Incident report
Resolution: Duplicate
Ubuntu 14.04, Zabbix packages from repo.zabbix.com
We have an external script (written in python) which does an HTTP request to an URL configured in the host macro. At times it could take quite a long time for the endpoint to respond which results in a timeout of the shell script.
We have already increased the timeout for scripts but loading the content of the URL sometimes exceeds the maximum possible value.
Since the script times out, it doesn't provide data to Zabbix so I expected the nodata trigger to kick in if no data was being received but this does not appear to be the case.
What is strange that in "Latest Data" the particular trigger is only visible when you tick the "Show items without data" box.
The particular trigger:
{Template Automatic Application Monitoring:aam.py["status", "{HOST.HOST}", "{$AAM_STATUS_ENDPOINT}"].nodata(5m)}=1
I have also tried this variant, but to no avail:
{Template Automatic Application Monitoring:aam.py["status", "{HOST.HOST}", "{$AAM_STATUS_ENDPOINT}"].nodata(5m)}>0
- duplicates
ZBXNEXT-1791 Trigger functions evaluation for unsupported items
- Closed