Incident report
Resolution: Duplicate
Ubuntu Sever 16.04
When i upgrade zabbix from 3.2.3 (ubuntu 14.04) to 3.2.4 (ubuntu 16.04), i found two strange situations: alerts does not send and custom lld rules does not work. I have not problem with lld on 3.2.3 zabbix-proxy, only on 3.2.4.
The reason were CR symbols in text data.
For example:
Fail message
28427:20170323:030235.375 [Z3005] query failed: [1366] Incorrect string value: '\xD0' for column 'message' at row 1 [insert into alerts (alertid,actionid,eventid,userid,clock,mediatypeid,sendto,subject,message,status,error,esc_step,alerttype) values (572255,15,8740047,7,1490227355,1,'[email protected]','some-hostnsi.some.domain HOST has just been restarted','Some text ?',0,'',1,0);] Fail LLD 23061:20170331:120600.844 trapper got '{"request":"agent data","data":[{"host":"some-host.some.domain","key":"system.run[{$LLD.WMI.PERF.PHYSICALDISK}]","value":"{\"data\":[\r\r\n{\r\r\n\"{#NAME}\":\"0 C:\"\r\r\n},\r\r\n{\r\r\n\"{#NAME}\":\"1 D:\"\r\r\n},\r\r\n{\r\r\n\"{#NAME}\":\"_Total\"\r\r\n}]}","clock":1490950816,"ns":468562903}],"clock":1490950816,"ns":470246358}'
Only when i removed all CR from all text fields in zabbix database and from custom lld results, zabbix work seems to be normal.
This is bug, or "pain feature"?
- duplicates
ZBX-11855 Carriage Return Causes Data Truncation During Escaping
- Closed