[ZBXNEXT-1746] zabbix maintenance period entry needs to be localized Created: 2013 May 15  Updated: 2014 Apr 15  Resolved: 2014 Apr 15

Status: Closed
Component/s: Frontend (F)
Affects Version/s: 2.0.6
Fix Version/s: None

Type: Change Request Priority: Minor
Reporter: Tim Mooney Assignee: Unassigned
Resolution: Duplicate Votes: 1
Labels: datestring, localization, maintenance
Remaining Estimate: Not Specified
Time Spent: Not Specified
Original Estimate: Not Specified

server: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.x x86_64, php 5.3.3

Attachments: Text File zabbix-2.2.2-createDateSelector-ISO8601.patch    
Issue Links:
duplicates ZBX-5430 Unified date formats in the frontend Closed


The current maintenance page in the front-end is error-prone for some non-European cultures, because the day and month are reversed from what we expect. This can cause people to enter incorrect maintenance periods.

Americans and perhaps other cultures use a different date-entry format than Europeans. We use MM / DD / YYYY, rather than DD / MM /YYYY. Because the Zabbix maintenance pages are not localized and there's no legend/label indicating the order for month and day, it's very likely that people may enter the wrong value in the wrong box, leading to a maintenance period that's not what they were expecting. For example, an American that doesn't use the calendar widget to select the date may accidentally enter 05 / 07 / 2013 thinking that's May 7th, when it's actually July 5th.

I found the include/view/configuration.maintenance.edit.php file and I was able to switch the order for our interface. That's just a first step.

What I think should actually happen is that

1) the value for Language (from the user's profile) should be queried. If it's set to "English (US)" (and perhaps any other language settings where the localization for the date entry is also switched from the Zabbix default), then the boxes are displayed in the MM / DD / YYYY order.
2) a new row should be added that contains a legend (labels) above the "Active Since", "Active Till", and any "Date" fields for new maintenance periods. The row should contain either "MM / DD / YYYY" or "DD / MM / YYYY", as a hint for the user so that they know what order the fields are in.

If you could give me hints for how to look up the user's profile Language setting and what's involved in adding a new (I know addRow is
called, but I tried just adding a call to $maintenanceFormList->addRow() with the headers for _('MM'), _('DD'), etc., and it did not display, so I'm guessing that there needs to be code added to the top level maintenance.php too – it's that code I'm uncertain of), I would be happy to provide a patch.

Note: one alternative to what I'm suggesting would be to switch the maintenance entry to use YYYY / MM / DD for all users. That seems to be something that is less confusing for some cultures, and it's what's proscribed by ISO 8601.

As I said, if you can help point me in the right direction, I would be willing to try my hand at contributing a patch.

Comment by richlv [ 2013 May 15 ]

i absolutely agree with the yyyy-mm-dd being used in as many places as possible. it is easier to implement, less error prone code-wise, pretty much impossible to misinterpret - and it follows a standard, as you mentioned

we already have a whole bunch of issues about date format standardisation, but let's leave this one open as it's not just about changing format for display but also input fields in the frontend

Comment by Tim Mooney [ 2013 May 16 ]


If you or one of the other developers can provide me some guidance, I'll do the work and provide the patch.

I already have the "Active since" and "Active till" changed so that it's YYYY - MM - DD for everyone. That's seemed easy.

What I don't understand is how to switch the input field order when adding a new "One time only" period on the Periods tab. I see the call to $maintenanceForm->addVar('timeperiods['.$id.'][start_date]', ...) and I also see the TIMEPERIOD_TYPE_ONETIME in the top level maintenance.php, but I haven't yet figured out where the actual layout for the input fields is for that "New maintenance period" part of the front-end is.

Can someone provide me some guidance on what I should be looking at for that? I would like to start iterating a patch for the developers to consider.

Comment by Oleksii Zagorskyi [ 2013 May 17 ]

I think it's the first and single issue so far about input field reordering depending on selected locale.
Must have !

Tim, you don't need to spend your forces to prepare the patch. Zabbix devs will do it fast when (if ) they will take this issue.

Comment by richlv [ 2013 May 17 ]

personally, i'd be against reordering fields based on locale. it can be even more confusing...

Comment by Tim Mooney [ 2013 May 18 ]

I understand your reservations about reordering based on locale and I agree that a better solution is

1) use the ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD format
2) have a legend so that it's clear which boxes are for MM and which are for DD.

However, reordering based on locale is much better than doing nothing, because right now the interface will cause problems and incorrect data entry for many users that are used to MM/DD/YYYY.

@Oleksiy, I am actually hoping that a developer can provide a little direction for me. That way I can contribute something back and have a better understanding of the codebase, so that in the future perhaps I can make even better contributions.

Comment by Tim Mooney [ 2014 Feb 13 ]

With the changes related to the createDateSelector() code in Zabbix 2.2.0, it now appears to be trivial to fix the date selector to use ISO8601 format for dates, which will be much less error-prone for people that are not familiar with the European convention of DD / MM / YYYY.

Please consider including the patch that I'm going to attach in future versions of Zabbix.

Comment by Tim Mooney [ 2014 Feb 14 ]

Alter the createDateSelector function, which is now used for all front-end date entry, so that it uses ISO8601 standard date layout.

Comment by Pavels Jelisejevs (Inactive) [ 2014 Feb 21 ]

I'm definitely against using the ISO8601 format because it's uncommon in applications and extremely user-unfriendly. Two different possible solutions are:

Comment by richlv [ 2014 Feb 21 ]

dropdown with month name might be fine, but i would strongly disagree with "extremely user-unfriendly".
what's user unfriendly with it ? what we have now - that is an example of an absolutely unfriendly way (as evident by this issue). it's not the worst possible way (using two digits for the year would be...), but it's close to that.

Comment by Pavels Jelisejevs (Inactive) [ 2014 Feb 21 ]

Because people don't use the ISO8601 format in real life. It's not how we perceive dates. No one would say that a maintenance period starts from "2014-02-21", they would say that it starts from the "21 of February, 2014". That's why displaying 21 Feb 2014 will always be better: it's clear for both Europeans and Americans and natural for humans. While the ISO format solves the first problem, it totally fails at the second.

Comment by richlv [ 2014 Feb 22 ]

they would say that it starts from the "21 of February, 2014"

that depends on the language. we should not make choices based on some languages, because those assumptions will be wrong for other languages.
it also results in date and time using different highest-lowest order - date goes from highest precision to lowest, time goes lowest-highest.
to be consistent, one format should be used everywhere. think of item value history - if we would use such a format there, it would make it much harder to read. similar issues will arise, for example, if we start showing start/end date for maintenances and allow to sort by them.

Comment by Pavels Jelisejevs (Inactive) [ 2014 Feb 24 ]

that depends on the language. we should not make choices based on some languages, because those assumptions will be wrong for other languages.

That's why we allow to localize how date and time is displayed in most places.

it also results in date and time using different highest-lowest order - date goes from highest precision to lowest, time goes lowest-highest.

And yet it's the more natural and widely used format, so even if it's less logical, it's more familiar to the users.

Comment by richlv [ 2014 Feb 26 ]

i might have a strong opinion because i deal with zabbix users from europe one week, and zabbix users from the usa another. thus i see two formats every now and then - ddmmyyyy and mmddyyyy. i always have to pause briefly to make sure about date vs month.

is ddMMMyyyy any better ? the problem is, i start reading it from the beginning. mentally, i want to know whether this is a date or month right away, but i can't assign "date" or "month" to the first value right away - i have to look at the second value, which is textual month. now i have to step a bit back and "reparse" the first value, knowing that it is date.

Comment by Gergely Czuczy [ 2014 Mar 24 ]

I think this is also important, random date ordering (read: anything not ISO8601) is a generally bad idea, because every culture interprets it differently. Having an option to take into account the accepted languages and a global forceable option for the format is definitely needed.

If something can't understand what's wrong with anything else than iso8601, here's a short explanation: https://xkcd.com/1179/

Comment by Ivo Kurzemnieks [ 2014 Apr 15 ]

Unified and translatable date format will be implemented in ZBX-5430. Closing as duplicate.


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