[ZBX-15606] Minimum and recommended user account permissions for Zabbix Agent on Windows Created: 2019 Feb 06  Updated: 2024 Apr 10  Resolved: 2019 Mar 17

Status: Closed
Component/s: Agent (G)
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: 4.2 (plan)

Type: Documentation task Priority: Major
Reporter: Aleksejs Petrovs Assignee: Michael Veksler
Resolution: Fixed Votes: 0
Labels: agent, windows
Remaining Estimate: Not Specified
Time Spent: Not Specified
Original Estimate: Not Specified

Issue Links:
Team: Team A
Team: Team A
Sprint: Sprint 49 (Feb 2019), Sprint 50 (Mar 2019)
Story Points: 0.5


Please document the following information:

  • Minimum User Account permission in Windows environment to launch Zabbix Agent and collect the local metrics
  • Recommended by Zabbix User Account permissions in Windows environment so the Agent could operate without interruption.

As a part of hardening and securing Zabbix Agent would be good to note, that if


is configured
then in order to audit the remote commands and system.run items you must configure following:



Expected documentation update -


Comment by Dmitrijs Lamberts [ 2019 Feb 07 ]

IMO minimal permissions for user running Zabbix agent service strictly depends on required tasks/metrics to collect from the device.
Long story short, it will vary in multiple scenarios, and such minimal requirement would only add some frustration and questions like - why do I need that if the only task of this agent is to report agent.ping

Comment by Martins Valkovskis [ 2019 Mar 05 ]

Added to documentation for 3.0, 4.0, 4.2.

Comment by Michael Veksler [ 2019 Mar 19 ]

"Functionality is limited" - what does it means:

  1. to access windows event log via eventlog[], you need to do: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/323076/how-to-set-event-log-security-locally-or-by-using-group-policy
    if this is just txt log for log[]/logrt[] - right to read the file is enough.
  2. If system.run makes access to resources with limited access - for example, files or windows registry, the result will depend on the user rights to access these resources.
  3. vfs.file - the result will depend on the user's rights to access the polled resources.
  4. wmi.get - a complete answer is not possible. Access depends on vendor settings. Different vendors can expand/change wmi with limited access. You need to consult your vendor's documentation.
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