NetBSD 7.0/amd64 Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved. Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. Build information: Build date Fri Sep 25 08:22:00 UTC 2015 Built by Build ID 201509250726Z Build settings: BSDOBJDIR = '/usr/obj' BSDSRCDIR = '/usr/src' BUILDID = '201509250726Z' BUILDINFO = (undefined) BUILDSEED = 'NetBSD-7' DESTDIR = '/home/builds/ab/netbsd-7-0-RELEASE/amd64/201509250726Z-dest' DISTRIBVER = '7.0' EXTERNAL_TOOLCHAIN = (undefined) HAVE_GCC = '48' HAVE_GDB = '7' HAVE_LLVM = (undefined) HAVE_PCC = (undefined) INSTALLWORLDDIR = (undefined) KERNARCHDIR = (undefined) KERNCONFDIR = (undefined) KERNOBJDIR = (undefined) KERNSRCDIR = (undefined) MACHINE = 'amd64' MACHINE_ARCH = 'x86_64' MAKE = '/home/builds/ab/netbsd-7-0-RELEASE/amd64/201509250726Z-tools/bin/nbmake' MAKECONF = '/home/builds/etc/make.conf' MAKEFLAGS = ' -d e -m /home/source/ab/netbsd-7-0-RELEASE/src/share/mk -j 20 -J 15,16 .MAKE.LEVEL.ENV=MAKELEVEL HOST_OSTYPE=NetBSD-6.1_STABLE-amd64 MKOBJDIRS=yes NOPOSTINSTALL=1 USETOOLS=yes _SRC_TOP_=/home/source/ab/netbsd-7-0-RELEASE/src _SRC_TOP_OBJ_=/home/builds/ab/netbsd-7-0-RELEASE/amd64/201509250726Z-obj/home/source/ab/netbsd-7-0-RELEASE/src _THISDIR_=etc/' MAKEOBJDIR = (undefined) MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX = '/home/builds/ab/netbsd-7-0-RELEASE/amd64/201509250726Z-obj' MAKEVERBOSE = '0' MKARZERO = 'yes' MKATF = 'yes' MKBFD = (undefined) MKBINUTILS = 'yes' MKCATPAGES = 'no' MKCRYPTO = 'yes' MKCRYPTO_RC5 = 'no' MKCTF = 'no' MKCVS = 'yes' MKDEBUG = 'no' MKDEBUGLIB = 'no' MKDOC = 'yes' MKDTRACE = 'no' MKDYNAMICROOT = 'yes' MKGCC = 'yes' MKGCCCMDS = 'yes' MKGDB = 'yes' MKHESIOD = 'yes' MKHTML = 'yes' MKIEEEFP = 'yes' MKINET6 = 'yes' MKINFO = 'yes' MKIPFILTER = 'yes' MKKERBEROS = 'yes' MKKYUA = 'no' MKLDAP = 'yes' MKLINKLIB = 'yes' MKLINT = 'no' MKLLVM = 'no' MKMAN = 'yes' MKMANZ = 'no' MKMDNS = 'yes' MKNLS = 'yes' MKNPF = 'yes' MKOBJ = 'yes' MKOBJDIRS = 'yes' MKPAM = 'yes' MKPCC = 'no' MKPF = 'yes' MKPIC = 'yes' MKPICINSTALL = 'yes' MKPICLIB = 'yes' MKPOSTFIX = 'yes' MKPROFILE = 'yes' MKREPRO = 'yes' MKSHARE = 'yes' MKSKEY = 'yes' MKSOFTFLOAT = 'no' MKSTATICLIB = 'yes' MKUNPRIVED = 'yes' MKUPDATE = 'no' MKX11 = 'yes' MKYP = 'yes' NBUILDJOBS = (undefined) NETBSDSRCDIR = '/home/source/ab/netbsd-7-0-RELEASE/src' NOCLEANDIR = (undefined) NODISTRIBDIRS = (undefined) NOINCLUDES = (undefined) OBJMACHINE = (undefined) RELEASEDIR = '/home/builds/ab/netbsd-7-0-RELEASE/amd64/201509250726Z-rlse' RELEASEMACHINEDIR = 'amd64' TOOLCHAIN_MISSING = 'no' TOOLDIR = '/home/builds/ab/netbsd-7-0-RELEASE/amd64/201509250726Z-tools' USE_HESIOD = 'yes' USE_INET6 = 'yes' USE_JEMALLOC = 'yes' USE_KERBEROS = 'yes' USE_LDAP = 'yes' USE_PAM = 'yes' USE_SKEY = 'no' USE_YP = 'yes' USETOOLS = 'yes' USR_OBJMACHINE = (undefined) X11SRCDIR = '/home/source/ab/netbsd-7-0-RELEASE/xsrc' X11FLAVOUR = 'Xorg'