[ZBXNEXT-6121] Support for LLD macro in SNMPv3 contextname is not working Created: 2016 Mar 25  Updated: 2023 Sep 11

Status: Postponed
Component/s: Proxy (P), Server (S)
Affects Version/s: 4.0.23, 5.0.2
Fix Version/s: None

Type: New Feature Request Priority: Critical
Reporter: Jean-Eudes Onfray Assignee: Zabbix Development Team
Resolution: Unresolved Votes: 23
Labels: lld, snmp, snmpv3
Remaining Estimate: Not Specified
Time Spent: Not Specified
Original Estimate: Not Specified

Attachments: File lld_macro_in_snmpv3_contextname.diff    
Issue Links:


I'd like to add support for LLD macro in SNMPv3 contextname item field.

I want to monitor BGP peers in several Avaya Ethernet Routing Switches.

Some of the BGP peers are inside VRF and can only be accessed with the use of specific SNMPv3 contextname. I've created a discovery rule that list all VRF and then all BGP peers inside these. For example:

			"{#SNMPVALUE}":"BGP to xx.xx.xx.xx",
			"{#SNMPVALUE}":"In vrf1 BGP to yy.yy.yy.yy",

Here's a patch against current trunk that should do the job!

Can this feature be included in some next release?


Comment by 11Thirty8 [ 2018 Feb 06 ]

I have this need too.

Specifically trying to monitor Checkpoint VS (Virtual Systems) with SNMP LLD via a template.
The list of VS context names (vsid1, vsid2, etc..) is available via SNMPv2, and the discovery rule looks like this:

Name: VS Stats
Type: SNMPv2 agent
Key: vacmContextName

An item prototype then looks like this:

Name: {#SNMPVALUE} - Connections: Current
Type: SNMPv3 agent
Key: fwNumConn.[{#SNMPVALUE}]
Context name: ctxname_{#SNMPVALUE}
Security name: *********
Security level: authNoPriv
Authentication passphrase: ********

This gives nice LLD items on the templated host like this:

Name: VS Stats: vsid1 - Connections: Current
Key: fwNumConn.[vsid1]

Name: VS Stats: vsid2 - Connections: Current
Key: fwNumConn.[vsid2]

Item status is "Enabled" and shows up in latest data, but no values ever get collected, since the

{#SNMPVALUE} part in "Context name" never gets resolved, and "ctxname_{#SNMPVALUE}

" is instead send to the Checkpoint firewall, which it of course cannot translate to an existing VS context.

I've verified that using a user definable macro indeed does work in the "Context name" field, which does produce valid item data via SNMPv3.

Having the


, and maybe also


, macro resolve properly in the "Context name" field would be very useful.

I hope this usage description might help push the development of this forward.
Thanks in advance.

Comment by Alexander Vladishev [ 2020 Aug 07 ]

I cannot treat this issue as a bug report. Currently Zabbix does not officially support lld macros in the SNMP context field. Moving back to ZBXNEXT project.

Comment by Alexander Vladishev [ 2020 Aug 07 ]

Probably this will be implemented in ZBXNEXT-2072.

Comment by Dimitri Bellini [ 2020 Sep 04 ]

Hi Alexander,

I would encourage the implementation of this feature because is very import for a good "discovery" on most of Network/SAN devices.

Thanks so much

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