[ZBXNEXT-2857] Searching for graphs via search engine Created: 2015 Jun 25  Updated: 2020 Jan 02

Status: Open
Component/s: Frontend (F)
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: None

Type: Change Request Priority: Major
Reporter: Jacek Assignee: Unassigned
Resolution: Unresolved Votes: 9
Labels: graphs, search
Remaining Estimate: Not Specified
Time Spent: Not Specified
Original Estimate: Not Specified


Would it be possible to add graphs in results (name of the host + names of valid graphs with links to them) of search engine queries?

For example, someone wants to check a traffic of some specific bussines client, he/she knows the name of that cilent and there is a graph named after that client, but he/she doesn't know on what host this graph can be found and because of large number of possible hosts going through all of them would generate lots of unecessary work. After typing ABCDE in search engine's field and submitting it, user would get (apart from standard results for hosts, host groups and template) another section with list of all graphs containing ABCDE in their titles along with hosts these grpahs can be found.

Comment by richlv [ 2015 Jun 25 ]

ZBXNEXT-1201 asks for a per-host graph filter

Comment by Kay Schroeder [ 2017 Apr 28 ]

Hello, we are running in the same issue. We have thousands of customer poorts and we have non-admin users checking graphs and statistics of these ports. These users also won't care on which (of 200) device the customer is located. So would be nice to have this feature in place.

Comment by Arnis Č. [ 2017 Sep 16 ]

I'm pretty surprised that it is still not implemented. May be in server environment it is not so important to search for a graph by description, but in networking environment it is a big disatvantage. We have a lot of switches and routers and we have graphs for each interface and each interface has a description with some unique identifier. We would like to search for a graph globally with some wildcard filter possibilities. It would be a killer feature for us. Many networking people I spoke with put that as a disatvantage e.g. in comparison with Cacti where you can search for graphs quickly.
But thanks to great Zabbix API we implemented a helper service that does graph search via Zabbix API and then we can redirect to the graph. But still, native functionality would be great.

Comment by Piotr Goczal [ 2019 Dec 31 ]

I'm also interested in these issue. @acivciss could you please tell more about your solution?

Comment by Arnis Č. [ 2020 Jan 02 ]

@Piotr Goczal We wrote a small web serviss that allows us to search and find graph IDs with specified description. 

We use API graph.get method with searchWildcardsEnabled to search for graphs. 


When graph ID is found we can redirect to zabbix frontend graph page:



Comment by Piotr Goczal [ 2020 Jan 02 ]

Thank you, I will check it. If you can share your code it would be great.

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