[ZBXNEXT-1366] Add hosts to network maps via Mass update Created: 2012 Aug 20  Updated: 2018 Sep 28

Status: Open
Component/s: Frontend (F)
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: None

Type: New Feature Request Priority: Minor
Reporter: Sergey Syreskin Assignee: Unassigned
Resolution: Unresolved Votes: 0
Labels: frontend, gui, maps, massupdate, usability
Remaining Estimate: Not Specified
Time Spent: Not Specified
Original Estimate: Not Specified

Attachments: File HostsMassUpdateAddToMap_zabbix3.4.14.PatchFile    


Adding lots of similar hosts to a network map, creating links and binding triggers to links is a quite boring task.
It would be very convenient to perform these tasks with the power of mass update.

For example, a user goes to Configuration -> Hosts, selects hosts, that should be added to a network map.
Then in Mass update, among all the options, a user will see a new option: "Add to a network map..."
After specifying a map, another new option becomes available: "Create a link with...", so that a user could
choose a map element to link with the selected elements.
Than, if a user selected a map element to create links with, another new option becomes available:
"Add triggers to links", that shows a list of templated triggers, that exist for all of the selected hosts. If the
selected hosts have no common triggers, the list of triggers would be empty.

Comment by Alexei Vladishev [ 2012 Oct 10 ]

A better approach would be to have "Add hosts" button or a link in the map configuration form.

Comment by Volker Fröhlich [ 2013 Aug 05 ]

Somewhat connected to ZBXNEXT-163

Comment by Marvin Frederickson [ 2018 Sep 28 ]

We too had a need for adding multiple hosts to a map. Attached is a patch to do so.  There's a new "Map" tab under Mass Update.  When you choose to link to map, you can then select an editable map, specify a default icon for the hosts, and select the existing element in the map that you want the new hosts linked to.  You can apply the patch by going into your /usr/share/zabbix directory and running the following.

patch -p0 <HostsMassUpdateAddToMap_zabbix3.4.14.PatchFile

Constructive feedback is welcome.HostsMassUpdateAddToMap_zabbix3.4.14.PatchFile

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