Usage of src/go/bin/zabbix_agent2: -c string Path to the configuration file (shorthand) (default "/home/mikhail/git/zabbix_agent/etc/zabbix_agent2.conf") -config string Path to the configuration file (default "/home/mikhail/git/zabbix_agent/etc/zabbix_agent2.conf") -f Run Zabbix agent in foreground (shorthand) (default true) -foreground Run Zabbix agent in foreground (default true) -t string Test specified item and exit (shorthand) -test string Test specified item and exit -p Print known items and exit (shorthand) -print Print known items and exit -v Enable verbose output for metric testing or printing (shorthand) -verbose Enable verbose output for metric testing or printing -V Print program version and exit (shorthand) -version Print program version and exit -R string Perform administrative functions (send 'help' for available commands) (1s timeout) -h Display this help message (shorthand) -help Display this help message