Incident report
Resolution: Duplicate
CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511 64 bit, mariadb v5.5.44, PHP 5.6.19, zabbix 3.0.1
after upgrading to latest zabbix 3.0.1 I have noticed that graphs are missing date intervales i.e. 3d, 7d, 1m, 3m and so on and only display 1 day history graphs even if "All" is selected. Although, if I click on graph withouth specifying date interval, the default 7d interval is displayed and If I select display All then 1d interval is displayed.
dashboard>graphs> group (zabbix servers) > host all > graph > Zabbix data gathering process busy % ---> displays 7 day historic data
dashboard>graphs> group (zabbix servers) > host all > graph > Zabbix data gathering process busy % ---> AND click on All displays 1d historic data.
- duplicates
ZBX-13015 Missing and duplicate date labels in graph
- Closed