[ZBX-22864] Task manager: Infinite loop issue during BulkRequest processing Created: 2023 May 30  Updated: 2024 Dec 30  Resolved: 2023 Aug 14

Status: Closed
Component/s: Proxy (P), Server (S)
Affects Version/s: 6.0.17
Fix Version/s: 6.0.21rc1, 6.4.6rc1, 7.0.0alpha4, 7.0 (plan)

Type: Problem report Priority: Trivial
Reporter: Kim Jongkwon Assignee: Mihails Prihodko
Resolution: Fixed Votes: 0
Labels: None
Remaining Estimate: Not Specified
Time Spent: Not Specified
Original Estimate: Not Specified

Issue Links:
is duplicated by ZBX-23515 A huge number of snmp requests Closed
Team: Team B
Sprint: Sprint 100 (May 2023), Sprint 101 (Jun 2023), Sprint 102 (Jul 2023), Sprint 103 (Aug 2023)
Story Points: 1


We are experiencing an issue where Zabbix enters an infinite loop during BulkRequest processing when a user carries out the following steps:

1. Using an SNMP template to a host
2. Checks item and LLD rule values with the 'Test' function
3. Changes the monitoring interval to 1 hour
4. Starts monitoring
5. Manually retrieves monitoring data using 'Execute Now'

We've tried to reproduce the issue following the same steps as the user, we have been unsuccessful. However, this issue has already occurred twice in the user's environment, suggesting that there is some degree of reproducibility.

Due to this issue, the task manager enters an infinite loop, and we have not found any recovery method other than a restart.

We suspect the issue arises when a request is made with max_vars=0. The current source code does not handle this scenario, causing the task manager to become trapped in an infinite loop.

2385953:20230518:201928.571 log level has been increased to 4 (debug)
2385953:20230518:201928.573 zbx_snmp_walk() snmp_synch_response() status:0 s_snmp_errno:0 errstat:0 max_vars:0
2385953:20230518:201928.576 zbx_snmp_walk() snmp_synch_response() status:0 s_snmp_errno:0 errstat:0 max_vars:0
2385953:20230518:201928.578 zbx_snmp_walk() snmp_synch_response() status:0 s_snmp_errno:0 errstat:0 max_vars:0
2385953:20230518:201928.580 zbx_snmp_walk() snmp_synch_response() status:0 s_snmp_errno:0 errstat:0 max_vars:0
2385953:20230518:201928.582 zbx_snmp_walk() snmp_synch_response() status:0 s_snmp_errno:0 errstat:0 max_vars:0
2385953:20230518:201928.584 zbx_snmp_walk() snmp_synch_response() status:0 s_snmp_errno:0 errstat:0 max_vars:0

Comment by Vladislavs Sokurenko [ 2023 Jul 20 ]

Could you please be so kind and increase log level to trace for trapper as it will dump all the information about test item in that case.

Comment by Mihails Prihodko [ 2023 Aug 11 ]

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