[ZBXNEXT-5022] Tag-based maintenance without specific hosts selected Created: 2019 Feb 08  Updated: 2019 Apr 09

Status: Open
Component/s: Frontend (F), Server (S)
Affects Version/s: 4.0.4
Fix Version/s: None

Type: Change Request Priority: Trivial
Reporter: Frank Assignee: Valdis Murzins
Resolution: Unresolved Votes: 5
Labels: None
Remaining Estimate: Not Specified
Time Spent: Not Specified
Original Estimate: Not Specified


Recently it became possible to add tags to maintenance periods.

However, you are still required to select a hostgroup or a host.
The interface is not clear as to what the impact is of this and whether it only would put the tags in maintenance mode or the whole host (which wouldn't make sense).

It is probably better if the "At least one host group or host must be selected." restriction can be removed from the maintenance period configuration if a tag is provided.

Comment by Valdis Murzins [ 2019 Apr 09 ]

The reason, or one of them, why at least one host or hostgroup is required, is to limit user permissions to setup maintenances. With this limitation in place, the user can setup maintenance only for hosts or hostgroups, he has READ/WRITE rights to.
Otherwise, he will be able to put in maintenance the hosts, he is not allowed to or ones he doesn't know to exist.

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