[ZBXNEXT-134] Need feature, for moving item from one host to other without lost of data Created: 2009 Nov 13  Updated: 2023 Sep 11

Status: Open
Component/s: Frontend (F)
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: None

Type: New Feature Request Priority: Critical
Reporter: Nikolay L Selikhov Assignee: Unassigned
Resolution: Unresolved Votes: 57
Labels: usability
Remaining Estimate: Not Specified
Time Spent: Not Specified
Original Estimate: Not Specified


Need feature, for moving item from one host to other without lost of data.

For example:

  • User change your connection point from one switch to other.
  • User change your connection point from one Node (hostgroup) to other.

Need move all data (statistics, triggers e t.c.) move to other point without lost.

Now it is impossible.

Comment by Orion Poplawski [ 2012 Jun 12 ]

I have been collecting temperature data via probes connected to one host and want to move them to another host but would like to keep all of the data. That's why I would like to see this feature implemented.

Comment by Chris Kistner [ 2012 Jul 17 ]

I would also love to have this feature.

I also find it quite annoying that when you copy an item that it does not copy the associated Application(s), Trigger(s) and Graph(s) with.

Currently one option would be to move the host's monitoring end-point, instead of moving the items.

At this very moment I'm actually modifying the Zabbix hostid in the item table to move my item(s) from one host to another.
Unfortunately it loses its Application(s) in the process. Technically it keeps the Applications that are linked to the original host, so when you view the host configuration on the new host, it still shows the correct Application(s).
So I before I move the item(s), I recreate the Application(s) on the destination host, and then after I made the database change, I remap all the item's Application(s).

Comment by Areg Vrtanesyan [ 2013 Aug 31 ]


I would like to have this too as it will help to move the collected data to other host for example if I am running the multiple instance of same service on one host and would like to separate data collected for the server and service.


Voted for this


Comment by Antti Hätinen [ 2019 Mar 23 ]

I would like this feature. Now I had to move the item and trigger by using SQL, but UI button would be nice, easier and more robust for most people.

UPDATE items SET hostid=<newid> WHERE itemid = <oldid>;

It seems that there is relation to triggers so that all triggers to the item follow automatically to the new host.

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