[ZBXNEXT-5208] Extend 'Check now' with another button like 'Check now ignoring throttling' Created: 2019 May 03  Updated: 2019 May 07

Status: Open
Component/s: Server (S)
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: None

Type: Change Request Priority: Trivial
Reporter: Alexey Asemov Assignee: Andris Zeila
Resolution: Unresolved Votes: 1
Labels: checknow, items, preprocessing, throttling
Remaining Estimate: Not Specified
Time Spent: Not Specified
Original Estimate: Not Specified


Just a mere suggestion for consideration.

An option (extra button?) to 'Check now' while ignoring all throttling preprocessor entries in the item itself and all its dependent items may be a very good option, because if throttling is set high (on scale of hours and days), 'Check now' button almost loses its functionality.

Comment by Alexey Asemov [ 2019 May 03 ]

For use case I encountered personally, imagine i.e. dependent discovery, relying on another item that is throttled. In normal run, it's all ok, and when there are no changes, no discovery is necessary.

But there are times when we are creating/modifying/debugging stuff, and have i.e. removed discovered items/triggers manually, and need to rediscover them anew right now. 'Check now' will not help us there because item is throttled, so we have to either wait for automatic discovery when throttling interval expires, or remove throttling, wait for configuration interval, do 'Check now', and then place throttling back in place again.

The same applies when we modify some dependent items preprocessing, or modify triggers, and want to recalculate these dependent items / triggers immediately. 'Check now' for the parent item will hit its own throttling and so our changed dependent items will not get updated and changed triggers will not get fired.

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