******************** Script profiler ******************** Total time: 0.097075 Total SQL time: 0.093924 SQL count: 51 (selects: 43 | executes: 21) Peak memory usage: 4M Memory limit: 1G 1. role.get [CRoleHelper.php:167] Parameters: Array ( [output] => Array ( [0] => roleid [1] => name [2] => type ) [selectRules] => Array ( [0] => ui [1] => ui.default_access [2] => modules [3] => modules.default_access [4] => api.access [5] => api.mode [6] => api [7] => actions [8] => actions.default_access ) [roleids] => 3 ) Result: Array ( [0] => Array ( [roleid] => 3 [name] => Super admin role [type] => 3 [rules] => Array ( [ui] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => inventory.hosts [status] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => inventory.overview [status] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => monitoring.dashboard [status] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => monitoring.hosts [status] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => monitoring.latest_data [status] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => monitoring.maps [status] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => monitoring.problems [status] => 1 ) [7] => Array ( [name] => reports.availability_report [status] => 1 ) [8] => Array ( [name] => reports.top_triggers [status] => 1 ) [9] => Array ( [name] => services.services [status] => 1 ) [10] => Array ( [name] => services.sla_report [status] => 1 ) [11] => Array ( [name] => configuration.actions [status] => 1 ) [12] => Array ( [name] => configuration.discovery [status] => 1 ) [13] => Array ( [name] => configuration.host_groups [status] => 1 ) [14] => Array ( [name] => configuration.hosts [status] => 1 ) [15] => Array ( [name] => configuration.maintenance [status] => 1 ) [16] => Array ( [name] => configuration.templates [status] => 1 ) [17] => Array ( [name] => monitoring.discovery [status] => 1 ) [18] => Array ( [name] => reports.notifications [status] => 1 ) [19] => Array ( [name] => reports.scheduled_reports [status] => 1 ) [20] => Array ( [name] => services.actions [status] => 1 ) [21] => Array ( [name] => services.sla [status] => 1 ) [22] => Array ( [name] => administration.authentication [status] => 1 ) [23] => Array ( [name] => administration.general [status] => 1 ) [24] => Array ( [name] => administration.media_types [status] => 1 ) [25] => Array ( [name] => administration.proxies [status] => 1 ) [26] => Array ( [name] => administration.queue [status] => 1 ) [27] => Array ( [name] => administration.scripts [status] => 1 ) [28] => Array ( [name] => administration.user_groups [status] => 1 ) [29] => Array ( [name] => administration.user_roles [status] => 1 ) [30] => Array ( [name] => administration.users [status] => 1 ) [31] => Array ( [name] => configuration.event_correlation [status] => 1 ) [32] => Array ( [name] => reports.action_log [status] => 1 ) [33] => Array ( [name] => reports.audit [status] => 1 ) [34] => Array ( [name] => reports.system_info [status] => 1 ) ) [ui.default_access] => 1 [modules] => Array ( ) [modules.default_access] => 1 [api.access] => 1 [api.mode] => 0 [api] => Array ( ) [actions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => edit_dashboards [status] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => edit_maps [status] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => acknowledge_problems [status] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => close_problems [status] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => change_severity [status] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => add_problem_comments [status] => 1 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => execute_scripts [status] => 1 ) [7] => Array ( [name] => manage_api_tokens [status] => 1 ) [8] => Array ( [name] => edit_maintenance [status] => 1 ) [9] => Array ( [name] => manage_scheduled_reports [status] => 1 ) [10] => Array ( [name] => manage_sla [status] => 1 ) ) [actions.default_access] => 1 ) ) ) 2. settings.get [CSettingsHelper.php:108] Parameters: Array ( [output] => extend ) Result: Array ( [default_theme] => dark-theme [search_limit] => 10000 [max_in_table] => 50 [server_check_interval] => 10 [work_period] => 1-5,09:00-18:00 [show_technical_errors] => 0 [history_period] => 24h [period_default] => 1h [max_period] => 2y [severity_color_0] => 97AAB3 [severity_color_1] => 7499FF [severity_color_2] => FFC859 [severity_color_3] => FFA059 [severity_color_4] => E97659 [severity_color_5] => E45959 [severity_name_0] => Not classified [severity_name_1] => Information [severity_name_2] => Warning [severity_name_3] => Average [severity_name_4] => High [severity_name_5] => Disaster [custom_color] => 0 [ok_period] => 5m [blink_period] => 2m [problem_unack_color] => CC0000 [problem_ack_color] => CC0000 [ok_unack_color] => 009900 [ok_ack_color] => 009900 [problem_unack_style] => 1 [problem_ack_style] => 1 [ok_unack_style] => 1 [ok_ack_style] => 1 [discovery_groupid] => 5 [default_inventory_mode] => 1 [alert_usrgrpid] => 7 [snmptrap_logging] => 1 [default_lang] => en_US [default_timezone] => Europe/Madrid [login_attempts] => 5 [login_block] => 60m [validate_uri_schemes] => 1 [uri_valid_schemes] => http,https [x_frame_options] => SAMEORIGIN [iframe_sandboxing_enabled] => 1 [iframe_sandboxing_exceptions] => [max_overview_table_size] => 50 [connect_timeout] => 10s [socket_timeout] => 10s [media_type_test_timeout] => 65s [script_timeout] => 60s [item_test_timeout] => 120s [url] => https://zabbix.adamo.es/ [report_test_timeout] => 60s [auditlog_enabled] => 1 [ha_failover_delay] => 1m [geomaps_tile_provider] => OpenStreetMap.Mapnik [geomaps_tile_url] => [geomaps_max_zoom] => 0 [geomaps_attribution] => ) 3. host.get [CControllerChartsView.php:110] Parameters: Array ( [output] => Array ( [0] => name [1] => hostid ) [hostids] => Array ( [0] => 10378 ) ) Result: Array ( [0] => Array ( [hostid] => 10378 [name] => cant-hazas-ayun-cs-20 ) ) 4. graph.get [CControllerCharts.php:41] Parameters: Array ( [output] => Array ( [0] => graphid [1] => name ) [hostids] => Array ( [0] => 10378 ) [search] => Array ( [name] => RX Power ) [selectItems] => Array ( [0] => itemid ) [preservekeys] => 1 ) Result: Array ( [375261] => Array ( [graphid] => 375261 [name] => XGigabitEthernet0/0/19 Rx Power [items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173979 ) [1] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173984 ) [2] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173989 ) [3] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173994 ) [4] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173999 ) ) ) [375262] => Array ( [graphid] => 375262 [name] => XGigabitEthernet0/0/20 Rx Power [items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173980 ) [1] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173985 ) [2] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173990 ) [3] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173995 ) [4] => Array ( [itemid] => 3174000 ) ) ) [375263] => Array ( [graphid] => 375263 [name] => XGigabitEthernet0/0/21 Rx Power [items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173981 ) [1] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173986 ) [2] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173991 ) [3] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173996 ) [4] => Array ( [itemid] => 3174001 ) ) ) [375264] => Array ( [graphid] => 375264 [name] => 40GE0/0/1 Rx Power [items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173982 ) [1] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173987 ) [2] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173992 ) [3] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173997 ) [4] => Array ( [itemid] => 3174002 ) ) ) [375265] => Array ( [graphid] => 375265 [name] => 40GE0/0/2 Rx Power [items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173983 ) [1] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173988 ) [2] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173993 ) [3] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173998 ) [4] => Array ( [itemid] => 3174003 ) ) ) ) 5. item.get [CControllerCharts.php:58] Parameters: Array ( [output] => Array ( [0] => itemid ) [hostids] => Array ( [0] => 10378 ) [search] => Array ( [name] => RX Power ) [preservekeys] => 1 ) Result: Array ( [3173979] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173979 ) [3173980] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173980 ) [3173981] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173981 ) [3173982] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173982 ) [3173983] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173983 ) ) 6. graph.get [CControllerCharts.php:66] Parameters: Array ( [output] => Array ( [0] => graphid [1] => name ) [hostids] => Array ( [0] => 10378 ) [itemids] => Array ( [0] => 3173979 [1] => 3173980 [2] => 3173981 [3] => 3173982 [4] => 3173983 ) [selectItems] => Array ( [0] => itemid ) [preservekeys] => 1 ) Result: Array ( [375261] => Array ( [graphid] => 375261 [name] => XGigabitEthernet0/0/19 Rx Power [items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173979 ) [1] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173984 ) [2] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173989 ) [3] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173994 ) [4] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173999 ) ) ) [375262] => Array ( [graphid] => 375262 [name] => XGigabitEthernet0/0/20 Rx Power [items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173980 ) [1] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173985 ) [2] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173990 ) [3] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173995 ) [4] => Array ( [itemid] => 3174000 ) ) ) [375263] => Array ( [graphid] => 375263 [name] => XGigabitEthernet0/0/21 Rx Power [items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173981 ) [1] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173986 ) [2] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173991 ) [3] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173996 ) [4] => Array ( [itemid] => 3174001 ) ) ) [375264] => Array ( [graphid] => 375264 [name] => 40GE0/0/1 Rx Power [items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173982 ) [1] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173987 ) [2] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173992 ) [3] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173997 ) [4] => Array ( [itemid] => 3174002 ) ) ) [375265] => Array ( [graphid] => 375265 [name] => 40GE0/0/2 Rx Power [items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173983 ) [1] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173988 ) [2] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173993 ) [3] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173998 ) [4] => Array ( [itemid] => 3174003 ) ) ) ) 7. item.get [CControllerCharts.php:78] Parameters: Array ( [output] => Array ( [0] => itemid [1] => name ) [hostids] => Array ( [0] => 10378 ) [itemids] => Array ( [0] => 3173979 [1] => 3173984 [2] => 3173989 [3] => 3173994 [4] => 3173999 [5] => 3173980 [6] => 3173985 [7] => 3173990 [8] => 3173995 [9] => 3174000 [10] => 3173981 [11] => 3173986 [12] => 3173991 [13] => 3173996 [14] => 3174001 [15] => 3173982 [16] => 3173987 [17] => 3173992 [18] => 3173997 [19] => 3174002 [20] => 3173983 [21] => 3173988 [22] => 3173993 [23] => 3173998 [24] => 3174003 ) [selectTags] => Array ( [0] => tag [1] => value ) [preservekeys] => 1 ) Result: Array ( [3173979] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173979 [name] => XGigabitEthernet0/0/19: Rx Power [tags] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [tag] => Entity [value] => Interface XGigabitEthernet0/0/19 ) ) ) [3173980] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173980 [name] => XGigabitEthernet0/0/20: Rx Power [tags] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [tag] => Entity [value] => Interface XGigabitEthernet0/0/20 ) ) ) [3173981] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173981 [name] => XGigabitEthernet0/0/21: Rx Power [tags] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [tag] => Entity [value] => Interface XGigabitEthernet0/0/21 ) ) ) [3173982] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173982 [name] => 40GE0/0/1: Rx Power [tags] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [tag] => Entity [value] => Interface 40GE0/0/1 ) ) ) [3173983] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173983 [name] => 40GE0/0/2: Rx Power [tags] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [tag] => Entity [value] => Interface 40GE0/0/2 ) ) ) [3173984] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173984 [name] => XGigabitEthernet0/0/19: Rx High Threshold [tags] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [tag] => Entity [value] => Interface XGigabitEthernet0/0/19 ) ) ) [3173985] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173985 [name] => XGigabitEthernet0/0/20: Rx High Threshold [tags] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [tag] => Entity [value] => Interface XGigabitEthernet0/0/20 ) ) ) [3173986] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173986 [name] => XGigabitEthernet0/0/21: Rx High Threshold [tags] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [tag] => Entity [value] => Interface XGigabitEthernet0/0/21 ) ) ) [3173987] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173987 [name] => 40GE0/0/1: Rx High Threshold [tags] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [tag] => Entity [value] => Interface 40GE0/0/1 ) ) ) [3173988] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173988 [name] => 40GE0/0/2: Rx High Threshold [tags] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [tag] => Entity [value] => Interface 40GE0/0/2 ) ) ) [3173989] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173989 [name] => XGigabitEthernet0/0/19: Rx High Warning [tags] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [tag] => Entity [value] => Interface XGigabitEthernet0/0/19 ) ) ) [3173990] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173990 [name] => XGigabitEthernet0/0/20: Rx High Warning [tags] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [tag] => Entity [value] => Interface XGigabitEthernet0/0/20 ) ) ) [3173991] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173991 [name] => XGigabitEthernet0/0/21: Rx High Warning [tags] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [tag] => Entity [value] => Interface XGigabitEthernet0/0/21 ) ) ) [3173992] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173992 [name] => 40GE0/0/1: Rx High Warning [tags] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [tag] => Entity [value] => Interface 40GE0/0/1 ) ) ) [3173993] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173993 [name] => 40GE0/0/2: Rx High Warning [tags] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [tag] => Entity [value] => Interface 40GE0/0/2 ) ) ) [3173994] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173994 [name] => XGigabitEthernet0/0/19: Rx Low Threshold [tags] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [tag] => Entity [value] => Interface XGigabitEthernet0/0/19 ) ) ) [3173995] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173995 [name] => XGigabitEthernet0/0/20: Rx Low Threshold [tags] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [tag] => Entity [value] => Interface XGigabitEthernet0/0/20 ) ) ) [3173996] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173996 [name] => XGigabitEthernet0/0/21: Rx Low Threshold [tags] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [tag] => Entity [value] => Interface XGigabitEthernet0/0/21 ) ) ) [3173997] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173997 [name] => 40GE0/0/1: Rx Low Threshold [tags] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [tag] => Entity [value] => Interface 40GE0/0/1 ) ) ) [3173998] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173998 [name] => 40GE0/0/2: Rx Low Threshold [tags] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [tag] => Entity [value] => Interface 40GE0/0/2 ) ) ) [3173999] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173999 [name] => XGigabitEthernet0/0/19: Rx Low Warning [tags] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [tag] => Entity [value] => Interface XGigabitEthernet0/0/19 ) ) ) [3174000] => Array ( [itemid] => 3174000 [name] => XGigabitEthernet0/0/20: Rx Low Warning [tags] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [tag] => Entity [value] => Interface XGigabitEthernet0/0/20 ) ) ) [3174001] => Array ( [itemid] => 3174001 [name] => XGigabitEthernet0/0/21: Rx Low Warning [tags] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [tag] => Entity [value] => Interface XGigabitEthernet0/0/21 ) ) ) [3174002] => Array ( [itemid] => 3174002 [name] => 40GE0/0/1: Rx Low Warning [tags] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [tag] => Entity [value] => Interface 40GE0/0/1 ) ) ) [3174003] => Array ( [itemid] => 3174003 [name] => 40GE0/0/2: Rx Low Warning [tags] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [tag] => Entity [value] => Interface 40GE0/0/2 ) ) ) ) 8. item.get [CControllerCharts.php:128] Parameters: Array ( [output] => Array ( [0] => itemid [1] => name ) [selectTags] => Array ( [0] => tag [1] => value ) [hostids] => Array ( [0] => 10378 ) [search] => Array ( [name] => RX Power ) [filter] => Array ( [value_type] => Array ( [0] => 3 [1] => 0 ) ) [preservekeys] => 1 ) Result: Array ( [3173979] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173979 [name] => XGigabitEthernet0/0/19: Rx Power [tags] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [tag] => Entity [value] => Interface XGigabitEthernet0/0/19 ) ) ) [3173980] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173980 [name] => XGigabitEthernet0/0/20: Rx Power [tags] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [tag] => Entity [value] => Interface XGigabitEthernet0/0/20 ) ) ) [3173981] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173981 [name] => XGigabitEthernet0/0/21: Rx Power [tags] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [tag] => Entity [value] => Interface XGigabitEthernet0/0/21 ) ) ) [3173982] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173982 [name] => 40GE0/0/1: Rx Power [tags] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [tag] => Entity [value] => Interface 40GE0/0/1 ) ) ) [3173983] => Array ( [itemid] => 3173983 [name] => 40GE0/0/2: Rx Power [tags] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [tag] => Entity [value] => Interface 40GE0/0/2 ) ) ) ) SQL (0.007502): COMMIT zabbix.php:22 → require_once() → ZBase->run() → ZBase->authenticateUser() → CWebUser::checkAuthentication() → CApiWrapper->__call() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callMethod() → CApiWrapper->callMethod() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callClientMethod() → CLocalApiClient->callMethod() → DBend() → DBcommit() → DBexecute() in include/db.inc.php:179 SQL (0.00098): BEGIN zabbix.php:22 → require_once() → ZBase->run() → ZBase->initComponents() → CMenuHelper::getMainMenu() → CWebUser::checkAccess() → CRoleHelper::checkAccess() → CRoleHelper::loadRoleRules() → CApiWrapper->__call() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callMethod() → CApiWrapper->callMethod() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callClientMethod() → CLocalApiClient->callMethod() → DBstart() → DBexecute() in include/db.inc.php:125 SQL (0.000935): SELECT r.roleid,r.name,r.type FROM role r WHERE r.roleid='3' zabbix.php:22 → require_once() → ZBase->run() → ZBase->initComponents() → CMenuHelper::getMainMenu() → CWebUser::checkAccess() → CRoleHelper::checkAccess() → CRoleHelper::loadRoleRules() → CApiWrapper->__call() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callMethod() → CApiWrapper->callMethod() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callClientMethod() → CLocalApiClient->callMethod() → CRole->get() → DBselect() in include/classes/api/services/CRole.php:98 SQL (0.001066): SELECT role_ruleid,roleid,type,name,value_int,value_str,value_moduleid,value_serviceid FROM role_rule WHERE roleid=3 zabbix.php:22 → require_once() → ZBase->run() → ZBase->initComponents() → CMenuHelper::getMainMenu() → CWebUser::checkAccess() → CRoleHelper::checkAccess() → CRoleHelper::loadRoleRules() → CApiWrapper->__call() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callMethod() → CApiWrapper->callMethod() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callClientMethod() → CLocalApiClient->callMethod() → CRole->get() → CRole->addRelatedObjects() → DB::select() → DBselect() in include/classes/db/DB.php:1062 SQL (0.000759): SELECT md.moduleid FROM module md WHERE md.status=1 zabbix.php:22 → require_once() → ZBase->run() → ZBase->initComponents() → CMenuHelper::getMainMenu() → CWebUser::checkAccess() → CRoleHelper::checkAccess() → CRoleHelper::loadRoleRules() → CApiWrapper->__call() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callMethod() → CApiWrapper->callMethod() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callClientMethod() → CLocalApiClient->callMethod() → CRole->get() → CRole->addRelatedObjects() → CRole->getRelatedModulesRules() → CRole::getEnabledModuleIds() → CModule->get() → DBselect() in include/classes/api/services/CModule.php:77 SQL (0.000935): COMMIT zabbix.php:22 → require_once() → ZBase->run() → ZBase->initComponents() → CMenuHelper::getMainMenu() → CWebUser::checkAccess() → CRoleHelper::checkAccess() → CRoleHelper::loadRoleRules() → CApiWrapper->__call() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callMethod() → CApiWrapper->callMethod() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callClientMethod() → CLocalApiClient->callMethod() → DBend() → DBcommit() → DBexecute() in include/db.inc.php:179 SQL (0.000856): SELECT md.moduleid,md.id,md.relative_path,md.config FROM module md WHERE md.status=1 ORDER BY md.relative_path zabbix.php:22 → require_once() → ZBase->run() → ZBase->initModuleManager() → CModule->get() → DBselect() in include/classes/api/services/CModule.php:77 SQL (0.000999): SELECT NULL FROM users u WHERE u.userid=67 FOR UPDATE zabbix.php:22 → require_once() → ZBase->run() → CViewHelper::loadSidebarMode() → CProfile::get() → CProfile::init() → DBselect() in include/classes/user/CProfile.php:36 SQL (0.001429): SELECT type,value_id,value_int,value_str,idx2 FROM profiles WHERE userid=67 AND idx='web.sidebar.mode' zabbix.php:22 → require_once() → ZBase->run() → CViewHelper::loadSidebarMode() → CProfile::get() → DBselect() in include/classes/user/CProfile.php:179 SQL (0.003517): BEGIN zabbix.php:22 → require_once() → ZBase->run() → ZBase->processRequest() → CController->run() → CControllerChartsView->checkInput() → CController->validateTimeSelectorPeriod() → CConfigGeneralHelper::get() → CSettingsHelper::loadParams() → CApiWrapper->__call() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callMethod() → CApiWrapper->callMethod() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callClientMethod() → CLocalApiClient->callMethod() → DBstart() → DBexecute() in include/db.inc.php:125 SQL (0.002): SELECT c.configid,c.default_theme,c.search_limit,c.max_in_table,c.server_check_interval,c.work_period,c.show_technical_errors,c.history_period,c.period_default,c.max_period,c.severity_color_0,c.severity_color_1,c.severity_color_2,c.severity_color_3,c.severity_color_4,c.severity_color_5,c.severity_name_0,c.severity_name_1,c.severity_name_2,c.severity_name_3,c.severity_name_4,c.severity_name_5,c.custom_color,c.ok_period,c.blink_period,c.problem_unack_color,c.problem_ack_color,c.ok_unack_color,c.ok_ack_color,c.problem_unack_style,c.problem_ack_style,c.ok_unack_style,c.ok_ack_style,c.discovery_groupid,c.default_inventory_mode,c.alert_usrgrpid,c.snmptrap_logging,c.default_lang,c.default_timezone,c.login_attempts,c.login_block,c.validate_uri_schemes,c.uri_valid_schemes,c.x_frame_options,c.iframe_sandboxing_enabled,c.iframe_sandboxing_exceptions,c.max_overview_table_size,c.connect_timeout,c.socket_timeout,c.media_type_test_timeout,c.script_timeout,c.item_test_timeout,c.url,c.report_test_timeout,c.auditlog_enabled,c.ha_failover_delay,c.geomaps_tile_provider,c.geomaps_tile_url,c.geomaps_max_zoom,c.geomaps_attribution FROM config c zabbix.php:22 → require_once() → ZBase->run() → ZBase->processRequest() → CController->run() → CControllerChartsView->checkInput() → CController->validateTimeSelectorPeriod() → CConfigGeneralHelper::get() → CSettingsHelper::loadParams() → CApiWrapper->__call() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callMethod() → CApiWrapper->callMethod() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callClientMethod() → CLocalApiClient->callMethod() → CSettings->get() → DBselect() in include/classes/api/services/CSettings.php:74 SQL (0.001204): COMMIT zabbix.php:22 → require_once() → ZBase->run() → ZBase->processRequest() → CController->run() → CControllerChartsView->checkInput() → CController->validateTimeSelectorPeriod() → CConfigGeneralHelper::get() → CSettingsHelper::loadParams() → CApiWrapper->__call() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callMethod() → CApiWrapper->callMethod() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callClientMethod() → CLocalApiClient->callMethod() → DBend() → DBcommit() → DBexecute() in include/db.inc.php:179 SQL (0.001592): SELECT type,value_id,value_int,value_str,idx2 FROM profiles WHERE userid=67 AND idx='web.charts.filter.hostids' zabbix.php:22 → require_once() → ZBase->run() → ZBase->processRequest() → CController->run() → CControllerChartsView->doAction() → CProfile::updateArray() → CProfile::update() → CProfile::get() → DBselect() in include/classes/user/CProfile.php:179 SQL (0.001154): DELETE FROM profiles WHERE idx='web.charts.filter.hostids' AND 1=0 AND userid='67' zabbix.php:22 → require_once() → ZBase->run() → ZBase->processRequest() → CController->run() → CControllerChartsView->doAction() → CProfile::updateArray() → CProfile::delete() → CProfile::deleteValues() → DB::delete() → DBexecute() in include/classes/db/DB.php:1007 SQL (0.001348): SELECT type,value_id,value_int,value_str,idx2 FROM profiles WHERE userid=67 AND idx='web.charts.filter.name' zabbix.php:22 → require_once() → ZBase->run() → ZBase->processRequest() → CController->run() → CControllerChartsView->doAction() → CProfile::update() → CProfile::get() → DBselect() in include/classes/user/CProfile.php:179 SQL (0.001668): SELECT type,value_id,value_int,value_str,idx2 FROM profiles WHERE userid=67 AND idx='web.charts.filter.show' zabbix.php:22 → require_once() → ZBase->run() → ZBase->processRequest() → CController->run() → CControllerChartsView->doAction() → CProfile::update() → CProfile::get() → DBselect() in include/classes/user/CProfile.php:179 SQL (0.001082): SELECT type,value_id,value_int,value_str,idx2 FROM profiles WHERE userid=67 AND idx='web.charts.subfilter.tagnames' zabbix.php:22 → require_once() → ZBase->run() → ZBase->processRequest() → CController->run() → CControllerChartsView->doAction() → CProfile::getArray() → CProfile::get() → DBselect() in include/classes/user/CProfile.php:179 SQL (0.001484): SELECT type,value_id,value_int,value_str,idx2 FROM profiles WHERE userid=67 AND idx='web.charts.subfilter.tags' zabbix.php:22 → require_once() → ZBase->run() → ZBase->processRequest() → CController->run() → CControllerChartsView->doAction() → CProfile::get() → DBselect() in include/classes/user/CProfile.php:179 SQL (0.00109): SELECT type,value_id,value_int,value_str,idx2 FROM profiles WHERE userid=67 AND idx='web.charts.filter.from' zabbix.php:22 → require_once() → ZBase->run() → ZBase->processRequest() → CController->run() → CControllerChartsView->doAction() → updateTimeSelectorPeriod() → CProfile::update() → CProfile::get() → DBselect() in include/classes/user/CProfile.php:179 SQL (0.001073): SELECT type,value_id,value_int,value_str,idx2 FROM profiles WHERE userid=67 AND idx='web.charts.filter.to' zabbix.php:22 → require_once() → ZBase->run() → ZBase->processRequest() → CController->run() → CControllerChartsView->doAction() → updateTimeSelectorPeriod() → CProfile::update() → CProfile::get() → DBselect() in include/classes/user/CProfile.php:179 SQL (0.001154): SELECT type,value_id,value_int,value_str,idx2 FROM profiles WHERE userid=67 AND idx='web.charts.filter.active' zabbix.php:22 → require_once() → ZBase->run() → ZBase->processRequest() → CController->run() → CControllerChartsView->doAction() → CProfile::get() → DBselect() in include/classes/user/CProfile.php:179 SQL (0.000958): BEGIN zabbix.php:22 → require_once() → ZBase->run() → ZBase->processRequest() → CController->run() → CControllerChartsView->doAction() → CApiWrapper->__call() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callMethod() → CApiWrapper->callMethod() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callClientMethod() → CLocalApiClient->callMethod() → DBstart() → DBexecute() in include/db.inc.php:125 SQL (0.000895): SELECT h.hostid,h.name FROM hosts h WHERE h.flags IN (0,4) AND h.hostid=10378 AND h.status IN (0,1) zabbix.php:22 → require_once() → ZBase->run() → ZBase->processRequest() → CController->run() → CControllerChartsView->doAction() → CApiWrapper->__call() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callMethod() → CApiWrapper->callMethod() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callClientMethod() → CLocalApiClient->callMethod() → CHost->get() → CApiService->customFetch() → DBselect() in include/classes/api/CApiService.php:1168 SQL (0.000778): COMMIT zabbix.php:22 → require_once() → ZBase->run() → ZBase->processRequest() → CController->run() → CControllerChartsView->doAction() → CApiWrapper->__call() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callMethod() → CApiWrapper->callMethod() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callClientMethod() → CLocalApiClient->callMethod() → DBend() → DBcommit() → DBexecute() in include/db.inc.php:179 SQL (0.000812): BEGIN zabbix.php:22 → require_once() → ZBase->run() → ZBase->processRequest() → CController->run() → CControllerChartsView->doAction() → CControllerCharts->getHostGraphs() → CApiWrapper->__call() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callMethod() → CApiWrapper->callMethod() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callClientMethod() → CLocalApiClient->callMethod() → DBstart() → DBexecute() in include/db.inc.php:125 SQL (0.002288): SHOW COLUMNS FROM graphs LIKE 'name_upper' zabbix.php:22 → require_once() → ZBase->run() → ZBase->processRequest() → CController->run() → CControllerChartsView->doAction() → CControllerCharts->getHostGraphs() → CApiWrapper->__call() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callMethod() → CApiWrapper->callMethod() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callClientMethod() → CLocalApiClient->callMethod() → CGraph->get() → zbx_db_search() → DB::uppercaseField() → DB::dbFieldExists() → MysqlDbBackend->dbFieldExists() → DBselect() in include/classes/db/MysqlDbBackend.php:218 SQL (0.005852): SELECT DISTINCT g.graphid,g.name FROM graphs g,graphs_items gi,items i WHERE i.hostid=10378 AND gi.graphid=g.graphid AND i.itemid=gi.itemid AND ((UPPER(g.name) LIKE '%RX POWER%' ESCAPE '!')) AND g.flags IN (0,4) zabbix.php:22 → require_once() → ZBase->run() → ZBase->processRequest() → CController->run() → CControllerChartsView->doAction() → CControllerCharts->getHostGraphs() → CApiWrapper->__call() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callMethod() → CApiWrapper->callMethod() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callClientMethod() → CLocalApiClient->callMethod() → CGraph->get() → DBselect() in include/classes/api/services/CGraph.php:262 SQL (0.001738): SELECT t.gitemid,t.graphid,t.itemid FROM graphs_items t WHERE t.graphid IN (375261,375262,375263,375264,375265) zabbix.php:22 → require_once() → ZBase->run() → ZBase->processRequest() → CController->run() → CControllerChartsView->doAction() → CControllerCharts->getHostGraphs() → CApiWrapper->__call() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callMethod() → CApiWrapper->callMethod() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callClientMethod() → CLocalApiClient->callMethod() → CGraph->get() → CGraph->addRelatedObjects() → CApiService->createRelationMap() → DBselect() in include/classes/api/CApiService.php:318 SQL (0.001919): SELECT i.itemid FROM items i WHERE i.flags IN (0,4) AND i.itemid IN (3173979,3173980,3173981,3173982,3173983,3173984,3173985,3173986,3173987,3173988,3173989,3173990,3173991,3173992,3173993,3173994,3173995,3173996,3173997,3173998,3173999,3174000,3174001,3174002,3174003) zabbix.php:22 → require_once() → ZBase->run() → ZBase->processRequest() → CController->run() → CControllerChartsView->doAction() → CControllerCharts->getHostGraphs() → CApiWrapper->__call() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callMethod() → CApiWrapper->callMethod() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callClientMethod() → CLocalApiClient->callMethod() → CGraph->get() → CGraph->addRelatedObjects() → CItem->get() → DBselect() in include/classes/api/services/CItem.php:394 SQL (0.001119): COMMIT zabbix.php:22 → require_once() → ZBase->run() → ZBase->processRequest() → CController->run() → CControllerChartsView->doAction() → CControllerCharts->getHostGraphs() → CApiWrapper->__call() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callMethod() → CApiWrapper->callMethod() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callClientMethod() → CLocalApiClient->callMethod() → DBend() → DBcommit() → DBexecute() in include/db.inc.php:179 SQL (0.001113): BEGIN zabbix.php:22 → require_once() → ZBase->run() → ZBase->processRequest() → CController->run() → CControllerChartsView->doAction() → CControllerCharts->getHostGraphs() → CApiWrapper->__call() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callMethod() → CApiWrapper->callMethod() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callClientMethod() → CLocalApiClient->callMethod() → DBstart() → DBexecute() in include/db.inc.php:125 SQL (0.002608): SHOW COLUMNS FROM items LIKE 'name_upper' zabbix.php:22 → require_once() → ZBase->run() → ZBase->processRequest() → CController->run() → CControllerChartsView->doAction() → CControllerCharts->getHostGraphs() → CApiWrapper->__call() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callMethod() → CApiWrapper->callMethod() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callClientMethod() → CLocalApiClient->callMethod() → CItem->get() → zbx_db_search() → DB::uppercaseField() → DB::dbFieldExists() → MysqlDbBackend->dbFieldExists() → DBselect() in include/classes/db/MysqlDbBackend.php:218 SQL (0.005702): SELECT i.itemid FROM items i WHERE i.type<>9 AND i.flags IN (0,4) AND i.hostid=10378 AND ((i.name_upper LIKE '%RX POWER%' ESCAPE '!')) zabbix.php:22 → require_once() → ZBase->run() → ZBase->processRequest() → CController->run() → CControllerChartsView->doAction() → CControllerCharts->getHostGraphs() → CApiWrapper->__call() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callMethod() → CApiWrapper->callMethod() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callClientMethod() → CLocalApiClient->callMethod() → CItem->get() → DBselect() in include/classes/api/services/CItem.php:394 SQL (0.001371): COMMIT zabbix.php:22 → require_once() → ZBase->run() → ZBase->processRequest() → CController->run() → CControllerChartsView->doAction() → CControllerCharts->getHostGraphs() → CApiWrapper->__call() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callMethod() → CApiWrapper->callMethod() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callClientMethod() → CLocalApiClient->callMethod() → DBend() → DBcommit() → DBexecute() in include/db.inc.php:179 SQL (0.001341): BEGIN zabbix.php:22 → require_once() → ZBase->run() → ZBase->processRequest() → CController->run() → CControllerChartsView->doAction() → CControllerCharts->getHostGraphs() → CApiWrapper->__call() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callMethod() → CApiWrapper->callMethod() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callClientMethod() → CLocalApiClient->callMethod() → DBstart() → DBexecute() in include/db.inc.php:125 SQL (0.002125): SELECT DISTINCT g.graphid,g.name FROM graphs g,graphs_items gi,items i WHERE i.hostid=10378 AND gi.graphid=g.graphid AND i.itemid=gi.itemid AND gi.itemid IN (3173979,3173980,3173981,3173982,3173983) AND g.flags IN (0,4) zabbix.php:22 → require_once() → ZBase->run() → ZBase->processRequest() → CController->run() → CControllerChartsView->doAction() → CControllerCharts->getHostGraphs() → CApiWrapper->__call() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callMethod() → CApiWrapper->callMethod() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callClientMethod() → CLocalApiClient->callMethod() → CGraph->get() → DBselect() in include/classes/api/services/CGraph.php:262 SQL (0.001831): SELECT t.gitemid,t.graphid,t.itemid FROM graphs_items t WHERE t.graphid IN (375261,375262,375263,375264,375265) zabbix.php:22 → require_once() → ZBase->run() → ZBase->processRequest() → CController->run() → CControllerChartsView->doAction() → CControllerCharts->getHostGraphs() → CApiWrapper->__call() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callMethod() → CApiWrapper->callMethod() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callClientMethod() → CLocalApiClient->callMethod() → CGraph->get() → CGraph->addRelatedObjects() → CApiService->createRelationMap() → DBselect() in include/classes/api/CApiService.php:318 SQL (0.002234): SELECT i.itemid FROM items i WHERE i.flags IN (0,4) AND i.itemid IN (3173979,3173980,3173981,3173982,3173983,3173984,3173985,3173986,3173987,3173988,3173989,3173990,3173991,3173992,3173993,3173994,3173995,3173996,3173997,3173998,3173999,3174000,3174001,3174002,3174003) zabbix.php:22 → require_once() → ZBase->run() → ZBase->processRequest() → CController->run() → CControllerChartsView->doAction() → CControllerCharts->getHostGraphs() → CApiWrapper->__call() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callMethod() → CApiWrapper->callMethod() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callClientMethod() → CLocalApiClient->callMethod() → CGraph->get() → CGraph->addRelatedObjects() → CItem->get() → DBselect() in include/classes/api/services/CItem.php:394 SQL (0.001224): COMMIT zabbix.php:22 → require_once() → ZBase->run() → ZBase->processRequest() → CController->run() → CControllerChartsView->doAction() → CControllerCharts->getHostGraphs() → CApiWrapper->__call() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callMethod() → CApiWrapper->callMethod() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callClientMethod() → CLocalApiClient->callMethod() → DBend() → DBcommit() → DBexecute() in include/db.inc.php:179 SQL (0.000997): BEGIN zabbix.php:22 → require_once() → ZBase->run() → ZBase->processRequest() → CController->run() → CControllerChartsView->doAction() → CControllerCharts->getHostGraphs() → CApiWrapper->__call() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callMethod() → CApiWrapper->callMethod() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callClientMethod() → CLocalApiClient->callMethod() → DBstart() → DBexecute() in include/db.inc.php:125 SQL (0.00158): SELECT i.itemid,i.name FROM items i WHERE i.type<>9 AND i.flags IN (0,4) AND i.itemid IN (3173979,3173980,3173981,3173982,3173983,3173984,3173985,3173986,3173987,3173988,3173989,3173990,3173991,3173992,3173993,3173994,3173995,3173996,3173997,3173998,3173999,3174000,3174001,3174002,3174003) AND i.hostid=10378 zabbix.php:22 → require_once() → ZBase->run() → ZBase->processRequest() → CController->run() → CControllerChartsView->doAction() → CControllerCharts->getHostGraphs() → CApiWrapper->__call() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callMethod() → CApiWrapper->callMethod() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callClientMethod() → CLocalApiClient->callMethod() → CItem->get() → DBselect() in include/classes/api/services/CItem.php:394 SQL (0.002082): SELECT tag,value,itemid FROM item_tag WHERE itemid IN (3173979,3173980,3173981,3173982,3173983,3173984,3173985,3173986,3173987,3173988,3173989,3173990,3173991,3173992,3173993,3173994,3173995,3173996,3173997,3173998,3173999,3174000,3174001,3174002,3174003) zabbix.php:22 → require_once() → ZBase->run() → ZBase->processRequest() → CController->run() → CControllerChartsView->doAction() → CControllerCharts->getHostGraphs() → CApiWrapper->__call() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callMethod() → CApiWrapper->callMethod() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callClientMethod() → CLocalApiClient->callMethod() → CItem->get() → CItem->addRelatedObjects() → DBselect() in include/classes/api/services/CItem.php:1244 SQL (0.001278): COMMIT zabbix.php:22 → require_once() → ZBase->run() → ZBase->processRequest() → CController->run() → CControllerChartsView->doAction() → CControllerCharts->getHostGraphs() → CApiWrapper->__call() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callMethod() → CApiWrapper->callMethod() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callClientMethod() → CLocalApiClient->callMethod() → DBend() → DBcommit() → DBexecute() in include/db.inc.php:179 SQL (0.000999): BEGIN zabbix.php:22 → require_once() → ZBase->run() → ZBase->processRequest() → CController->run() → CControllerChartsView->doAction() → CControllerCharts->getSimpleGraphs() → CApiWrapper->__call() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callMethod() → CApiWrapper->callMethod() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callClientMethod() → CLocalApiClient->callMethod() → DBstart() → DBexecute() in include/db.inc.php:125 SQL (0.002697): SHOW COLUMNS FROM items LIKE 'name_upper' zabbix.php:22 → require_once() → ZBase->run() → ZBase->processRequest() → CController->run() → CControllerChartsView->doAction() → CControllerCharts->getSimpleGraphs() → CApiWrapper->__call() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callMethod() → CApiWrapper->callMethod() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callClientMethod() → CLocalApiClient->callMethod() → CItem->get() → zbx_db_search() → DB::uppercaseField() → DB::dbFieldExists() → MysqlDbBackend->dbFieldExists() → DBselect() in include/classes/db/MysqlDbBackend.php:218 SQL (0.004868): SELECT i.itemid,i.name FROM items i WHERE i.type<>9 AND i.flags IN (0,4) AND i.hostid=10378 AND ((i.name_upper LIKE '%RX POWER%' ESCAPE '!')) AND i.value_type IN (0,3) zabbix.php:22 → require_once() → ZBase->run() → ZBase->processRequest() → CController->run() → CControllerChartsView->doAction() → CControllerCharts->getSimpleGraphs() → CApiWrapper->__call() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callMethod() → CApiWrapper->callMethod() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callClientMethod() → CLocalApiClient->callMethod() → CItem->get() → DBselect() in include/classes/api/services/CItem.php:394 SQL (0.001959): SELECT tag,value,itemid FROM item_tag WHERE itemid IN (3173979,3173980,3173981,3173982,3173983) zabbix.php:22 → require_once() → ZBase->run() → ZBase->processRequest() → CController->run() → CControllerChartsView->doAction() → CControllerCharts->getSimpleGraphs() → CApiWrapper->__call() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callMethod() → CApiWrapper->callMethod() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callClientMethod() → CLocalApiClient->callMethod() → CItem->get() → CItem->addRelatedObjects() → DBselect() in include/classes/api/services/CItem.php:1244 SQL (0.001264): COMMIT zabbix.php:22 → require_once() → ZBase->run() → ZBase->processRequest() → CController->run() → CControllerChartsView->doAction() → CControllerCharts->getSimpleGraphs() → CApiWrapper->__call() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callMethod() → CApiWrapper->callMethod() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callClientMethod() → CLocalApiClient->callMethod() → DBend() → DBcommit() → DBexecute() in include/db.inc.php:179 SQL (0.002827): SELECT MAX(g.graphtype) AS graphtype,MIN(gi.yaxisside) AS yaxissidel,MAX(gi.yaxisside) AS yaxissider,MAX(g.height) AS height FROM graphs g,graphs_items gi WHERE g.graphid='375264' AND gi.graphid=g.graphid zabbix.php:22 → require_once() → ZBase->run() → ZBase->processRequest() → CController->run() → CControllerChartsView->doAction() → CControllerCharts->getCharts() → getGraphDims() → DBselect() in include/graphs.inc.php:113 SQL (0.001525): SELECT type,value_id,value_int,value_str,idx2 FROM profiles WHERE userid=67 AND idx='web.layout.mode' zabbix.php:22 → require_once() → ZBase->run() → ZBase->processRequest() → ZBase->processResponseFinal() → CView->getOutput() → include() → CView->getLayoutMode() → CViewHelper::loadLayoutMode() → CProfile::get() → DBselect() in include/classes/user/CProfile.php:179 SQL (0.002113): SELECT type,value_id,value_int,value_str,idx2 FROM profiles WHERE userid=67 AND idx='web.login.attempt.failed' zabbix.php:22 → require_once() → ZBase->run() → ZBase->processRequest() → ZBase->processResponseFinal() → CView->getOutput() → include() → CWidget->show() → CWidget->toString() → get_prepared_messages() → CProfile::get() → DBselect() in include/classes/user/CProfile.php:179 Hide debug