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  2. ZBX-10967

httptest.update API has several problems without httpstepid


      httptest.update API method has several problem. The main reasons are "create new steps" update process.
      If you updating steps without httpstepid via API request :
      Remove all current steps and then create new steps.

      I confirmed like these problem cases and I think that could be related each other.

      Case 1. SQL ERROR -> FAILED Response

      Duplicated as ZBX-10842 issue:
      httptest.update fails when updating steps without httpstepid

      When Create a httptest on frontend page and then
      Try to update using httptest.update with exact same data via API.

      Parameters :
      This problem will occur when update parameters

      • same step "name"
      • contain "applicationsid"
      • without "httpstepid" (It will be create new httpsteps process)

      Update fails with the following DB error response:

      Example :
        ["code"]=>  int(-32500)
        ["message"]=>  string(18) "Application error."
        ["data"]=>  string(132) "SQL statement execution has failed "INSERT INTO items_applications (applicationid,itemid,itemappid) VALUES ('576','27693','10278')"."

      Case 2. New step items was disappeared -> SUCCESS Response

      When Create a httptest on frontend page and then try to update using httptest.update with exact same data without "applicationsid". New step items was disappeared. (also can't find on items table!)

      Parameters :

      • without "applicationsid"
      • without "httpstepid" (create new httpsteps)

      Temporary solution? : If you same request sent once more. Items was successfully updated.

      Case 3. New steps do not connected own applicationid -> SUCCESS Response.

      This problem will occur when

      • add a new "steps" to an array (Append)
      • without "applicationsid"
      • without "httpstepid"

            Unassigned Unassigned
            JKKim Kim Jongkwon
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