When I close the foreground agent with CTRL + C it crashes. This happens only on 64-bit Windows 8.1 Pro with 64-bit agent.
I tried this also with older agents (3.0 early alphas) and the same behaviour persists.
Investigation is needed to find out why this happens: is it an environment issue (e.g. something is terribly broken on my machine) or is there some deeper problem in agent that is triggered only on my machine thus far.
zabbix_agentd -c agentd.conf -f
The log (DebugLevel=5).
1868:20160125:095605.383 Starting Zabbix Agent [Windows host]. Zabbix 3.0.0beta2 (revision 10101). 1868:20160125:095605.383 **** Enabled features **** 1868:20160125:095605.383 IPv6 support: YES 1868:20160125:095605.383 TLS support: NO 1868:20160125:095605.383 ************************** 1868:20160125:095605.398 using configuration file: agentd.conf 1868:20160125:095605.398 In init_collector_data() 1868:20160125:095605.398 End of init_collector_data() 1868:20160125:095605.398 In init_perf_collector() 1868:20160125:095605.413 End of init_perf_collector():SUCCEED 1868:20160125:095605.413 agent #0 started [main process] 3592:20160125:095605.413 agent #1 started [collector] 928:20160125:095605.413 agent #2 started [listener #1] 3592:20160125:095605.413 In init_cpu_collector() 2648:20160125:095605.413 agent #3 started [active checks #1] 3592:20160125:095605.413 In get_counter_name() pdhIndex:238 2648:20160125:095605.460 In init_active_metrics() 2648:20160125:095605.460 buffer: first allocation for 100 elements 2648:20160125:095605.460 End of init_active_metrics() 2648:20160125:095605.476 In send_buffer() host:'' port:10051 entries:0/100 2648:20160125:095605.476 End of send_buffer():SUCCEED 2648:20160125:095605.492 In refresh_active_checks() host:'' port:10051 3592:20160125:095605.711 End of get_counter_name():SUCCEED 3592:20160125:095605.711 In get_counter_name() pdhIndex:6 3592:20160125:095605.711 End of get_counter_name():SUCCEED 3592:20160125:095605.711 In add_perf_counter() counter:'\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time' interval:900 3592:20160125:095605.726 add_perf_counter(): PerfCounter '\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time' successfully added 3592:20160125:095605.726 End of add_perf_counter(): SUCCEED 3592:20160125:095605.726 In add_perf_counter() counter:'\Processor(0)\% Processor Time' interval:900 3592:20160125:095605.726 add_perf_counter(): PerfCounter '\Processor(0)\% Processor Time' successfully added 3592:20160125:095605.726 End of add_perf_counter(): SUCCEED 3592:20160125:095605.726 In get_counter_name() pdhIndex:2 3592:20160125:095605.726 End of get_counter_name():SUCCEED 3592:20160125:095605.741 In get_counter_name() pdhIndex:44 3592:20160125:095605.741 End of get_counter_name():SUCCEED 3592:20160125:095605.741 In add_perf_counter() counter:'\System\Processor Queue Length' interval:900 3592:20160125:095605.741 add_perf_counter(): PerfCounter '\System\Processor Queue Length' successfully added 3592:20160125:095605.741 End of add_perf_counter(): SUCCEED 3592:20160125:095605.741 End of init_cpu_collector():SUCCEED 3592:20160125:095605.741 In collect_perfstat() 3592:20160125:095605.741 End of collect_perfstat() 3756:20160125:095606.210 Got signal. Exiting ... 3756:20160125:095606.210 zbx_on_exit() called 2648:20160125:095606.538 active check configuration update from [] started to fail (cannot connect to [[]:10051]: Connection refused.) 2648:20160125:095606.538 End of refresh_active_checks():FAIL 2648:20160125:095606.538 In process_active_checks() server:'' port:10051 2648:20160125:095606.538 End of process_active_checks() 2648:20160125:095606.538 In get_min_nextcheck() 2648:20160125:095606.538 End of get_min_nextcheck():-1 2648:20160125:095606.538 In free_active_metrics() 2648:20160125:095606.538 End of free_active_metrics() 3592:20160125:095606.757 In free_cpu_collector() 3592:20160125:095606.757 End of free_cpu_collector() zabbix_agentd.exe [1868]: ERROR [file:..\..\..\src\zabbix_agent\zabbix_agentd.c,line:995] Something impossible has just happened.
Problem details from the two consecutive dialog boxes that pop up/
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: zabbix_agentd.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 56a24ee8
Fault Module Name: vrfcore.dll
Fault Module Version: 4.0.917.0
Fault Module Timestamp: 4a365588
Exception Code: 80000003
Exception Offset: 00000000000037f8
OS Version: 6.3.9600.
Locale ID: 2057
Additional Information 1: b250
Additional Information 2: b25045abd065f6f0aeb5bbc510f16a91
Additional Information 3: 8c3c
Additional Information 4: 8c3ce162c5bca7965bed1355ae7e8c2f
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Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: zabbix_agentd.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 56a24ee8
Fault Module Name: vrfcore.dll
Fault Module Version: 4.0.917.0
Fault Module Timestamp: 4a365588
Exception Code: 80000003
Exception Offset: 00000000000037f8
OS Version: 6.3.9600.
Locale ID: 2057
Additional Information 1: a357
Additional Information 2: a357d23668551858b1a36b619bb60e6c
Additional Information 3: 7936
Additional Information 4: 79361aa9d970e14cd9f19b632c15fa50
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