[ZBXNEXT-4248] Filter for discovery so not all discovered gets processed Created: 2017 Nov 22  Updated: 2017 Nov 22  Resolved: 2017 Nov 22

Status: Closed
Component/s: Server (S)
Affects Version/s: 3.4.4
Fix Version/s: None

Type: New Feature Request Priority: Minor
Reporter: Frater Assignee: Unassigned
Resolution: Won't fix Votes: 0
Labels: discovery, discoveryrule
Remaining Estimate: Not Specified
Time Spent: Not Specified
Original Estimate: Not Specified



Having a filter in the discovery would enhance the whole experience as one don't want some stuff to get discovered.

Some examples:

Windows interfaces
Most network adapters on Windows are not interesting. Each network adapter gets an if.out and if.in with an interval of 30 seconds. Most of these need to get disabled as they are both a burden as well as not interesting.

Windows services
Some services in Windows are automatically started. They don't need to keep on running though.

A new phenomenon
Windows update installs and removes services with a new unique name for onedrive. After such an update the service are in fact renamed and we're getting the false positive that a service is not running.
I would rather not test for that service.
Disabling doesn't help here as the service will get discovered each time without me noticing it until it gets renamed again.
A filter would help here a lot.


Comment by Kaspars Mednis [ 2017 Nov 22 ]


Are you talking about LLD (Low Level Discovery) ?

There are already filters to filter out unneeded filesystems, network interfaces etc., and they are fully customizable.
There is possibility to write filters to match expressions or to filter out expressions depending on situation.

A filter can be used to generate real items, triggers, and graphs only for certain file systems. It expects a Perl Compatible Regular Expression (PCRE). For instance, if you are only interested in C:, D:, and E: file systems, you could put {#FSNAME} into “Macro” and "^C|^D|^E" regular expression into “Regular expression” text fields. Filtering is also possible by file system types using {#FSTYPE} macro (e.g. "^ext|^reiserfs") and by drive types (supported only by Windows agent) using {#FSDRIVETYPE} macro (e.g., "fixed").
You can enter a regular expression or reference a global regular expression in “Regular expression” field.

Can be you more specific what is expected with this ZBXNEXT?

Comment by Frater [ 2017 Nov 22 ]

I just started using it and I did not see the filters.
It seems that it's there already.
I will start tinkering with it.
Please close this.

Comment by Kaspars Mednis [ 2017 Nov 22 ]

This functionality is already available

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