[ZBX-18354] Zabbix discovery rule trying to create already created items Created: 2020 Sep 09  Updated: 2020 Sep 18  Resolved: 2020 Sep 18

Status: Closed
Component/s: Server (S)
Affects Version/s: 4.0.23
Fix Version/s: None

Type: Problem report Priority: Trivial
Reporter: Titas T Assignee: Aigars Kadikis
Resolution: Commercial support required Votes: 0
Labels: None
Remaining Estimate: Not Specified
Time Spent: Not Specified
Original Estimate: Not Specified

Zabbix 4.0.22.

Attachments: PNG File Screenshot_549.png     PNG File Screenshot_550.png     PNG File Screenshot_551.png     PNG File one-variable.png    


Steps to reproduce:

  1. Zabbix frontend displays an error that the discovery rule cant create items with the same key as it already exists, but all the items are created and working see screenshot 550.

It displays that it:

Cannot create item: item with the same key "tier3.jobs.mssql.dbmenabled[MSSQLSERVER]" already exists.

see screenshot 549
Result should be with no error message in the info section like in the screenshot 551 (this was taken on another host)

Comment by Aigars Kadikis [ 2020 Sep 18 ]

Hello, thank you for contacting us.

I see you are using only one variable to distinguish all discovery keys:

This is a very sensitive thing to do. Please add some additional {#SECOND.MACRO} to item prototype definition in it will work much better.

This is not really a bug. It's by design. If you have a lot of similar entities discovered you have to use more fields to make every entry unique.

I will close this incident for now as it is not really a bug but a configuration issue.

Kind regards, Aigars

Comment by Titas T [ 2020 Sep 18 ]

Thank you Aigars!

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