[ZBXNEXT-2683] context/parameter for user macros/variables Created: 2015 Jan 27  Updated: 2016 Dec 19  Resolved: 2016 Jan 19

Status: Closed
Component/s: API (A), Frontend (F), Server (S)
Affects Version/s: 2.5.0
Fix Version/s: 3.0.0alpha4

Type: New Feature Request Priority: Trivial
Reporter: richlv Assignee: Unassigned
Resolution: Fixed Votes: 0
Labels: macrocontext, macros
Remaining Estimate: Not Specified
Time Spent: Not Specified
Original Estimate: Not Specified

Attachments: PNG File equivalent-macros.png    
Issue Links:
is duplicated by ZBXNEXT-2745 Add optional user macro parameter Closed
is duplicated by ZBX-10014 Corruped trigger prototype dependency... Closed
is duplicated by ZBX-9821 $1 in item names expanded incorrectly... Closed


somewhat similar to gettext context, it would be useful to specify context for user macros/variables.

context could be specified either inside the macro reference or after it :

  • {$NAME[context]}
  • {$NAME}[context]

macro resolves to the most specific value - if the context is specified, it tries to find a macro with the context value. if there is no macro with such context, it tries to find basic macro.

one usecase would be lld. diskspace trigger threshold could use a macro {$DISK}. if the lld rule would specify it as :

  • {$DISK}[{#LLD_MACRO}]
    each disk could get this macro with different context, where context would be path, for example {$DISK}[/].
    if there would be a macro like {$DISK}[/] defined, its value would be used. if that would be missing, macro {$DISK} would be used.

an open question : should context or level gain priority ? as in, if host does not have macro with that context, should we :

  1. look up basic macro on the host level, then context macro on the template level, then basic macro on the template level etc
  2. look up context macro on template level, then global level, then basic macro on host level etc

Comment by Andris Zeila [ 2015 Mar 16 ]

Specification at http://www.zabbix.org/wiki/Docs/specs/ZBXNEXT-2683
Note that the context was renamed to parameter.

Comment by Oleksii Zagorskyi [ 2015 Mar 17 ]

I'd recreate the spec page with new issue number to avoid misunderstanding.

<richlv> moved it

Comment by Andris Zeila [ 2015 Mar 31 ]

Server side done in development branch svn://svn.zabbix.com/branches/dev/ZBXNEXT-2683

Comment by Andris Zeila [ 2015 Apr 01 ]

(1) [S] lld macro subtitution in user macro parameters will not try to quote/escape the lld macro value (the only exception is trigger expression subtitution). Because of that lld macro values startin with '"' or containing ']' will result in invalid user macro parameters.

wiper The specifications changed, the context syntax is now different and the parsing was reworked.

Comment by Andris Zeila [ 2015 Apr 10 ]

The server side implementation was reworked according to the changed specifications in development branch svn://svn.zabbix.com/branches/dev/ZBXNEXT-2683

Comment by Aleksandrs Saveljevs [ 2015 Apr 13 ]

(2) [S] Function zbx_user_macro_parse() seems to go beyond the terminating NUL if the last character in the unterminated quoted context is a backslash, e.g.:


It might also be useful for readability to only increase "i" for backslash only if the next character is a double quote (same as done in parse_key() function).

asaveljevs That function also seems to accept macros with empty names, e.g.:


wiper RESOLVED in r53150

asaveljevs CLOSED

Comment by Aleksandrs Saveljevs [ 2015 Apr 14 ]

(3) [S] There seems to be a confusion with how macro names are interned, acquired, and released from the string pool.

For instance, consider functions config_gmacro_add_index() and config_gmacro_remove_index(). Field "gmacro_m->macro" is released in the latter function, but is not acquired in the former. This is suspicious.

One way this seems to cause a problem is in DCsync_gmacros() function:

gmacro = DCfind_id(&config->gmacros, globalmacroid, sizeof(ZBX_DC_GMACRO), &found);

/* see whether we should and can update gmacros_m index at this point */
update_index = 0;

if (0 == found || 0 != strcmp(gmacro->macro, macro) || 0 != zbx_strcmp_null(gmacro->context, context))
	if (1 == found)
		config_gmacro_remove_index(&config->gmacros_m, gmacro);

	update_index = 1;

/* store new information in macro structure */
DCstrpool_replace(found, &gmacro->macro, macro);
DCstrpool_replace(found, &gmacro->value, row[2]);

Suppose global macro name has changed. Therefore, we call config_gmacro_remove_index(), which releases the macro name from the pool (the same value which "gmacro->macro" points to) and removes the index entry from the hashset. At this point, "gmacro->macro" field seems to point at an invalid value, so the behavior of DCstrpool_replace(found, &gmacro->macro, macro) is uncertain.

asaveljevs Similar problem with host macros.

wiper RESOLVED in r53153

asaveljevs CLOSED

Comment by Aleksandrs Saveljevs [ 2015 Apr 14 ]

(4) [S] Not sure whether the issue is practical, but DCsync_hmacros() function seems to have lost the ability to handle the case when a host macro is transferred unchanged to a different host.

wiper Yes, it seemed that the possible gains are not worth the additional code required to 'move' the index structure to another host.

asaveljevs A user macro can be transferred to a different host using "usermacro.update" method (https://www.zabbix.com/documentation/2.4/manual/api/reference/usermacro/update). REOPENED.

wiper RESOLVED in r53177

asaveljevs CLOSED

Comment by Aleksandrs Saveljevs [ 2015 Apr 14 ]

(5) [S] Stylistically, we have a convention that a comment immediately before a line of code applies to that line of code only (or a set of consecutive non-empty lines). If a comment is meant to mark or apply to a block of code, it should be separated from the code by one line. This is mentioned at https://www.zabbix.org/wiki/C_coding_guidelines#Comments, but might not be exactly clear from the description.

In this case, for example, in DCsync_hmacros() there was the following and similar changes:

	/* remove deleted hostmacros from buffer */
	zbx_vector_uint64_sort(&ids, ZBX_DEFAULT_UINT64_COMPARE_FUNC);

	zbx_hashset_iter_reset(&config->hmacros, &iter);

	while (NULL != (hmacro = zbx_hashset_iter_next(&iter)))
		if (FAIL != zbx_vector_uint64_bsearch(&ids, hmacro->hostmacroid, ZBX_DEFAULT_UINT64_COMPARE_FUNC))

		config_hmacro_remove_index(&config->hmacros_hm, hmacro);


		if (NULL != hmacro->context)


This makes the comment apply to zbx_vector_uint64_sort() only, but sorting does not exactly remove anything.

wiper Thanks, RESOLVED in r53154

asaveljevs CLOSED

Comment by Aleksandrs Saveljevs [ 2015 Apr 14 ]

(6) [S] In DCget_host_macro(), there are two loops in the beginning and a "break" in the second. I wonder whether that "break" should apply to the first loop, too.

wiper Right, we should stop at the first full match rather than last.
RESOLVED in r53156

asaveljevs CLOSED

Comment by Aleksandrs Saveljevs [ 2015 Apr 14 ]

(7) [S] Please review stylistic fixes during code review in r53141.

wiper Thanks, CLOSED

Comment by Aleksandrs Saveljevs [ 2015 Apr 16 ]

Server side reviewed up to r53179 and the implementation looks plausible. Will proceed with testing after frontend side is developed.

Comment by richlv [ 2015 Jul 16 ]

(8) compiling a list of doc updates :

  • usermacro docs
  • whatsnew
  • mention in lld docs
  • r54427 comment says "removed automatic macro conversion to uppercase" - might need an upgrade note

iivs just because something is removed in one revision, doesn't mean it will stay that way. Macro conversion to uppercase is rewritten with JS now.

<richlv> cool, thanks for the info. it sounds like the behaviour has changed still, so we might want to document that eventually

sasha MOVED to (28)

Comment by Ivo Kurzemnieks [ 2015 Jul 21 ]

Frontend ready for testing.

Comment by Oleg Egorov (Inactive) [ 2015 Jul 24 ]

(9) [F] Translation strings

Removed translation strings:

  • Macro name "%1$s" is too long, it should not exceed 64 chars.
  • Wrong macro "%1$s".

Added translation strings:

  • User macro missing parameters: %1$s
  • Invalid macro "%1$s": %2$s.
  • macro is empty
  • unexpected end of macro


oleg.egorov CLOSED

sasha updated list of changed strings @56070:

Removed translation strings:

  • Empty macro.
  • Macro "%1$s" value is too long, it should not exceed 255 chars.
  • Macro name "%1$s" is too long, it should not exceed 64 chars.
  • Wrong macro "%1$s".

Added translation strings:

  • Invalid macro "%1$s": %2$s.
  • User macro missing parameters: %1$s
  • macro is empty
  • unexpected end of macro


oleg.egorov CLOSED

Comment by Oleg Egorov (Inactive) [ 2015 Jul 24 ]

(10) [F] Possible save macro with lower case, enter name, then press "Enter"
Result: {$ff:тест}

iivs RESOLVED in r54567

oleg.egorov CLOSED

Comment by Aleksandrs Saveljevs [ 2015 Aug 18 ]

(11) [F] Suppose we have the following expression in a trigger prototype in a template:

{My Template:echo[{$MY.MACRO:"{#MY.CONTEXT}"}].last()} <> 0

If we attempt to change this expression by replacing "last" with "strlen", it does not allow to save the trigger with the following error:

    Updated: Trigger prototype "echo[{$MY.MACRO:"{#MY.CONTEXT}"}] is not empty" on "My Template".
    Incorrect trigger expression. Check expression part starting from "{:.}{5} <> 0".

Creating such a trigger from scratch works well.

iivs Tried both triggers and trigger prototypes and both create and update. I could not reproduce ths problem for now.

iivs RESOLVED in r55105

asaveljevs Seems to work, but there is now a new issue on the topic, ZBX-9810, which has a bit more information. Let's fix it properly there. CLOSED

iivs I reverted the changes in r55276 and will apply the fix in ZBX-9810

Comment by Aleksandrs Saveljevs [ 2015 Aug 18 ]

(12) [F] Suppose we have a macro with empty context defined globally and a macro with a quoted empty context defined on the template. These two macro are equivalent, however, the following screenshot of the host level macros does not show that:

Perhaps, presentation can be a bit improved.

iivs RESOLVED in r55078

asaveljevs CLOSED

Comment by Aleksandrs Saveljevs [ 2015 Aug 18 ]

(13) [F] Macros with context do not seem to be expanded in "Monitoring" -> "Triggers" and "Monitoring" -> "Events", at least in case there exists a macro without context, but no macro with that specific context.

asaveljevs If there exists a macro without context on the trigger's host, it works. If there is only a global macro without context, it does not work.

iivs RESOLVED in r55079

asaveljevs CLOSED

Comment by Aleksandrs Saveljevs [ 2015 Aug 18 ]

(14) [S] Suppose we have the following item:

echo["{$MY.MACRO:\"comma:, bracket:] brace:} quote:\\"\"}"]

It seems to be legal, but the macro does not seem to be expanded by the server.

wiper RESOLVED in r55049. Note that similar problem was when trying to expand macros in item names.

asaveljevs r55049 has the following diff:

Index: src/libs/zbxserver/expression.c
--- src/libs/zbxserver/expression.c	(revision 55048)
+++ src/libs/zbxserver/expression.c	(revision 55049)
@@ -389,8 +390,11 @@
 	while (NULL != (m = strchr(p, '$')))
-		if (m > p && '{' == *(m - 1) && NULL != (n = strchr(m + 1, '}')))	/* user defined macros */
+		if (m > p && '{' == *(m - 1) && FAIL != zbx_user_macro_parse(m - 1, &macro_r, &context_l, &context_r))
+			/* user macros  */
+			n = m + context_r;
 			c = *++n;
 			*n = '\0';
 			DCget_user_macro(&hostid, 1, m - 1, &replace_to);

It does not look good, because "context_r" is zero for user macros without context. Same for the other diff in substitute_simple_macros() function.

Also, the comment has too many trailing spaces. REOPENED.

wiper RESOLVED in r55122

asaveljevs CLOSED

Comment by Aleksandrs Saveljevs [ 2015 Aug 18 ]

(15) [F] User macros (with contexts) are expanded in "Configuration" -> "Hosts" in the item list in item names. They should not be, because it is a configuration section.

iivs We also expand item names in popup when selecting an item for trigger expression as well as diplaying the resolved name in read-only field afterwards. This behavior is not changed since 1.8, I'm having doubts about this change.

iivs Discussed with sasha and decided to leave this functionality for now and perhaps make a separate issue for it. WON'T FIX.

Comment by Aleksandrs Saveljevs [ 2015 Aug 18 ]

(16) [S] Create two item prototypes like these:


Send in a value for {#MY.CONTEXT} that requires quoting. Then observe the following errors in the log file:

 25560:20150818:173819.533 [Z3005] query failed: [1062] Duplicate entry '10084-echo["{$MY.MACRO:\"comma:, bracket:] brace:} quote:\\"\"}"' for key 'items_1' [insert into items (itemid,name,key_,hostid,type,value_type,data_type,delay,delay_flex,history,trends,status,trapper_hosts,units,multiplier,delta,formula,logtimefmt,valuemapid,params,ipmi_sensor,snmp_community,snmp_oid,port,snmpv3_securityname,snmpv3_securitylevel,snmpv3_authprotocol,snmpv3_authpassphrase,snmpv3_privprotocol,snmpv3_privpassphrase,authtype,username,password,publickey,privatekey,description,interfaceid,flags,snmpv3_contextname) values (14,'echo "{$MY.MACRO:\\"{#MY.CONTEXT}\\"}"','echo["{$MY.MACRO:\\"comma:, bracket:] brace:} quote:\\\\"\\"}"]',10084,0,1,0,30,'',90,0,0,'','',0,0,'1','',null,'','','','','','',0,0,'',0,'',0,'','','','','',1,4,'');

This may or may not have already been fixed by recent changes in ZBXNEXT-1219.

wiper It was indeed fixed in ZBXNEXT-1219 (duplicated keys were not checked against already discovered and unchanged item keys). So it worked on the first discovery attempt, but failed on the next.


asaveljevs CLOSED

Comment by Andris Zeila [ 2015 Aug 19 ]

(17) [F] It appears that $N variables in item names are not expanded to item key parameters anymore.

iivs RESOLVED in r55085

asaveljevs Now they are expanded, but in a way that differs from the server.

Suppose we have an item with name "echo $1" and with the following key:


Suppose also that {$MY.MACRO:} value is "host, plain empty context". Then, item name is shown as "echo host", which indicates that frontend parses the key for $N arguments after macro expansion, whereas server shows item name as "echo host, plain empty context", which indicates that server takes {$MY.MACRO:} as $1 and then expands macros in it (or, rather, it properly quotes the value of {$MY.MACRO:} and then parses the key to get $1).

Either frontend or server should be fixed. REOPENED.

asaveljevs Decided to fix this for all versions in ZBX-9821. CLOSED

Comment by Aleksandrs Saveljevs [ 2015 Aug 25 ]

(18) [F] In host macro list, choose "Host macros". Type {$MACRO}A as macro name (note the trailing A). Choose "Inherited and host macros" and observe the following error:

Undefined offset: 0 [hosts.php:953 → mergeInheritedMacros() in include/hosts.inc.php:991]

iivs RESOLVED in r55232

asaveljevs CLOSED

Comment by Aleksandrs Saveljevs [ 2015 Aug 25 ]

(19) [F] When we are editing macros for a template, the buttons still say "Host macros" and "Inherited and host macros". Shouldn't they say "Template macros" and "Inherited and template macros" instead?

asaveljevs This seems to be handled by (14) in ZBXNEXT-210. CLOSED.

Comment by Aleksandrs Saveljevs [ 2015 Aug 25 ]

(20) [F] Suppose we are editing host macros with "Inherited and host macros" selected. In "TEMPLATE VALUE" column, click on the template - a new window will open (by the way, is it possible to make it so that the new window is opened with the template's "Macro" tab?). Now, choose "Host macros" on the host - note that "Host" tab was suddenly opened.

asaveljevs There is a similar scenario to make it land on the "IPMI" tab - after you click on the template, select "Macro" tab in the template. Back to the host browser tab, choose "Host macros" - it will suddenly open "IPMI" tab.

<richlv> opening the macro tab was rejected in (2) in ZBXNEXT-210

iivs I think both of these similar scenarios are actually same issue mentioned in ZBXNEXT-210 (2). Anyway we don't have a solution for this now.

asaveljevs WON'T FIX

Comment by Aleksandrs Saveljevs [ 2015 Aug 26 ]

(21) There is a difference between frontend and server in how they handle macro parsing failures. For instance:


Frontend sees this as


while server has a different opinion:


Should be made consistent.

asaveljevs As another case, suppose we have an item with name "echo {$1}" and there is no {$1} user macro. Frontend will show "echo {arg0}", whereas server will show "echo {$1}".

wiper Seems in the first case frontend is correct, in the second - server. Maybe we should split this subissue in two?

wiper The first part is fixed in r55174

asaveljevs Server looks good, but there is now a different inconsistency:


Frontend shows this as follows:


Server, correctly, yields the following:



iivs RESOLVED in r55470

asaveljevs Now the described case is OK, but it still fails with the following:



iivs RESOLVED in r55490

asaveljevs This time another problem was introduced. The comment for replaceUserMacros() says:

	 * For example:
	 *		$macros[
	 *			{$A} => {$A},
	 *			{$B} => b,
	 *			{$C} => {$C},
	 *			{$D} => d
	 *		];
	 *		$string = "{$A}{$B}{$C}{$D}";
	 *	Sequence:
	 *	1) $string = "{$A}{$B}{$C}{$D}";	// try to replace {$A}, fail, move to {$B};
	 *	2) $string = "{$A}b{$C}{$D}";		// try to replace {$B}, succeed, recalculate positions and restart;
	 *	3) $string = "{$A}b{$C}{$D}";		// try to replace {$A}, fail, move to {$C}, fail, move to {$D};
	 *	4) $string = "{$A}b{$C}d";			// try to replace {$D}, succeed, recalculate positions, no more, exit.

This algorithm is wrong, because in step 3 we should not try to replace {$A}.

Indeed, suppose we have the following macros:

{$A} -> a
{$B} -> {$A}
{$C} -> {$B}

With the current implementation, all of these expand to "a". REOPENED.

iivs RESOLVED in r55509

asaveljevs I took a look at user macro parsing code and have found the following cases to work incorrectly:

  • The parsing code seems to think that whenever a double quote is encountered, the other double quotes should be escaped. However, according to our key syntax, this is not the case (see https://www.zabbix.com/documentation/3.0/manual/config/items/item/key) - only if the double quote is the first character.

    Therefore, the following keys do not work correctly:
    echo[abc"def{$MY.MACRO:\"abc\"}]   <-- finds macro {$MY.MACRO:"abc"}
    echo[abc\"def{$MY.MACRO:\"abc\"}]  <-- finds macro {$MY.MACRO:"abc"}, too
    echo[abc"def{$MY.MACRO:"abc"}]     <-- fails to find macro {$MY.MACRO:"abc"}
    echo[abc\"def{$MY.MACRO:"abc"}]    <-- fails to find macro {$MY.MACRO:"abc"}
  • A case when "{" is encountered in STATE_CONTEXT_QUOTED_PROGRESS_END is not handled. For instance:
    echo[{$ABC:"abc"{$MY.MACRO:}]      <-- fails to find {$MY.MACRO:}
  • Under STATE_CONTEXT_QUOTED_PROGRESS_END, it gives the following example in the code:
    // Examples: "{$MACRO:\"abc\"" or "{$MACRO:\"abc\"\"

    However, in the second example, it is unclear how we can have the last double quote at this stage: it should have complained about the preceding backslash.

  • Function replaceUserMacros() in CMacrosResolver.php can be optimized. For instance, there is no need to iterate over all found macros for each character - the $user_macros array is sorted by starting position and we can take advantage of that.

asaveljevs While at it, please take a look at my typo fixes in r55530. REOPENED.

sasha The code was completely rewritten in r55660:55935, r55937:56070. RESOLVED

oleg.egorov CLOSED

Comment by Andris Zeila [ 2015 Sep 09 ]

(22) [S] get_N_functionid() function manually function ids from expression. If macro context contains {<number>} it will be counted as function id, which is wrong.

Note that similar problems might still be in other places that parses string that might contain user macros.

wiper RESOLVED in r55513.
Note that src/libs/zbxserver/expression.c:extract_numbers() also parses the trigger expression, but in after ZBX-9643 fix it will parse already expanded expression - so there will be no problems with macro contexts affecting parser.

asaveljevs In DCget_trigger_count(), is break the appropriate action here?

if (NULL == (q = strchr(p + 1, '}')))

Maybe "goto next" is better? REOPENED

wiper right, no point in continuing the parsing there. RESOLVED in r56447

asaveljevs CLOSED

Comment by Alexander Vladishev [ 2015 Sep 11 ]

(23) Moved from ZBXNEXT-1229 (16). richlv: code (src/libs/zbxdbhigh/lld_trigger.c) uses word "dependant" - this seems to be used in context of a person only. we should probably use "dependent".

wiper RESOLVED in r55522

asaveljevs CLOSED

Comment by Alexander Vladishev [ 2015 Sep 19 ]

(24) [F] Broken resolving of {HOST.*} macros in the item key parameters.

sasha The code was completely rewritten in r55660:55935, r55937:56070. RESOLVED

oleg.egorov CLOSED

Comment by Andris Zeila [ 2015 Oct 09 ]

(25) [S] The macro resolving function DCget_user_macro() implementation is a bit misleading - it suggests that host base macro has more priority than global context macro, which is false.

wiper RESOLVED in r56062

asaveljevs Suggested a better wording for the comment in r56463 and r56472, removed unnecessary zbx_free(macro->value). Please take a look.

wiper Thanks, CLOSED

Comment by Oleg Egorov (Inactive) [ 2015 Oct 22 ]

(25) [F] Item/Discovery Key validation
Use key with incorrect syntax, for example:
key: тест
key: {}999


Invalid key "тест" for discovery rule "macro" on "OLEG": key is empty.

Key is not empty

sasha RESOLVED in r56332

oleg.egorov CLOSED

Comment by Oleg Egorov (Inactive) [ 2015 Oct 22 ]

Under this task was improved performance in macro parsing and trigger expanding process.
Up to 2 times faster and used up to 3 times less memory.
Tested on huge XML import.

Comment by Oleg Egorov (Inactive) [ 2015 Oct 23 ]

(26) [F] Coding style

  • Return
    Use line break before return
  • For loop
    As was dicussed, we don't use:
    for ($p = $offset; isset($data[$p]) && $this->isKeyChar($data[$p]); $p++)


    for ($p = $offset; isset($data[$p]) && $this->isKeyChar($data[$p]); $p++) {
    	// "For" loop used to increment the value.

Please review my changes in r56354


  1. I do not agree with comments like "For" loop used to increment the value. because this code is too simple to comment it. Here it is simpler to read a code than the comment .
  2. This comment is incorrect:
    for (; $p > $p2 && $source[$p] != '.'; $p--) {
            // "For" loop used to increment the value.
  3. Also I do not agree double call of the method
    -if (!in_array($this->item_key_parser->getKey(), ['net.tcp.service', 'net.tcp.service.perf'], true)) {
    +if ($this->item_key_parser->getKey() !== 'net.tcp.service'
    +                && $this->item_key_parser->getKey() !== 'net.tcp.service.perf') {



  1. Was discussed with iivs. And our opinion is, leave a comment.
  2. Thanks, sorry, my mistake.
  3. Agree, in "PHP coding guidelines" should be added exception.


  1. in that case the comment must be more generic, like "code... is not missing here"
  2. PHP coding guidelines only recommend to use if statement; nothing to fix

sasha RESOLVED in r56442

oleg.egorov CLOSED

Comment by Ivo Kurzemnieks [ 2015 Oct 27 ]

While rewriting the trigger expression parser there was another thing that has been automatically fixed. Before the trigger prototype dependencies for export did not work. To test if it's now working you can do the following:

  1. create a host
  2. create a LLD rule
  3. create an item prototype
  4. create two trigger prototypes and set one do be dependant on other
  5. export host to xml
    Previously in "dependencies" the expression was broken, now it has been fixed.

oleg.egorov This issue exist in trunk, 3.0.0 aplha3, better create new ZBX and add link to ZBXNEXT-2683

sasha Please create such issue and link it. Thanks!

iivs Created ZBX-10014, linked as duplicate and closed.

Comment by Oleg Egorov (Inactive) [ 2015 Oct 30 ]

Frontend code TESTED.

Comment by Aleksandrs Saveljevs [ 2015 Nov 02 ]

(27) [F] Suppose we use macro {$MY.MACRO:context}, but there is only {$MY.MACRO} defined globally. If we use {$MY.MACRO:context} in an item name, then it does not expand.

asaveljevs Applied patch by sasha in r56476. RESOLVED.

asaveljevs Seems to work, CLOSED.

Comment by Aleksandrs Saveljevs [ 2015 Nov 02 ]

Available in pre-3.0.0alpha4 (trunk) r56481.

Comment by Andris Zeila [ 2016 Jan 08 ]

(28) Documentation:

asaveljevs Some improvements suggested on both pages. Please take a look. We may also wish to add something to LLD macro section at https://www.zabbix.com/documentation/3.0/manual/appendix/macros/supported_by_location (mention that they can be used inside user macro contexts).

wiper Thanks, looks good. I added also note about macro contexts in 'macros supported by location' as suggested.

asaveljevs Perfect! CLOSED.



wiper added https://www.zabbix.com/documentation/3.0/manual/discovery/low_level_discovery#using_lld_macros_in_user_macro_contexts

sasha Perfect! CLOSED

Comment by sergio cricca [ 2016 Feb 24 ]

When I add this trigger:

{Template OS Windows:vfs.fs.size[{#FSNAME},pfree].last(0)}<{$FS.AVERAGE:{#FSNAME}}

I get this error:

Incorrect trigger expression. Check expression part starting from "}}".

Seems like it doesn't like {$MACRO:{#LLD-MACRO}} or both "}}".

The only way I have, is to write it this way (without closing "}")... this seems to be accepted by frontend, but seems not to work:

{Template OS Windows:vfs.fs.size[{#FSNAME},pfree].last(0)}<{$FS.AVERAGE:{#FSNAME}

(trigger without context is working fine)

Comment by Andris Zeila [ 2016 Feb 24 ]

From documentation:

Macro context is quoted with " if the context contains a } character or starts with a " character. Quotes inside quoted macros must be escaped with the \ character.

So this ought to work:

{Template OS Windows:vfs.fs.size[{#FSNAME},pfree].last(0)}<{$FS.AVERAGE:"{#FSNAME}"}
Comment by richlv [ 2016 Feb 24 ]

frontend allowing to add an incorrect trigger seems to be a bug, though.
sergio.cricca, could you please create a new bugreport ?

Comment by sergio cricca [ 2016 Feb 24 ]

created this bug report ZBX-10448

Comment by richlv [ 2016 Feb 24 ]

thank you - note that you can paste only issue key, and jira will auto-detect it and link to the issue
(issue key = PROJECT-NUMBER like ZBX-10448)

Comment by Alexander Vladishev [ 2016 Mar 01 ]

richlv, why it is incorrect trigger?

{Template OS Windows:vfs.fs.size[{#FSNAME},pfree].last(0)}<{$FS.AVERAGE:{#FSNAME}
                                                           ^^         ^ ^      ^^
                                                           |'         ' |      ||
                                                           |'- macro -' ' cont '|
                                                           '---- user macro ----'

Please see wiper's comment.

Comment by richlv [ 2016 Mar 05 ]

ah, sorry about missing that. the quoting rule seems to be slightly confusing, but so be it

Comment by Alexander Vladishev [ 2016 May 19 ]

it caused a regression ZBX-10457

Comment by Dimitri Bellini [ 2016 Dec 16 ]

Hi Guys,
Thank so much for this great features but please update the documentation with some example because is not so easy to understood the way how it work I will post my working example:

User Macro: 
{$NASUSEDSPACE_MIN:/vol/tech/}  => 10
Trigger prototype: 
{Template NetApp Volume:VolSpacePercent[{#SNMPVALUE}].avg(1m)}>{$NASUSEDSPACE_MIN:"{#SNMPVALUE}"}

Please pay attention on the trigger part, you have to use quoted LLD Macro ex. "{#SNMPVALUE}" but on your User Macro you have to write it (the expanded volume do you need) without ex. {$NASUSEDSPACE_MIN:/vol/tech/}

Thanks so much!

Comment by Alexander Vladishev [ 2016 Dec 17 ]

Hi dimitri.bellini,

It is already documented in User macros#Macro context section.

Comment by Dimitri Bellini [ 2016 Dec 19 ]

Perfect sorry, i did not see the last line of the page

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