[ZBX-16248] Discovery rule disabled after failure, cannot re-enable Created: 2019 Jun 12  Updated: 2019 Jun 12  Resolved: 2019 Jun 12

Status: Closed
Component/s: Server (S)
Affects Version/s: 4.0.8
Fix Version/s: None

Type: Incident report Priority: Major
Reporter: Assen Totin Assignee: Unassigned
Resolution: Incomplete Votes: 0
Labels: None
Remaining Estimate: Not Specified
Time Spent: Not Specified
Original Estimate: Not Specified



Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a template with Discovery rule of type External Check.
  2. Assign template to host.
  3. Make the external check script returns an invalid JSON
  4. Observe the web interface for the host saying this discovery is not supported.

The discovery rule is never run again. Clicking on "not supported" link shows the rule as "Disabled". The rule in the template is, in fact, still "Enabled". There is no way to re-enable the discovery rule from the web interface aside form removing and re-adding the while template to the host.

The discovery rule should run at the specified period no matter whether the previous run was successful or not (just like checks on all actual items do).


This may or may not be related to the type of discovery, External check. I don't think I've seen the described misbehaviour before with more usual agent-driven discovery scripts.

Comment by Oleksii Zagorskyi [ 2019 Jun 12 ]

not supported != disabled

Fix the rule to work without errors.

Not a bug, closing it.

Comment by Assen Totin [ 2019 Jun 12 ]


You might have missed the point of this ticket. It addresses two things:

  1. Once the rule becomes "Disabled", it is never re-run. This is not aligned with how items work, for example. As a user I'd expect/want the rule to be run at scheduled intervals no matter what was the result of the previous run - the rule may become unsupported, say if the network to the host was temporarily down or for other recoverable reason. Disabling a discovery rule silently is a bad thing.
  2. Once the rule becomes "Disabled",there is no way to re-enable it. In most other cases clicking the "Enabled" or "Disabled" link will toggle the status. Why is it not this way with discovery rules when applied to a host?
Comment by richlv [ 2019 Jun 12 ]

The UI might be contributing to the confusion here. When you click "Not supported", you disable it - this is why it changes to "Disabled". In a way Zabbix UI treats "not supported" as a substitute for "enabled".
If the original error condition is fixed, the rule should return to the supported state a bit later - try leaving it around for 10 minutes or so (the default unsupported entity polling interval).

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