=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= PuTTY log 2023.09.12 07:59:35 =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= login as: u501 Pre-authentication banner message from server: | -- WARNING -- This system is for the use of authorized users only. Individual > s | using this computer system without authority or in excess of their authority | are subject to having all their activities on this system monitored and | recorded by system personnel. Anyone using this system expressly consents to | such monitoring and is advised that if such monitoring reveals possible | evidence of criminal activity system personal may provide the evidence of suc > h | monitoring to law enforcement officials. End of banner message from server u501@LNXPRDAA3649's password: -- WARNING -- This system is for the use of authorized users only. Individuals using this computer system without authority or in excess of their authority are subject to having all their activities on this system monitored and recorded by system personnel. Anyone using this system expressly consents to such monitoring and is advised that if such monitoring reveals possible evidence of criminal activity system personal may provide the evidence of such monitoring to law enforcement officials. Last login: Mon Sep 11 11:24:19 2023 from -- WARNING -- This system is for the use of authorized users only. Individuals using this computer system without authority or in excess of their authority are subject to having all their activities on this system monitored and recorded by system personnel. Anyone using this system expressly consents to such monitoring and is advised that if such monitoring reveals possible evidence of criminal activity system personal may provide the evidence of such monitoring to law enforcement officials. [u501@lnxprdaa3649 ~]$ sudo -i [root@lnxprdaa3649 ~]# [root@lnxprdaa3649 ~]# mysql Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connection id is 149728 Server version: 8.0.32 Source distribution Copyright (c) 2000, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement. mysql> USE zabbix; Reading table information for completion of table and column names You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A Database changed mysql> mysql> SELECT itemid, clock, value, ns FROM history_uint WHERE clock >= unix_timestamp(NOW() - INTERVAL 2 HOUR) AND itemid=84535; +--------+------------+-----------+-----------+ | itemid | clock | value | ns | +--------+------------+-----------+-----------+ | 84535 | 1694494855 | 821927936 | 775507183 | | 84535 | 1694494915 | 821927936 | 454660260 | | 84535 | 1694494975 | 821927936 | 782530325 | | 84535 | 1694495035 | 821927936 | 735553257 | | 84535 | 1694495095 | 821927936 | 948965471 | | 84535 | 1694495155 | 821927936 | 747569747 | | 84535 | 1694495215 | 821927936 | 234619058 | | 84535 | 1694495275 | 821927936 | 403470114 | | 84535 | 1694495335 | 821927936 | 541012713 | | 84535 | 1694495395 | 821927936 | 72823365 | | 84535 | 1694495455 | 821927936 | 36882271 | | 84535 | 1694495515 | 821927936 | 474177657 | | 84535 | 1694495575 | 821927936 | 672982889 | | 84535 | 1694495635 | 821927936 | 582504051 | | 84535 | 1694495695 | 821927936 | 307567743 | | 84535 | 1694495755 | 821927936 | 745256370 | | 84535 | 1694495815 | 821927936 | 953535665 | | 84535 | 1694495875 | 821927936 | 158717407 | | 84535 | 1694495935 | 821927936 | 10959531 | | 84535 | 1694495995 | 821927936 | 480667777 | | 84535 | 1694496055 | 821927936 | 258404635 | | 84535 | 1694496115 | 821927936 | 120547326 | | 84535 | 1694496175 | 821927936 | 20714285 | | 84535 | 1694496235 | 821927936 | 456253329 | | 84535 | 1694496295 | 821927936 | 521822476 | | 84535 | 1694496355 | 821927936 | 759873393 | | 84535 | 1694496415 | 821927936 | 871433805 | | 84535 | 1694496475 | 821927936 | 487334223 | | 84535 | 1694496535 | 821927936 | 122167598 | | 84535 | 1694496595 | 821927936 | 684341208 | | 84535 | 1694496655 | 821927936 | 900882201 | | 84535 | 1694496715 | 821927936 | 540030733 | | 84535 | 1694496775 | 821927936 | 543337087 | | 84535 | 1694496835 | 821927936 | 740507070 | | 84535 | 1694496895 | 821927936 | 429838907 | | 84535 | 1694496955 | 821927936 | 598491202 | | 84535 | 1694497015 | 821927936 | 707983477 | | 84535 | 1694497075 | 821927936 | 976941354 | | 84535 | 1694497135 | 821927936 | 672148134 | | 84535 | 1694497195 | 821927936 | 113032401 | | 84535 | 1694497255 | 821927936 | 396365850 | | 84535 | 1694497315 | 821927936 | 749035115 | | 84535 | 1694497375 | 821927936 | 827226280 | | 84535 | 1694497435 | 821927936 | 211985591 | | 84535 | 1694497495 | 821927936 | 28529806 | | 84535 | 1694497555 | 821927936 | 471357628 | | 84535 | 1694497615 | 821927936 | 770690582 | | 84535 | 1694497675 | 821927936 | 436067078 | | 84535 | 1694497735 | 821927936 | 118299348 | | 84535 | 1694497795 | 821927936 | 289538996 | | 84535 | 1694497855 | 821927936 | 455984488 | | 84535 | 1694497915 | 821927936 | 705680154 | | 84535 | 1694497975 | 821927936 | 734372893 | | 84535 | 1694498035 | 821927936 | 650327925 | | 84535 | 1694498095 | 821927936 | 460109792 | | 84535 | 1694498155 | 821927936 | 231878982 | | 84535 | 1694498215 | 821927936 | 206238850 | | 84535 | 1694498275 | 821927936 | 599857014 | | 84535 | 1694498335 | 821927936 | 644231257 | | 84535 | 1694498395 | 821927936 | 903075680 | | 84535 | 1694498455 | 821927936 | 71714816 | | 84535 | 1694498515 | 821927936 | 402534683 | | 84535 | 1694498575 | 821927936 | 960697891 | | 84535 | 1694498635 | 821927936 | 173720537 | | 84535 | 1694498695 | 821927936 | 357788240 | | 84535 | 1694498755 | 821927936 | 772158719 | | 84535 | 1694498815 | 821927936 | 819114944 | | 84535 | 1694498875 | 821927936 | 746386994 | | 84535 | 1694498935 | 821927936 | 586400092 | | 84535 | 1694498995 | 821927936 | 452879142 | | 84535 | 1694499055 | 821927936 | 235768302 | | 84535 | 1694499115 | 821927936 | 818590783 | | 84535 | 1694499175 | 821927936 | 77486785 | | 84535 | 1694499235 | 821927936 | 521531792 | | 84535 | 1694499295 | 821927936 | 862902607 | | 84535 | 1694499355 | 821927936 | 44916165 | | 84535 | 1694499415 | 821927936 | 398893713 | | 84535 | 1694499475 | 821927936 | 557319449 | | 84535 | 1694499535 | 821927936 | 840230899 | | 84535 | 1694499595 | 821927936 | 559819218 | | 84535 | 1694499655 | 821927936 | 855196653 | | 84535 | 1694499715 | 821927936 | 9434582 | | 84535 | 1694499775 | 821927936 | 7884936 | | 84535 | 1694499835 | 821927936 | 35290799 | | 84535 | 1694499895 | 821927936 | 29899183 | | 84535 | 1694499955 | 821927936 | 748760796 | | 84535 | 1694500015 | 821927936 | 826865161 | | 84535 | 1694500075 | 821927936 | 399116627 | | 84535 | 1694500135 | 821927936 | 407308901 | | 84535 | 1694500195 | 821927936 | 769761370 | | 84535 | 1694500255 | 821927936 | 209649731 | | 84535 | 1694500315 | 821927936 | 716549551 | | 84535 | 1694500375 | 821927936 | 107792688 | | 84535 | 1694500435 | 821927936 | 341062382 | | 84535 | 1694500495 | 821927936 | 830535858 | | 84535 | 1694500555 | 821927936 | 399549544 | | 84535 | 1694500615 | 821927936 | 898693318 | | 84535 | 1694500675 | 821927936 | 298874437 | | 84535 | 1694500735 | 821927936 | 81539887 | | 84535 | 1694500795 | 821927936 | 570382671 | | 84535 | 1694500855 | 821927936 | 955976381 | | 84535 | 1694500915 | 821927936 | 471644716 | | 84535 | 1694500975 | 821927936 | 589928210 | | 84535 | 1694501035 | 821927936 | 175049209 | | 84535 | 1694501095 | 821927936 | 729482548 | | 84535 | 1694501155 | 821927936 | 133869287 | | 84535 | 1694501215 | 821927936 | 334719531 | | 84535 | 1694501275 | 821927936 | 753839194 | | 84535 | 1694501335 | 821927936 | 820680131 | | 84535 | 1694501395 | 821927936 | 543014441 | | 84535 | 1694501455 | 821927936 | 438879553 | | 84535 | 1694501515 | 821927936 | 795574044 | | 84535 | 1694501575 | 821927936 | 252493027 | | 84535 | 1694501635 | 821927936 | 661581375 | | 84535 | 1694501695 | 821927936 | 966558003 | | 84535 | 1694501755 | 821927936 | 601073562 | | 84535 | 1694501815 | 821927936 | 864291227 | | 84535 | 1694501875 | 821927936 | 605177930 | | 84535 | 1694501935 | 821927936 | 475467574 | | 84535 | 1694501995 | 821927936 | 964556472 | +--------+------------+-----------+-----------+ 120 rows in set (0.00 sec) mysql> SELECT * FROM trends_uint WHERE clock >= unix_timestamp(NOW() - INTERVAL 48 HOUR) AND itemid=84535; Empty set (0.00 sec) mysql> SELECT * FROM items WHERE itemid=84535\G; *************************** 1. row *************************** itemid: 84535 type: 0 snmp_oid: hostid: 10659 name: /: Free disk space key_: vfs.fs.size[/,free] delay: 1m history: 1w trends: 365d status: 0 value_type: 3 trapper_hosts: units: B formula: logtimefmt: templateid: NULL valuemapid: NULL params: ipmi_sensor: authtype: 0 username: password: publickey: privatekey: flags: 4 interfaceid: 106 description: inventory_link: 0 lifetime: 30d evaltype: 0 jmx_endpoint: master_itemid: NULL timeout: 3s url: query_fields: posts: status_codes: 200 follow_redirects: 1 post_type: 0 http_proxy: headers: retrieve_mode: 0 request_method: 0 output_format: 0 ssl_cert_file: ssl_key_file: ssl_key_password: verify_peer: 0 verify_host: 0 allow_traps: 0 discover: 0 uuid: name_upper: /: FREE DISK SPACE 1 row in set (0.00 sec) ERROR: No query specified mysql> SELECT hk_trends_mode, hk_trends_global, hk_trends, hk_history_mode, hk_history_global, hk_history FROM config\G; *************************** 1. row *************************** hk_trends_mode: 1 hk_trends_global: 0 hk_trends: 90d hk_history_mode: 1 hk_history_global: 1 hk_history: 90d 1 row in set (0.00 sec) ERROR: No query specified mysql> quit; Bye [root@lnxprdaa3649 ~]#