[ZBX-9057] Duplicate rows in "profiles" table Created: 2014 Nov 19  Updated: 2024 Apr 10  Resolved: 2020 Mar 04

Status: Closed
Component/s: Frontend (F)
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: 4.0.19rc1, 4.4.7rc1, 5.0.0alpha3, 5.0 (plan)

Type: Problem report Priority: Major
Reporter: Oleksii Zagorskyi Assignee: Mārtiņš Tālbergs (Inactive)
Resolution: Fixed Votes: 0
Labels: database, duplicates
Remaining Estimate: Not Specified
Time Spent: Not Specified
Original Estimate: Not Specified

Issue Links:
causes ZBX-17507 SQL Error After 4.0.19 Upgrade on Oracle Closed
Team: Team B
Team: Team B
Sprint: Sprint 59 (Dec 2019), Sprint 60 (Jan 2020), Sprint 61 (Feb 2020), Sprint 62 (Mar 2020)
Story Points: 1


See first comment.

Comment by Oleksii Zagorskyi [ 2014 Nov 19 ]

I did not find anything related to the topic except ZBX-1234.

In one production environment were noticed a bit slow SELECT queries for "profiles" table for different userid.
We don't consider performance aspects here.

I supposed that the table contains duplicates and they slow down SELECTS a bit.
I was right - there are duplicates.
This DB now is 2.4 but initially was 1.6 or maybe even earlier. So, many/some records may be just outdated.

Some SQLs:

mysql> select count(*) from profiles;
| count(*) |
|    41579 |
mysql> SELECT count( DISTINCT p1.userid, p1.idx, p1.idx2, p1.value_id, p1.value_int, p1.value_str, p1.source, p1.type ) AS unique_rows  FROM profiles AS p1;
| unique_rows |
|       41263 |
mysql> SELECT count(*) - count( DISTINCT p1.userid, p1.idx, p1.idx2, p1.value_id, p1.value_int, p1.value_str, p1.source, p1.type ) AS duplicates FROM profiles AS p1;
| duplicates |
|        327 |

So we have 327 duplicated (uneeded) rows.
Not so big, but still they are.

List of duplicate rows (which may be deleted) can be shown by:

SELECT p1.*  FROM profiles AS p1 INNER JOIN ( SELECT MIN( p1.profileid ) AS MinId, p1.userid, p1.idx, p1.idx2, p1.value_id, p1.value_int, p1.value_str, p1.source, p1.type FROM profiles AS p1 GROUP BY p1.userid, p1.idx, p1.idx2, p1.value_id, p1.value_int, p1.value_str, p1.source, p1.type )p2 ON p1.userid = p2.userid AND p1.idx = p2.idx AND p1.idx2 = p2.idx2 AND p1.value_id = p2.value_id AND p1.value_int = p2.value_int AND p1.value_str = p2.value_str AND p1.source = p2.source AND p1.type = p2.type AND p1.profileid != p2.MinID;

this query returns also 327 rows

Stat about duplictes:
(what idx apper more often)

mysql> SELECT count(*), p1.userid, p1.idx, p1.idx2, p1.value_id, p1.value_int, p1.value_str, p1.source, p1.type   FROM profiles AS p1   GROUP BY p1.userid, p1.idx, p1.idx2, p1.value_id, p1.value_int, p1.value_str, p1.source, p1.type  having count(*)>1 ORDER BY count(*)  DESC;
| count(*) | userid | idx                       | idx2   | value_id | value_int | value_str      | source | type |
|        8 |     42 | web.screens.isnow         |     65 |        0 |         0 |                |        |    2 |
|        8 |      6 | web.screens.isnow         |     65 |        0 |         1 |                |        |    2 |
|        6 |     13 | web.charts.graphid        |      0 |      439 |         0 |                |        |    1 |
|        6 |     42 | web.screens.isnow         |     56 |        0 |         1 |                |        |    2 |
|        6 |     42 | web.screens.graphid       |      0 |      917 |         0 |                |        |    1 |
|        6 |     42 | web.screens.isnow         |     59 |        0 |         1 |                |        |    2 |
|        6 |     42 | web.screens.isnow         |     60 |        0 |         1 |                |        |    2 |
|        6 |     42 | web.screens.isnow         |     58 |        0 |         1 |                |        |    2 |
|        6 |     42 | web.screens.isnow         |     61 |        0 |         1 |                |        |    2 |
|        6 |     15 | web.screens.isnow         |     30 |        0 |         0 |                |        |    2 |
|        6 |     27 | web.screens.isnow         |     58 |        0 |         1 |                |        |    2 |
|        6 |      2 | web.screens.isnow         |     19 |        0 |         1 |                |        |    2 |
|        6 |      2 | web.screens.isnow         |     72 |        0 |         1 |                |        |    2 |
|        6 |      2 | web.screens.isnow         |     73 |        0 |         1 |                |        |    2 |
|        6 |     42 | web.screens.isnow         |     57 |        0 |         1 |                |        |    2 |
|        6 |     97 | web.screens.graphid       |      0 |     1966 |         0 |                |        |    1 |
|        6 |     97 | web.screens.period        |      0 |        0 |     43200 |                |        |    2 |
|        6 |     97 | web.screens.stime         |      0 |        0 |         0 | 20130416211318 |        |    3 |
|        6 |     97 | web.screens.isnow         |      0 |        0 |         0 |                |        |    2 |
|        6 |      2 | web.screens.isnow         |     59 |        0 |         0 |                |        |    2 |
|        6 |      2 | web.screens.isnow         |     51 |        0 |         0 |                |        |    2 |
|        6 |     15 | web.screens.isnow         |     14 |        0 |         0 |                |        |    2 |
|        6 |     38 | web.screens.isnow         |     32 |        0 |         0 |                |        |    2 |
|        6 |     15 | web.screens.isnow         |     51 |        0 |         1 |                |        |    2 |
|        6 |      2 | web.screens.isnow         |     70 |        0 |         0 |                |        |    2 |
|        6 |      2 | web.screens.isnow         |     65 |        0 |         1 |                |        |    2 |
|        6 |    125 | web.screens.graphid       |      0 |     1312 |         0 |                |        |    1 |
|        6 |      2 | web.screens.isnow         |     53 |        0 |         0 |                |        |    2 |
|        6 |     76 | web.screens.graphid       |      0 |      460 |         0 |                |        |    1 |
|        5 |      8 | web.charts.graphid        |      0 |      967 |         0 |                |        |    1 |
|        5 |      2 | web.screens.isnow         |     25 |        0 |         1 |                |        |    2 |
|        5 |    117 | web.screens.graphid       |      0 |      435 |         0 |                |        |    1 |
|        5 |      2 | web.screens.isnow         |     17 |        0 |         1 |                |        |    2 |
|        4 |     28 | web.charts.graphid        |      0 |     1074 |         0 |                |        |    1 |
|        4 |      2 | web.charts.graphid        |      0 |      528 |         0 |                |        |    1 |
|        4 |     57 | web.charts.graphid        |      0 |      953 |         0 |                |        |    1 |
|        4 |      2 | web.screens.graphid       |      0 |     1517 |         0 |                |        |    1 |
|        4 |     13 | web.screens.graphid       |      0 |     3034 |         0 |                |        |    1 |
|        4 |      9 | web.screens.isnow         |     32 |        0 |         1 |                |        |    2 |
|        4 |     71 | web.screens.graphid       |      0 |     1526 |         0 |                |        |    1 |
|        4 |      2 | web.screens.isnow         |     28 |        0 |         1 |                |        |    2 |
|        4 |      9 | web.screens.isnow         |     18 |        0 |         1 |                |        |    2 |
|        4 |      6 | web.screens.isnow         |     62 |        0 |         1 |                |        |    2 |
|        4 |      6 | web.screens.graphid       |      0 |     1076 |         0 |                |        |    1 |
|        4 |     57 | web.screens.isnow         |     59 |        0 |         0 |                |        |    2 |
|        4 |     57 | web.screens.isnow         |     58 |        0 |         0 |                |        |    2 |
|        4 |      2 | web.screens.isnow         |     18 |        0 |         0 |                |        |    2 |
|        4 |     81 | web.screens.graphid       |      0 |     1632 |         0 |                |        |    1 |
|        4 |      9 | web.screens.isnow         |     19 |        0 |         1 |                |        |    2 |
|        4 |     10 | web.screens.isnow         |     65 |        0 |         0 |                |        |    2 |
|        4 |      2 | web.screens.isnow         |     30 |        0 |         0 |                |        |    2 |
|        4 |      2 | web.screens.isnow         |     62 |        0 |         1 |                |        |    2 |
|        4 |     60 | web.screens.graphid       |      0 |     1027 |         0 |                |        |    1 |
|        4 |     28 | web.screens.isnow         |     56 |        0 |         1 |                |        |    2 |
|        4 |     32 | web.screens.graphid       |      0 |      777 |         0 |                |        |    1 |
|        4 |     61 | web.screens.period        |     33 |        0 |     43200 |                |        |    2 |
|        4 |     61 | web.screens.stime         |     33 |        0 |         0 | 20131127013356 |        |    3 |
|        4 |     61 | web.screens.isnow         |     33 |        0 |         1 |                |        |    2 |
|        4 |     15 | web.screens.isnow         |     44 |        0 |         0 |                |        |    2 |
|        4 |      2 | web.screens.httptestid    |      0 |       92 |         0 |                |        |    1 |
|        3 |     15 | web.screens.isnow         |      8 |        0 |         0 |                |        |    2 |
|        3 |     21 | web.screens.period        |      8 |        0 |      3600 |                |        |    2 |
|        3 |     21 | web.screens.stime         |      8 |        0 |         0 | 20121011133908 |        |    3 |
|        3 |     21 | web.screens.isnow         |      8 |        0 |         1 |                |        |    2 |
|        3 |      2 | web.screens.period        |   1515 |        0 |     10800 |                |        |    2 |
|        3 |      2 | web.screens.stime         |   1515 |        0 |         0 | 20140115093413 |        |    3 |
|        3 |      2 | web.screens.isnow         |   1515 |        0 |         1 |                |        |    2 |
|        3 |      8 | web.screens.isnow         |     56 |        0 |         0 |                |        |    2 |
|        3 |     28 | web.screens.isnow         |     19 |        0 |         0 |                |        |    2 |
|        3 |      2 | web.screens.isnow         |     41 |        0 |         1 |                |        |    2 |
|        3 |      2 | web.slides.isnow          |      3 |        0 |         0 |                |        |    2 |
|        3 |      6 | web.screens.isnow         |     64 |        0 |         1 |                |        |    2 |
|        3 |     28 | web.screens.isnow         |     64 |        0 |         0 |                |        |    2 |
|        3 |      2 | web.item.graph.period     |  84396 |        0 |     86400 |                |        |    2 |
|        3 |      2 | web.item.graph.stime      |  84396 |        0 |         0 | 20131107012230 |        |    3 |
|        3 |      2 | web.item.graph.isnow      |  84396 |        0 |         0 |                |        |    2 |
|        3 |      9 | web.screens.isnow         |     52 |        0 |         1 |                |        |    2 |
|        2 |     15 | web.charts.graphid        |      0 |      953 |         0 |                |        |    1 |
|        2 |     32 | web.charts.graphid        |      0 |        0 |         0 |                |        |    1 |
|        2 |     45 | web.overview.view.style   |      0 |        0 |         1 |                |        |    2 |
|        2 |     45 | web.overview.type         |      0 |        0 |         0 |                |        |    2 |
|        2 |     52 | web.menu.reports.last     |      0 |        0 |         0 | graphs.php     |        |    3 |
|        2 |     15 | web.screens.timelinefixed |      0 |        0 |         0 |                |        |    2 |
|        2 |     60 | web.charts.graphid        |      0 |      940 |         0 |                |        |    1 |
|        2 |     69 | web.charts.graphid        |      0 |     1346 |         0 |                |        |    1 |
|        2 |     70 | web.charts.graphid        |      0 |      953 |         0 |                |        |    1 |
|        2 |     15 | web.screens.isnow         |      3 |        0 |         0 |                |        |    2 |
|        2 |      9 | web.screens.isnow         |     41 |        0 |         0 |                |        |    2 |
|        2 |      9 | web.screens.graphid       |      0 |     2877 |         0 |                |        |    1 |
|        2 |     42 | web.screens.isnow         |     26 |        0 |         1 |                |        |    2 |
|        2 |     21 | web.screens.period        |      3 |        0 |      3600 |                |        |    2 |
|        2 |     21 | web.screens.stime         |      3 |        0 |         0 | 20121011133918 |        |    3 |
|        2 |     21 | web.screens.isnow         |      3 |        0 |         1 |                |        |    2 |
|        2 |     15 | web.item.graph.period     |  80901 |        0 |      3600 |                |        |    2 |
|        2 |     15 | web.item.graph.stime      |  80901 |        0 |         0 | 20121016145422 |        |    3 |
|        2 |     15 | web.item.graph.isnow      |  80901 |        0 |         0 |                |        |    2 |
|        2 |     42 | web.item.graph.isnow      |  37676 |        0 |         0 |                |        |    2 |
|        2 |      4 | web.screens.isnow         |      3 |        0 |         1 |                |        |    2 |
|        2 |     27 | web.screens.isnow         |     26 |        0 |         1 |                |        |    2 |
|        2 |     12 | web.screens.graphid       |      0 |     3034 |         0 |                |        |    1 |
|        2 |      2 | web.item.graph.isnow      |  65929 |        0 |         1 |                |        |    2 |
|        2 |     15 | web.item.graph.period     | 103547 |        0 |      3600 |                |        |    2 |
|        2 |     15 | web.item.graph.stime      | 103547 |        0 |         0 | 20130125141950 |        |    3 |
|        2 |     15 | web.item.graph.isnow      | 103547 |        0 |         0 |                |        |    2 |
|        2 |     15 | web.item.graph.isnow      |  39596 |        0 |         1 |                |        |    2 |
|        2 |      9 | web.screens.isnow         |      9 |        0 |         1 |                |        |    2 |
|        2 |     13 | web.item.graph.isnow      |  35389 |        0 |         1 |                |        |    2 |
|        2 |      2 | web.item.graph.isnow      |  77109 |        0 |         0 |                |        |    2 |
|        2 |     15 | web.item.graph.period     |  83691 |        0 |    259268 |                |        |    2 |
|        2 |     15 | web.item.graph.stime      |  83691 |        0 |         0 | 20130414234344 |        |    3 |
|        2 |     15 | web.item.graph.isnow      |  83691 |        0 |         0 |                |        |    2 |
|        2 |     15 | web.item.graph.period     |  53754 |        0 |     43200 |                |        |    2 |
|        2 |     15 | web.item.graph.stime      |  53754 |        0 |         0 | 20130425043302 |        |    3 |
|        2 |     15 | web.item.graph.isnow      |  53754 |        0 |         0 |                |        |    2 |
|        2 |     15 | web.screens.period        |      0 |        0 |     86400 |                |        |    2 |
|        2 |     15 | web.screens.stime         |      0 |        0 |         0 | 20120704110000 |        |    3 |
|        2 |     15 | web.screens.isnow         |      0 |        0 |         0 |                |        |    2 |
|        2 |     15 | web.item.graph.isnow      |  27036 |        0 |         0 |                |        |    2 |
|        2 |     83 | web.history.timelinefixed |      0 |        0 |         1 |                |        |    2 |
|        2 |      2 | web.screens.isnow         |     50 |        0 |         0 |                |        |    2 |
|        2 |     83 | web.item.graph.period     | 106049 |        0 |     43200 |                |        |    2 |
|        2 |     83 | web.item.graph.stime      | 106049 |        0 |         0 | 20140415215800 |        |    3 |
|        2 |     83 | web.item.graph.isnow      | 106049 |        0 |         1 |                |        |    2 |
|        2 |     15 | web.screens.isnow         |     50 |        0 |         0 |                |        |    2 |
124 rows in set (0.00 sec

(what users have more records)

mysql> select userid, count(*) from profiles group by userid order by count(*) desc;
| userid | count(*) |
|      2 |     7037 |
|     83 |     5615 |
|     15 |     5402 |
|     70 |     1716 |
|     21 |     1566 |
|      9 |     1471 |
|     12 |     1277 |
|    101 |     1038 |
|     71 |      893 |
|     28 |      883 |
|     42 |      799 |
|     20 |      780 |
|      4 |      726 |
|     13 |      692 |
|     57 |      654 |
|     27 |      652 |
|     80 |      619 |
|     10 |      591 |
|    117 |      588 |
|     81 |      562 |
|     47 |      559 |
|     19 |      540 |
|     23 |      464 |
|     68 |      463 |
|     45 |      450 |
|    125 |      431 |
|    124 |      414 |
|    102 |      401 |
|      6 |      362 |
|    131 |      319 |
|     60 |      318 |
|     79 |      293 |
|     32 |      277 |
|     26 |      268 |
|     97 |      225 |
|     17 |      187 |
|     52 |      180 |
|     18 |      163 |
|     78 |      158 |
|     38 |      157 |
|     76 |      138 |
|     65 |      122 |
|     14 |      111 |
|      8 |       94 |
|     84 |       91 |
|     99 |       90 |
|    127 |       86 |
|     61 |       83 |
|    119 |       67 |
|     39 |       62 |
|    128 |       62 |
|    118 |       61 |
|     33 |       54 |
|     69 |       45 |
|     11 |       43 |
|    130 |       35 |
|     72 |       26 |
|     98 |       21 |
|     25 |       18 |
|    104 |       15 |
|    100 |       13 |
|     49 |       13 |
|     56 |       12 |
|     85 |       12 |
|     55 |        9 |
|     74 |        8 |
|     75 |        5 |
|     40 |        2 |
|    129 |        2 |
69 rows in set (0.00 sec)

userid=2 is supposedly guest

Question is:
could we do some "clean up" on db patching to delete such duplicates ?

p.s. I recall some discussion in the past that we have to delete unused (dropped/renamed) idx, we even deleted something as I recall, but I believe all production databases have unused idx.

Comment by Oleksii Zagorskyi [ 2014 Nov 19 ]

Query (MySQL) to delete duplicates is:

DELETE p1 FROM profiles AS p1 INNER JOIN ( SELECT MIN( p1.profileid ) AS MinId, p1.userid, p1.idx, p1.idx2, p1.value_id, p1.value_int, p1.value_str, p1.source, p1.type FROM profiles AS p1 GROUP BY p1.userid, p1.idx, p1.idx2, p1.value_id, p1.value_int, p1.value_str, p1.source, p1.type )p2 ON p1.userid = p2.userid AND p1.idx = p2.idx AND p1.idx2 = p2.idx2 AND p1.value_id = p2.value_id AND p1.value_int = p2.value_int AND p1.value_str = p2.value_str AND p1.source = p2.source AND p1.type = p2.type AND p1.profileid != p2.MinID;
Comment by richlv [ 2014 Nov 19 ]

any old profile values must be deleted by server upgrade code.
if there are known bugs in the frontend where it creates dupes, those should be listed.
cleaning the dupes... i would suggest taking responsibility and cleaning those up by the server, too

Comment by Spiros Ioannou [ 2019 Feb 28 ]

postgresql 11 and zabbix 3.4.15, had about 300+ duplicates out of 12K, may be the cause of "deadlock detected" after multiple "UPDATE profiles" queries in logs as stated in ZBX-12284. Above query did not work for PG, so here it is:

create table pr_temp as
SELECT p1.* FROM profiles AS p1 INNER JOIN ( SELECT MIN(p1.profileid)
AS MinId, p1.userid, p1.idx, p1.idx2, p1.value_id, p1.value_int, p1.value_str, p1.source, p1.type
FROM profiles AS p1
GROUP BY p1.userid, p1.idx, p1.idx2, p1.value_id, p1.value_int, p1.value_str, p1.source, p1.type ) p2
ON p1.userid = p2.userid
AND p1.idx = p2.idx
AND p1.idx2 = p2.idx2
AND p1.value_id = p2.value_id
AND p1.value_int = p2.value_int
AND p1.value_str = p2.value_str
AND p1.source = p2.source
AND p1.type = p2.type
AND p1.profileid != p2.MinID;


delete from profiles where profileid in (select profileid from pr_temp);
drop table pr_temp
Comment by Mārtiņš Tālbergs (Inactive) [ 2020 Jan 20 ]

FIXED in development branch feature/ZBX-9057-4.0

Comment by Mārtiņš Tālbergs (Inactive) [ 2020 Mar 03 ]

Available in:

Comment by Mārtiņš Tālbergs (Inactive) [ 2020 Mar 03 ]

To remove current duplicates from "profiles" table this query can be executed. Tested on latest versions of mariaDB, postgres and oracle.

DELETE FROM profiles WHERE profileid IN (
    SELECT p1.profileid FROM profiles p1
    JOIN profiles p2
        ON p1.idx=p2.idx
        AND p1.userid=p2.userid
        AND p1.idx2=p2.idx2
        AND p1.profileid < p2.profileid
    GROUP BY p1.profileid
Generated at Sat Apr 20 15:58:54 EEST 2024 using Jira 9.12.4#9120004-sha1:625303b708afdb767e17cb2838290c41888e9ff0.