[ZBX-14318] SNMP Interface Speeds exceed physical link speeds Created: 2018 May 03  Updated: 2025 Jan 29  Resolved: 2022 Aug 24

Status: Closed
Component/s: None
Affects Version/s: 3.4.7, 3.4.8
Fix Version/s: 5.0 (plan)

Type: Documentation task Priority: Trivial
Reporter: Antti Hurme Assignee: Vladislavs Sokurenko
Resolution: Cannot Reproduce Votes: 9
Labels: interfaces, snmp
Remaining Estimate: Not Specified
Time Spent: Not Specified
Original Estimate: Not Specified

Attachments: PNG File Screenshot 2019-07-10 at 15.39.32.png     PNG File image-2018-05-14-10-53-02-776.png     PNG File image-2018-05-15-10-51-49-560.png     PNG File image-2020-04-17-10-44-51-081.png     PNG File image-2020-04-17-10-47-32-341.png     PNG File image-2020-04-17-10-49-17-792.png     PNG File image-2020-04-17-10-50-25-479.png     PNG File image-2020-04-17-10-51-58-701.png     PNG File image-2020-04-17-10-57-21-346.png     PNG File image-2020-04-17-11-00-54-547.png     PNG File image-2020-04-17-11-05-36-580.png     PNG File image-2020-04-17-11-09-22-885.png     PNG File image-2020-04-17-11-15-37-364.png     PNG File raw.png     PNG File screenshot-1.png    
Issue Links:
is duplicated by ZBX-14322 Abnormal flow peak (peak) Closed
related to ZBX-25917 SNMP items return 0 instead of the re... Open
Team: Team A
Sprint: Sprint 56 (Sep 2019), Sprint 55 (Aug 2019), Sprint 54 (Jul 2019), Sprint 57 (Oct 2019), Sprint 58 (Nov 2019), Sprint 59 (Dec 2019), Sprint 60 (Jan 2020), Sprint 61 (Feb 2020), Sprint 63 (Apr 2020), Sprint 64 (May 2020), Sprint 65 (Jun 2020), Sprint 66 (Jul 2020), Sprint 67 (Aug 2020), Sprint 68 (Sep 2020), Sprint 69 (Oct 2020), Sprint 70 (Nov 2020), Sprint 71 (Dec 2020), Sprint 72 (Jan 2021), Sprint 73 (Feb 2021), Sprint 74 (Mar 2021), Sprint 75 (Apr 2021), Sprint 76 (May 2021), Sprint 77 (Jun 2021), Sprint 78 (Jul 2021), Sprint 79 (Aug 2021), Sprint 80 (Sep 2021), Sprint 81 (Oct 2021), Sprint 82 (Nov 2021), Sprint 83 (Dec 2021), Sprint 84 (Jan 2022), Sprint 85 (Feb 2022), Sprint 86 (Mar 2022), Sprint 87 (Apr 2022), Sprint 88 (May 2022), Sprint 89 (Jun 2022), Sprint 90 (Jul 2022), Sprint 91 (Aug 2022)
Story Points: 0.1




Based on the discussion, 10G interfaces report transfer speeds exceeding it's capability. More information on the discussion.

Comment by Glebs Ivanovskis (Inactive) [ 2018 May 05 ]

Would be nice if you could provide more information. Timestamps and values from Latest Data, configuration of this host, whether it is monitored by proxy, etc.

Comment by Tim Guy [ 2018 May 09 ]

Ill give you my details. So I am running 3.4.8. The affected device is a HP 5406 chassis, its reporting to a Zabbix 3.4.8 proxy server on the same subnet that is uploading data to a cloud based zabbix server.

Hosting  using Template Module Interfaces SNMPv2

Ill have to post latest data when the error occurs. Its not all the time. I see on the forum post someone was able to post the last reported data over the last 10 reports (with one missing), I don't know how to do that, any advice.

Discovered by Network Interfaces Discovery

Name: Interface G3(HV-1-SAN-C): Outbound packets with errors
Type: SNMPv2 agent
Key: net.if.in[ifHCInOctets.147]
Host interface: x.x.x.x:161
Port: None
Type of information: Numeric (unsigned)
Units: bps
Update interval: 90

Preprocessing steps
Change Per second: None
Custom Mutipler: 8

Comment by Tim Guy [ 2018 May 09 ]

Worked it out

2018-05-09 02:59:21 187524296
2018-05-09 02:57:51 66764336
2018-05-09 02:54:51 71588552
2018-05-09 02:53:21 280173200
2018-05-09 02:50:21 121875440
2018-05-09 02:47:21 132102304
2018-05-09 02:45:51 112858968
2018-05-09 02:42:51 330531960
2018-05-09 02:41:21 9797556962
2018-05-09 02:38:20 274610176
2018-05-09 02:35:21 153010360
2018-05-09 02:32:21 151595920
2018-05-09 02:29:20 147849032
2018-05-09 02:27:51 143718168
2018-05-09 02:24:51 168815440
2018-05-09 02:23:21 142380640
2018-05-09 02:20:21 189396016
2018-05-09 02:54:51 71588552
2018-05-09 02:53:21 280173200
2018-05-09 02:50:21 121875440
2018-05-09 02:47:21 132102304
2018-05-09 02:45:51 112858968
2018-05-09 02:42:51 330531960
2018-05-09 02:41:21 97975569624
2018-05-09 02:38:20 274610176
2018-05-09 02:35:21 153010360
2018-05-09 02:32:21 151595920
2018-05-09 02:29:20 147849032
2018-05-09 02:27:51 143718168
2018-05-09 02:24:51 168815440
2018-05-09 02:23:21 142380640
2018-05-09 02:20:21 189396016
Comment by Glebs Ivanovskis (Inactive) [ 2018 May 09 ]

I see on the forum post someone was able to post the last reported data over the last 10 reports (with one missing), I don't know how to do that, any advice.

If you mean this post then it's probably directly from the database, but you can get a similar result by going to Latest Data, selecting item, clicking Graph and choosing Values from the dropdown on the right.

Comment by Glebs Ivanovskis (Inactive) [ 2018 May 09 ]

Can you please create a clone of this item with the same SNMP OID but without any preprocessing steps and provide Latest Data for both items when the issue happens again?

Comment by Tim Guy [ 2018 May 10 ]

Sorry for delay I was rest of yesterday. OK I have 3 ports running clones without pre-processing. They'll most likely fail tonight so Ill come back to you asap

Comment by Glebs Ivanovskis (Inactive) [ 2018 May 10 ]

Great! Thank you!

Comment by Tim Guy [ 2018 May 11 ]

Ok This is the first reading. Over data reported @ 23:02 on Failed Data chart. It does look like it missing the previous reading which is what one of the posters from the forum mentioned. There is nothing in the proxy logs. There's a slow query in the server logs kind of at the same time but it doesn't say anything obvious to indicate its to do with this.


Time Failed Data   Time Test Data
10/05/2018 23:09:56 48457512   10/05/2018 23:06:02 120913509267457
10/05/2018 23:08:25 48371264   10/05/2018 23:04:32 120913174388169
10/05/2018 23:06:56 41859016   10/05/2018 23:03:03 120912874257789
10/05/2018 23:05:26 20095656   10/05/2018 23:01:32 119813994206077
10/05/2018 23:02:25 98309903584   10/05/2018 23:00:02 119816316961101
10/05/2018 22:59:26 43824336   10/05/2018 22:58:32 119815816472114
10/05/2018 22:57:55 45175536   10/05/2018 22:57:02 119815291458019
10/05/2018 22:56:26 34115928   10/05/2018 22:55:32 119814907606985
10/05/2018 22:54:55 39643584   10/05/2018 22:54:02 119814510481838
10/05/2018 22:53:25 47313456   10/05/2018 22:52:32 119814048185478
Comment by Tim Guy [ 2018 May 11 ]

Second one. There appears to be much more test data than failed data. There is nothing about slow querys in the server logs for this one.

Over data @ 06:36:53


Time Failed Data   Time Test Data
11/05/2018 06:56:23 237663560   11/05/2018 06:49:35 211072071464913
11/05/2018 06:51:53 235625200   11/05/2018 06:48:04 211073795021416
11/05/2018 06:48:53 229773712   11/05/2018 06:46:35 211075499393363
11/05/2018 06:44:23 221192616   11/05/2018 06:45:05 211072974657304
11/05/2018 06:41:23 222661424   11/05/2018 06:43:34 211074768869718
11/05/2018 06:38:23 221793520   11/05/2018 06:42:08 211072383816007
11/05/2018 06:36:53 97791437408   11/05/2018 06:40:35 211074119768186
11/05/2018 06:33:53 218237136   11/05/2018 06:39:05 211075912833067
11/05/2018 06:30:53 218123640   11/05/2018 06:37:35 211073423217248
11/05/2018 06:27:53 217027544   11/05/2018 06:36:05 211075227362285
11/05/2018 06:23:23 216961152   11/05/2018 06:34:35 209973262031608
11/05/2018 06:20:23 216715664   11/05/2018 06:33:04 209975091415476
11/05/2018 06:17:23 215240992   11/05/2018 06:31:35 209972624700366
      11/05/2018 06:30:05 209974483424183
      11/05/2018 06:28:35 209976311711711
      11/05/2018 06:27:08 209973958222328
      11/05/2018 06:25:35 209975715311268
      11/05/2018 06:24:04 209973263367902
      11/05/2018 06:22:35 209975149573386
      11/05/2018 06:21:04 209972684698869
      11/05/2018 06:19:35 209974551240839
      11/05/2018 06:18:04 209976370928652
      11/05/2018 06:16:35 209973938298568
Comment by Glebs Ivanovskis (Inactive) [ 2018 May 14 ]

I've slightly rearranged your data:

Time Delta item Raw item
11/05/2018 06:56:23 237663560  
11/05/2018 06:51:53 235625200  
11/05/2018 06:49:35   211072071464913
11/05/2018 06:48:53 229773712  
11/05/2018 06:48:04   211073795021416
11/05/2018 06:46:35   211075499393363
11/05/2018 06:45:05   211072974657304
11/05/2018 06:44:23 221192616  
11/05/2018 06:43:34   211074768869718
11/05/2018 06:42:08   211072383816007
11/05/2018 06:41:23 222661424  
11/05/2018 06:40:35   211074119768186
11/05/2018 06:39:05   211075912833067
11/05/2018 06:38:23 221793520  
11/05/2018 06:37:35   211073423217248
11/05/2018 06:36:53 97791437408  
11/05/2018 06:36:05   211075227362285
11/05/2018 06:34:35   209973262031608
11/05/2018 06:33:53 218237136  
11/05/2018 06:33:04   209975091415476
11/05/2018 06:31:35   209972624700366
11/05/2018 06:30:53 218123640  
11/05/2018 06:30:05   209974483424183
11/05/2018 06:28:35   209976311711711
11/05/2018 06:27:53 217027544  
11/05/2018 06:27:08   209973958222328
11/05/2018 06:25:35   209975715311268
11/05/2018 06:24:04   209973263367902
11/05/2018 06:23:23 216961152  
11/05/2018 06:22:35   209975149573386
11/05/2018 06:21:04   209972684698869
11/05/2018 06:20:23 216715664  
11/05/2018 06:19:35   209974551240839
11/05/2018 06:18:04   209976370928652
11/05/2018 06:17:23 215240992  
11/05/2018 06:16:35   209973938298568

It is very strange that raw value goes up and down, as it was coming from two different sources...

Zabbix has a built-in logic to ignore negative values of delta calculations – this is why we see less values for delta item.

I'm not very experienced with SNMP, but it seems that the only way to get to the bottom of the problem is to sniff network traffic between Zabbix and your device.

Comment by Glebs Ivanovskis (Inactive) [ 2018 May 14 ]

Since you are using 3.4 please change the type of your original item to be Dependent on the raw value item you've just added. We will get "synchronized" values this way and hopefully will be able to make more sense of them.

Comment by Tim Guy [ 2018 May 14 ]

I wonder if Ive done something wrong then. Let me try once more a different way of getting the data.

Comment by Glebs Ivanovskis (Inactive) [ 2018 May 14 ]

To me this looks so strange, that I start to suspect some sort of device bug. After all, you are not the only one experiencing such troubles.

Comment by Tim Guy [ 2018 May 14 ]

Just to confirm, when I clone the item it say 

Item with key "net.if.out[ifHCOutOctets.150]" already exists on "TGS CORE SWITCH 5400"

I assume I can pick a random number for OutOctet?



Comment by Glebs Ivanovskis (Inactive) [ 2018 May 14 ]

For SNMP and dependent items you can choose any key, it just has to be unique on the host/template level.

Comment by Tim Guy [ 2018 May 14 ]

Oh ok, then I haven't cocked up, phew. Ill try and do the dependent link then. I was going to clone the host completely but remove the preprocessing from the cloned host items.


Ill do that as well as cloning the item and doing the dependency




Comment by Glebs Ivanovskis (Inactive) [ 2018 May 14 ]

Thank you!

By the way, do you see this happening on just one host or are there other devices affected? Any similarities between them?

Comment by Tim Guy [ 2018 May 14 ]

Does this look ok?

Comment by Tim Guy [ 2018 May 14 ]

Yes I do see it on an edge switch but not as often and havent been able to catch it. The core switch that I'm getting most of the logs from is a HP 5406 and its the SAN VLAN that triggers during backup time. The edge switches are 10Gb HP 1950s. There is a CCTV cluster attached to one of the edge switches and if there is a lot of CCTV traffic that will sometimes triggers as well.

Comment by Glebs Ivanovskis (Inactive) [ 2018 May 14 ]

Does this look ok?

Yes, if master item has no preprocessing and dependent item has Change per second and Multiplier 8.

Comment by Tim Guy [ 2018 May 14 ]

Ah Ive got it the wrong way around then. That was showing the test without pre-processing as being the dependant to the original entry.


Ill swap them around




Comment by Glebs Ivanovskis (Inactive) [ 2018 May 14 ]

Latest data should be similar to your previous comments, but with both values collected at the same time.

Comment by Tim Guy [ 2018 May 14 ]

OK. Ive just realised because the original items are auto discovery items I can not edit them. So are you saying the way I had it configured will be ok with the clone being the none pre-processing dependant with the original auto discovery item (with pre-processing) being the master?)



Comment by Glebs Ivanovskis (Inactive) [ 2018 May 14 ]

No, this way both values will be the same, both pre-processed.

Comment by Tim Guy [ 2018 May 14 ]

ok, Ill disable the discovery items and create new failing pre-processing items and then create the non-pre-processing items there after.

Comment by Tim Guy [ 2018 May 14 ]

More data, event is 14:49:32. The times aren't the same building up to it.


14/05/2018 14:44:01 15624040   14/05/2018 14:44:01 158297854454829
14/05/2018 14:42:32 16237168   14/05/2018 14:42:32 158297679859961
14/05/2018 14:41:01 50951496   14/05/2018 14:41:01 158297496086552
14/05/2018 14:39:32 97298225296   14/05/2018 14:39:32 158296926293136
14/05/2018 14:38:01 17208488   14/05/2018 14:38:01 157196886691440
14/05/2018 14:36:31 27953072   14/05/2018 14:36:31 157196692922274
14/05/2018 14:33:31 22706408   14/05/2018 14:35:02 157196379062260
14/05/2018 14:32:02 48799856   14/05/2018 14:33:31 157199818398181
14/05/2018 14:30:32 114744000   14/05/2018 14:32:02 157199563359264
Comment by Glebs Ivanovskis (Inactive) [ 2018 May 15 ]

There is simply one value missing for "delta item" (it would have been negative and Zabbix ignored it):

Time Delta item Raw item
14/05/2018 14:44:01 15624040 158297854454829
14/05/2018 14:42:32 16237168 158297679859961
14/05/2018 14:41:01 50951496 158297496086552
14/05/2018 14:39:32 97298225296 158296926293136
14/05/2018 14:38:01 17208488 157196886691440
14/05/2018 14:36:31 27953072 157196692922274
14/05/2018 14:35:02   157196379062260
14/05/2018 14:33:31 22706408 157199818398181
14/05/2018 14:32:02 48799856 157199563359264
14/05/2018 14:30:32 114744000  

But the big picture is the same – there is a huge jump in raw value...

Comment by Glebs Ivanovskis (Inactive) [ 2018 May 15 ]

Ha, it's starting to make some kind of sense, look:

  1. 158296926293136 − 157196886691440 = 1100039601696
  2. 1100039601696‍10 = 1000000000011110111000001111100010000‍2 (note that lonely 1 in the highest order!)
  3. 11110111000001111100010000‍2 = 64757520‍10 (ignoring that faulty bit)
  4. 64757520 / 90 seconds × 8 bits per octet = 5756224 bps ≃ 5.5 Mbps (which kinda makes sense)

Could it be that bits in counters just "flip" randomly from time to time?

Comment by Glebs Ivanovskis (Inactive) [ 2018 May 15 ]

Dear timguyuk, do your graphs look like this one?

Comment by Tim Guy [ 2018 May 15 ]

Simular yes although the jump is so high that it appears like the other data is flat, it isn't, just the averages with the big jump cancel them out.


Comment by Tim Guy [ 2018 May 15 ]

Thanks for you help on this.


So Is it zabbix or do you think its the snmp device?



Comment by Glebs Ivanovskis (Inactive) [ 2018 May 15 ]

As we see, Zabbix correctly calculates speed per second from raw values it gets. Raw values cause the issue. So there could be two explanations:

  1. Zabbix incorrectly gets raw values
  2. SNMP device returns incorrect values

According to your data there is a step in raw values after which all gets back to normal. This would mean that Zabbix starts getting values incorrectly and then continues to get values incorrectly. This is highly unlikely and therefore I don't believe that first option explains the issue well enough.

On the other hand SNMP implementation in switches and routers is typically low level, very close to hardware. And probably hardware itself is a bit simplified if we compare it to server and desktop computers. I suppose it is a plausible explanation that from time to time certain physical factors like voltage spike in the mains can cause glitches in SNMP layer.

Comment by Kirill Karpov [ 2018 Sep 13 ]

There was the same problem, tell please how you solved it?

Comment by Ali HBB [ 2018 Oct 20 ]

Same problem here

I think the problem related to zabbix not device,

because we have a cacti and there isn't any abnormal pic on same interface at same time

Comment by pony [ 2018 Nov 19 ]

The same problem requires a solution.

Comment by sorlesl [ 2019 Feb 19 ]

same problem, can provide the necessary data

problem not only snmp, but with delta values processing

Comment by Wesley Schaft [ 2019 Jul 10 ]

Same problem here, on Zabbix 4.2.4.

See attached graph for a 1 Gbps interface, coming from Template Module Interfaces SNMPv2, Item prototype "Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Bits sent".

The values around the time of the spike are:

2019-07-10 13:42:16 297088
2019-07-10 13:39:16 25429052040
2019-07-10 13:33:20 661456

With an interval of 3 minutes, you can see the data is missing around 13:36.

Comment by Martins Valkovskis [ 2020 Feb 18 ]

Added to known issues for 3.0, 4.0, 4.4, 5.0.

Comment by Nail [ 2020 Mar 19 ]

Hi Martins Valkovskis, could you please clarify the status of this defect ZBX-14318 which is shown as - Resolution:Fixed  and Fix Version/s:5.0 (plan)  - is it already fixed or there is just a plan to fix it in version 5.0 ?

Comment by Martins Valkovskis [ 2020 Mar 19 ]

I believe the current consensus is that it is not an issue that can be fixed by Zabbix. So it is "fixed" in as far as notes have been added to documentation.

Comment by Nail [ 2020 Mar 20 ]

In that case - how we can explain situation where we are able to see the spike on a Zabbix graph and there is no - on Cacti = for the same device/interface and timestamp?

Comment by Nail [ 2020 Mar 27 ]

Hi Martins Valkovskis, some extra information to my previous posts:

Usually, the spikes happens when Zabbix do the calculation, but were able to catch some spikes even with raw data, before any calculations. 

There are spikes on down interfaces. (not connected)

**//+same device/same interface/same SNMP/ - no issues on Cacti system.

Comment by Martins Valkovskis [ 2020 Mar 30 ]

Nail, I have reopened the issue so that Zabbix developers may have another look at this issue.

Comment by Tim Guy [ 2020 Apr 16 ]

Is it simply that the server or proxy doesnt have the processing ability to crunch the amount of data coming from a 10Gb connection snmp trap and so zabbix lets it slip? Do we need faster servers for 10Gb connection processing?

Comment by Martins Abele [ 2020 Apr 17 ]

In that case - how we can explain situation where we are able to see the spike on a Zabbix graph and there is no - on Cacti = for the same device/interface and timestamp?

Cacti system has spikekill class which analyses data, calculates average values, standard deviations, etc, and filters impossible spikes, according to settings.
Smailov, could you attach raw data, ifHCOutOctets, received from same device, interface and collected with Zabbix and Cacti around the spikes? If they are the same, the only solution would be to filter those spikes.

Comment by Marcus Leal [ 2020 Apr 17 ]

Running Zabbix 5.0.0alpha.


Interfaces UP for this specific switch:


Zabbix interface discovery:

The "-raw" doesn't have any preprocessing.

The "-raw dep" is dependent on "-raw" applying the default preprocessing.


Interface UP with spike (graph):


Interface UP with spike (value):

  Interface port18: Bits received Interface port18: Bits received - raw Interface port18: Bits received - raw dep Interface port18: Bits sent Interface port18: Bits sent - raw Interface port18: Bits sent - raw dep
2020-04-17 07:24:21 23883648 19592107690944 23878352 17870304 15499302325841 17909912
2020-04-17 07:23:21 23593368 19591928471351 23743688 17520848 15499167932328 17480424
2020-04-17 07:22:22 23918112 19591752545469 23800920 17648336 15499038143602 17644768
2020-04-17 07:21:22 23429040 19591573840721 23473240 2071269400936 15498905461020 17569016
2020-04-17 07:20:22 23511688 19591397467504 23511688   15498773960801 17683800
2020-04-17 07:19:21 23261288 19591219496613 23232744 17749928 15498640461459 17749856
2020-04-17 07:18:21 23321712 19591046073878 23696808 17551944 15498506362679 17556944
2020-04-17 07:17:21 23374744 19590867439234 23124328 17590152 15498375452623 17594864
2020-04-17 07:16:21 23793472 19590694415934 24054472 18210424 15498242681158 17920472
2020-04-17 07:15:22 23797768     17737664 15498110102127 18013760
2020-04-17 07:15:21   19590515141590 23542736      
2020-04-17 07:14:22   19590339239429 23583736 17872576 15497974569755 17988856
2020-04-17 07:14:21 23742280          
2020-04-17 07:13:22 23527320 19590162037409 23599480   15497840241123 17350256
2020-04-17 07:13:21       17515184    
2020-04-17 07:12:21 24003352 19589983505375 23875920 17815696 15497708494693 17916840
2020-04-17 07:11:21 23550248 19589804013215 23697880 17911912 15497574323938 17815288
2020-04-17 07:10:21 24027040 19589627369030 23999040 17994048 15497440539894 18110824
2020-04-17 07:09:21 23638888 19589446792604 23639032 17783304 15497305248906 17670368
2020-04-17 07:08:22 23862336 19589270940205 23768608 17739320    
2020-04-17 07:08:21         15497172955873 17822704
2020-04-17 07:07:22 23674232 19589092513933 23784808 17658544 15497039899421 17638152
2020-04-17 07:06:21 24627848 19588912933836 24478456 18154360 15496905920334 18158632
2020-04-17 07:05:22 23692400 19588731030494 23834800 18060256 15496771980096 18065736
2020-04-17 07:04:21 24450240 19588550723527 24118392 17961976 15496634381670 17932360
2020-04-17 07:03:28 23967072          
2020-04-17 07:03:21   19588369375969 24200352 18119784 15496500336781 18124128
2020-04-17 07:02:21 24355536 19588188215621 24354816 18121328 15496363958713 18126784
2020-04-17 07:01:21 24693792 19588005088480 24703672 18143104 15496228549044 17991944
2020-04-17 07:00:29         15496110709138 18308296
2020-04-17 07:00:28 24475600 19587842655602 24475600      
2020-04-17 07:00:22       18175848    

Displaying 32 of 32 found
Interface UP on Cacti:

Interface DOWN with spike (graph):

Interface DOWN with spike (value):

Timestamp Interface port10: Bits received Interface port10: Bits received - raw Interface port10: Bits received - raw dep Interface port10: Bits sent Interface port10: Bits sent - raw Interface port10: Bits sent - raw dep
2020-04-17 10:10:22 0 0 0 0 0 0
2020-04-17 10:09:22 0     0 0 0
2020-04-17 10:09:21   0 0      
2020-04-17 10:08:21 0 0 0 0 0 0
2020-04-17 10:07:21 0 0 0 0 0 0
2020-04-17 10:06:21 0 0 0 0 0 0
2020-04-17 10:05:22 0 0 0 0 0 0
2020-04-17 10:04:21 0 0 0 0 0 0
2020-04-17 10:03:21 0 0 0 0 0 0
2020-04-17 10:02:21 0 0 0 0 0 0
2020-04-17 10:01:21 0 0 0 0 0 0
2020-04-17 10:00:21 0 0 0 0 0 0
2020-04-17 09:59:21 0 0 0 0 0 0
2020-04-17 09:58:21 0 0 0 0 0 0
2020-04-17 09:57:21 0 0 0 0 0 0
2020-04-17 09:56:22 0 0 0 0 0  
2020-04-17 09:55:22 0 0 0 0 17096969482572 2285266929976
2020-04-17 09:54:22 0 0 0 0 0 0
2020-04-17 09:53:21 0 0 0 0 0 0
2020-04-17 09:52:21 0 0 0 0 0 0
2020-04-17 09:51:21 0 0 0 0 0 0
2020-04-17 09:50:22   0 0   0 0
2020-04-17 09:50:21 0     0    
2020-04-17 09:49:22 0 0 0   0 0
2020-04-17 09:49:21       0    
2020-04-17 09:48:22 0 0 0 0 0 0
2020-04-17 09:47:22 0     0    
2020-04-17 09:47:21   0 0   0 0
2020-04-17 09:46:22 0 0 0 0 0 0
2020-04-17 09:45:21 0 0 0 0 0 0
2020-04-17 09:44:21 0 0 0 0 0 0
2020-04-17 09:43:21 0 0 0 0 0 0
2020-04-17 09:42:21 0 0 0 0 0 0
2020-04-17 09:41:21 0 0 0 0 0 0
2020-04-17 09:40:21 0 0 0 0 0 0

Displaying 35 of 35 found
Interface DOWN with spike (graph):

Interface DOWN with spike (value):

Timestamp Interface port14: Bits received Interface port14: Bits received - raw Interface port14: Bits received - raw dep Interface port14: Bits sent Interface port14: Bits sent - raw Interface port14: Bits sent - raw dep
2020-04-17 09:00:22   0 0   0 0
2020-04-17 09:00:21 0     0    
2020-04-17 08:59:21 0 0 0 0 0 0
2020-04-17 08:58:21 0 0 0 0 0 0
2020-04-17 08:57:21 0 0 0 0 0 0
2020-04-17 08:56:21 0 0 0 0 0 0
2020-04-17 08:55:21 0 0 0 0 0 0
2020-04-17 08:54:21 0 0 0 0 0 0
2020-04-17 08:53:21 0 0 0 0 0 0
2020-04-17 08:52:21 0 0 0 0 0 0
2020-04-17 08:51:21   0 0 0 0 0
2020-04-17 08:50:21 10557504 0 0 0 0 0
2020-04-17 08:49:21 0 0 0 0 0 0
2020-04-17 08:48:21 0 0 0 0 0 0
2020-04-17 08:47:22 0          
2020-04-17 08:47:21   0 0 0 0 0
2020-04-17 08:46:22   0 0 0 0 0
2020-04-17 08:46:21 0          
2020-04-17 08:45:21 0 0 0 0 0 0

Displaying 19 of 19 found
Interface DOWN with spike (graph):

Interface DOWN with spike (value):

Timestamp Interface port12: Bits received Interface port12: Bits received - raw Interface port12: Bits received - raw dep Interface port12: Bits sent Interface port12: Bits sent - raw Interface port12: Bits sent - raw dep
2020-04-17 02:40:21 0 0 0 0 0 0
2020-04-17 02:39:21 0 0 0 0 0 0
2020-04-17 02:38:21 0 0 0 0 0 0
2020-04-17 02:37:21 0 0 0 0 0 0
2020-04-17 02:36:21 0 0 0   0 0
2020-04-17 02:35:21 0 0 0 2055904578488 0 0
2020-04-17 02:34:21 0 0 0 0 0 0
2020-04-17 02:33:21 0 0 0 0 0 0
2020-04-17 02:32:21 0 0 0 0 0 0
2020-04-17 02:31:22 0 0 0 0 0 0
2020-04-17 02:30:22   0 0 0 0 0
2020-04-17 02:30:21 0          

Displaying 12 of 12 found
As you can see these spikes looks totally random.
Besides the fact that Cacti interval is 5 minutes and Zabbix is now configured to 1 minute, I got the same issue using the Zabbix interval of 3 and 5 minutes as well.

Comment by Martins Abele [ 2020 Apr 23 ]

Spike in bps could be explained by some oddity in the way how switch updates counter of sent bytes.
There is a jump in bytes sent counter, after that growth and calculated bps is normal again.

10/05/2018 23:08:25 48371264   10/05/2018 23:04:32 120913174388169
10/05/2018 23:06:56 41859016   10/05/2018 23:03:03 120912874257789
10/05/2018 23:05:26 20095656   10/05/2018 23:01:32 119813994206077
10/05/2018 23:02:25 98309903584   10/05/2018 23:00:02 119816316961101

But case, where from zero bits sent is calculated some non zero value, could only happen in Zabbix server. However I could not reproduce it. And reading through code did not give me any idea, how this could happen.

2020-04-17 02:36:21 0 0 0   0 0
2020-04-17 02:35:21 0 0 0 2055904578488 0 0
2020-04-17 02:34:21 0 0 0 0 0 0
Comment by Marcus Leal [ 2020 Apr 24 ]

Please, let me know if there's any debug or anything else that I can do to help the troubleshooting of this issue.

Comment by Vladislavs Sokurenko [ 2020 May 06 ]

Is only delta speed for second affected if so then maybe it is somehow related to time in the system for example time goes back.

wiper: From the posted data they are getting random data spikes, so does not seem likely.

Comment by Marcus Leal [ 2020 May 12 ]

In our case, we figured out that this was a hardware issue. The issue was caused by the SNMP bulk request that the hardware didn't know how to handle properly. It will be fixed in a new firmware version.
As a workaround, we disabled the SNMP bulk request on the host config and now it's working properly.
Also, this is the reason it was working on Cacti but not on Zabbix since Cacti wasn't using bulk requests.
Hope this can help other Zabbix users!
Thanks for the support and help.

Comment by Ali HBB [ 2020 May 12 ]

No No

It is not a hardware issue. if it was, we will see a lot of spikes in all graphs, but there are a few spikes in graphs on random interfaces.

I also noticed that my BulkRequest is not enabled at all and still I have Spike in graphs

Comment by Vladislavs Sokurenko [ 2020 May 12 ]

We are unable to reproduce the issue, if you can consistently reproduce the issue on small amount of items then maybe it would be possible for us to provide a patch for you that will include additional debug ?

Comment by pony [ 2020 Oct 09 ]

zabbix 4.4.10 Found the problem again

zabbix 3.4.14 In 2018, the problem was found to be upgraded to 4.0 to fix, and now the problem is found again

Comment by Marina Generalova [ 2022 Aug 18 ]

Closing, because of the inability to reproduce.

Comment by Víctor Calvo (Muutech) [ 2022 Aug 24 ]

We noticed this kind of behaviour when polling a Cisco ASR in high availability mode (so there is two physical devices, one logical vía SNMP). When the cluster failover to one device to another the bytes counter changes from the "physical" one in one router to the other and then you will find the peak. Maybe being able to use in preprocessing the value of another item will be useful so you can filter this situation.

Comment by Vladislavs Sokurenko [ 2025 Jan 29 ]

Could you please be so kind and take a look at ZBX-25917, it appears that issue can happen when device is restarted and polled at same moment so device would send 0 before it updates own counters.

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