[ZBX-15012] Cannot create group: group with the same name "XXXXXX" already exists. Created: 2018 Oct 15  Updated: 2023 Feb 22  Resolved: 2018 Oct 17

Status: Closed
Component/s: None
Affects Version/s: 4.0.1rc1
Fix Version/s: None

Type: Problem report Priority: Critical
Reporter: Sergey Fedorov Assignee: Unassigned
Resolution: Won't Do Votes: 0
Labels: None
Remaining Estimate: Not Specified
Time Spent: Not Specified
Original Estimate: Not Specified

Attachments: JPEG File ggggg.JPG     PNG File image-2023-02-08-12-50-17-403.png     PNG File image-2023-02-08-12-50-32-993.png     PNG File image-2023-02-08-12-50-42-819.png     JPEG File xxxxxx.jpg     JPEG File zzzz.JPG    
Issue Links:
duplicates ZBXNEXT-8702 VMware Discovery "Cannot create group... Closed


Steps to reproduce:

  1. Why when specifying a macro in a prototype group, it cannot add a host to the group I need?
    "data": [
            "{#HOST}": "ng-1.alpha.marathon.mesos.sportmaster.ru",
            "{#GROUP}": "ESM_alpha"
            "{#HOST}": "ng-2.alpha.marathon.mesos.sportmaster.ru",
            "{#GROUP}": "ESM_alpha"

Comment by Edgars Melveris [ 2018 Oct 17 ]

Hello Sergey!

Can you attach a screenshot with host groups, filtered by those groups you are trying to create?

Comment by Sergey Fedorov [ 2018 Oct 17 ]

uploaded a screenshot

Comment by Edgars Melveris [ 2018 Oct 17 ]

Ok, so you're trying to add host prototypes to manually created groups via group prototypes, which is currently not possible.

If I understand correctly, you want to add host prototypes to existing groups, using macro from a discovery rule, to choose which group to use?

Unfortunately, there is currently no way to do that form LLD discovery.

As a workaround, you can try using API.

I would recommend creating feature request for this functionality.


Comment by Mark Oudsen [ 2022 Mar 12 ]

Hmmm ... question here: would it work/help to remove all manually created groups and to have these recreated by LLD to resolve the issue?

It's odd/ambiguous to learn that there are 2 types of Host Groups: the ones created manually and the ones created via LLD?

Comment by Mark Oudsen [ 2022 Mar 12 ]

Forget about that suggestion: I'm now using TAGs to resolve the grouping issue to avoid any scattered logic outside the LLD realm.

Note for others reading this: the first process that creates a Host Group blocks creation of using another Host Group with the same name elsewhere ... (even between 2 LLD configs: the first one that defines the group blocks the other from re-using it).

Comment by Igor Koskin [ 2023 Feb 08 ]

I think it's the same problem.
Specified the "Group prototypes" with macros in the "Host prototypes" of the LLD. Such groups have not yet been created either automatically or manually!
When you first started LLD, the necessary groups were created and assigned to the discovered hosts. But subsequent executions of LLD on other objects end with an error:
"Cannot create group: group with the same name "JVM_web" already exists."
"Cannot create group: group with the same name "JVM_job" already exists."

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