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  2. ZBX-11824

Zabbix stopped sending emails/SMS for the triggers and not clearing the events from Dashboard


    • Icon: Incident report Incident report
    • Resolution: Commercial support required
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • None
    • 3.2.3
    • Server (S)
    • None
    • OS: Centos7
      DB : MySQL Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.6.32-78.0

      OS: Centos 7
      DB: mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.6.32-78.0, for Linux (x86_64) using 6.2

      We have a problem with Zabbix 3.2.3. Recently it stopped sending alerts to the email/SMS.

      The only change we made to the sever was assign it an Elastic IP.

      Zabbix was restarted

      We have those entries in the log that is repeating

      8764:20170215:143634.845 [Z3005]query failed: [1062] Duplicate entry '2265' for key 'PRIMARY' [insert into event_recovery (eventid,r_eventid,correlationid,c_eventid,userid) values (2265,2288,null,null,null);

      8764:20170217:144606.612 [Z3005]query failed: [1062] Duplicate entry '2295' for key 'PRIMARY' [insert into problem (eventid,source,object,objectid,clock,ns) values (2295,3,0,16013,1487342766,169902606);

      Both values exist in DB with different clock entry then the one that is trying to be inserted.

      Also the triggers are not cleared from the last know issues they are just hanging there. There is no trigger for the OK email/SMS.

      The new issues are logged into the server.log but not put into the Zabbix dashboard or notification is not sent. (I stopped one of our non prod env zabbix agent to trigger Zabbix Agent unreachable for 5 minutes triggers which was logged but no action was taken)

      8750:20170217:102648.370 temporarily disabling Zabbix agent checks on host "Demo": host unavailable

      Log is also not resolving our host names instead is creating entry how the trigger is setup

      8766:20170217:150609.207 escalation cancelled: trigger "Disk I/O is overloaded on {HOST.NAME}" disabled.
      8766:20170217:150614.252 escalation cancelled: trigger "Disk I/O is overloaded on {HOST.NAME}" disabled.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            tessa008 Anna
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