[ZBXNEXT-3084] Change default "mode" parameter to "skip" for log items Created: 2016 Jan 06  Updated: 2016 Jan 21

Status: Open
Component/s: Agent (G), Documentation (D)
Affects Version/s: 2.2.11, 2.4.7
Fix Version/s: None

Type: Change Request Priority: Trivial
Reporter: Kodai Terashima Assignee: Unassigned
Resolution: Unresolved Votes: 0
Labels: logmonitoring, newitemkey, skip
Remaining Estimate: Not Specified
Time Spent: Not Specified
Original Estimate: Not Specified

Issue Links:


Sometimes I forgot to add skip parameter for log, logrt, eventlog items, it makes database performance problem.

Changing default "mode" parameter to "skip" for log items helps to prevent sending unnecessary alert, growing up database size and performance problem.

Comment by Oleksii Zagorskyi [ 2016 Jan 21 ]

Worth to mention related discussion, to make the topic more clear - ZBX-9918

I could support this request. It should affect only agent and documentation components.
Question is - should we remove the "skip" from all related keys in database by upgrade patches - I'm not sure here as zabbix agents in network may be upgraded randomly and much later after server upgrade.

If we will be ready to go for such changes (major release only I suppose), what I'd also suggest is to add one more mode - "skipold".
Taking into account the ZBX-9918 discussion I mentioned, it should always skip existing log parsing on agent start.
Some zabbix users really want to have such a mode for log* items.

kodai I think new skip logic seems bug for users. Probably they worry about Zabbix miss to detect error messages by restarting agent. "skipold" parameter is bit confusing for me, for example it's hard to understand "what is OLD behaviour" for new users. so I think it's better to back to old logic.

zalex_ua name for the new additional parameter cold be different. Initially I thought about "skipalways".
I'm not sure you correctly understand how "skip" is working currently - agent restart does't skip existing log messages if the item collected values earlier.

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