[ZBXNEXT-2640] Add ability to send numeric history to amqp queue for distribution to other databases Created: 2014 Dec 12  Updated: 2021 Aug 08

Status: Reopened
Component/s: Server (S)
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: None

Type: New Feature Request Priority: Trivial
Reporter: David Parker Assignee: Unassigned
Resolution: Unresolved Votes: 5
Labels: database
Remaining Estimate: Not Specified
Time Spent: Not Specified
Original Estimate: Not Specified

Issue Links:
duplicates ZBXNEXT-714 need scalable alternative for the his... Open


Some users have history reporting and analysis needs that go significantly beyond what the zabbix UI provides. Adding a "hook" to zabbix to allow for numeric history data to be sent to other (additional) data stores would add an enormous amount of flexibility to zabbix deployments.

I believe the "hook" could live somewhere in src/libs/zbxdbcache/dbcache.c in the dc_add_history_<type> functions.

If logic were added there to optionally send data to rabbitmq (http://alanxz.github.io/rabbitmq-c/docs/0.5.0/) (replacing item id with the corresponding host name and item key strings) it would then be possible to do any number of things with the data at the "other end": graphite, opentsdb, other "nosql" targets, etc.

The data required would be:

unix time, host name, item key, value

The precise format really doesn't matter as long as it's machine parse-able.

I imagine the option would be enabled with a few configuration lines in the server config file.

AMQ connection parameters would be something like:


and maybe username+password

The code to "fork" data would only function if these things were defined. The presumption would be that it's fire-and-forget - zabbix wouldn't need to do anything other than format the string and send it down the pipe.

Comment by Oleksii Zagorskyi [ 2014 Dec 13 ]

It's probably duplicate of ZBXNEXT-714

Comment by Oleksii Zagorskyi [ 2014 Dec 13 ]

Feel free to reopen if you don't agree.

Comment by David Parker [ 2015 Feb 03 ]

I don't believe this is really the same thing as ZBXNEXT-714 in that that request suggests wholesale replacement of the storage backend. This feature just defines a "hook" that would allow for data to be sent off to some other store of the user's choosing. The idea is simply that when history data is being inserted into mysql, have it optionally also go to rabbitmq with a simple data format so the user can do with it as he wishes.

Comment by Corey Shaw [ 2015 Feb 03 ]

This particular feature could provide an interim solution to the much broader issue discussed in ZBXNEXT-714. My last comment in ZBXNEXT-714 clarifies a bit more what I mean by that.

Comment by Glebs Ivanovskis [ 2021 Aug 08 ]

Probably a duplicate of ZBXNEXT-3353.

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