root@MCHIv-Zabbix:~/zabbix-3.0.4/frontends/php/include/classes/graphdraw# diff CLineGraphDraw.php CLineGraphDraw.php.original 2648,2664d2647 < // LEF Patch to graph trapper items based on average delay < $trapDelay=0.0; < $trapDelayCount=0; < if ($this->items[$item]['type'] == ITEM_TYPE_TRAPPER) { < for ($i=1, $j=0; $i < $maxX; $i++) { < if ($data['count'][$i] == 0 && $i != ($maxX - 1)) { < continue; < } < $trapDelayCount++; < $trapDelay += abs($data['clock'][$i] - $data['clock'][$j]); < $j = $i; < } < if($trapDelayCount >= 1) { < $trapDelay = $trapDelay / $trapDelayCount; < } < } < 2673,2677c2656,2658 < $diff = abs($data['clock'][$i] - $data['clock'][$j]); // time difference in seconds < $cell = ($this->to_time - $this->from_time) / $this->sizeX; // size of a cell in seconds < < // LEF Patch to graph trapper items < $delay = ( $trapDelay>0 ? $trapDelay : $this->items[$item]['delay'] ); // Substitute artificial gap calculation --- > $diff = abs($data['clock'][$i] - $data['clock'][$j]); > $cell = ($this->to_time - $this->from_time) / $this->sizeX; > $delay = $this->items[$item]['delay']; 2686c2667 < if ($this->items[$item]['type'] == ITEM_TYPE_TRAPPER && $trapDelay == 0) { /// LEF Patch adds check for zero to force this --- > if ($this->items[$item]['type'] == ITEM_TYPE_TRAPPER) {