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------------+--------+------+----------------+---------+-------------- alert_usrgrpid | bigint | yes | alert_usrgrpid | plain | btree, for table "public.config" Index "public.config_2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -------------------+--------+------+-------------------+---------+-------------- discovery_groupid | bigint | yes | discovery_groupid | plain | btree, for table "public.config" Index "public.config_3" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------------------+--------+------+----------------------+---------+-------------- ldap_userdirectoryid | bigint | yes | ldap_userdirectoryid | plain | btree, for table "public.config" Table "public.config_autoreg_tls" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ------------------+------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- autoreg_tlsid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | tls_psk_identity | character varying(128) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | tls_psk | character varying(512) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | Indexes: "config_autoreg_tls_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (autoreg_tlsid) "config_autoreg_tls_1" UNIQUE, btree (tls_psk_identity) Access method: heap Index "public.config_autoreg_tls_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ------------------+------------------------+------+------------------+----------+-------------- tls_psk_identity | character varying(128) | yes | tls_psk_identity | extended | unique, btree, for table "public.config_autoreg_tls" Index "public.config_autoreg_tls_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------------+--------+------+---------------+---------+-------------- autoreg_tlsid | bigint | yes | autoreg_tlsid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.config_autoreg_tls" Index "public.config_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- configid | bigint | yes | configid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.config" Table "public.corr_condition" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ------------------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- corr_conditionid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | correlationid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | type | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | Indexes: "corr_condition_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (corr_conditionid) "corr_condition_1" btree (correlationid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_corr_condition_1" FOREIGN KEY (correlationid) REFERENCES correlation(correlationid) ON DELETE CASCADE Referenced by: TABLE "corr_condition_group" CONSTRAINT "c_corr_condition_group_1" FOREIGN KEY (corr_conditionid) REFERENCES corr_condition(corr_conditionid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "corr_condition_tag" CONSTRAINT "c_corr_condition_tag_1" FOREIGN KEY (corr_conditionid) REFERENCES corr_condition(corr_conditionid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "corr_condition_tagpair" CONSTRAINT "c_corr_condition_tagpair_1" FOREIGN KEY (corr_conditionid) REFERENCES corr_condition(corr_conditionid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "corr_condition_tagvalue" CONSTRAINT "c_corr_condition_tagvalue_1" FOREIGN KEY (corr_conditionid) REFERENCES corr_condition(corr_conditionid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.corr_condition_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------------+--------+------+---------------+---------+-------------- correlationid | bigint | yes | correlationid | plain | btree, for table "public.corr_condition" Table "public.corr_condition_group" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ------------------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- corr_conditionid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | operator | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | groupid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | Indexes: "corr_condition_group_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (corr_conditionid) "corr_condition_group_1" btree (groupid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_corr_condition_group_1" FOREIGN KEY (corr_conditionid) REFERENCES corr_condition(corr_conditionid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_corr_condition_group_2" FOREIGN KEY (groupid) REFERENCES hstgrp(groupid) Access method: heap Index "public.corr_condition_group_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- groupid | bigint | yes | groupid | plain | btree, for table "public.corr_condition_group" Index "public.corr_condition_group_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ------------------+--------+------+------------------+---------+-------------- corr_conditionid | bigint | yes | corr_conditionid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.corr_condition_group" Index "public.corr_condition_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ------------------+--------+------+------------------+---------+-------------- corr_conditionid | bigint | yes | corr_conditionid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.corr_condition" Table "public.corr_condition_tag" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ------------------+------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- corr_conditionid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | tag | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | Indexes: "corr_condition_tag_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (corr_conditionid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_corr_condition_tag_1" FOREIGN KEY (corr_conditionid) REFERENCES corr_condition(corr_conditionid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.corr_condition_tag_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ------------------+--------+------+------------------+---------+-------------- corr_conditionid | bigint | yes | corr_conditionid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.corr_condition_tag" Table "public.corr_condition_tagpair" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ------------------+------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- corr_conditionid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | oldtag | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | newtag | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | Indexes: "corr_condition_tagpair_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (corr_conditionid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_corr_condition_tagpair_1" FOREIGN KEY (corr_conditionid) REFERENCES corr_condition(corr_conditionid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.corr_condition_tagpair_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ------------------+--------+------+------------------+---------+-------------- corr_conditionid | bigint | yes | corr_conditionid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.corr_condition_tagpair" Table "public.corr_condition_tagvalue" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ------------------+------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- corr_conditionid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | tag | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | operator | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | value | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | Indexes: "corr_condition_tagvalue_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (corr_conditionid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_corr_condition_tagvalue_1" FOREIGN KEY (corr_conditionid) REFERENCES corr_condition(corr_conditionid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.corr_condition_tagvalue_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ------------------+--------+------+------------------+---------+-------------- corr_conditionid | bigint | yes | corr_conditionid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.corr_condition_tagvalue" Table "public.corr_operation" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ------------------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- corr_operationid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | correlationid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | type | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | Indexes: "corr_operation_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (corr_operationid) "corr_operation_1" btree (correlationid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_corr_operation_1" FOREIGN KEY (correlationid) REFERENCES correlation(correlationid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.corr_operation_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------------+--------+------+---------------+---------+-------------- correlationid | bigint | yes | correlationid | plain | btree, for table "public.corr_operation" Index "public.corr_operation_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ------------------+--------+------+------------------+---------+-------------- corr_operationid | bigint | yes | corr_operationid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.corr_operation" Table "public.correlation" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ---------------+------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- correlationid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | name | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | description | text | | not null | ''::text | extended | | | evaltype | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | status | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | formula | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | Indexes: "correlation_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (correlationid) "correlation_1" btree (status) "correlation_2" UNIQUE, btree (name) Referenced by: TABLE "corr_condition" CONSTRAINT "c_corr_condition_1" FOREIGN KEY (correlationid) REFERENCES correlation(correlationid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "corr_operation" CONSTRAINT "c_corr_operation_1" FOREIGN KEY (correlationid) REFERENCES correlation(correlationid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.correlation_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- status | integer | yes | status | plain | btree, for table "public.correlation" Index "public.correlation_2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+------------------------+------+------------+----------+-------------- name | character varying(255) | yes | name | extended | unique, btree, for table "public.correlation" Index "public.correlation_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------------+--------+------+---------------+---------+-------------- correlationid | bigint | yes | correlationid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.correlation" Table "public.dashboard" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ----------------+------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- dashboardid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | name | character varying(255) | | not null | | extended | | | userid | bigint | | | | plain | | | private | integer | | not null | 1 | plain | | | templateid | bigint | | | | plain | | | display_period | integer | | not null | 30 | plain | | | auto_start | integer | | not null | 1 | plain | | | uuid | character varying(32) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | Indexes: "dashboard_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (dashboardid) "dashboard_1" btree (userid) "dashboard_2" btree (templateid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_dashboard_1" FOREIGN KEY (userid) REFERENCES users(userid) "c_dashboard_2" FOREIGN KEY (templateid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid) ON DELETE CASCADE Referenced by: TABLE "dashboard_page" CONSTRAINT "c_dashboard_page_1" FOREIGN KEY (dashboardid) REFERENCES dashboard(dashboardid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "dashboard_user" CONSTRAINT "c_dashboard_user_1" FOREIGN KEY (dashboardid) REFERENCES dashboard(dashboardid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "dashboard_usrgrp" CONSTRAINT "c_dashboard_usrgrp_1" FOREIGN KEY (dashboardid) REFERENCES dashboard(dashboardid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "report" CONSTRAINT "c_report_2" FOREIGN KEY (dashboardid) REFERENCES dashboard(dashboardid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.dashboard_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- userid | bigint | yes | userid | plain | btree, for table "public.dashboard" Index "public.dashboard_2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ------------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- templateid | bigint | yes | templateid | plain | btree, for table "public.dashboard" Table "public.dashboard_page" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ------------------+------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- dashboard_pageid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | dashboardid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | name | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | display_period | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | sortorder | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | Indexes: "dashboard_page_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (dashboard_pageid) "dashboard_page_1" btree (dashboardid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_dashboard_page_1" FOREIGN KEY (dashboardid) REFERENCES dashboard(dashboardid) ON DELETE CASCADE Referenced by: TABLE "widget" CONSTRAINT "c_widget_1" FOREIGN KEY (dashboard_pageid) REFERENCES dashboard_page(dashboard_pageid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.dashboard_page_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -------------+--------+------+-------------+---------+-------------- dashboardid | bigint | yes | dashboardid | plain | btree, for table "public.dashboard_page" Index "public.dashboard_page_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ------------------+--------+------+------------------+---------+-------------- dashboard_pageid | bigint | yes | dashboard_pageid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.dashboard_page" Index "public.dashboard_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -------------+--------+------+-------------+---------+-------------- dashboardid | bigint | yes | dashboardid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.dashboard" Table "public.dashboard_user" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ------------------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- dashboard_userid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | dashboardid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | userid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | permission | integer | | not null | 2 | plain | | | Indexes: "dashboard_user_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (dashboard_userid) "dashboard_user_1" UNIQUE, btree (dashboardid, userid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_dashboard_user_1" FOREIGN KEY (dashboardid) REFERENCES dashboard(dashboardid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_dashboard_user_2" FOREIGN KEY (userid) REFERENCES users(userid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.dashboard_user_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -------------+--------+------+-------------+---------+-------------- dashboardid | bigint | yes | dashboardid | plain | userid | bigint | yes | userid | plain | unique, btree, for table "public.dashboard_user" Index "public.dashboard_user_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ------------------+--------+------+------------------+---------+-------------- dashboard_userid | bigint | yes | dashboard_userid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.dashboard_user" Table "public.dashboard_usrgrp" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description --------------------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- dashboard_usrgrpid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | dashboardid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | usrgrpid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | permission | integer | | not null | 2 | plain | | | Indexes: "dashboard_usrgrp_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (dashboard_usrgrpid) "dashboard_usrgrp_1" UNIQUE, btree (dashboardid, usrgrpid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_dashboard_usrgrp_1" FOREIGN KEY (dashboardid) REFERENCES dashboard(dashboardid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_dashboard_usrgrp_2" FOREIGN KEY (usrgrpid) REFERENCES usrgrp(usrgrpid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.dashboard_usrgrp_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -------------+--------+------+-------------+---------+-------------- dashboardid | bigint | yes | dashboardid | plain | usrgrpid | bigint | yes | usrgrpid | plain | unique, btree, for table "public.dashboard_usrgrp" Index "public.dashboard_usrgrp_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------------------+--------+------+--------------------+---------+-------------- dashboard_usrgrpid | bigint | yes | dashboard_usrgrpid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.dashboard_usrgrp" Table "public.dbversion" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description -------------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- dbversionid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | mandatory | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | optional | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | Indexes: "dbversion_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (dbversionid) Access method: heap Index "public.dbversion_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -------------+--------+------+-------------+---------+-------------- dbversionid | bigint | yes | dbversionid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.dbversion" Table "public.dchecks" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description -----------------------+-------------------------+-----------+----------+------------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- dcheckid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | druleid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | type | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | key_ | character varying(2048) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | snmp_community | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | ports | character varying(255) | | not null | '0'::character varying | extended | | | snmpv3_securityname | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | snmpv3_securitylevel | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | snmpv3_authpassphrase | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | snmpv3_privpassphrase | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | uniq | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | snmpv3_authprotocol | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | snmpv3_privprotocol | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | snmpv3_contextname | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | host_source | integer | | not null | 1 | plain | | | name_source | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | Indexes: "dchecks_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (dcheckid) "dchecks_1" btree (druleid, host_source, name_source) Foreign-key constraints: "c_dchecks_1" FOREIGN KEY (druleid) REFERENCES drules(druleid) ON DELETE CASCADE Referenced by: TABLE "dservices" CONSTRAINT "c_dservices_2" FOREIGN KEY (dcheckid) REFERENCES dchecks(dcheckid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.dchecks_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -------------+---------+------+-------------+---------+-------------- druleid | bigint | yes | druleid | plain | host_source | integer | yes | host_source | plain | name_source | integer | yes | name_source | plain | btree, for table "public.dchecks" Index "public.dchecks_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- dcheckid | bigint | yes | dcheckid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.dchecks" Table "public.dhosts" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ----------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- dhostid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | druleid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | status | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | lastup | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | lastdown | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | Indexes: "dhosts_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (dhostid) "dhosts_1" btree (druleid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_dhosts_1" FOREIGN KEY (druleid) REFERENCES drules(druleid) ON DELETE CASCADE Referenced by: TABLE "dservices" CONSTRAINT "c_dservices_1" FOREIGN KEY (dhostid) REFERENCES dhosts(dhostid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.dhosts_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- druleid | bigint | yes | druleid | plain | btree, for table "public.dhosts" Index "public.dhosts_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- dhostid | bigint | yes | dhostid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.dhosts" Table "public.drules" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description --------------+-------------------------+-----------+----------+-------------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- druleid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | proxy_hostid | bigint | | | | plain | | | name | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | iprange | character varying(2048) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | delay | character varying(255) | | not null | '1h'::character varying | extended | | | nextcheck | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | status | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | Indexes: "drules_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (druleid) "drules_1" btree (proxy_hostid) "drules_2" UNIQUE, btree (name) Foreign-key constraints: "c_drules_1" FOREIGN KEY (proxy_hostid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid) Referenced by: TABLE "dchecks" CONSTRAINT "c_dchecks_1" FOREIGN KEY (druleid) REFERENCES drules(druleid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "dhosts" CONSTRAINT "c_dhosts_1" FOREIGN KEY (druleid) REFERENCES drules(druleid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.drules_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------------+--------+------+--------------+---------+-------------- proxy_hostid | bigint | yes | proxy_hostid | plain | btree, for table "public.drules" Index "public.drules_2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+------------------------+------+------------+----------+-------------- name | character varying(255) | yes | name | extended | unique, btree, for table "public.drules" Index "public.drules_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- druleid | bigint | yes | druleid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.drules" Table "public.dservices" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ------------+------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- dserviceid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | dhostid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | value | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | port | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | status | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | lastup | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | lastdown | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | dcheckid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | ip | character varying(39) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | dns | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | Indexes: "dservices_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (dserviceid) "dservices_1" UNIQUE, btree (dcheckid, ip, port) "dservices_2" btree (dhostid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_dservices_1" FOREIGN KEY (dhostid) REFERENCES dhosts(dhostid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_dservices_2" FOREIGN KEY (dcheckid) REFERENCES dchecks(dcheckid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.dservices_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------+-----------------------+------+------------+----------+-------------- dcheckid | bigint | yes | dcheckid | plain | ip | character varying(39) | yes | ip | extended | port | integer | yes | port | plain | unique, btree, for table "public.dservices" Index "public.dservices_2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- dhostid | bigint | yes | dhostid | plain | btree, for table "public.dservices" Index "public.dservices_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ------------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- dserviceid | bigint | yes | dserviceid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.dservices" Table "public.escalations" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ----------------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- escalationid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | actionid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | triggerid | bigint | | | | plain | | | eventid | bigint | | | | plain | | | r_eventid | bigint | | | | plain | | | nextcheck | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | esc_step | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | status | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | itemid | bigint | | | | plain | | | acknowledgeid | bigint | | | | plain | | | servicealarmid | bigint | | | | plain | | | serviceid | bigint | | | | plain | | | Indexes: "escalations_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (escalationid) "escalations_1" UNIQUE, btree (triggerid, itemid, serviceid, escalationid) "escalations_2" btree (eventid) "escalations_3" btree (nextcheck) Access method: heap Index "public.escalations_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------------+--------+------+--------------+---------+-------------- triggerid | bigint | yes | triggerid | plain | itemid | bigint | yes | itemid | plain | serviceid | bigint | yes | serviceid | plain | escalationid | bigint | yes | escalationid | plain | unique, btree, for table "public.escalations" Index "public.escalations_2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- eventid | bigint | yes | eventid | plain | btree, for table "public.escalations" Index "public.escalations_3" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- nextcheck | integer | yes | nextcheck | plain | btree, for table "public.escalations" Index "public.escalations_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------------+--------+------+--------------+---------+-------------- escalationid | bigint | yes | escalationid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.escalations" Table "public.event_recovery" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ---------------+--------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- eventid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | r_eventid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | c_eventid | bigint | | | | plain | | | correlationid | bigint | | | | plain | | | userid | bigint | | | | plain | | | Indexes: "event_recovery_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (eventid) "event_recovery_1" btree (r_eventid) "event_recovery_2" btree (c_eventid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_event_recovery_1" FOREIGN KEY (eventid) REFERENCES events(eventid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_event_recovery_2" FOREIGN KEY (r_eventid) REFERENCES events(eventid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_event_recovery_3" FOREIGN KEY (c_eventid) REFERENCES events(eventid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.event_recovery_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- r_eventid | bigint | yes | r_eventid | plain | btree, for table "public.event_recovery" Index "public.event_recovery_2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- c_eventid | bigint | yes | c_eventid | plain | btree, for table "public.event_recovery" Index "public.event_recovery_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- eventid | bigint | yes | eventid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.event_recovery" Table "public.event_suppress" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ------------------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- event_suppressid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | eventid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | maintenanceid | bigint | | | | plain | | | suppress_until | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | userid | bigint | | | | plain | | | Indexes: "event_suppress_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (event_suppressid) "event_suppress_1" UNIQUE, btree (eventid, maintenanceid) "event_suppress_2" btree (suppress_until) "event_suppress_3" btree (maintenanceid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_event_suppress_1" FOREIGN KEY (eventid) REFERENCES events(eventid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_event_suppress_2" FOREIGN KEY (maintenanceid) REFERENCES maintenances(maintenanceid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_event_suppress_3" FOREIGN KEY (userid) REFERENCES users(userid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.event_suppress_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------------+--------+------+---------------+---------+-------------- eventid | bigint | yes | eventid | plain | maintenanceid | bigint | yes | maintenanceid | plain | unique, btree, for table "public.event_suppress" Index "public.event_suppress_2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------------+---------+------+----------------+---------+-------------- suppress_until | integer | yes | suppress_until | plain | btree, for table "public.event_suppress" Index "public.event_suppress_3" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------------+--------+------+---------------+---------+-------------- maintenanceid | bigint | yes | maintenanceid | plain | btree, for table "public.event_suppress" Index "public.event_suppress_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ------------------+--------+------+------------------+---------+-------------- event_suppressid | bigint | yes | event_suppressid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.event_suppress" Table "public.event_tag" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ------------+------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- eventtagid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | eventid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | tag | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | value | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | Indexes: "event_tag_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (eventtagid) "event_tag_1" btree (eventid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_event_tag_1" FOREIGN KEY (eventid) REFERENCES events(eventid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.event_tag_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- eventid | bigint | yes | eventid | plain | btree, for table "public.event_tag" Index "public.event_tag_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ------------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- eventtagid | bigint | yes | eventtagid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.event_tag" Table "" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description --------------+-------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- eventid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | source | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | object | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | objectid | bigint | | not null | '0'::bigint | plain | | | clock | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | value | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | acknowledged | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | ns | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | name | character varying(2048) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | severity | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | Indexes: "events_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (eventid) "events_1" btree (source, object, objectid, clock) "events_2" btree (source, object, clock) Referenced by: TABLE "acknowledges" CONSTRAINT "c_acknowledges_2" FOREIGN KEY (eventid) REFERENCES events(eventid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "alerts" CONSTRAINT "c_alerts_2" FOREIGN KEY (eventid) REFERENCES events(eventid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "alerts" CONSTRAINT "c_alerts_5" FOREIGN KEY (p_eventid) REFERENCES events(eventid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "event_recovery" CONSTRAINT "c_event_recovery_1" FOREIGN KEY (eventid) REFERENCES events(eventid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "event_recovery" CONSTRAINT "c_event_recovery_2" FOREIGN KEY (r_eventid) REFERENCES events(eventid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "event_recovery" CONSTRAINT "c_event_recovery_3" FOREIGN KEY (c_eventid) REFERENCES events(eventid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "event_suppress" CONSTRAINT "c_event_suppress_1" FOREIGN KEY (eventid) REFERENCES events(eventid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "event_tag" CONSTRAINT "c_event_tag_1" FOREIGN KEY (eventid) REFERENCES events(eventid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "problem" CONSTRAINT "c_problem_1" FOREIGN KEY (eventid) REFERENCES events(eventid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "problem" CONSTRAINT "c_problem_2" FOREIGN KEY (r_eventid) REFERENCES events(eventid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.events_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- source | integer | yes | source | plain | object | integer | yes | object | plain | objectid | bigint | yes | objectid | plain | clock | integer | yes | clock | plain | btree, for table "" Index "public.events_2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- source | integer | yes | source | plain | object | integer | yes | object | plain | clock | integer | yes | clock | plain | btree, for table "" Index "public.events_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- eventid | bigint | yes | eventid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "" Table "public.expressions" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description -----------------+------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- expressionid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | regexpid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | expression | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | expression_type | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | exp_delimiter | character varying(1) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | case_sensitive | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | Indexes: "expressions_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (expressionid) "expressions_1" btree (regexpid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_expressions_1" FOREIGN KEY (regexpid) REFERENCES regexps(regexpid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.expressions_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- regexpid | bigint | yes | regexpid | plain | btree, for table "public.expressions" Index "public.expressions_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------------+--------+------+--------------+---------+-------------- expressionid | bigint | yes | expressionid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.expressions" Table "public.functions" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ------------+------------------------+-----------+----------+------------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- functionid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | itemid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | triggerid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | name | character varying(12) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | parameter | character varying(255) | | not null | '0'::character varying | extended | | | Indexes: "functions_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (functionid) "functions_1" btree (triggerid) "functions_2" btree (itemid, name, parameter) Foreign-key constraints: "c_functions_1" FOREIGN KEY (itemid) REFERENCES items(itemid) "c_functions_2" FOREIGN KEY (triggerid) REFERENCES triggers(triggerid) Triggers: functions_delete BEFORE DELETE ON functions FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION changelog_functions_delete() functions_insert AFTER INSERT ON functions FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION changelog_functions_insert() functions_update AFTER UPDATE ON functions FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION changelog_functions_update() Access method: heap Index "public.functions_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- triggerid | bigint | yes | triggerid | plain | btree, for table "public.functions" Index "public.functions_2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+------------------------+------+------------+----------+-------------- itemid | bigint | yes | itemid | plain | name | character varying(12) | yes | name | extended | parameter | character varying(255) | yes | parameter | extended | btree, for table "public.functions" Index "public.functions_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ------------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- functionid | bigint | yes | functionid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.functions" Table "public.globalmacro" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ---------------+-------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- globalmacroid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | macro | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | value | character varying(2048) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | description | text | | not null | ''::text | extended | | | type | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | Indexes: "globalmacro_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (globalmacroid) "globalmacro_1" UNIQUE, btree (macro) Access method: heap Index "public.globalmacro_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+------------------------+------+------------+----------+-------------- macro | character varying(255) | yes | macro | extended | unique, btree, for table "public.globalmacro" Index "public.globalmacro_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------------+--------+------+---------------+---------+-------------- globalmacroid | bigint | yes | globalmacroid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.globalmacro" Table "public.globalvars" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ---------------+---------------+-----------+----------+--------------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- globalvarid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | snmp_lastsize | numeric(20,0) | | not null | '0'::numeric | main | | | Indexes: "globalvars_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (globalvarid) Access method: heap Index "public.globalvars_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -------------+--------+------+-------------+---------+-------------- globalvarid | bigint | yes | globalvarid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.globalvars" Table "public.graph_discovery" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ----------------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- graphid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | parent_graphid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | lastcheck | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | ts_delete | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | Indexes: "graph_discovery_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (graphid) "graph_discovery_1" btree (parent_graphid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_graph_discovery_1" FOREIGN KEY (graphid) REFERENCES graphs(graphid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_graph_discovery_2" FOREIGN KEY (parent_graphid) REFERENCES graphs(graphid) Access method: heap Index "public.graph_discovery_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------------+--------+------+----------------+---------+-------------- parent_graphid | bigint | yes | parent_graphid | plain | btree, for table "public.graph_discovery" Index "public.graph_discovery_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- graphid | bigint | yes | graphid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.graph_discovery" Table "public.graph_theme" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ----------------------+------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- graphthemeid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | theme | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | backgroundcolor | character varying(6) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | graphcolor | character varying(6) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | gridcolor | character varying(6) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | maingridcolor | character varying(6) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | gridbordercolor | character varying(6) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | textcolor | character varying(6) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | highlightcolor | character varying(6) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | leftpercentilecolor | character varying(6) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | rightpercentilecolor | character varying(6) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | nonworktimecolor | character varying(6) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | colorpalette | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | Indexes: "graph_theme_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (graphthemeid) "graph_theme_1" UNIQUE, btree (theme) Access method: heap Index "public.graph_theme_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+-----------------------+------+------------+----------+-------------- theme | character varying(64) | yes | theme | extended | unique, btree, for table "public.graph_theme" Index "public.graph_theme_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------------+--------+------+--------------+---------+-------------- graphthemeid | bigint | yes | graphthemeid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.graph_theme" Table "public.graphs" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ------------------+------------------------+-----------+----------+-------------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- graphid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | name | character varying(128) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | width | integer | | not null | 900 | plain | | | height | integer | | not null | 200 | plain | | | yaxismin | double precision | | not null | '0'::double precision | plain | | | yaxismax | double precision | | not null | '100'::double precision | plain | | | templateid | bigint | | | | plain | | | show_work_period | integer | | not null | 1 | plain | | | show_triggers | integer | | not null | 1 | plain | | | graphtype | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | show_legend | integer | | not null | 1 | plain | | | show_3d | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | percent_left | double precision | | not null | '0'::double precision | plain | | | percent_right | double precision | | not null | '0'::double precision | plain | | | ymin_type | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | ymax_type | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | ymin_itemid | bigint | | | | plain | | | ymax_itemid | bigint | | | | plain | | | flags | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | discover | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | uuid | character varying(32) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | Indexes: "graphs_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (graphid) "graphs_1" btree (name) "graphs_2" btree (templateid) "graphs_3" btree (ymin_itemid) "graphs_4" btree (ymax_itemid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_graphs_1" FOREIGN KEY (templateid) REFERENCES graphs(graphid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_graphs_2" FOREIGN KEY (ymin_itemid) REFERENCES items(itemid) "c_graphs_3" FOREIGN KEY (ymax_itemid) REFERENCES items(itemid) Referenced by: TABLE "graph_discovery" CONSTRAINT "c_graph_discovery_1" FOREIGN KEY (graphid) REFERENCES graphs(graphid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "graph_discovery" CONSTRAINT "c_graph_discovery_2" FOREIGN KEY (parent_graphid) REFERENCES graphs(graphid) TABLE "graphs" CONSTRAINT "c_graphs_1" FOREIGN KEY (templateid) REFERENCES graphs(graphid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "graphs_items" CONSTRAINT "c_graphs_items_1" FOREIGN KEY (graphid) REFERENCES graphs(graphid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "widget_field" CONSTRAINT "c_widget_field_5" FOREIGN KEY (value_graphid) REFERENCES graphs(graphid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.graphs_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+------------------------+------+------------+----------+-------------- name | character varying(128) | yes | name | extended | btree, for table "public.graphs" Index "public.graphs_2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ------------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- templateid | bigint | yes | templateid | plain | btree, for table "public.graphs" Index "public.graphs_3" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -------------+--------+------+-------------+---------+-------------- ymin_itemid | bigint | yes | ymin_itemid | plain | btree, for table "public.graphs" Index "public.graphs_4" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -------------+--------+------+-------------+---------+-------------- ymax_itemid | bigint | yes | ymax_itemid | plain | btree, for table "public.graphs" Table "public.graphs_items" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description -----------+----------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- gitemid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | graphid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | itemid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | drawtype | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | sortorder | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | color | character varying(6) | | not null | '009600'::character varying | extended | | | yaxisside | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | calc_fnc | integer | | not null | 2 | plain | | | type | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | Indexes: "graphs_items_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (gitemid) "graphs_items_1" btree (itemid) "graphs_items_2" btree (graphid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_graphs_items_1" FOREIGN KEY (graphid) REFERENCES graphs(graphid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_graphs_items_2" FOREIGN KEY (itemid) REFERENCES items(itemid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.graphs_items_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- itemid | bigint | yes | itemid | plain | btree, for table "public.graphs_items" Index "public.graphs_items_2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- graphid | bigint | yes | graphid | plain | btree, for table "public.graphs_items" Index "public.graphs_items_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- gitemid | bigint | yes | gitemid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.graphs_items" Index "public.graphs_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- graphid | bigint | yes | graphid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.graphs" Table "public.group_discovery" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description --------------------------+------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- groupid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | parent_group_prototypeid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | name | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | lastcheck | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | ts_delete | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | Indexes: "group_discovery_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (groupid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_group_discovery_1" FOREIGN KEY (groupid) REFERENCES hstgrp(groupid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_group_discovery_2" FOREIGN KEY (parent_group_prototypeid) REFERENCES group_prototype(group_prototypeid) Access method: heap Index "public.group_discovery_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- groupid | bigint | yes | groupid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.group_discovery" Table "public.group_prototype" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description -------------------+------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- group_prototypeid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | hostid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | name | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | groupid | bigint | | | | plain | | | templateid | bigint | | | | plain | | | Indexes: "group_prototype_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (group_prototypeid) "group_prototype_1" btree (hostid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_group_prototype_1" FOREIGN KEY (hostid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_group_prototype_2" FOREIGN KEY (groupid) REFERENCES hstgrp(groupid) "c_group_prototype_3" FOREIGN KEY (templateid) REFERENCES group_prototype(group_prototypeid) ON DELETE CASCADE Referenced by: TABLE "group_discovery" CONSTRAINT "c_group_discovery_2" FOREIGN KEY (parent_group_prototypeid) REFERENCES group_prototype(group_prototypeid) TABLE "group_prototype" CONSTRAINT "c_group_prototype_3" FOREIGN KEY (templateid) REFERENCES group_prototype(group_prototypeid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.group_prototype_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- hostid | bigint | yes | hostid | plain | btree, for table "public.group_prototype" Index "public.group_prototype_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -------------------+--------+------+-------------------+---------+-------------- group_prototypeid | bigint | yes | group_prototypeid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.group_prototype" Table "public.ha_node" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description --------------+------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- ha_nodeid | character varying(25) | | not null | | extended | | | name | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | address | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | port | integer | | not null | 10051 | plain | | | lastaccess | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | status | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | ha_sessionid | character varying(25) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | Indexes: "ha_node_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (ha_nodeid) "ha_node_1" UNIQUE, btree (name) "ha_node_2" btree (status, lastaccess) Access method: heap Index "public.ha_node_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+------------------------+------+------------+----------+-------------- name | character varying(255) | yes | name | extended | unique, btree, for table "public.ha_node" Index "public.ha_node_2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ------------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- status | integer | yes | status | plain | lastaccess | integer | yes | lastaccess | plain | btree, for table "public.ha_node" Index "public.ha_node_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+-----------------------+------+------------+----------+-------------- ha_nodeid | character varying(25) | yes | ha_nodeid | extended | primary key, btree, for table "public.ha_node" Table "public.history" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description --------+------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- itemid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | clock | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | value | double precision | | not null | '0'::double precision | plain | | | ns | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | Indexes: "history_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (itemid, clock, ns) Access method: heap Table "public.history_log" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ------------+-----------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- itemid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | clock | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | timestamp | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | source | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | severity | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | value | text | | not null | ''::text | extended | | | logeventid | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | ns | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | Indexes: "history_log_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (itemid, clock, ns) Access method: heap Index "public.history_log_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- itemid | bigint | yes | itemid | plain | clock | integer | yes | clock | plain | ns | integer | yes | ns | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.history_log" Index "public.history_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- itemid | bigint | yes | itemid | plain | clock | integer | yes | clock | plain | ns | integer | yes | ns | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.history" Table "public.history_str" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description --------+------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- itemid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | clock | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | value | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | ns | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | Indexes: "history_str_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (itemid, clock, ns) Access method: heap Index "public.history_str_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- itemid | bigint | yes | itemid | plain | clock | integer | yes | clock | plain | ns | integer | yes | ns | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.history_str" Table "public.history_text" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description --------+---------+-----------+----------+----------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- itemid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | clock | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | value | text | | not null | ''::text | extended | | | ns | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | Indexes: "history_text_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (itemid, clock, ns) Access method: heap Index "public.history_text_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- itemid | bigint | yes | itemid | plain | clock | integer | yes | clock | plain | ns | integer | yes | ns | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.history_text" Table "public.history_uint" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description --------+---------------+-----------+----------+--------------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- itemid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | clock | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | value | numeric(20,0) | | not null | '0'::numeric | main | | | ns | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | Indexes: "history_uint_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (itemid, clock, ns) Access method: heap Index "public.history_uint_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- itemid | bigint | yes | itemid | plain | clock | integer | yes | clock | plain | ns | integer | yes | ns | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.history_uint" Table "public.host_discovery" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ---------------+------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- hostid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | parent_hostid | bigint | | | | plain | | | parent_itemid | bigint | | | | plain | | | host | character varying(128) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | lastcheck | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | ts_delete | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | Indexes: "host_discovery_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (hostid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_host_discovery_1" FOREIGN KEY (hostid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_host_discovery_2" FOREIGN KEY (parent_hostid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid) "c_host_discovery_3" FOREIGN KEY (parent_itemid) REFERENCES items(itemid) Access method: heap Index "public.host_discovery_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- hostid | bigint | yes | hostid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.host_discovery" Table "public.host_inventory" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description -------------------+------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- hostid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | inventory_mode | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | type | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | type_full | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | name | character varying(128) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | alias | character varying(128) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | os | character varying(128) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | os_full | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | os_short | character varying(128) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | serialno_a | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | serialno_b | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | tag | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | asset_tag | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | macaddress_a | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | macaddress_b | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | hardware | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | hardware_full | text | | not null | ''::text | extended | | | software | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | software_full | text | | not null | ''::text | extended | | | software_app_a | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | software_app_b | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | software_app_c | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | software_app_d | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | software_app_e | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | contact | text | | not null | ''::text | extended | | | location | text | | not null | ''::text | extended | | | location_lat | character varying(16) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | location_lon | character varying(16) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | notes | text | | not null | ''::text | extended | | | chassis | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | model | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | hw_arch | character varying(32) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | vendor | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | contract_number | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | installer_name | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | deployment_status | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | url_a | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | url_b | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | url_c | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | host_networks | text | | not null | ''::text | extended | | | host_netmask | character varying(39) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | host_router | character varying(39) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | oob_ip | character varying(39) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | oob_netmask | character varying(39) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | oob_router | character varying(39) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | date_hw_purchase | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | date_hw_install | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | date_hw_expiry | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | date_hw_decomm | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | site_address_a | character varying(128) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | site_address_b | character varying(128) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | site_address_c | character varying(128) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | site_city | character varying(128) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | site_state | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | site_country | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | site_zip | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | site_rack | character varying(128) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | site_notes | text | | not null | ''::text | extended | | | poc_1_name | character varying(128) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | poc_1_email | character varying(128) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | poc_1_phone_a | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | poc_1_phone_b | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | poc_1_cell | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | poc_1_screen | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | poc_1_notes | text | | not null | ''::text | extended | | | poc_2_name | character varying(128) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | poc_2_email | character varying(128) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | poc_2_phone_a | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | poc_2_phone_b | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | poc_2_cell | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | poc_2_screen | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | poc_2_notes | text | | not null | ''::text | extended | | | Indexes: "host_inventory_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (hostid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_host_inventory_1" FOREIGN KEY (hostid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.host_inventory_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- hostid | bigint | yes | hostid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.host_inventory" Table "public.host_rtdata" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ------------------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- hostid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | active_available | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | lastaccess | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | Indexes: "host_rtdata_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (hostid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_host_rtdata_1" FOREIGN KEY (hostid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.host_rtdata_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- hostid | bigint | yes | hostid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.host_rtdata" Table "public.host_tag" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description -----------+------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- hosttagid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | hostid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | tag | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | value | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | automatic | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | Indexes: "host_tag_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (hosttagid) "host_tag_1" btree (hostid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_host_tag_1" FOREIGN KEY (hostid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid) Triggers: host_tag_delete BEFORE DELETE ON host_tag FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION changelog_host_tag_delete() host_tag_insert AFTER INSERT ON host_tag FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION changelog_host_tag_insert() host_tag_update AFTER UPDATE ON host_tag FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION changelog_host_tag_update() Access method: heap Index "public.host_tag_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- hostid | bigint | yes | hostid | plain | btree, for table "public.host_tag" Index "public.host_tag_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- hosttagid | bigint | yes | hosttagid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.host_tag" Table "public.hostmacro" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description -------------+-------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- hostmacroid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | hostid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | macro | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | value | character varying(2048) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | description | text | | not null | ''::text | extended | | | type | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | automatic | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | Indexes: "hostmacro_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (hostmacroid) "hostmacro_1" UNIQUE, btree (hostid, macro) Foreign-key constraints: "c_hostmacro_1" FOREIGN KEY (hostid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.hostmacro_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+------------------------+------+------------+----------+-------------- hostid | bigint | yes | hostid | plain | macro | character varying(255) | yes | macro | extended | unique, btree, for table "public.hostmacro" Index "public.hostmacro_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -------------+--------+------+-------------+---------+-------------- hostmacroid | bigint | yes | hostmacroid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.hostmacro" Table "public.hosts" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description --------------------+-------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- hostid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | proxy_hostid | bigint | | | | plain | | | host | character varying(128) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | status | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | ipmi_authtype | integer | | not null | '-1'::integer | plain | | | ipmi_privilege | integer | | not null | 2 | plain | | | ipmi_username | character varying(16) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | ipmi_password | character varying(20) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | maintenanceid | bigint | | | | plain | | | maintenance_status | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | maintenance_type | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | maintenance_from | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | name | character varying(128) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | flags | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | templateid | bigint | | | | plain | | | description | text | | not null | ''::text | extended | | | tls_connect | integer | | not null | 1 | plain | | | tls_accept | integer | | not null | 1 | plain | | | tls_issuer | character varying(1024) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | tls_subject | character varying(1024) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | tls_psk_identity | character varying(128) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | tls_psk | character varying(512) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | proxy_address | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | auto_compress | integer | | not null | 1 | plain | | | discover | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | custom_interfaces | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | uuid | character varying(32) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | Indexes: "hosts_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (hostid) "hosts_1" btree (host) "hosts_2" btree (status) "hosts_3" btree (proxy_hostid) "hosts_4" btree (name) "hosts_5" btree (maintenanceid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_hosts_1" FOREIGN KEY (proxy_hostid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid) "c_hosts_2" FOREIGN KEY (maintenanceid) REFERENCES maintenances(maintenanceid) "c_hosts_3" FOREIGN KEY (templateid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid) Referenced by: TABLE "autoreg_host" CONSTRAINT "c_autoreg_host_1" FOREIGN KEY (proxy_hostid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "dashboard" CONSTRAINT "c_dashboard_2" FOREIGN KEY (templateid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "drules" CONSTRAINT "c_drules_1" FOREIGN KEY (proxy_hostid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid) TABLE "group_prototype" CONSTRAINT "c_group_prototype_1" FOREIGN KEY (hostid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "host_discovery" CONSTRAINT "c_host_discovery_1" FOREIGN KEY (hostid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "host_discovery" CONSTRAINT "c_host_discovery_2" FOREIGN KEY (parent_hostid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid) TABLE "host_inventory" CONSTRAINT "c_host_inventory_1" FOREIGN KEY (hostid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "host_rtdata" CONSTRAINT "c_host_rtdata_1" FOREIGN KEY (hostid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "host_tag" CONSTRAINT "c_host_tag_1" FOREIGN KEY (hostid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid) TABLE "hostmacro" CONSTRAINT "c_hostmacro_1" FOREIGN KEY (hostid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "hosts" CONSTRAINT "c_hosts_1" FOREIGN KEY (proxy_hostid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid) TABLE "hosts" CONSTRAINT "c_hosts_3" FOREIGN KEY (templateid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid) TABLE "hosts_groups" CONSTRAINT "c_hosts_groups_1" FOREIGN KEY (hostid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "hosts_templates" CONSTRAINT "c_hosts_templates_1" FOREIGN KEY (hostid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "hosts_templates" CONSTRAINT "c_hosts_templates_2" FOREIGN KEY (templateid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "httptest" CONSTRAINT "c_httptest_2" FOREIGN KEY (hostid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "interface" CONSTRAINT "c_interface_1" FOREIGN KEY (hostid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "items" CONSTRAINT "c_items_1" FOREIGN KEY (hostid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid) TABLE "lld_override_optemplate" CONSTRAINT "c_lld_override_optemplate_2" FOREIGN KEY (templateid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid) TABLE "maintenances_hosts" CONSTRAINT "c_maintenances_hosts_2" FOREIGN KEY (hostid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "opcommand_hst" CONSTRAINT "c_opcommand_hst_2" FOREIGN KEY (hostid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid) TABLE "optemplate" CONSTRAINT "c_optemplate_2" FOREIGN KEY (templateid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid) TABLE "task" CONSTRAINT "c_task_1" FOREIGN KEY (proxy_hostid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "valuemap" CONSTRAINT "c_valuemap_1" FOREIGN KEY (hostid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "widget_field" CONSTRAINT "c_widget_field_3" FOREIGN KEY (value_hostid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid) ON DELETE CASCADE Triggers: hosts_delete BEFORE DELETE ON hosts FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION changelog_hosts_delete() hosts_insert AFTER INSERT ON hosts FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION changelog_hosts_insert() hosts_name_upper_insert AFTER INSERT ON hosts FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION hosts_name_upper_upper() hosts_name_upper_update AFTER UPDATE OF name ON hosts FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION hosts_name_upper_upper() hosts_update AFTER UPDATE ON hosts FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION changelog_hosts_update() Access method: heap Index "public.hosts_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+------------------------+------+------------+----------+-------------- host | character varying(128) | yes | host | extended | btree, for table "public.hosts" Index "public.hosts_2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- status | integer | yes | status | plain | btree, for table "public.hosts" Index "public.hosts_3" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------------+--------+------+--------------+---------+-------------- proxy_hostid | bigint | yes | proxy_hostid | plain | btree, for table "public.hosts" Index "public.hosts_4" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+------------------------+------+------------+----------+-------------- name | character varying(128) | yes | name | extended | btree, for table "public.hosts" Index "public.hosts_5" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------------+--------+------+---------------+---------+-------------- maintenanceid | bigint | yes | maintenanceid | plain | btree, for table "public.hosts" Table "public.hosts_groups" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description -------------+--------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- hostgroupid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | hostid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | groupid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | Indexes: "hosts_groups_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (hostgroupid) "hosts_groups_1" UNIQUE, btree (hostid, groupid) "hosts_groups_2" btree (groupid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_hosts_groups_1" FOREIGN KEY (hostid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_hosts_groups_2" FOREIGN KEY (groupid) REFERENCES hstgrp(groupid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.hosts_groups_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- hostid | bigint | yes | hostid | plain | groupid | bigint | yes | groupid | plain | unique, btree, for table "public.hosts_groups" Index "public.hosts_groups_2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- groupid | bigint | yes | groupid | plain | btree, for table "public.hosts_groups" Index "public.hosts_groups_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -------------+--------+------+-------------+---------+-------------- hostgroupid | bigint | yes | hostgroupid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.hosts_groups" Index "public.hosts_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- hostid | bigint | yes | hostid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.hosts" Table "public.hosts_templates" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ----------------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- hosttemplateid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | hostid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | templateid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | link_type | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | Indexes: "hosts_templates_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (hosttemplateid) "hosts_templates_1" UNIQUE, btree (hostid, templateid) "hosts_templates_2" btree (templateid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_hosts_templates_1" FOREIGN KEY (hostid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_hosts_templates_2" FOREIGN KEY (templateid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.hosts_templates_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ------------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- hostid | bigint | yes | hostid | plain | templateid | bigint | yes | templateid | plain | unique, btree, for table "public.hosts_templates" Index "public.hosts_templates_2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ------------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- templateid | bigint | yes | templateid | plain | btree, for table "public.hosts_templates" Index "public.hosts_templates_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------------+--------+------+----------------+---------+-------------- hosttemplateid | bigint | yes | hosttemplateid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.hosts_templates" Table "public.housekeeper" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ---------------+-----------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- housekeeperid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | tablename | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | field | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | value | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | Indexes: "housekeeper_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (housekeeperid) Access method: heap Index "public.housekeeper_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------------+--------+------+---------------+---------+-------------- housekeeperid | bigint | yes | housekeeperid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.housekeeper" Table "public.hstgrp" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ---------+------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- groupid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | name | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | flags | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | uuid | character varying(32) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | type | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | Indexes: "hstgrp_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (groupid) "hstgrp_1" UNIQUE, btree (type, name) Referenced by: TABLE "config" CONSTRAINT "c_config_2" FOREIGN KEY (discovery_groupid) REFERENCES hstgrp(groupid) TABLE "corr_condition_group" CONSTRAINT "c_corr_condition_group_2" FOREIGN KEY (groupid) REFERENCES hstgrp(groupid) TABLE "group_discovery" CONSTRAINT "c_group_discovery_1" FOREIGN KEY (groupid) REFERENCES hstgrp(groupid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "group_prototype" CONSTRAINT "c_group_prototype_2" FOREIGN KEY (groupid) REFERENCES hstgrp(groupid) TABLE "hosts_groups" CONSTRAINT "c_hosts_groups_2" FOREIGN KEY (groupid) REFERENCES hstgrp(groupid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "maintenances_groups" CONSTRAINT "c_maintenances_groups_2" FOREIGN KEY (groupid) REFERENCES hstgrp(groupid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "opcommand_grp" CONSTRAINT "c_opcommand_grp_2" FOREIGN KEY (groupid) REFERENCES hstgrp(groupid) TABLE "opgroup" CONSTRAINT "c_opgroup_2" FOREIGN KEY (groupid) REFERENCES hstgrp(groupid) TABLE "rights" CONSTRAINT "c_rights_2" FOREIGN KEY (id) REFERENCES hstgrp(groupid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "scripts" CONSTRAINT "c_scripts_2" FOREIGN KEY (groupid) REFERENCES hstgrp(groupid) TABLE "tag_filter" CONSTRAINT "c_tag_filter_2" FOREIGN KEY (groupid) REFERENCES hstgrp(groupid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "widget_field" CONSTRAINT "c_widget_field_2" FOREIGN KEY (value_groupid) REFERENCES hstgrp(groupid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.hstgrp_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+------------------------+------+------------+----------+-------------- type | integer | yes | type | plain | name | character varying(255) | yes | name | extended | unique, btree, for table "public.hstgrp" Index "public.hstgrp_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- groupid | bigint | yes | groupid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.hstgrp" Table "public.httpstep" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ------------------+-------------------------+-----------+----------+--------------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- httpstepid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | httptestid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | name | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | no | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | url | character varying(2048) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | timeout | character varying(255) | | not null | '15s'::character varying | extended | | | posts | text | | not null | ''::text | extended | | | required | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | status_codes | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | follow_redirects | integer | | not null | 1 | plain | | | retrieve_mode | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | post_type | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | Indexes: "httpstep_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (httpstepid) "httpstep_1" btree (httptestid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_httpstep_1" FOREIGN KEY (httptestid) REFERENCES httptest(httptestid) ON DELETE CASCADE Referenced by: TABLE "httpstep_field" CONSTRAINT "c_httpstep_field_1" FOREIGN KEY (httpstepid) REFERENCES httpstep(httpstepid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "httpstepitem" CONSTRAINT "c_httpstepitem_1" FOREIGN KEY (httpstepid) REFERENCES httpstep(httpstepid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.httpstep_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ------------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- httptestid | bigint | yes | httptestid | plain | btree, for table "public.httpstep" Table "public.httpstep_field" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ------------------+------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- httpstep_fieldid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | httpstepid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | type | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | name | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | value | text | | not null | ''::text | extended | | | Indexes: "httpstep_field_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (httpstep_fieldid) "httpstep_field_1" btree (httpstepid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_httpstep_field_1" FOREIGN KEY (httpstepid) REFERENCES httpstep(httpstepid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.httpstep_field_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ------------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- httpstepid | bigint | yes | httpstepid | plain | btree, for table "public.httpstep_field" Index "public.httpstep_field_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ------------------+--------+------+------------------+---------+-------------- httpstep_fieldid | bigint | yes | httpstep_fieldid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.httpstep_field" Index "public.httpstep_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ------------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- httpstepid | bigint | yes | httpstepid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.httpstep" Table "public.httpstepitem" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ----------------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- httpstepitemid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | httpstepid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | itemid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | type | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | Indexes: "httpstepitem_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (httpstepitemid) "httpstepitem_1" UNIQUE, btree (httpstepid, itemid) "httpstepitem_2" btree (itemid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_httpstepitem_1" FOREIGN KEY (httpstepid) REFERENCES httpstep(httpstepid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_httpstepitem_2" FOREIGN KEY (itemid) REFERENCES items(itemid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.httpstepitem_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ------------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- httpstepid | bigint | yes | httpstepid | plain | itemid | bigint | yes | itemid | plain | unique, btree, for table "public.httpstepitem" Index "public.httpstepitem_2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- itemid | bigint | yes | itemid | plain | btree, for table "public.httpstepitem" Index "public.httpstepitem_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------------+--------+------+----------------+---------+-------------- httpstepitemid | bigint | yes | httpstepitemid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.httpstepitem" Table "public.httptest" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ------------------+------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- httptestid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | name | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | nextcheck | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | delay | character varying(255) | | not null | '1m'::character varying | extended | | | status | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | agent | character varying(255) | | not null | 'Zabbix'::character varying | extended | | | authentication | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | http_user | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | http_password | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | hostid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | templateid | bigint | | | | plain | | | http_proxy | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | retries | integer | | not null | 1 | plain | | | ssl_cert_file | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | ssl_key_file | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | ssl_key_password | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | verify_peer | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | verify_host | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | uuid | character varying(32) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | Indexes: "httptest_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (httptestid) "httptest_2" UNIQUE, btree (hostid, name) "httptest_3" btree (status) "httptest_4" btree (templateid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_httptest_2" FOREIGN KEY (hostid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_httptest_3" FOREIGN KEY (templateid) REFERENCES httptest(httptestid) ON DELETE CASCADE Referenced by: TABLE "httpstep" CONSTRAINT "c_httpstep_1" FOREIGN KEY (httptestid) REFERENCES httptest(httptestid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "httptest" CONSTRAINT "c_httptest_3" FOREIGN KEY (templateid) REFERENCES httptest(httptestid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "httptest_field" CONSTRAINT "c_httptest_field_1" FOREIGN KEY (httptestid) REFERENCES httptest(httptestid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "httptest_tag" CONSTRAINT "c_httptest_tag_1" FOREIGN KEY (httptestid) REFERENCES httptest(httptestid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "httptestitem" CONSTRAINT "c_httptestitem_1" FOREIGN KEY (httptestid) REFERENCES httptest(httptestid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.httptest_2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+-----------------------+------+------------+----------+-------------- hostid | bigint | yes | hostid | plain | name | character varying(64) | yes | name | extended | unique, btree, for table "public.httptest" Index "public.httptest_3" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- status | integer | yes | status | plain | btree, for table "public.httptest" Index "public.httptest_4" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ------------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- templateid | bigint | yes | templateid | plain | btree, for table "public.httptest" Table "public.httptest_field" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ------------------+------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- httptest_fieldid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | httptestid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | type | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | name | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | value | text | | not null | ''::text | extended | | | Indexes: "httptest_field_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (httptest_fieldid) "httptest_field_1" btree (httptestid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_httptest_field_1" FOREIGN KEY (httptestid) REFERENCES httptest(httptestid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.httptest_field_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ------------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- httptestid | bigint | yes | httptestid | plain | btree, for table "public.httptest_field" Index "public.httptest_field_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ------------------+--------+------+------------------+---------+-------------- httptest_fieldid | bigint | yes | httptest_fieldid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.httptest_field" Index "public.httptest_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ------------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- httptestid | bigint | yes | httptestid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.httptest" Table "public.httptest_tag" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ---------------+------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- httptesttagid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | httptestid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | tag | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | value | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | Indexes: "httptest_tag_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (httptesttagid) "httptest_tag_1" btree (httptestid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_httptest_tag_1" FOREIGN KEY (httptestid) REFERENCES httptest(httptestid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.httptest_tag_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ------------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- httptestid | bigint | yes | httptestid | plain | btree, for table "public.httptest_tag" Index "public.httptest_tag_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------------+--------+------+---------------+---------+-------------- httptesttagid | bigint | yes | httptesttagid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.httptest_tag" Table "public.httptestitem" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ----------------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- httptestitemid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | httptestid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | itemid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | type | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | Indexes: "httptestitem_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (httptestitemid) "httptestitem_1" UNIQUE, btree (httptestid, itemid) "httptestitem_2" btree (itemid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_httptestitem_1" FOREIGN KEY (httptestid) REFERENCES httptest(httptestid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_httptestitem_2" FOREIGN KEY (itemid) REFERENCES items(itemid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.httptestitem_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ------------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- httptestid | bigint | yes | httptestid | plain | itemid | bigint | yes | itemid | plain | unique, btree, for table "public.httptestitem" Index "public.httptestitem_2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- itemid | bigint | yes | itemid | plain | btree, for table "public.httptestitem" Index "public.httptestitem_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------------+--------+------+----------------+---------+-------------- httptestitemid | bigint | yes | httptestitemid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.httptestitem" Table "public.icon_map" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ----------------+-----------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- iconmapid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | name | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | default_iconid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | Indexes: "icon_map_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (iconmapid) "icon_map_1" UNIQUE, btree (name) "icon_map_2" btree (default_iconid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_icon_map_1" FOREIGN KEY (default_iconid) REFERENCES images(imageid) Referenced by: TABLE "icon_mapping" CONSTRAINT "c_icon_mapping_1" FOREIGN KEY (iconmapid) REFERENCES icon_map(iconmapid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "sysmaps" CONSTRAINT "c_sysmaps_2" FOREIGN KEY (iconmapid) REFERENCES icon_map(iconmapid) Access method: heap Index "public.icon_map_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+-----------------------+------+------------+----------+-------------- name | character varying(64) | yes | name | extended | unique, btree, for table "public.icon_map" Index "public.icon_map_2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------------+--------+------+----------------+---------+-------------- default_iconid | bigint | yes | default_iconid | plain | btree, for table "public.icon_map" Index "public.icon_map_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- iconmapid | bigint | yes | iconmapid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.icon_map" Table "public.icon_mapping" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ----------------+-----------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- iconmappingid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | iconmapid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | iconid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | inventory_link | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | expression | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | sortorder | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | Indexes: "icon_mapping_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (iconmappingid) "icon_mapping_1" btree (iconmapid) "icon_mapping_2" btree (iconid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_icon_mapping_1" FOREIGN KEY (iconmapid) REFERENCES icon_map(iconmapid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_icon_mapping_2" FOREIGN KEY (iconid) REFERENCES images(imageid) Access method: heap Index "public.icon_mapping_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- iconmapid | bigint | yes | iconmapid | plain | btree, for table "public.icon_mapping" Index "public.icon_mapping_2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- iconid | bigint | yes | iconid | plain | btree, for table "public.icon_mapping" Index "public.icon_mapping_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------------+--------+------+---------------+---------+-------------- iconmappingid | bigint | yes | iconmappingid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.icon_mapping" Table "public.ids" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ------------+-----------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- table_name | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | field_name | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | nextid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | Indexes: "ids_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (table_name, field_name) Access method: heap Index "public.ids_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ------------+-----------------------+------+------------+----------+-------------- table_name | character varying(64) | yes | table_name | extended | field_name | character varying(64) | yes | field_name | extended | primary key, btree, for table "public.ids" Table "public.images" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description -----------+-----------------------+-----------+----------+------------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- imageid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | imagetype | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | name | character varying(64) | | not null | '0'::character varying | extended | | | image | bytea | | not null | '\x'::bytea | extended | | | Indexes: "images_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (imageid) "images_1" UNIQUE, btree (name) Referenced by: TABLE "icon_map" CONSTRAINT "c_icon_map_1" FOREIGN KEY (default_iconid) REFERENCES images(imageid) TABLE "icon_mapping" CONSTRAINT "c_icon_mapping_2" FOREIGN KEY (iconid) REFERENCES images(imageid) TABLE "sysmaps" CONSTRAINT "c_sysmaps_1" FOREIGN KEY (backgroundid) REFERENCES images(imageid) TABLE "sysmaps_elements" CONSTRAINT "c_sysmaps_elements_2" FOREIGN KEY (iconid_off) REFERENCES images(imageid) TABLE "sysmaps_elements" CONSTRAINT "c_sysmaps_elements_3" FOREIGN KEY (iconid_on) REFERENCES images(imageid) TABLE "sysmaps_elements" CONSTRAINT "c_sysmaps_elements_4" FOREIGN KEY (iconid_disabled) REFERENCES images(imageid) TABLE "sysmaps_elements" CONSTRAINT "c_sysmaps_elements_5" FOREIGN KEY (iconid_maintenance) REFERENCES images(imageid) Access method: heap Index "public.images_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+-----------------------+------+------------+----------+-------------- name | character varying(64) | yes | name | extended | unique, btree, for table "public.images" Index "public.images_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- imageid | bigint | yes | imageid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.images" Table "public.interface" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ---------------+-------------------------+-----------+----------+--------------------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- interfaceid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | hostid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | main | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | type | integer | | not null | 1 | plain | | | useip | integer | | not null | 1 | plain | | | ip | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | dns | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | port | character varying(64) | | not null | '10050'::character varying | extended | | | available | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | error | character varying(2048) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | errors_from | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | disable_until | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | Indexes: "interface_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (interfaceid) "interface_1" btree (hostid, type) "interface_2" btree (ip, dns) "interface_3" btree (available) Foreign-key constraints: "c_interface_1" FOREIGN KEY (hostid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid) ON DELETE CASCADE Referenced by: TABLE "interface_discovery" CONSTRAINT "c_interface_discovery_1" FOREIGN KEY (interfaceid) REFERENCES interface(interfaceid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "interface_discovery" CONSTRAINT "c_interface_discovery_2" FOREIGN KEY (parent_interfaceid) REFERENCES interface(interfaceid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "interface_snmp" CONSTRAINT "c_interface_snmp_1" FOREIGN KEY (interfaceid) REFERENCES interface(interfaceid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "items" CONSTRAINT "c_items_4" FOREIGN KEY (interfaceid) REFERENCES interface(interfaceid) Access method: heap Index "public.interface_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- hostid | bigint | yes | hostid | plain | type | integer | yes | type | plain | btree, for table "public.interface" Index "public.interface_2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+------------------------+------+------------+----------+-------------- ip | character varying(64) | yes | ip | extended | dns | character varying(255) | yes | dns | extended | btree, for table "public.interface" Index "public.interface_3" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- available | integer | yes | available | plain | btree, for table "public.interface" Table "public.interface_discovery" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description --------------------+--------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- interfaceid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | parent_interfaceid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | Indexes: "interface_discovery_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (interfaceid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_interface_discovery_1" FOREIGN KEY (interfaceid) REFERENCES interface(interfaceid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_interface_discovery_2" FOREIGN KEY (parent_interfaceid) REFERENCES interface(interfaceid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.interface_discovery_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -------------+--------+------+-------------+---------+-------------- interfaceid | bigint | yes | interfaceid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.interface_discovery" Index "public.interface_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -------------+--------+------+-------------+---------+-------------- interfaceid | bigint | yes | interfaceid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.interface" Table "public.interface_snmp" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ----------------+------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- interfaceid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | version | integer | | not null | 2 | plain | | | bulk | integer | | not null | 1 | plain | | | community | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | securityname | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | securitylevel | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | authpassphrase | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | privpassphrase | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | authprotocol | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | privprotocol | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | contextname | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | Indexes: "interface_snmp_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (interfaceid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_interface_snmp_1" FOREIGN KEY (interfaceid) REFERENCES interface(interfaceid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.interface_snmp_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -------------+--------+------+-------------+---------+-------------- interfaceid | bigint | yes | interfaceid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.interface_snmp" Table "public.item_condition" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ------------------+------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- item_conditionid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | itemid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | operator | integer | | not null | 8 | plain | | | macro | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | value | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | Indexes: "item_condition_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (item_conditionid) "item_condition_1" btree (itemid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_item_condition_1" FOREIGN KEY (itemid) REFERENCES items(itemid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.item_condition_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- itemid | bigint | yes | itemid | plain | btree, for table "public.item_condition" Index "public.item_condition_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ------------------+--------+------+------------------+---------+-------------- item_conditionid | bigint | yes | item_conditionid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.item_condition" Table "public.item_discovery" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description -----------------+-------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- itemdiscoveryid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | itemid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | parent_itemid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | key_ | character varying(2048) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | lastcheck | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | ts_delete | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | Indexes: "item_discovery_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (itemdiscoveryid) "item_discovery_1" UNIQUE, btree (itemid, parent_itemid) "item_discovery_2" btree (parent_itemid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_item_discovery_1" FOREIGN KEY (itemid) REFERENCES items(itemid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_item_discovery_2" FOREIGN KEY (parent_itemid) REFERENCES items(itemid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.item_discovery_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------------+--------+------+---------------+---------+-------------- itemid | bigint | yes | itemid | plain | parent_itemid | bigint | yes | parent_itemid | plain | unique, btree, for table "public.item_discovery" Index "public.item_discovery_2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------------+--------+------+---------------+---------+-------------- parent_itemid | bigint | yes | parent_itemid | plain | btree, for table "public.item_discovery" Index "public.item_discovery_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------------+--------+------+-----------------+---------+-------------- itemdiscoveryid | bigint | yes | itemdiscoveryid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.item_discovery" Table "public.item_parameter" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ------------------+-------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- item_parameterid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | itemid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | name | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | value | character varying(2048) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | Indexes: "item_parameter_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (item_parameterid) "item_parameter_1" btree (itemid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_item_parameter_1" FOREIGN KEY (itemid) REFERENCES items(itemid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.item_parameter_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- itemid | bigint | yes | itemid | plain | btree, for table "public.item_parameter" Index "public.item_parameter_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ------------------+--------+------+------------------+---------+-------------- item_parameterid | bigint | yes | item_parameterid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.item_parameter" Table "public.item_preproc" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ----------------------+------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- item_preprocid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | itemid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | step | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | type | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | params | text | | not null | ''::text | extended | | | error_handler | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | error_handler_params | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | Indexes: "item_preproc_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (item_preprocid) "item_preproc_1" btree (itemid, step) Foreign-key constraints: "c_item_preproc_1" FOREIGN KEY (itemid) REFERENCES items(itemid) Triggers: item_preproc_delete BEFORE DELETE ON item_preproc FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION changelog_item_preproc_delete() item_preproc_insert AFTER INSERT ON item_preproc FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION changelog_item_preproc_insert() item_preproc_update AFTER UPDATE ON item_preproc FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION changelog_item_preproc_update() Access method: heap Index "public.item_preproc_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- itemid | bigint | yes | itemid | plain | step | integer | yes | step | plain | btree, for table "public.item_preproc" Index "public.item_preproc_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------------+--------+------+----------------+---------+-------------- item_preprocid | bigint | yes | item_preprocid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.item_preproc" Table "public.item_rtdata" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description -------------+-------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- itemid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | lastlogsize | numeric(20,0) | | not null | '0'::numeric | main | | | state | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | mtime | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | error | character varying(2048) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | Indexes: "item_rtdata_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (itemid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_item_rtdata_1" FOREIGN KEY (itemid) REFERENCES items(itemid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.item_rtdata_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- itemid | bigint | yes | itemid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.item_rtdata" Table "public.item_tag" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description -----------+------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- itemtagid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | itemid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | tag | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | value | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | Indexes: "item_tag_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (itemtagid) "item_tag_1" btree (itemid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_item_tag_1" FOREIGN KEY (itemid) REFERENCES items(itemid) Triggers: item_tag_delete BEFORE DELETE ON item_tag FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION changelog_item_tag_delete() item_tag_insert AFTER INSERT ON item_tag FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION changelog_item_tag_insert() item_tag_update AFTER UPDATE ON item_tag FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION changelog_item_tag_update() Access method: heap Index "public.item_tag_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- itemid | bigint | yes | itemid | plain | btree, for table "public.item_tag" Index "public.item_tag_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- itemtagid | bigint | yes | itemtagid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.item_tag" Table "public.items" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ------------------+-------------------------+-----------+----------+---------------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- itemid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | type | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | snmp_oid | character varying(512) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | hostid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | name | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | key_ | character varying(2048) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | delay | character varying(1024) | | not null | '0'::character varying | extended | | | history | character varying(255) | | not null | '90d'::character varying | extended | | | trends | character varying(255) | | not null | '365d'::character varying | extended | | | status | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | value_type | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | trapper_hosts | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | units | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | formula | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | logtimefmt | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | templateid | bigint | | | | plain | | | valuemapid | bigint | | | | plain | | | params | text | | not null | ''::text | extended | | | ipmi_sensor | character varying(128) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | authtype | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | username | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | password | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | publickey | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | privatekey | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | flags | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | interfaceid | bigint | | | | plain | | | description | text | | not null | ''::text | extended | | | inventory_link | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | lifetime | character varying(255) | | not null | '30d'::character varying | extended | | | evaltype | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | jmx_endpoint | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | master_itemid | bigint | | | | plain | | | timeout | character varying(255) | | not null | '3s'::character varying | extended | | | url | character varying(2048) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | query_fields | character varying(2048) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | posts | text | | not null | ''::text | extended | | | status_codes | character varying(255) | | not null | '200'::character varying | extended | | | follow_redirects | integer | | not null | 1 | plain | | | post_type | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | http_proxy | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | headers | text | | not null | ''::text | extended | | | retrieve_mode | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | request_method | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | output_format | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | ssl_cert_file | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | ssl_key_file | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | ssl_key_password | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | verify_peer | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | verify_host | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | allow_traps | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | discover | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | uuid | character varying(32) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | Indexes: "items_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (itemid) "items_1" btree (hostid, key_) "items_3" btree (status) "items_4" btree (templateid) "items_5" btree (valuemapid) "items_6" btree (interfaceid) "items_7" btree (master_itemid) "items_8" btree (key_) Foreign-key constraints: "c_items_1" FOREIGN KEY (hostid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid) "c_items_2" FOREIGN KEY (templateid) REFERENCES items(itemid) "c_items_3" FOREIGN KEY (valuemapid) REFERENCES valuemap(valuemapid) "c_items_4" FOREIGN KEY (interfaceid) REFERENCES interface(interfaceid) "c_items_5" FOREIGN KEY (master_itemid) REFERENCES items(itemid) Referenced by: TABLE "functions" CONSTRAINT "c_functions_1" FOREIGN KEY (itemid) REFERENCES items(itemid) TABLE "graphs" CONSTRAINT "c_graphs_2" FOREIGN KEY (ymin_itemid) REFERENCES items(itemid) TABLE "graphs" CONSTRAINT "c_graphs_3" FOREIGN KEY (ymax_itemid) REFERENCES items(itemid) TABLE "graphs_items" CONSTRAINT "c_graphs_items_2" FOREIGN KEY (itemid) REFERENCES items(itemid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "host_discovery" CONSTRAINT "c_host_discovery_3" FOREIGN KEY (parent_itemid) REFERENCES items(itemid) TABLE "httpstepitem" CONSTRAINT "c_httpstepitem_2" FOREIGN KEY (itemid) REFERENCES items(itemid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "httptestitem" CONSTRAINT "c_httptestitem_2" FOREIGN KEY (itemid) REFERENCES items(itemid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "item_condition" CONSTRAINT "c_item_condition_1" FOREIGN KEY (itemid) REFERENCES items(itemid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "item_discovery" CONSTRAINT "c_item_discovery_1" FOREIGN KEY (itemid) REFERENCES items(itemid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "item_discovery" CONSTRAINT "c_item_discovery_2" FOREIGN KEY (parent_itemid) REFERENCES items(itemid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "item_parameter" CONSTRAINT "c_item_parameter_1" FOREIGN KEY (itemid) REFERENCES items(itemid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "item_preproc" CONSTRAINT "c_item_preproc_1" FOREIGN KEY (itemid) REFERENCES items(itemid) TABLE "item_rtdata" CONSTRAINT "c_item_rtdata_1" FOREIGN KEY (itemid) REFERENCES items(itemid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "item_tag" CONSTRAINT "c_item_tag_1" FOREIGN KEY (itemid) REFERENCES items(itemid) TABLE "items" CONSTRAINT "c_items_2" FOREIGN KEY (templateid) REFERENCES items(itemid) TABLE "items" CONSTRAINT "c_items_5" FOREIGN KEY (master_itemid) REFERENCES items(itemid) TABLE "lld_macro_path" CONSTRAINT "c_lld_macro_path_1" FOREIGN KEY (itemid) REFERENCES items(itemid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "lld_override" CONSTRAINT "c_lld_override_1" FOREIGN KEY (itemid) REFERENCES items(itemid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "widget_field" CONSTRAINT "c_widget_field_4" FOREIGN KEY (value_itemid) REFERENCES items(itemid) ON DELETE CASCADE Triggers: items_delete BEFORE DELETE ON items FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION changelog_items_delete() items_insert AFTER INSERT ON items FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION changelog_items_insert() items_name_upper_insert AFTER INSERT ON items FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION items_name_upper_upper() items_name_upper_update AFTER UPDATE OF name ON items FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION items_name_upper_upper() items_update AFTER UPDATE ON items FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION changelog_items_update() Access method: heap Index "public.items_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+-------------------------+------+------------+----------+-------------- hostid | bigint | yes | hostid | plain | key_ | character varying(2048) | yes | key_ | extended | btree, for table "public.items" Index "public.items_3" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- status | integer | yes | status | plain | btree, for table "public.items" Index "public.items_4" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ------------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- templateid | bigint | yes | templateid | plain | btree, for table "public.items" Index "public.items_5" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ------------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- valuemapid | bigint | yes | valuemapid | plain | btree, for table "public.items" Index "public.items_6" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -------------+--------+------+-------------+---------+-------------- interfaceid | bigint | yes | interfaceid | plain | btree, for table "public.items" Index "public.items_7" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------------+--------+------+---------------+---------+-------------- master_itemid | bigint | yes | master_itemid | plain | btree, for table "public.items" Index "public.items_8" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+-------------------------+------+------------+----------+-------------- key_ | character varying(2048) | yes | key_ | extended | btree, for table "public.items" Index "public.items_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- itemid | bigint | yes | itemid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.items" Table "public.lld_macro_path" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ------------------+------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- lld_macro_pathid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | itemid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | lld_macro | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | path | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | Indexes: "lld_macro_path_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (lld_macro_pathid) "lld_macro_path_1" UNIQUE, btree (itemid, lld_macro) Foreign-key constraints: "c_lld_macro_path_1" FOREIGN KEY (itemid) REFERENCES items(itemid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.lld_macro_path_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+------------------------+------+------------+----------+-------------- itemid | bigint | yes | itemid | plain | lld_macro | character varying(255) | yes | lld_macro | extended | unique, btree, for table "public.lld_macro_path" Index "public.lld_macro_path_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ------------------+--------+------+------------------+---------+-------------- lld_macro_pathid | bigint | yes | lld_macro_pathid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.lld_macro_path" Table "public.lld_override" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ----------------+------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- lld_overrideid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | itemid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | name | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | step | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | evaltype | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | formula | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | stop | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | Indexes: "lld_override_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (lld_overrideid) "lld_override_1" UNIQUE, btree (itemid, name) Foreign-key constraints: "c_lld_override_1" FOREIGN KEY (itemid) REFERENCES items(itemid) ON DELETE CASCADE Referenced by: TABLE "lld_override_condition" CONSTRAINT "c_lld_override_condition_1" FOREIGN KEY (lld_overrideid) REFERENCES lld_override(lld_overrideid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "lld_override_operation" CONSTRAINT "c_lld_override_operation_1" FOREIGN KEY (lld_overrideid) REFERENCES lld_override(lld_overrideid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.lld_override_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+------------------------+------+------------+----------+-------------- itemid | bigint | yes | itemid | plain | name | character varying(255) | yes | name | extended | unique, btree, for table "public.lld_override" Table "public.lld_override_condition" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description --------------------------+------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- lld_override_conditionid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | lld_overrideid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | operator | integer | | not null | 8 | plain | | | macro | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | value | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | Indexes: "lld_override_condition_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (lld_override_conditionid) "lld_override_condition_1" btree (lld_overrideid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_lld_override_condition_1" FOREIGN KEY (lld_overrideid) REFERENCES lld_override(lld_overrideid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.lld_override_condition_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------------+--------+------+----------------+---------+-------------- lld_overrideid | bigint | yes | lld_overrideid | plain | btree, for table "public.lld_override_condition" Index "public.lld_override_condition_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------------------------+--------+------+--------------------------+---------+-------------- lld_override_conditionid | bigint | yes | lld_override_conditionid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.lld_override_condition" Table "public.lld_override_opdiscover" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description --------------------------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- lld_override_operationid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | discover | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | Indexes: "lld_override_opdiscover_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (lld_override_operationid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_lld_override_opdiscover_1" FOREIGN KEY (lld_override_operationid) REFERENCES lld_override_operation(lld_override_operationid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.lld_override_opdiscover_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------------------------+--------+------+--------------------------+---------+-------------- lld_override_operationid | bigint | yes | lld_override_operationid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.lld_override_opdiscover" Table "public.lld_override_operation" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description --------------------------+------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- lld_override_operationid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | lld_overrideid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | operationobject | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | operator | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | value | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | Indexes: "lld_override_operation_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (lld_override_operationid) "lld_override_operation_1" btree (lld_overrideid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_lld_override_operation_1" FOREIGN KEY (lld_overrideid) REFERENCES lld_override(lld_overrideid) ON DELETE CASCADE Referenced by: TABLE "lld_override_opdiscover" CONSTRAINT "c_lld_override_opdiscover_1" FOREIGN KEY (lld_override_operationid) REFERENCES lld_override_operation(lld_override_operationid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "lld_override_ophistory" CONSTRAINT "c_lld_override_ophistory_1" FOREIGN KEY (lld_override_operationid) REFERENCES lld_override_operation(lld_override_operationid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "lld_override_opinventory" CONSTRAINT "c_lld_override_opinventory_1" FOREIGN KEY (lld_override_operationid) REFERENCES lld_override_operation(lld_override_operationid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "lld_override_opperiod" CONSTRAINT "c_lld_override_opperiod_1" FOREIGN KEY (lld_override_operationid) REFERENCES lld_override_operation(lld_override_operationid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "lld_override_opseverity" CONSTRAINT "c_lld_override_opseverity_1" FOREIGN KEY (lld_override_operationid) REFERENCES lld_override_operation(lld_override_operationid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "lld_override_opstatus" CONSTRAINT "c_lld_override_opstatus_1" FOREIGN KEY (lld_override_operationid) REFERENCES lld_override_operation(lld_override_operationid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "lld_override_optag" CONSTRAINT "c_lld_override_optag_1" FOREIGN KEY (lld_override_operationid) REFERENCES lld_override_operation(lld_override_operationid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "lld_override_optemplate" CONSTRAINT "c_lld_override_optemplate_1" FOREIGN KEY (lld_override_operationid) REFERENCES lld_override_operation(lld_override_operationid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "lld_override_optrends" CONSTRAINT "c_lld_override_optrends_1" FOREIGN KEY (lld_override_operationid) REFERENCES lld_override_operation(lld_override_operationid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.lld_override_operation_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------------+--------+------+----------------+---------+-------------- lld_overrideid | bigint | yes | lld_overrideid | plain | btree, for table "public.lld_override_operation" Index "public.lld_override_operation_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------------------------+--------+------+--------------------------+---------+-------------- lld_override_operationid | bigint | yes | lld_override_operationid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.lld_override_operation" Table "public.lld_override_ophistory" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description --------------------------+------------------------+-----------+----------+--------------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- lld_override_operationid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | history | character varying(255) | | not null | '90d'::character varying | extended | | | Indexes: "lld_override_ophistory_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (lld_override_operationid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_lld_override_ophistory_1" FOREIGN KEY (lld_override_operationid) REFERENCES lld_override_operation(lld_override_operationid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.lld_override_ophistory_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------------------------+--------+------+--------------------------+---------+-------------- lld_override_operationid | bigint | yes | lld_override_operationid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.lld_override_ophistory" Table "public.lld_override_opinventory" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description --------------------------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- lld_override_operationid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | inventory_mode | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | Indexes: "lld_override_opinventory_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (lld_override_operationid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_lld_override_opinventory_1" FOREIGN KEY (lld_override_operationid) REFERENCES lld_override_operation(lld_override_operationid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.lld_override_opinventory_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------------------------+--------+------+--------------------------+---------+-------------- lld_override_operationid | bigint | yes | lld_override_operationid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.lld_override_opinventory" Table "public.lld_override_opperiod" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description --------------------------+-------------------------+-----------+----------+------------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- lld_override_operationid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | delay | character varying(1024) | | not null | '0'::character varying | extended | | | Indexes: "lld_override_opperiod_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (lld_override_operationid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_lld_override_opperiod_1" FOREIGN KEY (lld_override_operationid) REFERENCES lld_override_operation(lld_override_operationid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.lld_override_opperiod_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------------------------+--------+------+--------------------------+---------+-------------- lld_override_operationid | bigint | yes | lld_override_operationid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.lld_override_opperiod" Table "public.lld_override_opseverity" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description --------------------------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- lld_override_operationid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | severity | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | Indexes: "lld_override_opseverity_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (lld_override_operationid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_lld_override_opseverity_1" FOREIGN KEY (lld_override_operationid) REFERENCES lld_override_operation(lld_override_operationid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.lld_override_opseverity_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------------------------+--------+------+--------------------------+---------+-------------- lld_override_operationid | bigint | yes | lld_override_operationid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.lld_override_opseverity" Table "public.lld_override_opstatus" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description --------------------------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- lld_override_operationid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | status | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | Indexes: "lld_override_opstatus_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (lld_override_operationid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_lld_override_opstatus_1" FOREIGN KEY (lld_override_operationid) REFERENCES lld_override_operation(lld_override_operationid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.lld_override_opstatus_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------------------------+--------+------+--------------------------+---------+-------------- lld_override_operationid | bigint | yes | lld_override_operationid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.lld_override_opstatus" Table "public.lld_override_optag" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description --------------------------+------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- lld_override_optagid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | lld_override_operationid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | tag | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | value | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | Indexes: "lld_override_optag_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (lld_override_optagid) "lld_override_optag_1" btree (lld_override_operationid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_lld_override_optag_1" FOREIGN KEY (lld_override_operationid) REFERENCES lld_override_operation(lld_override_operationid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.lld_override_optag_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------------------------+--------+------+--------------------------+---------+-------------- lld_override_operationid | bigint | yes | lld_override_operationid | plain | btree, for table "public.lld_override_optag" Index "public.lld_override_optag_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------------------+--------+------+----------------------+---------+-------------- lld_override_optagid | bigint | yes | lld_override_optagid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.lld_override_optag" Table "public.lld_override_optemplate" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ---------------------------+--------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- lld_override_optemplateid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | lld_override_operationid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | templateid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | Indexes: "lld_override_optemplate_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (lld_override_optemplateid) "lld_override_optemplate_1" UNIQUE, btree (lld_override_operationid, templateid) "lld_override_optemplate_2" btree (templateid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_lld_override_optemplate_1" FOREIGN KEY (lld_override_operationid) REFERENCES lld_override_operation(lld_override_operationid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_lld_override_optemplate_2" FOREIGN KEY (templateid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid) Access method: heap Index "public.lld_override_optemplate_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------------------------+--------+------+--------------------------+---------+-------------- lld_override_operationid | bigint | yes | lld_override_operationid | plain | templateid | bigint | yes | templateid | plain | unique, btree, for table "public.lld_override_optemplate" Index "public.lld_override_optemplate_2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ------------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- templateid | bigint | yes | templateid | plain | btree, for table "public.lld_override_optemplate" Index "public.lld_override_optemplate_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------------------------+--------+------+---------------------------+---------+-------------- lld_override_optemplateid | bigint | yes | lld_override_optemplateid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.lld_override_optemplate" Table "public.lld_override_optrends" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description --------------------------+------------------------+-----------+----------+---------------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- lld_override_operationid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | trends | character varying(255) | | not null | '365d'::character varying | extended | | | Indexes: "lld_override_optrends_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (lld_override_operationid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_lld_override_optrends_1" FOREIGN KEY (lld_override_operationid) REFERENCES lld_override_operation(lld_override_operationid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.lld_override_optrends_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------------------------+--------+------+--------------------------+---------+-------------- lld_override_operationid | bigint | yes | lld_override_operationid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.lld_override_optrends" Index "public.lld_override_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------------+--------+------+----------------+---------+-------------- lld_overrideid | bigint | yes | lld_overrideid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.lld_override" Table "public.maintenance_tag" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ------------------+------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- maintenancetagid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | maintenanceid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | tag | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | operator | integer | | not null | 2 | plain | | | value | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | Indexes: "maintenance_tag_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (maintenancetagid) "maintenance_tag_1" btree (maintenanceid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_maintenance_tag_1" FOREIGN KEY (maintenanceid) REFERENCES maintenances(maintenanceid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.maintenance_tag_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------------+--------+------+---------------+---------+-------------- maintenanceid | bigint | yes | maintenanceid | plain | btree, for table "public.maintenance_tag" Index "public.maintenance_tag_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ------------------+--------+------+------------------+---------+-------------- maintenancetagid | bigint | yes | maintenancetagid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.maintenance_tag" Table "public.maintenances" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ------------------+------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- maintenanceid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | name | character varying(128) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | maintenance_type | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | description | text | | not null | ''::text | extended | | | active_since | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | active_till | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | tags_evaltype | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | Indexes: "maintenances_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (maintenanceid) "maintenances_1" btree (active_since, active_till) "maintenances_2" UNIQUE, btree (name) Referenced by: TABLE "event_suppress" CONSTRAINT "c_event_suppress_2" FOREIGN KEY (maintenanceid) REFERENCES maintenances(maintenanceid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "hosts" CONSTRAINT "c_hosts_2" FOREIGN KEY (maintenanceid) REFERENCES maintenances(maintenanceid) TABLE "maintenance_tag" CONSTRAINT "c_maintenance_tag_1" FOREIGN KEY (maintenanceid) REFERENCES maintenances(maintenanceid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "maintenances_groups" CONSTRAINT "c_maintenances_groups_1" FOREIGN KEY (maintenanceid) REFERENCES maintenances(maintenanceid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "maintenances_hosts" CONSTRAINT "c_maintenances_hosts_1" FOREIGN KEY (maintenanceid) REFERENCES maintenances(maintenanceid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "maintenances_windows" CONSTRAINT "c_maintenances_windows_1" FOREIGN KEY (maintenanceid) REFERENCES maintenances(maintenanceid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.maintenances_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------------+---------+------+--------------+---------+-------------- active_since | integer | yes | active_since | plain | active_till | integer | yes | active_till | plain | btree, for table "public.maintenances" Index "public.maintenances_2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+------------------------+------+------------+----------+-------------- name | character varying(128) | yes | name | extended | unique, btree, for table "public.maintenances" Table "public.maintenances_groups" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ---------------------+--------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- maintenance_groupid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | maintenanceid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | groupid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | Indexes: "maintenances_groups_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (maintenance_groupid) "maintenances_groups_1" UNIQUE, btree (maintenanceid, groupid) "maintenances_groups_2" btree (groupid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_maintenances_groups_1" FOREIGN KEY (maintenanceid) REFERENCES maintenances(maintenanceid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_maintenances_groups_2" FOREIGN KEY (groupid) REFERENCES hstgrp(groupid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.maintenances_groups_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------------+--------+------+---------------+---------+-------------- maintenanceid | bigint | yes | maintenanceid | plain | groupid | bigint | yes | groupid | plain | unique, btree, for table "public.maintenances_groups" Index "public.maintenances_groups_2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- groupid | bigint | yes | groupid | plain | btree, for table "public.maintenances_groups" Index "public.maintenances_groups_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------------------+--------+------+---------------------+---------+-------------- maintenance_groupid | bigint | yes | maintenance_groupid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.maintenances_groups" Table "public.maintenances_hosts" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description --------------------+--------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- maintenance_hostid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | maintenanceid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | hostid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | Indexes: "maintenances_hosts_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (maintenance_hostid) "maintenances_hosts_1" UNIQUE, btree (maintenanceid, hostid) "maintenances_hosts_2" btree (hostid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_maintenances_hosts_1" FOREIGN KEY (maintenanceid) REFERENCES maintenances(maintenanceid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_maintenances_hosts_2" FOREIGN KEY (hostid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.maintenances_hosts_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------------+--------+------+---------------+---------+-------------- maintenanceid | bigint | yes | maintenanceid | plain | hostid | bigint | yes | hostid | plain | unique, btree, for table "public.maintenances_hosts" Index "public.maintenances_hosts_2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- hostid | bigint | yes | hostid | plain | btree, for table "public.maintenances_hosts" Index "public.maintenances_hosts_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------------------+--------+------+--------------------+---------+-------------- maintenance_hostid | bigint | yes | maintenance_hostid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.maintenances_hosts" Index "public.maintenances_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------------+--------+------+---------------+---------+-------------- maintenanceid | bigint | yes | maintenanceid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.maintenances" Table "public.maintenances_windows" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description --------------------------+--------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- maintenance_timeperiodid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | maintenanceid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | timeperiodid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | Indexes: "maintenances_windows_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (maintenance_timeperiodid) "maintenances_windows_1" UNIQUE, btree (maintenanceid, timeperiodid) "maintenances_windows_2" btree (timeperiodid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_maintenances_windows_1" FOREIGN KEY (maintenanceid) REFERENCES maintenances(maintenanceid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_maintenances_windows_2" FOREIGN KEY (timeperiodid) REFERENCES timeperiods(timeperiodid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.maintenances_windows_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------------+--------+------+---------------+---------+-------------- maintenanceid | bigint | yes | maintenanceid | plain | timeperiodid | bigint | yes | timeperiodid | plain | unique, btree, for table "public.maintenances_windows" Index "public.maintenances_windows_2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------------+--------+------+--------------+---------+-------------- timeperiodid | bigint | yes | timeperiodid | plain | btree, for table "public.maintenances_windows" Index "public.maintenances_windows_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------------------------+--------+------+--------------------------+---------+-------------- maintenance_timeperiodid | bigint | yes | maintenance_timeperiodid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.maintenances_windows" Table "" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description -------------+-------------------------+-----------+----------+--------------------------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- mediaid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | userid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | mediatypeid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | sendto | character varying(1024) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | active | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | severity | integer | | not null | 63 | plain | | | period | character varying(1024) | | not null | '1-7,00:00-24:00'::character varying | extended | | | Indexes: "media_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (mediaid) "media_1" btree (userid) "media_2" btree (mediatypeid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_media_1" FOREIGN KEY (userid) REFERENCES users(userid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_media_2" FOREIGN KEY (mediatypeid) REFERENCES media_type(mediatypeid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.media_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- userid | bigint | yes | userid | plain | btree, for table "" Index "public.media_2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -------------+--------+------+-------------+---------+-------------- mediatypeid | bigint | yes | mediatypeid | plain | btree, for table "" Index "public.media_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- mediaid | bigint | yes | mediaid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "" Table "public.media_type" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ---------------------+-------------------------+-----------+----------+--------------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- mediatypeid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | type | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | name | character varying(100) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | smtp_server | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | smtp_helo | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | smtp_email | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | exec_path | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | gsm_modem | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | username | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | passwd | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | status | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | smtp_port | integer | | not null | 25 | plain | | | smtp_security | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | smtp_verify_peer | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | smtp_verify_host | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | smtp_authentication | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | exec_params | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | maxsessions | integer | | not null | 1 | plain | | | maxattempts | integer | | not null | 3 | plain | | | attempt_interval | character varying(32) | | not null | '10s'::character varying | extended | | | content_type | integer | | not null | 1 | plain | | | script | text | | not null | ''::text | extended | | | timeout | character varying(32) | | not null | '30s'::character varying | extended | | | process_tags | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | show_event_menu | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | event_menu_url | character varying(2048) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | event_menu_name | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | description | text | | not null | ''::text | extended | | | Indexes: "media_type_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (mediatypeid) "media_type_1" UNIQUE, btree (name) Referenced by: TABLE "alerts" CONSTRAINT "c_alerts_4" FOREIGN KEY (mediatypeid) REFERENCES media_type(mediatypeid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "media" CONSTRAINT "c_media_2" FOREIGN KEY (mediatypeid) REFERENCES media_type(mediatypeid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "media_type_message" CONSTRAINT "c_media_type_message_1" FOREIGN KEY (mediatypeid) REFERENCES media_type(mediatypeid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "media_type_param" CONSTRAINT "c_media_type_param_1" FOREIGN KEY (mediatypeid) REFERENCES media_type(mediatypeid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "opmessage" CONSTRAINT "c_opmessage_2" FOREIGN KEY (mediatypeid) REFERENCES media_type(mediatypeid) Access method: heap Index "public.media_type_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+------------------------+------+------------+----------+-------------- name | character varying(100) | yes | name | extended | unique, btree, for table "public.media_type" Table "public.media_type_message" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ---------------------+------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- mediatype_messageid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | mediatypeid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | eventsource | integer | | not null | | plain | | | recovery | integer | | not null | | plain | | | subject | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | message | text | | not null | ''::text | extended | | | Indexes: "media_type_message_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (mediatype_messageid) "media_type_message_1" UNIQUE, btree (mediatypeid, eventsource, recovery) Foreign-key constraints: "c_media_type_message_1" FOREIGN KEY (mediatypeid) REFERENCES media_type(mediatypeid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.media_type_message_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -------------+---------+------+-------------+---------+-------------- mediatypeid | bigint | yes | mediatypeid | plain | eventsource | integer | yes | eventsource | plain | recovery | integer | yes | recovery | plain | unique, btree, for table "public.media_type_message" Index "public.media_type_message_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------------------+--------+------+---------------------+---------+-------------- mediatype_messageid | bigint | yes | mediatype_messageid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.media_type_message" Table "public.media_type_param" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description -------------------+-------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- mediatype_paramid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | mediatypeid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | name | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | value | character varying(2048) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | Indexes: "media_type_param_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (mediatype_paramid) "media_type_param_1" btree (mediatypeid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_media_type_param_1" FOREIGN KEY (mediatypeid) REFERENCES media_type(mediatypeid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.media_type_param_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -------------+--------+------+-------------+---------+-------------- mediatypeid | bigint | yes | mediatypeid | plain | btree, for table "public.media_type_param" Index "public.media_type_param_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -------------------+--------+------+-------------------+---------+-------------- mediatype_paramid | bigint | yes | mediatype_paramid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.media_type_param" Index "public.media_type_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -------------+--------+------+-------------+---------+-------------- mediatypeid | bigint | yes | mediatypeid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.media_type" Table "public.module" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ---------------+------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- moduleid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | id | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | relative_path | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | status | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | config | text | | not null | ''::text | extended | | | Indexes: "module_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (moduleid) Referenced by: TABLE "role_rule" CONSTRAINT "c_role_rule_2" FOREIGN KEY (value_moduleid) REFERENCES module(moduleid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.module_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- moduleid | bigint | yes | moduleid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.module" Table "public.opcommand" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description -------------+--------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- operationid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | scriptid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | Indexes: "opcommand_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (operationid) "opcommand_1" btree (scriptid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_opcommand_1" FOREIGN KEY (operationid) REFERENCES operations(operationid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_opcommand_2" FOREIGN KEY (scriptid) REFERENCES scripts(scriptid) Access method: heap Index "public.opcommand_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- scriptid | bigint | yes | scriptid | plain | btree, for table "public.opcommand" Table "public.opcommand_grp" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description -----------------+--------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- opcommand_grpid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | operationid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | groupid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | Indexes: "opcommand_grp_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (opcommand_grpid) "opcommand_grp_1" btree (operationid) "opcommand_grp_2" btree (groupid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_opcommand_grp_1" FOREIGN KEY (operationid) REFERENCES operations(operationid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_opcommand_grp_2" FOREIGN KEY (groupid) REFERENCES hstgrp(groupid) Access method: heap Index "public.opcommand_grp_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -------------+--------+------+-------------+---------+-------------- operationid | bigint | yes | operationid | plain | btree, for table "public.opcommand_grp" Index "public.opcommand_grp_2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- groupid | bigint | yes | groupid | plain | btree, for table "public.opcommand_grp" Index "public.opcommand_grp_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------------+--------+------+-----------------+---------+-------------- opcommand_grpid | bigint | yes | opcommand_grpid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.opcommand_grp" Table "public.opcommand_hst" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description -----------------+--------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- opcommand_hstid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | operationid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | hostid | bigint | | | | plain | | | Indexes: "opcommand_hst_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (opcommand_hstid) "opcommand_hst_1" btree (operationid) "opcommand_hst_2" btree (hostid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_opcommand_hst_1" FOREIGN KEY (operationid) REFERENCES operations(operationid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_opcommand_hst_2" FOREIGN KEY (hostid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid) Access method: heap Index "public.opcommand_hst_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -------------+--------+------+-------------+---------+-------------- operationid | bigint | yes | operationid | plain | btree, for table "public.opcommand_hst" Index "public.opcommand_hst_2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- hostid | bigint | yes | hostid | plain | btree, for table "public.opcommand_hst" Index "public.opcommand_hst_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------------+--------+------+-----------------+---------+-------------- opcommand_hstid | bigint | yes | opcommand_hstid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.opcommand_hst" Index "public.opcommand_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -------------+--------+------+-------------+---------+-------------- operationid | bigint | yes | operationid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.opcommand" Table "public.opconditions" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ---------------+------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- opconditionid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | operationid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | conditiontype | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | operator | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | value | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | Indexes: "opconditions_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (opconditionid) "opconditions_1" btree (operationid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_opconditions_1" FOREIGN KEY (operationid) REFERENCES operations(operationid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.opconditions_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -------------+--------+------+-------------+---------+-------------- operationid | bigint | yes | operationid | plain | btree, for table "public.opconditions" Index "public.opconditions_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------------+--------+------+---------------+---------+-------------- opconditionid | bigint | yes | opconditionid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.opconditions" Table "public.operations" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ---------------+------------------------+-----------+----------+------------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- operationid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | actionid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | operationtype | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | esc_period | character varying(255) | | not null | '0'::character varying | extended | | | esc_step_from | integer | | not null | 1 | plain | | | esc_step_to | integer | | not null | 1 | plain | | | evaltype | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | recovery | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | Indexes: "operations_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (operationid) "operations_1" btree (actionid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_operations_1" FOREIGN KEY (actionid) REFERENCES actions(actionid) ON DELETE CASCADE Referenced by: TABLE "opcommand" CONSTRAINT "c_opcommand_1" FOREIGN KEY (operationid) REFERENCES operations(operationid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "opcommand_grp" CONSTRAINT "c_opcommand_grp_1" FOREIGN KEY (operationid) REFERENCES operations(operationid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "opcommand_hst" CONSTRAINT "c_opcommand_hst_1" FOREIGN KEY (operationid) REFERENCES operations(operationid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "opconditions" CONSTRAINT "c_opconditions_1" FOREIGN KEY (operationid) REFERENCES operations(operationid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "opgroup" CONSTRAINT "c_opgroup_1" FOREIGN KEY (operationid) REFERENCES operations(operationid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "opinventory" CONSTRAINT "c_opinventory_1" FOREIGN KEY (operationid) REFERENCES operations(operationid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "opmessage" CONSTRAINT "c_opmessage_1" FOREIGN KEY (operationid) REFERENCES operations(operationid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "opmessage_grp" CONSTRAINT "c_opmessage_grp_1" FOREIGN KEY (operationid) REFERENCES operations(operationid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "opmessage_usr" CONSTRAINT "c_opmessage_usr_1" FOREIGN KEY (operationid) REFERENCES operations(operationid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "optemplate" CONSTRAINT "c_optemplate_1" FOREIGN KEY (operationid) REFERENCES operations(operationid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.operations_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- actionid | bigint | yes | actionid | plain | btree, for table "public.operations" Index "public.operations_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -------------+--------+------+-------------+---------+-------------- operationid | bigint | yes | operationid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.operations" Table "public.opgroup" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description -------------+--------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- opgroupid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | operationid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | groupid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | Indexes: "opgroup_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (opgroupid) "opgroup_1" UNIQUE, btree (operationid, groupid) "opgroup_2" btree (groupid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_opgroup_1" FOREIGN KEY (operationid) REFERENCES operations(operationid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_opgroup_2" FOREIGN KEY (groupid) REFERENCES hstgrp(groupid) Access method: heap Index "public.opgroup_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -------------+--------+------+-------------+---------+-------------- operationid | bigint | yes | operationid | plain | groupid | bigint | yes | groupid | plain | unique, btree, for table "public.opgroup" Index "public.opgroup_2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- groupid | bigint | yes | groupid | plain | btree, for table "public.opgroup" Index "public.opgroup_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- opgroupid | bigint | yes | opgroupid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.opgroup" Table "public.opinventory" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ----------------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- operationid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | inventory_mode | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | Indexes: "opinventory_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (operationid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_opinventory_1" FOREIGN KEY (operationid) REFERENCES operations(operationid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.opinventory_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -------------+--------+------+-------------+---------+-------------- operationid | bigint | yes | operationid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.opinventory" Table "public.opmessage" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description -------------+------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- operationid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | default_msg | integer | | not null | 1 | plain | | | subject | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | message | text | | not null | ''::text | extended | | | mediatypeid | bigint | | | | plain | | | Indexes: "opmessage_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (operationid) "opmessage_1" btree (mediatypeid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_opmessage_1" FOREIGN KEY (operationid) REFERENCES operations(operationid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_opmessage_2" FOREIGN KEY (mediatypeid) REFERENCES media_type(mediatypeid) Access method: heap Index "public.opmessage_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -------------+--------+------+-------------+---------+-------------- mediatypeid | bigint | yes | mediatypeid | plain | btree, for table "public.opmessage" Table "public.opmessage_grp" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description -----------------+--------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- opmessage_grpid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | operationid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | usrgrpid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | Indexes: "opmessage_grp_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (opmessage_grpid) "opmessage_grp_1" UNIQUE, btree (operationid, usrgrpid) "opmessage_grp_2" btree (usrgrpid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_opmessage_grp_1" FOREIGN KEY (operationid) REFERENCES operations(operationid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_opmessage_grp_2" FOREIGN KEY (usrgrpid) REFERENCES usrgrp(usrgrpid) Access method: heap Index "public.opmessage_grp_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -------------+--------+------+-------------+---------+-------------- operationid | bigint | yes | operationid | plain | usrgrpid | bigint | yes | usrgrpid | plain | unique, btree, for table "public.opmessage_grp" Index "public.opmessage_grp_2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- usrgrpid | bigint | yes | usrgrpid | plain | btree, for table "public.opmessage_grp" Index "public.opmessage_grp_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------------+--------+------+-----------------+---------+-------------- opmessage_grpid | bigint | yes | opmessage_grpid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.opmessage_grp" Index "public.opmessage_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -------------+--------+------+-------------+---------+-------------- operationid | bigint | yes | operationid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.opmessage" Table "public.opmessage_usr" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description -----------------+--------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- opmessage_usrid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | operationid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | userid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | Indexes: "opmessage_usr_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (opmessage_usrid) "opmessage_usr_1" UNIQUE, btree (operationid, userid) "opmessage_usr_2" btree (userid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_opmessage_usr_1" FOREIGN KEY (operationid) REFERENCES operations(operationid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_opmessage_usr_2" FOREIGN KEY (userid) REFERENCES users(userid) Access method: heap Index "public.opmessage_usr_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -------------+--------+------+-------------+---------+-------------- operationid | bigint | yes | operationid | plain | userid | bigint | yes | userid | plain | unique, btree, for table "public.opmessage_usr" Index "public.opmessage_usr_2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- userid | bigint | yes | userid | plain | btree, for table "public.opmessage_usr" Index "public.opmessage_usr_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------------+--------+------+-----------------+---------+-------------- opmessage_usrid | bigint | yes | opmessage_usrid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.opmessage_usr" Table "public.optemplate" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description --------------+--------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- optemplateid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | operationid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | templateid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | Indexes: "optemplate_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (optemplateid) "optemplate_1" UNIQUE, btree (operationid, templateid) "optemplate_2" btree (templateid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_optemplate_1" FOREIGN KEY (operationid) REFERENCES operations(operationid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_optemplate_2" FOREIGN KEY (templateid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid) Access method: heap Index "public.optemplate_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -------------+--------+------+-------------+---------+-------------- operationid | bigint | yes | operationid | plain | templateid | bigint | yes | templateid | plain | unique, btree, for table "public.optemplate" Index "public.optemplate_2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ------------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- templateid | bigint | yes | templateid | plain | btree, for table "public.optemplate" Index "public.optemplate_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------------+--------+------+--------------+---------+-------------- optemplateid | bigint | yes | optemplateid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.optemplate" View "public.pg_stat_statements" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description ---------------------+------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- userid | oid | | | | plain | dbid | oid | | | | plain | toplevel | boolean | | | | plain | queryid | bigint | | | | plain | query | text | | | | extended | plans | bigint | | | | plain | total_plan_time | double precision | | | | plain | min_plan_time | double precision | | | | plain | max_plan_time | double precision | | | | plain | mean_plan_time | double precision | | | | plain | stddev_plan_time | double precision | | | | plain | calls | bigint | | | | plain | total_exec_time | double precision | | | | plain | min_exec_time | double precision | | | | plain | max_exec_time | double precision | | | | plain | mean_exec_time | double precision | | | | plain | stddev_exec_time | double precision | | | | plain | rows | bigint | | | | plain | shared_blks_hit | bigint | | | | plain | shared_blks_read | bigint | | | | plain | shared_blks_dirtied | bigint | | | | plain | shared_blks_written | bigint | | | | plain | local_blks_hit | bigint | | | | plain | local_blks_read | bigint | | | | plain | local_blks_dirtied | bigint | | | | plain | local_blks_written | bigint | | | | plain | temp_blks_read | bigint | | | | plain | temp_blks_written | bigint | | | | plain | blk_read_time | double precision | | | | plain | blk_write_time | double precision | | | | plain | wal_records | bigint | | | | plain | wal_fpi | bigint | | | | plain | wal_bytes | numeric | | | | main | View definition: SELECT pg_stat_statements.userid, pg_stat_statements.dbid, pg_stat_statements.toplevel, pg_stat_statements.queryid, pg_stat_statements.query, pg_stat_statements.plans, pg_stat_statements.total_plan_time, pg_stat_statements.min_plan_time, pg_stat_statements.max_plan_time, pg_stat_statements.mean_plan_time, pg_stat_statements.stddev_plan_time, pg_stat_statements.calls, pg_stat_statements.total_exec_time, pg_stat_statements.min_exec_time, pg_stat_statements.max_exec_time, pg_stat_statements.mean_exec_time, pg_stat_statements.stddev_exec_time, pg_stat_statements.rows, pg_stat_statements.shared_blks_hit, pg_stat_statements.shared_blks_read, pg_stat_statements.shared_blks_dirtied, pg_stat_statements.shared_blks_written, pg_stat_statements.local_blks_hit, pg_stat_statements.local_blks_read, pg_stat_statements.local_blks_dirtied, pg_stat_statements.local_blks_written, pg_stat_statements.temp_blks_read, pg_stat_statements.temp_blks_written, pg_stat_statements.blk_read_time, pg_stat_statements.blk_write_time, pg_stat_statements.wal_records, pg_stat_statements.wal_fpi, pg_stat_statements.wal_bytes FROM pg_stat_statements(true) pg_stat_statements(userid, dbid, toplevel, queryid, query, plans, total_plan_time, min_plan_time, max_plan_time, mean_plan_time, stddev_plan_time, calls, total_exec_time, min_exec_time, max_exec_time, mean_exec_time, stddev_exec_time, rows, shared_blks_hit, shared_blks_read, shared_blks_dirtied, shared_blks_written, local_blks_hit, local_blks_read, local_blks_dirtied, local_blks_written, temp_blks_read, temp_blks_written, blk_read_time, blk_write_time, wal_records, wal_fpi, wal_bytes); View "public.pg_stat_statements_info" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description -------------+--------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+------------- dealloc | bigint | | | | plain | stats_reset | timestamp with time zone | | | | plain | View definition: SELECT pg_stat_statements_info.dealloc, pg_stat_statements_info.stats_reset FROM pg_stat_statements_info() pg_stat_statements_info(dealloc, stats_reset); Table "public.problem" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ---------------+-------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- eventid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | source | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | object | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | objectid | bigint | | not null | '0'::bigint | plain | | | clock | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | ns | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | r_eventid | bigint | | | | plain | | | r_clock | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | r_ns | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | correlationid | bigint | | | | plain | | | userid | bigint | | | | plain | | | name | character varying(2048) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | acknowledged | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | severity | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | Indexes: "problem_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (eventid) "problem_1" btree (source, object, objectid) "problem_2" btree (r_clock) "problem_3" btree (r_eventid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_problem_1" FOREIGN KEY (eventid) REFERENCES events(eventid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_problem_2" FOREIGN KEY (r_eventid) REFERENCES events(eventid) ON DELETE CASCADE Referenced by: TABLE "problem_tag" CONSTRAINT "c_problem_tag_1" FOREIGN KEY (eventid) REFERENCES problem(eventid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "service_problem" CONSTRAINT "c_service_problem_1" FOREIGN KEY (eventid) REFERENCES problem(eventid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.problem_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- source | integer | yes | source | plain | object | integer | yes | object | plain | objectid | bigint | yes | objectid | plain | btree, for table "public.problem" Index "public.problem_2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- r_clock | integer | yes | r_clock | plain | btree, for table "public.problem" Index "public.problem_3" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- r_eventid | bigint | yes | r_eventid | plain | btree, for table "public.problem" Index "public.problem_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- eventid | bigint | yes | eventid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.problem" Table "public.problem_tag" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description --------------+------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- problemtagid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | eventid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | tag | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | value | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | Indexes: "problem_tag_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (problemtagid) "problem_tag_1" btree (eventid, tag, value) Foreign-key constraints: "c_problem_tag_1" FOREIGN KEY (eventid) REFERENCES problem(eventid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.problem_tag_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------+------------------------+------+------------+----------+-------------- eventid | bigint | yes | eventid | plain | tag | character varying(255) | yes | tag | extended | value | character varying(255) | yes | value | extended | btree, for table "public.problem_tag" Index "public.problem_tag_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------------+--------+------+--------------+---------+-------------- problemtagid | bigint | yes | problemtagid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.problem_tag" Table "public.profiles" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description -----------+-----------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- profileid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | userid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | idx | character varying(96) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | idx2 | bigint | | not null | '0'::bigint | plain | | | value_id | bigint | | not null | '0'::bigint | plain | | | value_int | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | value_str | text | | not null | ''::text | extended | | | source | character varying(96) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | type | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | Indexes: "profiles_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (profileid) "profiles_1" btree (userid, idx, idx2) "profiles_2" btree (userid, profileid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_profiles_1" FOREIGN KEY (userid) REFERENCES users(userid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.profiles_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+-----------------------+------+------------+----------+-------------- userid | bigint | yes | userid | plain | idx | character varying(96) | yes | idx | extended | idx2 | bigint | yes | idx2 | plain | btree, for table "public.profiles" Index "public.profiles_2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- userid | bigint | yes | userid | plain | profileid | bigint | yes | profileid | plain | btree, for table "public.profiles" Index "public.profiles_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- profileid | bigint | yes | profileid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.profiles" Table "public.proxy_autoreg_host" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ---------------+------------------------+-----------+----------+------------------------------------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- id | bigint | | not null | nextval('proxy_autoreg_host_id_seq'::regclass) | plain | | | clock | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | host | character varying(128) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | listen_ip | character varying(39) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | listen_port | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | listen_dns | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | host_metadata | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | flags | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | tls_accepted | integer | | not null | 1 | plain | | | Indexes: "proxy_autoreg_host_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id) "proxy_autoreg_host_1" btree (clock) Access method: heap Index "public.proxy_autoreg_host_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- clock | integer | yes | clock | plain | btree, for table "public.proxy_autoreg_host" Sequence "public.proxy_autoreg_host_id_seq" Type | Start | Minimum | Maximum | Increment | Cycles? | Cache --------+-------+---------+---------------------+-----------+---------+------- bigint | 1 | 1 | 9223372036854775807 | 1 | no | 1 Owned by: Index "public.proxy_autoreg_host_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- id | bigint | yes | id | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.proxy_autoreg_host" Table "public.proxy_dhistory" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ----------+------------------------+-----------+----------+--------------------------------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- id | bigint | | not null | nextval('proxy_dhistory_id_seq'::regclass) | plain | | | clock | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | druleid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | ip | character varying(39) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | port | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | value | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | status | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | dcheckid | bigint | | | | plain | | | dns | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | Indexes: "proxy_dhistory_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id) "proxy_dhistory_1" btree (clock) "proxy_dhistory_2" btree (druleid) Access method: heap Index "public.proxy_dhistory_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- clock | integer | yes | clock | plain | btree, for table "public.proxy_dhistory" Index "public.proxy_dhistory_2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- druleid | bigint | yes | druleid | plain | btree, for table "public.proxy_dhistory" Sequence "public.proxy_dhistory_id_seq" Type | Start | Minimum | Maximum | Increment | Cycles? | Cache --------+-------+---------+---------------------+-----------+---------+------- bigint | 1 | 1 | 9223372036854775807 | 1 | no | 1 Owned by: Index "public.proxy_dhistory_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- id | bigint | yes | id | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.proxy_dhistory" Table "public.proxy_history" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description -------------+-----------------------+-----------+----------+-------------------------------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- id | bigint | | not null | nextval('proxy_history_id_seq'::regclass) | plain | | | itemid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | clock | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | timestamp | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | source | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | severity | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | value | text | | not null | ''::text | extended | | | logeventid | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | ns | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | state | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | lastlogsize | numeric(20,0) | | not null | '0'::numeric | main | | | mtime | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | flags | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | write_clock | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | Indexes: "proxy_history_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id) "proxy_history_1" btree (clock) Access method: heap Index "public.proxy_history_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- clock | integer | yes | clock | plain | btree, for table "public.proxy_history" Sequence "public.proxy_history_id_seq" Type | Start | Minimum | Maximum | Increment | Cycles? | Cache --------+-------+---------+---------------------+-----------+---------+------- bigint | 1 | 1 | 9223372036854775807 | 1 | no | 1 Owned by: Index "public.proxy_history_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- id | bigint | yes | id | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.proxy_history" Table "public.regexps" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description -------------+------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- regexpid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | name | character varying(128) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | test_string | text | | not null | ''::text | extended | | | Indexes: "regexps_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (regexpid) "regexps_1" UNIQUE, btree (name) Referenced by: TABLE "expressions" CONSTRAINT "c_expressions_1" FOREIGN KEY (regexpid) REFERENCES regexps(regexpid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.regexps_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+------------------------+------+------------+----------+-------------- name | character varying(128) | yes | name | extended | unique, btree, for table "public.regexps" Index "public.regexps_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- regexpid | bigint | yes | regexpid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.regexps" Table "" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description --------------+-------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- reportid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | userid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | name | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | description | character varying(2048) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | status | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | dashboardid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | period | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | cycle | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | weekdays | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | start_time | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | active_since | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | active_till | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | state | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | lastsent | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | info | character varying(2048) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | Indexes: "report_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (reportid) "report_1" UNIQUE, btree (name) Foreign-key constraints: "c_report_1" FOREIGN KEY (userid) REFERENCES users(userid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_report_2" FOREIGN KEY (dashboardid) REFERENCES dashboard(dashboardid) ON DELETE CASCADE Referenced by: TABLE "report_param" CONSTRAINT "c_report_param_1" FOREIGN KEY (reportid) REFERENCES report(reportid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "report_user" CONSTRAINT "c_report_user_1" FOREIGN KEY (reportid) REFERENCES report(reportid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "report_usrgrp" CONSTRAINT "c_report_usrgrp_1" FOREIGN KEY (reportid) REFERENCES report(reportid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.report_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+------------------------+------+------------+----------+-------------- name | character varying(255) | yes | name | extended | unique, btree, for table "" Table "public.report_param" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ---------------+------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- reportparamid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | reportid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | name | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | value | text | | not null | ''::text | extended | | | Indexes: "report_param_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (reportparamid) "report_param_1" btree (reportid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_report_param_1" FOREIGN KEY (reportid) REFERENCES report(reportid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.report_param_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- reportid | bigint | yes | reportid | plain | btree, for table "public.report_param" Index "public.report_param_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------------+--------+------+---------------+---------+-------------- reportparamid | bigint | yes | reportparamid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.report_param" Index "public.report_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- reportid | bigint | yes | reportid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "" Table "public.report_user" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ---------------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- reportuserid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | reportid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | userid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | exclude | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | access_userid | bigint | | | | plain | | | Indexes: "report_user_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (reportuserid) "report_user_1" btree (reportid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_report_user_1" FOREIGN KEY (reportid) REFERENCES report(reportid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_report_user_2" FOREIGN KEY (userid) REFERENCES users(userid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_report_user_3" FOREIGN KEY (access_userid) REFERENCES users(userid) Access method: heap Index "public.report_user_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- reportid | bigint | yes | reportid | plain | btree, for table "public.report_user" Index "public.report_user_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------------+--------+------+--------------+---------+-------------- reportuserid | bigint | yes | reportuserid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.report_user" Table "public.report_usrgrp" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ----------------+--------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- reportusrgrpid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | reportid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | usrgrpid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | access_userid | bigint | | | | plain | | | Indexes: "report_usrgrp_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (reportusrgrpid) "report_usrgrp_1" btree (reportid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_report_usrgrp_1" FOREIGN KEY (reportid) REFERENCES report(reportid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_report_usrgrp_2" FOREIGN KEY (usrgrpid) REFERENCES usrgrp(usrgrpid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_report_usrgrp_3" FOREIGN KEY (access_userid) REFERENCES users(userid) Access method: heap Index "public.report_usrgrp_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- reportid | bigint | yes | reportid | plain | btree, for table "public.report_usrgrp" Index "public.report_usrgrp_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------------+--------+------+----------------+---------+-------------- reportusrgrpid | bigint | yes | reportusrgrpid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.report_usrgrp" Table "public.rights" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ------------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- rightid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | groupid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | permission | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | id | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | Indexes: "rights_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (rightid) "rights_1" btree (groupid) "rights_2" btree (id) Foreign-key constraints: "c_rights_1" FOREIGN KEY (groupid) REFERENCES usrgrp(usrgrpid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_rights_2" FOREIGN KEY (id) REFERENCES hstgrp(groupid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.rights_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- groupid | bigint | yes | groupid | plain | btree, for table "public.rights" Index "public.rights_2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- id | bigint | yes | id | plain | btree, for table "public.rights" Index "public.rights_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- rightid | bigint | yes | rightid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.rights" Table "public.role" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ----------+------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- roleid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | name | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | type | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | readonly | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | Indexes: "role_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (roleid) "role_1" UNIQUE, btree (name) Referenced by: TABLE "role_rule" CONSTRAINT "c_role_rule_1" FOREIGN KEY (roleid) REFERENCES role(roleid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "users" CONSTRAINT "c_users_1" FOREIGN KEY (roleid) REFERENCES role(roleid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.role_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+------------------------+------+------------+----------+-------------- name | character varying(255) | yes | name | extended | unique, btree, for table "public.role" Index "public.role_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- roleid | bigint | yes | roleid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.role" Table "public.role_rule" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description -----------------+------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- role_ruleid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | roleid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | type | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | name | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | value_int | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | value_str | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | value_moduleid | bigint | | | | plain | | | value_serviceid | bigint | | | | plain | | | Indexes: "role_rule_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (role_ruleid) "role_rule_1" btree (roleid) "role_rule_2" btree (value_moduleid) "role_rule_3" btree (value_serviceid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_role_rule_1" FOREIGN KEY (roleid) REFERENCES role(roleid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_role_rule_2" FOREIGN KEY (value_moduleid) REFERENCES module(moduleid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_role_rule_3" FOREIGN KEY (value_serviceid) REFERENCES services(serviceid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.role_rule_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- roleid | bigint | yes | roleid | plain | btree, for table "public.role_rule" Index "public.role_rule_2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------------+--------+------+----------------+---------+-------------- value_moduleid | bigint | yes | value_moduleid | plain | btree, for table "public.role_rule" Index "public.role_rule_3" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------------+--------+------+-----------------+---------+-------------- value_serviceid | bigint | yes | value_serviceid | plain | btree, for table "public.role_rule" Index "public.role_rule_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -------------+--------+------+-------------+---------+-------------- role_ruleid | bigint | yes | role_ruleid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.role_rule" Table "public.script_param" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ----------------+-------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- script_paramid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | scriptid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | name | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | value | character varying(2048) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | Indexes: "script_param_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (script_paramid) "script_param_1" UNIQUE, btree (scriptid, name) Foreign-key constraints: "c_script_param_1" FOREIGN KEY (scriptid) REFERENCES scripts(scriptid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.script_param_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------+------------------------+------+------------+----------+-------------- scriptid | bigint | yes | scriptid | plain | name | character varying(255) | yes | name | extended | unique, btree, for table "public.script_param" Index "public.script_param_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------------+--------+------+----------------+---------+-------------- script_paramid | bigint | yes | script_paramid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.script_param" Table "public.scripts" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description --------------+------------------------+-----------+----------+--------------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- scriptid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | name | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | command | text | | not null | ''::text | extended | | | host_access | integer | | not null | 2 | plain | | | usrgrpid | bigint | | | | plain | | | groupid | bigint | | | | plain | | | description | text | | not null | ''::text | extended | | | confirmation | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | type | integer | | not null | 5 | plain | | | execute_on | integer | | not null | 2 | plain | | | timeout | character varying(32) | | not null | '30s'::character varying | extended | | | scope | integer | | not null | 1 | plain | | | port | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | authtype | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | username | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | password | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | publickey | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | privatekey | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | menu_path | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | Indexes: "scripts_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (scriptid) "scripts_1" btree (usrgrpid) "scripts_2" btree (groupid) "scripts_3" UNIQUE, btree (name) Foreign-key constraints: "c_scripts_1" FOREIGN KEY (usrgrpid) REFERENCES usrgrp(usrgrpid) "c_scripts_2" FOREIGN KEY (groupid) REFERENCES hstgrp(groupid) Referenced by: TABLE "opcommand" CONSTRAINT "c_opcommand_2" FOREIGN KEY (scriptid) REFERENCES scripts(scriptid) TABLE "script_param" CONSTRAINT "c_script_param_1" FOREIGN KEY (scriptid) REFERENCES scripts(scriptid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.scripts_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- usrgrpid | bigint | yes | usrgrpid | plain | btree, for table "public.scripts" Index "public.scripts_2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- groupid | bigint | yes | groupid | plain | btree, for table "public.scripts" Index "public.scripts_3" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+------------------------+------+------------+----------+-------------- name | character varying(255) | yes | name | extended | unique, btree, for table "public.scripts" Index "public.scripts_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- scriptid | bigint | yes | scriptid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.scripts" Table "public.service_alarms" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ----------------+---------+-----------+----------+---------------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- servicealarmid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | serviceid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | clock | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | value | integer | | not null | '-1'::integer | plain | | | Indexes: "service_alarms_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (servicealarmid) "service_alarms_1" btree (serviceid, clock) "service_alarms_2" btree (clock) Foreign-key constraints: "c_service_alarms_1" FOREIGN KEY (serviceid) REFERENCES services(serviceid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.service_alarms_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- serviceid | bigint | yes | serviceid | plain | clock | integer | yes | clock | plain | btree, for table "public.service_alarms" Index "public.service_alarms_2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- clock | integer | yes | clock | plain | btree, for table "public.service_alarms" Index "public.service_alarms_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------------+--------+------+----------------+---------+-------------- servicealarmid | bigint | yes | servicealarmid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.service_alarms" Table "public.service_problem" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description -------------------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- service_problemid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | eventid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | serviceid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | severity | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | Indexes: "service_problem_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (service_problemid) "service_problem_1" btree (eventid) "service_problem_2" btree (serviceid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_service_problem_1" FOREIGN KEY (eventid) REFERENCES problem(eventid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_service_problem_2" FOREIGN KEY (serviceid) REFERENCES services(serviceid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.service_problem_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- eventid | bigint | yes | eventid | plain | btree, for table "public.service_problem" Index "public.service_problem_2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- serviceid | bigint | yes | serviceid | plain | btree, for table "public.service_problem" Index "public.service_problem_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -------------------+--------+------+-------------------+---------+-------------- service_problemid | bigint | yes | service_problemid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.service_problem" Table "public.service_problem_tag" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description -----------------------+------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- service_problem_tagid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | serviceid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | tag | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | operator | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | value | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | Indexes: "service_problem_tag_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (service_problem_tagid) "service_problem_tag_1" btree (serviceid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_service_problem_tag_1" FOREIGN KEY (serviceid) REFERENCES services(serviceid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.service_problem_tag_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- serviceid | bigint | yes | serviceid | plain | btree, for table "public.service_problem_tag" Index "public.service_problem_tag_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------------------+--------+------+-----------------------+---------+-------------- service_problem_tagid | bigint | yes | service_problem_tagid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.service_problem_tag" Table "public.service_status_rule" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description -----------------------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- service_status_ruleid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | serviceid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | type | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | limit_value | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | limit_status | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | new_status | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | Indexes: "service_status_rule_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (service_status_ruleid) "service_status_rule_1" btree (serviceid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_service_status_rule_1" FOREIGN KEY (serviceid) REFERENCES services(serviceid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.service_status_rule_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- serviceid | bigint | yes | serviceid | plain | btree, for table "public.service_status_rule" Index "public.service_status_rule_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------------------+--------+------+-----------------------+---------+-------------- service_status_ruleid | bigint | yes | service_status_ruleid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.service_status_rule" Table "public.service_tag" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description --------------+------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- servicetagid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | serviceid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | tag | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | value | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | Indexes: "service_tag_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (servicetagid) "service_tag_1" btree (serviceid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_service_tag_1" FOREIGN KEY (serviceid) REFERENCES services(serviceid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.service_tag_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- serviceid | bigint | yes | serviceid | plain | btree, for table "public.service_tag" Index "public.service_tag_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------------+--------+------+--------------+---------+-------------- servicetagid | bigint | yes | servicetagid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.service_tag" Table "" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description -------------------+------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- serviceid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | name | character varying(128) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | status | integer | | not null | '-1'::integer | plain | | | algorithm | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | sortorder | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | weight | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | propagation_rule | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | propagation_value | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | description | text | | not null | ''::text | extended | | | uuid | character varying(32) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | created_at | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | Indexes: "services_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (serviceid) Referenced by: TABLE "role_rule" CONSTRAINT "c_role_rule_3" FOREIGN KEY (value_serviceid) REFERENCES services(serviceid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "service_alarms" CONSTRAINT "c_service_alarms_1" FOREIGN KEY (serviceid) REFERENCES services(serviceid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "service_problem" CONSTRAINT "c_service_problem_2" FOREIGN KEY (serviceid) REFERENCES services(serviceid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "service_problem_tag" CONSTRAINT "c_service_problem_tag_1" FOREIGN KEY (serviceid) REFERENCES services(serviceid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "service_status_rule" CONSTRAINT "c_service_status_rule_1" FOREIGN KEY (serviceid) REFERENCES services(serviceid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "service_tag" CONSTRAINT "c_service_tag_1" FOREIGN KEY (serviceid) REFERENCES services(serviceid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "services_links" CONSTRAINT "c_services_links_1" FOREIGN KEY (serviceupid) REFERENCES services(serviceid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "services_links" CONSTRAINT "c_services_links_2" FOREIGN KEY (servicedownid) REFERENCES services(serviceid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "widget_field" CONSTRAINT "c_widget_field_7" FOREIGN KEY (value_serviceid) REFERENCES services(serviceid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Table "public.services_links" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ---------------+--------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- linkid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | serviceupid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | servicedownid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | Indexes: "services_links_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (linkid) "services_links_1" btree (servicedownid) "services_links_2" UNIQUE, btree (serviceupid, servicedownid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_services_links_1" FOREIGN KEY (serviceupid) REFERENCES services(serviceid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_services_links_2" FOREIGN KEY (servicedownid) REFERENCES services(serviceid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.services_links_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------------+--------+------+---------------+---------+-------------- servicedownid | bigint | yes | servicedownid | plain | btree, for table "public.services_links" Index "public.services_links_2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------------+--------+------+---------------+---------+-------------- serviceupid | bigint | yes | serviceupid | plain | servicedownid | bigint | yes | servicedownid | plain | unique, btree, for table "public.services_links" Index "public.services_links_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- linkid | bigint | yes | linkid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.services_links" Index "public.services_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- serviceid | bigint | yes | serviceid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "" Table "public.sessions" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ------------+-----------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- sessionid | character varying(32) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | userid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | lastaccess | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | status | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | Indexes: "sessions_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (sessionid) "sessions_1" btree (userid, status, lastaccess) Foreign-key constraints: "c_sessions_1" FOREIGN KEY (userid) REFERENCES users(userid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.sessions_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ------------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- userid | bigint | yes | userid | plain | status | integer | yes | status | plain | lastaccess | integer | yes | lastaccess | plain | btree, for table "public.sessions" Index "public.sessions_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+-----------------------+------+------------+----------+-------------- sessionid | character varying(32) | yes | sessionid | extended | primary key, btree, for table "public.sessions" Table "public.sla" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ----------------+------------------------+-----------+----------+--------------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- slaid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | name | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | period | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | slo | double precision | | not null | '99.9'::double precision | plain | | | effective_date | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | timezone | character varying(50) | | not null | 'UTC'::character varying | extended | | | status | integer | | not null | 1 | plain | | | description | text | | not null | ''::text | extended | | | Indexes: "sla_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (slaid) "sla_1" UNIQUE, btree (name) Referenced by: TABLE "sla_excluded_downtime" CONSTRAINT "c_sla_excluded_downtime_1" FOREIGN KEY (slaid) REFERENCES sla(slaid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "sla_schedule" CONSTRAINT "c_sla_schedule_1" FOREIGN KEY (slaid) REFERENCES sla(slaid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "sla_service_tag" CONSTRAINT "c_sla_service_tag_1" FOREIGN KEY (slaid) REFERENCES sla(slaid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "widget_field" CONSTRAINT "c_widget_field_8" FOREIGN KEY (value_slaid) REFERENCES sla(slaid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.sla_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+------------------------+------+------------+----------+-------------- name | character varying(255) | yes | name | extended | unique, btree, for table "public.sla" Table "public.sla_excluded_downtime" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description -------------------------+------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- sla_excluded_downtimeid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | slaid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | name | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | period_from | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | period_to | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | Indexes: "sla_excluded_downtime_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (sla_excluded_downtimeid) "sla_excluded_downtime_1" btree (slaid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_sla_excluded_downtime_1" FOREIGN KEY (slaid) REFERENCES sla(slaid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.sla_excluded_downtime_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- slaid | bigint | yes | slaid | plain | btree, for table "public.sla_excluded_downtime" Index "public.sla_excluded_downtime_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -------------------------+--------+------+-------------------------+---------+-------------- sla_excluded_downtimeid | bigint | yes | sla_excluded_downtimeid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.sla_excluded_downtime" Index "public.sla_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- slaid | bigint | yes | slaid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.sla" Table "public.sla_schedule" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ----------------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- sla_scheduleid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | slaid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | period_from | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | period_to | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | Indexes: "sla_schedule_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (sla_scheduleid) "sla_schedule_1" btree (slaid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_sla_schedule_1" FOREIGN KEY (slaid) REFERENCES sla(slaid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.sla_schedule_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- slaid | bigint | yes | slaid | plain | btree, for table "public.sla_schedule" Index "public.sla_schedule_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------------+--------+------+----------------+---------+-------------- sla_scheduleid | bigint | yes | sla_scheduleid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.sla_schedule" Table "public.sla_service_tag" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description -------------------+------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- sla_service_tagid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | slaid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | tag | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | operator | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | value | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | Indexes: "sla_service_tag_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (sla_service_tagid) "sla_service_tag_1" btree (slaid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_sla_service_tag_1" FOREIGN KEY (slaid) REFERENCES sla(slaid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.sla_service_tag_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- slaid | bigint | yes | slaid | plain | btree, for table "public.sla_service_tag" Index "public.sla_service_tag_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -------------------+--------+------+-------------------+---------+-------------- sla_service_tagid | bigint | yes | sla_service_tagid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.sla_service_tag" Table "public.sysmap_element_trigger" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description --------------------+--------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- selement_triggerid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | selementid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | triggerid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | Indexes: "sysmap_element_trigger_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (selement_triggerid) "sysmap_element_trigger_1" UNIQUE, btree (selementid, triggerid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_sysmap_element_trigger_1" FOREIGN KEY (selementid) REFERENCES sysmaps_elements(selementid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_sysmap_element_trigger_2" FOREIGN KEY (triggerid) REFERENCES triggers(triggerid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.sysmap_element_trigger_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ------------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- selementid | bigint | yes | selementid | plain | triggerid | bigint | yes | triggerid | plain | unique, btree, for table "public.sysmap_element_trigger" Index "public.sysmap_element_trigger_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------------------+--------+------+--------------------+---------+-------------- selement_triggerid | bigint | yes | selement_triggerid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.sysmap_element_trigger" Table "public.sysmap_element_url" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description --------------------+------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- sysmapelementurlid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | selementid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | name | character varying(255) | | not null | | extended | | | url | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | Indexes: "sysmap_element_url_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (sysmapelementurlid) "sysmap_element_url_1" UNIQUE, btree (selementid, name) Foreign-key constraints: "c_sysmap_element_url_1" FOREIGN KEY (selementid) REFERENCES sysmaps_elements(selementid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.sysmap_element_url_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ------------+------------------------+------+------------+----------+-------------- selementid | bigint | yes | selementid | plain | name | character varying(255) | yes | name | extended | unique, btree, for table "public.sysmap_element_url" Index "public.sysmap_element_url_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------------------+--------+------+--------------------+---------+-------------- sysmapelementurlid | bigint | yes | sysmapelementurlid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.sysmap_element_url" Table "public.sysmap_shape" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ------------------+----------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- sysmap_shapeid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | sysmapid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | type | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | x | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | y | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | width | integer | | not null | 200 | plain | | | height | integer | | not null | 200 | plain | | | text | text | | not null | ''::text | extended | | | font | integer | | not null | 9 | plain | | | font_size | integer | | not null | 11 | plain | | | font_color | character varying(6) | | not null | '000000'::character varying | extended | | | text_halign | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | text_valign | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | border_type | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | border_width | integer | | not null | 1 | plain | | | border_color | character varying(6) | | not null | '000000'::character varying | extended | | | background_color | character varying(6) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | zindex | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | Indexes: "sysmap_shape_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (sysmap_shapeid) "sysmap_shape_1" btree (sysmapid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_sysmap_shape_1" FOREIGN KEY (sysmapid) REFERENCES sysmaps(sysmapid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.sysmap_shape_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- sysmapid | bigint | yes | sysmapid | plain | btree, for table "public.sysmap_shape" Index "public.sysmap_shape_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------------+--------+------+----------------+---------+-------------- sysmap_shapeid | bigint | yes | sysmap_shapeid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.sysmap_shape" Table "public.sysmap_url" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description -------------+------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- sysmapurlid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | sysmapid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | name | character varying(255) | | not null | | extended | | | url | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | elementtype | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | Indexes: "sysmap_url_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (sysmapurlid) "sysmap_url_1" UNIQUE, btree (sysmapid, name) Foreign-key constraints: "c_sysmap_url_1" FOREIGN KEY (sysmapid) REFERENCES sysmaps(sysmapid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.sysmap_url_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------+------------------------+------+------------+----------+-------------- sysmapid | bigint | yes | sysmapid | plain | name | character varying(255) | yes | name | extended | unique, btree, for table "public.sysmap_url" Index "public.sysmap_url_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -------------+--------+------+-------------+---------+-------------- sysmapurlid | bigint | yes | sysmapurlid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.sysmap_url" Table "public.sysmap_user" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description --------------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- sysmapuserid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | sysmapid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | userid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | permission | integer | | not null | 2 | plain | | | Indexes: "sysmap_user_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (sysmapuserid) "sysmap_user_1" UNIQUE, btree (sysmapid, userid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_sysmap_user_1" FOREIGN KEY (sysmapid) REFERENCES sysmaps(sysmapid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_sysmap_user_2" FOREIGN KEY (userid) REFERENCES users(userid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.sysmap_user_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- sysmapid | bigint | yes | sysmapid | plain | userid | bigint | yes | userid | plain | unique, btree, for table "public.sysmap_user" Index "public.sysmap_user_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------------+--------+------+--------------+---------+-------------- sysmapuserid | bigint | yes | sysmapuserid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.sysmap_user" Table "public.sysmap_usrgrp" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ----------------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- sysmapusrgrpid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | sysmapid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | usrgrpid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | permission | integer | | not null | 2 | plain | | | Indexes: "sysmap_usrgrp_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (sysmapusrgrpid) "sysmap_usrgrp_1" UNIQUE, btree (sysmapid, usrgrpid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_sysmap_usrgrp_1" FOREIGN KEY (sysmapid) REFERENCES sysmaps(sysmapid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_sysmap_usrgrp_2" FOREIGN KEY (usrgrpid) REFERENCES usrgrp(usrgrpid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.sysmap_usrgrp_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- sysmapid | bigint | yes | sysmapid | plain | usrgrpid | bigint | yes | usrgrpid | plain | unique, btree, for table "public.sysmap_usrgrp" Index "public.sysmap_usrgrp_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------------+--------+------+----------------+---------+-------------- sysmapusrgrpid | bigint | yes | sysmapusrgrpid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.sysmap_usrgrp" Table "public.sysmaps" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ------------------------+------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- sysmapid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | name | character varying(128) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | width | integer | | not null | 600 | plain | | | height | integer | | not null | 400 | plain | | | backgroundid | bigint | | | | plain | | | label_type | integer | | not null | 2 | plain | | | label_location | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | highlight | integer | | not null | 1 | plain | | | expandproblem | integer | | not null | 1 | plain | | | markelements | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | show_unack | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | grid_size | integer | | not null | 50 | plain | | | grid_show | integer | | not null | 1 | plain | | | grid_align | integer | | not null | 1 | plain | | | label_format | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | label_type_host | integer | | not null | 2 | plain | | | label_type_hostgroup | integer | | not null | 2 | plain | | | label_type_trigger | integer | | not null | 2 | plain | | | label_type_map | integer | | not null | 2 | plain | | | label_type_image | integer | | not null | 2 | plain | | | label_string_host | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | label_string_hostgroup | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | label_string_trigger | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | label_string_map | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | label_string_image | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | iconmapid | bigint | | | | plain | | | expand_macros | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | severity_min | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | userid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | private | integer | | not null | 1 | plain | | | show_suppressed | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | Indexes: "sysmaps_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (sysmapid) "sysmaps_1" UNIQUE, btree (name) "sysmaps_2" btree (backgroundid) "sysmaps_3" btree (iconmapid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_sysmaps_1" FOREIGN KEY (backgroundid) REFERENCES images(imageid) "c_sysmaps_2" FOREIGN KEY (iconmapid) REFERENCES icon_map(iconmapid) "c_sysmaps_3" FOREIGN KEY (userid) REFERENCES users(userid) Referenced by: TABLE "sysmap_shape" CONSTRAINT "c_sysmap_shape_1" FOREIGN KEY (sysmapid) REFERENCES sysmaps(sysmapid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "sysmap_url" CONSTRAINT "c_sysmap_url_1" FOREIGN KEY (sysmapid) REFERENCES sysmaps(sysmapid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "sysmap_user" CONSTRAINT "c_sysmap_user_1" FOREIGN KEY (sysmapid) REFERENCES sysmaps(sysmapid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "sysmap_usrgrp" CONSTRAINT "c_sysmap_usrgrp_1" FOREIGN KEY (sysmapid) REFERENCES sysmaps(sysmapid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "sysmaps_elements" CONSTRAINT "c_sysmaps_elements_1" FOREIGN KEY (sysmapid) REFERENCES sysmaps(sysmapid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "sysmaps_links" CONSTRAINT "c_sysmaps_links_1" FOREIGN KEY (sysmapid) REFERENCES sysmaps(sysmapid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "widget_field" CONSTRAINT "c_widget_field_6" FOREIGN KEY (value_sysmapid) REFERENCES sysmaps(sysmapid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.sysmaps_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+------------------------+------+------------+----------+-------------- name | character varying(128) | yes | name | extended | unique, btree, for table "public.sysmaps" Index "public.sysmaps_2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------------+--------+------+--------------+---------+-------------- backgroundid | bigint | yes | backgroundid | plain | btree, for table "public.sysmaps" Index "public.sysmaps_3" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- iconmapid | bigint | yes | iconmapid | plain | btree, for table "public.sysmaps" Table "public.sysmaps_element_tag" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ---------------+------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- selementtagid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | selementid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | tag | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | value | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | operator | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | Indexes: "sysmaps_element_tag_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (selementtagid) "sysmaps_element_tag_1" btree (selementid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_sysmaps_element_tag_1" FOREIGN KEY (selementid) REFERENCES sysmaps_elements(selementid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.sysmaps_element_tag_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ------------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- selementid | bigint | yes | selementid | plain | btree, for table "public.sysmaps_element_tag" Index "public.sysmaps_element_tag_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------------+--------+------+---------------+---------+-------------- selementtagid | bigint | yes | selementtagid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.sysmaps_element_tag" Table "public.sysmaps_elements" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description --------------------+-------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- selementid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | sysmapid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | elementid | bigint | | not null | '0'::bigint | plain | | | elementtype | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | iconid_off | bigint | | | | plain | | | iconid_on | bigint | | | | plain | | | label | character varying(2048) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | label_location | integer | | not null | '-1'::integer | plain | | | x | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | y | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | iconid_disabled | bigint | | | | plain | | | iconid_maintenance | bigint | | | | plain | | | elementsubtype | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | areatype | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | width | integer | | not null | 200 | plain | | | height | integer | | not null | 200 | plain | | | viewtype | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | use_iconmap | integer | | not null | 1 | plain | | | evaltype | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | Indexes: "sysmaps_elements_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (selementid) "sysmaps_elements_1" btree (sysmapid) "sysmaps_elements_2" btree (iconid_off) "sysmaps_elements_3" btree (iconid_on) "sysmaps_elements_4" btree (iconid_disabled) "sysmaps_elements_5" btree (iconid_maintenance) Foreign-key constraints: "c_sysmaps_elements_1" FOREIGN KEY (sysmapid) REFERENCES sysmaps(sysmapid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_sysmaps_elements_2" FOREIGN KEY (iconid_off) REFERENCES images(imageid) "c_sysmaps_elements_3" FOREIGN KEY (iconid_on) REFERENCES images(imageid) "c_sysmaps_elements_4" FOREIGN KEY (iconid_disabled) REFERENCES images(imageid) "c_sysmaps_elements_5" FOREIGN KEY (iconid_maintenance) REFERENCES images(imageid) Referenced by: TABLE "sysmap_element_trigger" CONSTRAINT "c_sysmap_element_trigger_1" FOREIGN KEY (selementid) REFERENCES sysmaps_elements(selementid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "sysmap_element_url" CONSTRAINT "c_sysmap_element_url_1" FOREIGN KEY (selementid) REFERENCES sysmaps_elements(selementid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "sysmaps_element_tag" CONSTRAINT "c_sysmaps_element_tag_1" FOREIGN KEY (selementid) REFERENCES sysmaps_elements(selementid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "sysmaps_links" CONSTRAINT "c_sysmaps_links_2" FOREIGN KEY (selementid1) REFERENCES sysmaps_elements(selementid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "sysmaps_links" CONSTRAINT "c_sysmaps_links_3" FOREIGN KEY (selementid2) REFERENCES sysmaps_elements(selementid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.sysmaps_elements_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- sysmapid | bigint | yes | sysmapid | plain | btree, for table "public.sysmaps_elements" Index "public.sysmaps_elements_2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ------------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- iconid_off | bigint | yes | iconid_off | plain | btree, for table "public.sysmaps_elements" Index "public.sysmaps_elements_3" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- iconid_on | bigint | yes | iconid_on | plain | btree, for table "public.sysmaps_elements" Index "public.sysmaps_elements_4" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------------+--------+------+-----------------+---------+-------------- iconid_disabled | bigint | yes | iconid_disabled | plain | btree, for table "public.sysmaps_elements" Index "public.sysmaps_elements_5" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------------------+--------+------+--------------------+---------+-------------- iconid_maintenance | bigint | yes | iconid_maintenance | plain | btree, for table "public.sysmaps_elements" Index "public.sysmaps_elements_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ------------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- selementid | bigint | yes | selementid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.sysmaps_elements" Table "public.sysmaps_link_triggers" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ---------------+----------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- linktriggerid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | linkid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | triggerid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | drawtype | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | color | character varying(6) | | not null | '000000'::character varying | extended | | | Indexes: "sysmaps_link_triggers_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (linktriggerid) "sysmaps_link_triggers_1" UNIQUE, btree (linkid, triggerid) "sysmaps_link_triggers_2" btree (triggerid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_sysmaps_link_triggers_1" FOREIGN KEY (linkid) REFERENCES sysmaps_links(linkid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_sysmaps_link_triggers_2" FOREIGN KEY (triggerid) REFERENCES triggers(triggerid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.sysmaps_link_triggers_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- linkid | bigint | yes | linkid | plain | triggerid | bigint | yes | triggerid | plain | unique, btree, for table "public.sysmaps_link_triggers" Index "public.sysmaps_link_triggers_2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- triggerid | bigint | yes | triggerid | plain | btree, for table "public.sysmaps_link_triggers" Index "public.sysmaps_link_triggers_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------------+--------+------+---------------+---------+-------------- linktriggerid | bigint | yes | linktriggerid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.sysmaps_link_triggers" Table "public.sysmaps_links" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description -------------+-------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- linkid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | sysmapid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | selementid1 | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | selementid2 | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | drawtype | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | color | character varying(6) | | not null | '000000'::character varying | extended | | | label | character varying(2048) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | Indexes: "sysmaps_links_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (linkid) "sysmaps_links_1" btree (sysmapid) "sysmaps_links_2" btree (selementid1) "sysmaps_links_3" btree (selementid2) Foreign-key constraints: "c_sysmaps_links_1" FOREIGN KEY (sysmapid) REFERENCES sysmaps(sysmapid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_sysmaps_links_2" FOREIGN KEY (selementid1) REFERENCES sysmaps_elements(selementid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_sysmaps_links_3" FOREIGN KEY (selementid2) REFERENCES sysmaps_elements(selementid) ON DELETE CASCADE Referenced by: TABLE "sysmaps_link_triggers" CONSTRAINT "c_sysmaps_link_triggers_1" FOREIGN KEY (linkid) REFERENCES sysmaps_links(linkid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.sysmaps_links_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- sysmapid | bigint | yes | sysmapid | plain | btree, for table "public.sysmaps_links" Index "public.sysmaps_links_2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -------------+--------+------+-------------+---------+-------------- selementid1 | bigint | yes | selementid1 | plain | btree, for table "public.sysmaps_links" Index "public.sysmaps_links_3" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -------------+--------+------+-------------+---------+-------------- selementid2 | bigint | yes | selementid2 | plain | btree, for table "public.sysmaps_links" Index "public.sysmaps_links_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- linkid | bigint | yes | linkid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.sysmaps_links" Index "public.sysmaps_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- sysmapid | bigint | yes | sysmapid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.sysmaps" Table "public.tag_filter" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description --------------+------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- tag_filterid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | usrgrpid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | groupid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | tag | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | value | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | Indexes: "tag_filter_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (tag_filterid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_tag_filter_1" FOREIGN KEY (usrgrpid) REFERENCES usrgrp(usrgrpid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_tag_filter_2" FOREIGN KEY (groupid) REFERENCES hstgrp(groupid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.tag_filter_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------------+--------+------+--------------+---------+-------------- tag_filterid | bigint | yes | tag_filterid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.tag_filter" Table "public.task" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description --------------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- taskid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | type | integer | | not null | | plain | | | status | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | clock | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | ttl | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | proxy_hostid | bigint | | | | plain | | | Indexes: "task_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (taskid) "task_1" btree (status, proxy_hostid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_task_1" FOREIGN KEY (proxy_hostid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid) ON DELETE CASCADE Referenced by: TABLE "task_acknowledge" CONSTRAINT "c_task_acknowledge_1" FOREIGN KEY (taskid) REFERENCES task(taskid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "task_check_now" CONSTRAINT "c_task_check_now_1" FOREIGN KEY (taskid) REFERENCES task(taskid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "task_close_problem" CONSTRAINT "c_task_close_problem_1" FOREIGN KEY (taskid) REFERENCES task(taskid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "task_data" CONSTRAINT "c_task_data_1" FOREIGN KEY (taskid) REFERENCES task(taskid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "task_remote_command" CONSTRAINT "c_task_remote_command_1" FOREIGN KEY (taskid) REFERENCES task(taskid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "task_remote_command_result" CONSTRAINT "c_task_remote_command_result_1" FOREIGN KEY (taskid) REFERENCES task(taskid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "task_result" CONSTRAINT "c_task_result_1" FOREIGN KEY (taskid) REFERENCES task(taskid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.task_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------------+---------+------+--------------+---------+-------------- status | integer | yes | status | plain | proxy_hostid | bigint | yes | proxy_hostid | plain | btree, for table "public.task" Table "public.task_acknowledge" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ---------------+--------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- taskid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | acknowledgeid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | Indexes: "task_acknowledge_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (taskid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_task_acknowledge_1" FOREIGN KEY (taskid) REFERENCES task(taskid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.task_acknowledge_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- taskid | bigint | yes | taskid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.task_acknowledge" Table "public.task_check_now" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description --------+--------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- taskid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | itemid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | Indexes: "task_check_now_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (taskid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_task_check_now_1" FOREIGN KEY (taskid) REFERENCES task(taskid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.task_check_now_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- taskid | bigint | yes | taskid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.task_check_now" Table "public.task_close_problem" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ---------------+--------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- taskid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | acknowledgeid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | Indexes: "task_close_problem_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (taskid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_task_close_problem_1" FOREIGN KEY (taskid) REFERENCES task(taskid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.task_close_problem_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- taskid | bigint | yes | taskid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.task_close_problem" Table "public.task_data" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ---------------+---------+-----------+----------+----------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- taskid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | type | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | data | text | | not null | ''::text | extended | | | parent_taskid | bigint | | | | plain | | | Indexes: "task_data_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (taskid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_task_data_1" FOREIGN KEY (taskid) REFERENCES task(taskid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.task_data_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- taskid | bigint | yes | taskid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.task_data" Index "public.task_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- taskid | bigint | yes | taskid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.task" Table "public.task_remote_command" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ---------------+-----------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- taskid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | command_type | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | execute_on | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | port | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | authtype | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | username | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | password | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | publickey | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | privatekey | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | command | text | | not null | ''::text | extended | | | alertid | bigint | | | | plain | | | parent_taskid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | hostid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | Indexes: "task_remote_command_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (taskid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_task_remote_command_1" FOREIGN KEY (taskid) REFERENCES task(taskid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.task_remote_command_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- taskid | bigint | yes | taskid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.task_remote_command" Table "public.task_remote_command_result" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ---------------+---------+-----------+----------+----------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- taskid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | status | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | parent_taskid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | info | text | | not null | ''::text | extended | | | Indexes: "task_remote_command_result_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (taskid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_task_remote_command_result_1" FOREIGN KEY (taskid) REFERENCES task(taskid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.task_remote_command_result_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- taskid | bigint | yes | taskid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.task_remote_command_result" Table "public.task_result" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ---------------+---------+-----------+----------+----------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- taskid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | status | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | parent_taskid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | info | text | | not null | ''::text | extended | | | Indexes: "task_result_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (taskid) "task_result_1" btree (parent_taskid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_task_result_1" FOREIGN KEY (taskid) REFERENCES task(taskid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.task_result_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------------+--------+------+---------------+---------+-------------- parent_taskid | bigint | yes | parent_taskid | plain | btree, for table "public.task_result" Index "public.task_result_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- taskid | bigint | yes | taskid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.task_result" Table "public.timeperiods" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description -----------------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- timeperiodid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | timeperiod_type | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | every | integer | | not null | 1 | plain | | | month | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | dayofweek | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | day | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | start_time | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | period | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | start_date | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | Indexes: "timeperiods_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (timeperiodid) Referenced by: TABLE "maintenances_windows" CONSTRAINT "c_maintenances_windows_2" FOREIGN KEY (timeperiodid) REFERENCES timeperiods(timeperiodid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.timeperiods_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------------+--------+------+--------------+---------+-------------- timeperiodid | bigint | yes | timeperiodid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.timeperiods" Table "public.token" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ----------------+------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- tokenid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | name | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | description | text | | not null | ''::text | extended | | | userid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | token | character varying(128) | | | | extended | | | lastaccess | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | status | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | expires_at | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | created_at | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | creator_userid | bigint | | | | plain | | | Indexes: "token_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (tokenid) "token_1" btree (name) "token_2" UNIQUE, btree (userid, name) "token_3" UNIQUE, btree (token) "token_4" btree (creator_userid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_token_1" FOREIGN KEY (userid) REFERENCES users(userid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_token_2" FOREIGN KEY (creator_userid) REFERENCES users(userid) Access method: heap Index "public.token_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+-----------------------+------+------------+----------+-------------- name | character varying(64) | yes | name | extended | btree, for table "public.token" Index "public.token_2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+-----------------------+------+------------+----------+-------------- userid | bigint | yes | userid | plain | name | character varying(64) | yes | name | extended | unique, btree, for table "public.token" Index "public.token_3" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+------------------------+------+------------+----------+-------------- token | character varying(128) | yes | token | extended | unique, btree, for table "public.token" Index "public.token_4" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------------+--------+------+----------------+---------+-------------- creator_userid | bigint | yes | creator_userid | plain | btree, for table "public.token" Index "public.token_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- tokenid | bigint | yes | tokenid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.token" Table "public.trends" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description -----------+------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- itemid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | clock | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | num | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | value_min | double precision | | not null | '0'::double precision | plain | | | value_avg | double precision | | not null | '0'::double precision | plain | | | value_max | double precision | | not null | '0'::double precision | plain | | | Indexes: "trends_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (itemid, clock) Access method: heap Index "public.trends_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- itemid | bigint | yes | itemid | plain | clock | integer | yes | clock | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.trends" Table "public.trends_uint" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description -----------+---------------+-----------+----------+--------------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- itemid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | clock | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | num | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | value_min | numeric(20,0) | | not null | '0'::numeric | main | | | value_avg | numeric(20,0) | | not null | '0'::numeric | main | | | value_max | numeric(20,0) | | not null | '0'::numeric | main | | | Indexes: "trends_uint_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (itemid, clock) Access method: heap Index "public.trends_uint_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- itemid | bigint | yes | itemid | plain | clock | integer | yes | clock | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.trends_uint" Table "public.trigger_depends" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ----------------+--------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- triggerdepid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | triggerid_down | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | triggerid_up | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | Indexes: "trigger_depends_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (triggerdepid) "trigger_depends_1" UNIQUE, btree (triggerid_down, triggerid_up) "trigger_depends_2" btree (triggerid_up) Foreign-key constraints: "c_trigger_depends_1" FOREIGN KEY (triggerid_down) REFERENCES triggers(triggerid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_trigger_depends_2" FOREIGN KEY (triggerid_up) REFERENCES triggers(triggerid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.trigger_depends_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------------+--------+------+----------------+---------+-------------- triggerid_down | bigint | yes | triggerid_down | plain | triggerid_up | bigint | yes | triggerid_up | plain | unique, btree, for table "public.trigger_depends" Index "public.trigger_depends_2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------------+--------+------+--------------+---------+-------------- triggerid_up | bigint | yes | triggerid_up | plain | btree, for table "public.trigger_depends" Index "public.trigger_depends_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------------+--------+------+--------------+---------+-------------- triggerdepid | bigint | yes | triggerdepid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.trigger_depends" Table "public.trigger_discovery" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ------------------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- triggerid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | parent_triggerid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | lastcheck | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | ts_delete | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | Indexes: "trigger_discovery_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (triggerid) "trigger_discovery_1" btree (parent_triggerid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_trigger_discovery_1" FOREIGN KEY (triggerid) REFERENCES triggers(triggerid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_trigger_discovery_2" FOREIGN KEY (parent_triggerid) REFERENCES triggers(triggerid) Access method: heap Index "public.trigger_discovery_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ------------------+--------+------+------------------+---------+-------------- parent_triggerid | bigint | yes | parent_triggerid | plain | btree, for table "public.trigger_discovery" Index "public.trigger_discovery_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- triggerid | bigint | yes | triggerid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.trigger_discovery" Table "public.trigger_queue" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description -----------------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- trigger_queueid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | objectid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | type | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | clock | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | ns | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | Indexes: "trigger_queue_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (trigger_queueid) Access method: heap Index "public.trigger_queue_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------------+--------+------+-----------------+---------+-------------- trigger_queueid | bigint | yes | trigger_queueid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.trigger_queue" Table "public.trigger_tag" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description --------------+------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- triggertagid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | triggerid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | tag | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | value | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | Indexes: "trigger_tag_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (triggertagid) "trigger_tag_1" btree (triggerid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_trigger_tag_1" FOREIGN KEY (triggerid) REFERENCES triggers(triggerid) Triggers: trigger_tag_delete BEFORE DELETE ON trigger_tag FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION changelog_trigger_tag_delete() trigger_tag_insert AFTER INSERT ON trigger_tag FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION changelog_trigger_tag_insert() trigger_tag_update AFTER UPDATE ON trigger_tag FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION changelog_trigger_tag_update() Access method: heap Index "public.trigger_tag_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- triggerid | bigint | yes | triggerid | plain | btree, for table "public.trigger_tag" Index "public.trigger_tag_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------------+--------+------+--------------+---------+-------------- triggertagid | bigint | yes | triggertagid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.trigger_tag" Table "public.triggers" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ---------------------+-------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- triggerid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | expression | character varying(2048) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | description | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | url | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | status | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | value | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | priority | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | lastchange | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | comments | text | | not null | ''::text | extended | | | error | character varying(2048) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | templateid | bigint | | | | plain | | | type | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | state | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | flags | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | recovery_mode | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | recovery_expression | character varying(2048) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | correlation_mode | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | correlation_tag | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | manual_close | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | opdata | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | discover | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | event_name | character varying(2048) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | uuid | character varying(32) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | Indexes: "triggers_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (triggerid) "triggers_1" btree (status) "triggers_2" btree (value, lastchange) "triggers_3" btree (templateid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_triggers_1" FOREIGN KEY (templateid) REFERENCES triggers(triggerid) Referenced by: TABLE "functions" CONSTRAINT "c_functions_2" FOREIGN KEY (triggerid) REFERENCES triggers(triggerid) TABLE "sysmap_element_trigger" CONSTRAINT "c_sysmap_element_trigger_2" FOREIGN KEY (triggerid) REFERENCES triggers(triggerid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "sysmaps_link_triggers" CONSTRAINT "c_sysmaps_link_triggers_2" FOREIGN KEY (triggerid) REFERENCES triggers(triggerid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "trigger_depends" CONSTRAINT "c_trigger_depends_1" FOREIGN KEY (triggerid_down) REFERENCES triggers(triggerid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "trigger_depends" CONSTRAINT "c_trigger_depends_2" FOREIGN KEY (triggerid_up) REFERENCES triggers(triggerid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "trigger_discovery" CONSTRAINT "c_trigger_discovery_1" FOREIGN KEY (triggerid) REFERENCES triggers(triggerid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "trigger_discovery" CONSTRAINT "c_trigger_discovery_2" FOREIGN KEY (parent_triggerid) REFERENCES triggers(triggerid) TABLE "trigger_tag" CONSTRAINT "c_trigger_tag_1" FOREIGN KEY (triggerid) REFERENCES triggers(triggerid) TABLE "triggers" CONSTRAINT "c_triggers_1" FOREIGN KEY (templateid) REFERENCES triggers(triggerid) Triggers: triggers_delete BEFORE DELETE ON triggers FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION changelog_triggers_delete() triggers_insert AFTER INSERT ON triggers FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION changelog_triggers_insert() triggers_update AFTER UPDATE ON triggers FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION changelog_triggers_update() Access method: heap Index "public.triggers_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- status | integer | yes | status | plain | btree, for table "public.triggers" Index "public.triggers_2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ------------+---------+------+------------+---------+-------------- value | integer | yes | value | plain | lastchange | integer | yes | lastchange | plain | btree, for table "public.triggers" Index "public.triggers_3" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ------------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- templateid | bigint | yes | templateid | plain | btree, for table "public.triggers" Index "public.triggers_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- triggerid | bigint | yes | triggerid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.triggers" Table "public.userdirectory" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ------------------+------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- userdirectoryid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | name | character varying(128) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | description | text | | not null | ''::text | extended | | | host | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | port | integer | | not null | 389 | plain | | | base_dn | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | bind_dn | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | bind_password | character varying(128) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | search_attribute | character varying(128) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | start_tls | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | search_filter | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | Indexes: "userdirectory_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (userdirectoryid) Referenced by: TABLE "config" CONSTRAINT "c_config_3" FOREIGN KEY (ldap_userdirectoryid) REFERENCES userdirectory(userdirectoryid) TABLE "usrgrp" CONSTRAINT "c_usrgrp_2" FOREIGN KEY (userdirectoryid) REFERENCES userdirectory(userdirectoryid) Access method: heap Index "public.userdirectory_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------------+--------+------+-----------------+---------+-------------- userdirectoryid | bigint | yes | userdirectoryid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.userdirectory" Table "public.users" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ----------------+-------------------------+-----------+----------+------------------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- userid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | username | character varying(100) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | name | character varying(100) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | surname | character varying(100) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | passwd | character varying(60) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | url | character varying(2048) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | autologin | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | autologout | character varying(32) | | not null | '15m'::character varying | extended | | | lang | character varying(7) | | not null | 'default'::character varying | extended | | | refresh | character varying(32) | | not null | '30s'::character varying | extended | | | theme | character varying(128) | | not null | 'default'::character varying | extended | | | attempt_failed | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | attempt_ip | character varying(39) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | attempt_clock | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | rows_per_page | integer | | not null | 50 | plain | | | timezone | character varying(50) | | not null | 'default'::character varying | extended | | | roleid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | Indexes: "users_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (userid) "users_1" UNIQUE, btree (username) Foreign-key constraints: "c_users_1" FOREIGN KEY (roleid) REFERENCES role(roleid) ON DELETE CASCADE Referenced by: TABLE "acknowledges" CONSTRAINT "c_acknowledges_1" FOREIGN KEY (userid) REFERENCES users(userid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "alerts" CONSTRAINT "c_alerts_3" FOREIGN KEY (userid) REFERENCES users(userid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "dashboard" CONSTRAINT "c_dashboard_1" FOREIGN KEY (userid) REFERENCES users(userid) TABLE "dashboard_user" CONSTRAINT "c_dashboard_user_2" FOREIGN KEY (userid) REFERENCES users(userid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "event_suppress" CONSTRAINT "c_event_suppress_3" FOREIGN KEY (userid) REFERENCES users(userid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "media" CONSTRAINT "c_media_1" FOREIGN KEY (userid) REFERENCES users(userid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "opmessage_usr" CONSTRAINT "c_opmessage_usr_2" FOREIGN KEY (userid) REFERENCES users(userid) TABLE "profiles" CONSTRAINT "c_profiles_1" FOREIGN KEY (userid) REFERENCES users(userid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "report" CONSTRAINT "c_report_1" FOREIGN KEY (userid) REFERENCES users(userid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "report_user" CONSTRAINT "c_report_user_2" FOREIGN KEY (userid) REFERENCES users(userid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "report_user" CONSTRAINT "c_report_user_3" FOREIGN KEY (access_userid) REFERENCES users(userid) TABLE "report_usrgrp" CONSTRAINT "c_report_usrgrp_3" FOREIGN KEY (access_userid) REFERENCES users(userid) TABLE "sessions" CONSTRAINT "c_sessions_1" FOREIGN KEY (userid) REFERENCES users(userid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "sysmap_user" CONSTRAINT "c_sysmap_user_2" FOREIGN KEY (userid) REFERENCES users(userid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "sysmaps" CONSTRAINT "c_sysmaps_3" FOREIGN KEY (userid) REFERENCES users(userid) TABLE "token" CONSTRAINT "c_token_1" FOREIGN KEY (userid) REFERENCES users(userid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "token" CONSTRAINT "c_token_2" FOREIGN KEY (creator_userid) REFERENCES users(userid) TABLE "users_groups" CONSTRAINT "c_users_groups_2" FOREIGN KEY (userid) REFERENCES users(userid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.users_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------+------------------------+------+------------+----------+-------------- username | character varying(100) | yes | username | extended | unique, btree, for table "public.users" Table "public.users_groups" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ----------+--------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- id | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | usrgrpid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | userid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | Indexes: "users_groups_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id) "users_groups_1" UNIQUE, btree (usrgrpid, userid) "users_groups_2" btree (userid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_users_groups_1" FOREIGN KEY (usrgrpid) REFERENCES usrgrp(usrgrpid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_users_groups_2" FOREIGN KEY (userid) REFERENCES users(userid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.users_groups_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- usrgrpid | bigint | yes | usrgrpid | plain | userid | bigint | yes | userid | plain | unique, btree, for table "public.users_groups" Index "public.users_groups_2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- userid | bigint | yes | userid | plain | btree, for table "public.users_groups" Index "public.users_groups_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- id | bigint | yes | id | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.users_groups" Index "public.users_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- userid | bigint | yes | userid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.users" Table "public.usrgrp" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description -----------------+-----------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- usrgrpid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | name | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | gui_access | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | users_status | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | debug_mode | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | userdirectoryid | bigint | | | | plain | | | Indexes: "usrgrp_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (usrgrpid) "usrgrp_1" UNIQUE, btree (name) "usrgrp_2" btree (userdirectoryid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_usrgrp_2" FOREIGN KEY (userdirectoryid) REFERENCES userdirectory(userdirectoryid) Referenced by: TABLE "config" CONSTRAINT "c_config_1" FOREIGN KEY (alert_usrgrpid) REFERENCES usrgrp(usrgrpid) TABLE "dashboard_usrgrp" CONSTRAINT "c_dashboard_usrgrp_2" FOREIGN KEY (usrgrpid) REFERENCES usrgrp(usrgrpid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "opmessage_grp" CONSTRAINT "c_opmessage_grp_2" FOREIGN KEY (usrgrpid) REFERENCES usrgrp(usrgrpid) TABLE "report_usrgrp" CONSTRAINT "c_report_usrgrp_2" FOREIGN KEY (usrgrpid) REFERENCES usrgrp(usrgrpid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "rights" CONSTRAINT "c_rights_1" FOREIGN KEY (groupid) REFERENCES usrgrp(usrgrpid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "scripts" CONSTRAINT "c_scripts_1" FOREIGN KEY (usrgrpid) REFERENCES usrgrp(usrgrpid) TABLE "sysmap_usrgrp" CONSTRAINT "c_sysmap_usrgrp_2" FOREIGN KEY (usrgrpid) REFERENCES usrgrp(usrgrpid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "tag_filter" CONSTRAINT "c_tag_filter_1" FOREIGN KEY (usrgrpid) REFERENCES usrgrp(usrgrpid) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "users_groups" CONSTRAINT "c_users_groups_1" FOREIGN KEY (usrgrpid) REFERENCES usrgrp(usrgrpid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.usrgrp_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+-----------------------+------+------------+----------+-------------- name | character varying(64) | yes | name | extended | unique, btree, for table "public.usrgrp" Index "public.usrgrp_2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------------+--------+------+-----------------+---------+-------------- userdirectoryid | bigint | yes | userdirectoryid | plain | btree, for table "public.usrgrp" Index "public.usrgrp_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- usrgrpid | bigint | yes | usrgrpid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.usrgrp" Table "public.valuemap" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ------------+-----------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- valuemapid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | hostid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | name | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | uuid | character varying(32) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | Indexes: "valuemap_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (valuemapid) "valuemap_1" UNIQUE, btree (hostid, name) Foreign-key constraints: "c_valuemap_1" FOREIGN KEY (hostid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid) ON DELETE CASCADE Referenced by: TABLE "items" CONSTRAINT "c_items_3" FOREIGN KEY (valuemapid) REFERENCES valuemap(valuemapid) TABLE "valuemap_mapping" CONSTRAINT "c_valuemap_mapping_1" FOREIGN KEY (valuemapid) REFERENCES valuemap(valuemapid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.valuemap_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------+-----------------------+------+------------+----------+-------------- hostid | bigint | yes | hostid | plain | name | character varying(64) | yes | name | extended | unique, btree, for table "public.valuemap" Table "public.valuemap_mapping" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description --------------------+-----------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- valuemap_mappingid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | valuemapid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | value | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | newvalue | character varying(64) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | type | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | sortorder | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | Indexes: "valuemap_mapping_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (valuemap_mappingid) "valuemap_mapping_1" UNIQUE, btree (valuemapid, value, type) Foreign-key constraints: "c_valuemap_mapping_1" FOREIGN KEY (valuemapid) REFERENCES valuemap(valuemapid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.valuemap_mapping_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ------------+-----------------------+------+------------+----------+-------------- valuemapid | bigint | yes | valuemapid | plain | value | character varying(64) | yes | value | extended | type | integer | yes | type | plain | unique, btree, for table "public.valuemap_mapping" Index "public.valuemap_mapping_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------------------+--------+------+--------------------+---------+-------------- valuemap_mappingid | bigint | yes | valuemap_mappingid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.valuemap_mapping" Index "public.valuemap_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ------------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- valuemapid | bigint | yes | valuemapid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.valuemap" Table "public.widget" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description ------------------+------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- widgetid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | type | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | name | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | x | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | y | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | width | integer | | not null | 1 | plain | | | height | integer | | not null | 2 | plain | | | view_mode | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | dashboard_pageid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | Indexes: "widget_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (widgetid) "widget_1" btree (dashboard_pageid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_widget_1" FOREIGN KEY (dashboard_pageid) REFERENCES dashboard_page(dashboard_pageid) ON DELETE CASCADE Referenced by: TABLE "widget_field" CONSTRAINT "c_widget_field_1" FOREIGN KEY (widgetid) REFERENCES widget(widgetid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.widget_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ------------------+--------+------+------------------+---------+-------------- dashboard_pageid | bigint | yes | dashboard_pageid | plain | btree, for table "public.widget" Table "public.widget_field" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description -----------------+------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- widget_fieldid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | widgetid | bigint | | not null | | plain | | | type | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | name | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | value_int | integer | | not null | 0 | plain | | | value_str | character varying(255) | | not null | ''::character varying | extended | | | value_groupid | bigint | | | | plain | | | value_hostid | bigint | | | | plain | | | value_itemid | bigint | | | | plain | | | value_graphid | bigint | | | | plain | | | value_sysmapid | bigint | | | | plain | | | value_serviceid | bigint | | | | plain | | | value_slaid | bigint | | | | plain | | | Indexes: "widget_field_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (widget_fieldid) "widget_field_1" btree (widgetid) "widget_field_2" btree (value_groupid) "widget_field_3" btree (value_hostid) "widget_field_4" btree (value_itemid) "widget_field_5" btree (value_graphid) "widget_field_6" btree (value_sysmapid) "widget_field_7" btree (value_serviceid) "widget_field_8" btree (value_slaid) Foreign-key constraints: "c_widget_field_1" FOREIGN KEY (widgetid) REFERENCES widget(widgetid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_widget_field_2" FOREIGN KEY (value_groupid) REFERENCES hstgrp(groupid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_widget_field_3" FOREIGN KEY (value_hostid) REFERENCES hosts(hostid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_widget_field_4" FOREIGN KEY (value_itemid) REFERENCES items(itemid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_widget_field_5" FOREIGN KEY (value_graphid) REFERENCES graphs(graphid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_widget_field_6" FOREIGN KEY (value_sysmapid) REFERENCES sysmaps(sysmapid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_widget_field_7" FOREIGN KEY (value_serviceid) REFERENCES services(serviceid) ON DELETE CASCADE "c_widget_field_8" FOREIGN KEY (value_slaid) REFERENCES sla(slaid) ON DELETE CASCADE Access method: heap Index "public.widget_field_1" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- widgetid | bigint | yes | widgetid | plain | btree, for table "public.widget_field" Index "public.widget_field_2" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------------+--------+------+---------------+---------+-------------- value_groupid | bigint | yes | value_groupid | plain | btree, for table "public.widget_field" Index "public.widget_field_3" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------------+--------+------+--------------+---------+-------------- value_hostid | bigint | yes | value_hostid | plain | btree, for table "public.widget_field" Index "public.widget_field_4" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target --------------+--------+------+--------------+---------+-------------- value_itemid | bigint | yes | value_itemid | plain | btree, for table "public.widget_field" Index "public.widget_field_5" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ---------------+--------+------+---------------+---------+-------------- value_graphid | bigint | yes | value_graphid | plain | btree, for table "public.widget_field" Index "public.widget_field_6" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------------+--------+------+----------------+---------+-------------- value_sysmapid | bigint | yes | value_sysmapid | plain | btree, for table "public.widget_field" Index "public.widget_field_7" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -----------------+--------+------+-----------------+---------+-------------- value_serviceid | bigint | yes | value_serviceid | plain | btree, for table "public.widget_field" Index "public.widget_field_8" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target -------------+--------+------+-------------+---------+-------------- value_slaid | bigint | yes | value_slaid | plain | btree, for table "public.widget_field" Index "public.widget_field_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------------+--------+------+----------------+---------+-------------- widget_fieldid | bigint | yes | widget_fieldid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.widget_field" Index "public.widget_pkey" Column | Type | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target ----------+--------+------+------------+---------+-------------- widgetid | bigint | yes | widgetid | plain | primary key, btree, for table "public.widget" List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner | Persistence | Access method | Size | Description --------------------+----------------------------+-------------+----------+-------------+---------------+------------+------------- information_schema | sql_features | table | postgres | permanent | heap | 104 kB | information_schema | sql_implementation_info | table | postgres | permanent | heap | 48 kB | information_schema | sql_parts | table | postgres | permanent | heap | 48 kB | information_schema | sql_sizing | table | postgres | permanent | heap | 48 kB | pg_catalog | pg_aggregate | table | postgres | permanent | heap | 56 kB | pg_catalog | pg_am | table | postgres | permanent | heap | 40 kB | pg_catalog | pg_amop | table | postgres | permanent | heap | 88 kB | pg_catalog | pg_amproc | table | postgres | permanent | heap | 72 kB | pg_catalog | pg_attrdef | table | postgres | permanent | heap | 416 kB | pg_catalog | pg_attribute | table | postgres | permanent | heap | 1128 kB | pg_catalog | pg_auth_members | table | postgres | permanent | heap | 40 kB | pg_catalog | pg_authid | table | postgres | permanent | heap | 48 kB | pg_catalog | pg_cast | table | postgres | permanent | heap | 48 kB | pg_catalog | pg_class | table | postgres | permanent | heap | 256 kB | pg_catalog | pg_collation | table | postgres | permanent | heap | 392 kB | pg_catalog | pg_constraint | table | postgres | permanent | heap | 160 kB | pg_catalog | pg_conversion | table | postgres | permanent | heap | 48 kB | pg_catalog | pg_database | table | postgres | permanent | heap | 48 kB | pg_catalog | pg_db_role_setting | table | postgres | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | pg_catalog | pg_default_acl | table | postgres | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | pg_catalog | pg_depend | table | postgres | permanent | heap | 808 kB | pg_catalog | pg_description | table | postgres | permanent | heap | 384 kB | pg_catalog | pg_enum | table | postgres | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_catalog | pg_event_trigger | table | postgres | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | pg_catalog | pg_extension | table | postgres | permanent | heap | 48 kB | pg_catalog | pg_foreign_data_wrapper | table | postgres | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | pg_catalog | pg_foreign_server | table | postgres | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | pg_catalog | pg_foreign_table | table | postgres | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | pg_catalog | pg_index | table | postgres | permanent | heap | 152 kB | pg_catalog | pg_inherits | table | postgres | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_catalog | pg_init_privs | table | postgres | permanent | heap | 64 kB | pg_catalog | pg_language | table | postgres | permanent | heap | 48 kB | pg_catalog | pg_largeobject | table | postgres | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_catalog | pg_largeobject_metadata | table | postgres | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_catalog | pg_namespace | table | postgres | permanent | heap | 48 kB | pg_catalog | pg_opclass | table | postgres | permanent | heap | 56 kB | pg_catalog | pg_operator | table | postgres | permanent | heap | 144 kB | pg_catalog | pg_opfamily | table | postgres | permanent | heap | 48 kB | pg_catalog | pg_partitioned_table | table | postgres | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | pg_catalog | pg_policy | table | postgres | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | pg_catalog | pg_proc | table | postgres | permanent | heap | 848 kB | pg_catalog | pg_publication | table | postgres | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_catalog | pg_publication_rel | table | postgres | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_catalog | pg_range | table | postgres | permanent | heap | 40 kB | pg_catalog | pg_replication_origin | table | postgres | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | pg_catalog | pg_rewrite | table | postgres | permanent | heap | 696 kB | pg_catalog | pg_seclabel | table | postgres | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | pg_catalog | pg_sequence | table | postgres | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | pg_catalog | pg_shdepend | table | postgres | permanent | heap | 48 kB | pg_catalog | pg_shdescription | table | postgres | permanent | heap | 48 kB | pg_catalog | pg_shseclabel | table | postgres | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | pg_catalog | pg_statistic | table | postgres | permanent | heap | 496 kB | pg_catalog | pg_statistic_ext | table | postgres | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | pg_catalog | pg_statistic_ext_data | table | postgres | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | pg_catalog | pg_subscription | table | postgres | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | pg_catalog | pg_subscription_rel | table | postgres | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_catalog | pg_tablespace | table | postgres | permanent | heap | 48 kB | pg_catalog | pg_transform | table | postgres | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_catalog | pg_trigger | table | postgres | permanent | heap | 200 kB | pg_catalog | pg_ts_config | table | postgres | permanent | heap | 40 kB | pg_catalog | pg_ts_config_map | table | postgres | permanent | heap | 56 kB | pg_catalog | pg_ts_dict | table | postgres | permanent | heap | 48 kB | pg_catalog | pg_ts_parser | table | postgres | permanent | heap | 40 kB | pg_catalog | pg_ts_template | table | postgres | permanent | heap | 40 kB | pg_catalog | pg_type | table | postgres | permanent | heap | 224 kB | pg_catalog | pg_user_mapping | table | postgres | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_1213 | TOAST table | postgres | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_1247 | TOAST table | postgres | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_1255 | TOAST table | postgres | permanent | heap | 40 kB | pg_toast | pg_toast_1260 | TOAST table | postgres | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_1262 | TOAST table | postgres | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_1417 | TOAST table | postgres | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_1418 | TOAST table | postgres | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_14180 | TOAST table | postgres | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_14185 | TOAST table | postgres | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_14190 | TOAST table | postgres | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_14195 | TOAST table | postgres | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_16470 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_16493 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_16508 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_16569 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_16583 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_16605 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_16631 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_16649 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_16677 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_16753 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_16788 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_16798 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_16825 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_16851 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_16861 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_16890 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_16958 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_16970 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_17091 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_17195 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_17207 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_17243 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_17264 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_17306 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_17343 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_17368 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_17390 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_17399 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_17457 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_17484 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_17533 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_17547 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_17558 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 384 kB | pg_toast | pg_toast_17580 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_17596 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_17634 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_17649 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_17675 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_17692 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_17718 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_17759 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 256 kB | pg_toast | pg_toast_17844 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_17855 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_17880 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_17922 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_17939 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_17949 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_17959 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_17979 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_17989 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_18005 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_18039 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_18048 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_18079 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_18092 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_18108 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_18117 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_18126 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_18141 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_18171 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_18182 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_18227 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_18242 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_18275 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_18286 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_18296 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_18306 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_18316 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_18327 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_18344 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_18387 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_18413 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_18444 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_18454 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_18468 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_18485 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_18495 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_18505 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_18516 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_18536 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_18559 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_18578 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_18598 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_18613 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_18645 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_2328 | TOAST table | postgres | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_2396 | TOAST table | postgres | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_2600 | TOAST table | postgres | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_2604 | TOAST table | postgres | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_2606 | TOAST table | postgres | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_2609 | TOAST table | postgres | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_2612 | TOAST table | postgres | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_2615 | TOAST table | postgres | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_2618 | TOAST table | postgres | permanent | heap | 544 kB | pg_toast | pg_toast_2619 | TOAST table | postgres | permanent | heap | 96 kB | pg_toast | pg_toast_2620 | TOAST table | postgres | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_2964 | TOAST table | postgres | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_3079 | TOAST table | postgres | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_3118 | TOAST table | postgres | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_3256 | TOAST table | postgres | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_3350 | TOAST table | postgres | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_3381 | TOAST table | postgres | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_3394 | TOAST table | postgres | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_3429 | TOAST table | postgres | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_3456 | TOAST table | postgres | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_3466 | TOAST table | postgres | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_3592 | TOAST table | postgres | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_3596 | TOAST table | postgres | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_3600 | TOAST table | postgres | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_6000 | TOAST table | postgres | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_6100 | TOAST table | postgres | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_75042 | TOAST table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | pg_toast | pg_toast_826 | TOAST table | postgres | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | acknowledges | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | actions | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | alerts | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | auditlog | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | autoreg_host | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | changelog | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 24 kB | public | conditions | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | config | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 16 kB | public | config_autoreg_tls | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 16 kB | public | corr_condition | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | corr_condition_group | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | corr_condition_tag | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | corr_condition_tagpair | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | corr_condition_tagvalue | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | corr_operation | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | correlation | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | dashboard | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | dashboard_page | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | dashboard_user | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | dashboard_usrgrp | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | dbversion | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 40 kB | public | dchecks | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | dhosts | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | drules | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | dservices | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | escalations | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | event_recovery | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | event_suppress | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | event_tag | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | events | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | expressions | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | functions | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | globalmacro | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 16 kB | public | globalvars | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | graph_discovery | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | graph_theme | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | graphs | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | graphs_items | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | group_discovery | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | group_prototype | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | ha_node | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | history | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | history_log | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | history_str | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | history_text | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | history_uint | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | host_discovery | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | host_inventory | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 336 kB | public | host_rtdata | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | host_tag | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | hostmacro | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 56 kB | public | hosts | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 16 kB | public | hosts_groups | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | hosts_templates | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | housekeeper | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | hstgrp | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | httpstep | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | httpstep_field | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | httpstepitem | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | httptest | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | httptest_field | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | httptest_tag | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | httptestitem | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | icon_map | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | icon_mapping | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | ids | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 40 kB | public | images | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | interface | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 48 kB | public | interface_discovery | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | interface_snmp | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | item_condition | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | item_discovery | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | item_parameter | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | item_preproc | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 144 kB | public | item_rtdata | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 112 kB | public | item_tag | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | items | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 312 kB | public | lld_macro_path | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | lld_override | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | lld_override_condition | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | lld_override_opdiscover | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | lld_override_operation | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | lld_override_ophistory | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | lld_override_opinventory | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | lld_override_opperiod | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | lld_override_opseverity | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | lld_override_opstatus | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | lld_override_optag | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | lld_override_optemplate | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | lld_override_optrends | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | maintenance_tag | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | maintenances | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | maintenances_groups | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | maintenances_hosts | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | maintenances_windows | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | media | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | media_type | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | media_type_message | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | media_type_param | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | module | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | opcommand | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | opcommand_grp | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | opcommand_hst | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | opconditions | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | operations | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | opgroup | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | opinventory | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | opmessage | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | opmessage_grp | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | opmessage_usr | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | optemplate | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | problem | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | problem_tag | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | profiles | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | proxy_autoreg_host | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 88 kB | public | proxy_dhistory | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | proxy_history | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 3592 kB | public | regexps | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | report | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | report_param | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | report_user | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | report_usrgrp | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | rights | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | role | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | role_rule | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | script_param | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | scripts | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | service_alarms | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | service_problem | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | service_problem_tag | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | service_status_rule | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | service_tag | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | services | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | services_links | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | sessions | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | sla | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | sla_excluded_downtime | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | sla_schedule | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | sla_service_tag | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | sysmap_element_trigger | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | sysmap_element_url | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | sysmap_shape | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | sysmap_url | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | sysmap_user | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | sysmap_usrgrp | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | sysmaps | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | sysmaps_element_tag | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | sysmaps_elements | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | sysmaps_link_triggers | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | sysmaps_links | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | tag_filter | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | task | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 40 kB | public | task_acknowledge | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | task_check_now | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | task_close_problem | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | task_data | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 16 kB | public | task_remote_command | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | task_remote_command_result | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | task_result | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 16 kB | public | timeperiods | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | token | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | trends | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | trends_uint | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | trigger_depends | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | trigger_discovery | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | trigger_queue | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | trigger_tag | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | triggers | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | userdirectory | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | users | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | users_groups | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | usrgrp | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | valuemap | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | valuemap_mapping | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | public | widget | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | public | widget_field | table | zabbix | permanent | heap | 8192 bytes | (366 rows)