Incident report
Resolution: Duplicate
Windows server 2012r2
We want to monitor MSSQL Server 2012 ERROR log with,zabbix active log["D:\MSSQL11.MSSQLSERVER
\MSSQL\Log\ERRORLOG",Login Failed,utf-16le,100] bu it is not worked.
Our environment is CENTOS 7.2 and ZABBIX 3.2.4
Want to monitor Database server is server 2012r2 and MSSQL 2012
We can monitor all log files on windows server. But SQL server Error log not working.
We chceked error file encoding with notepad++ UCS2-LE BOM and checked it this file on linux it
says,file -bi /etc/zabbix/ERRORLOG> text/plain; charset=utf-16le
After that we copy this file in linux zabbix server and create new log file monitor item.
like, log[/etc/zabbix/ERRORLOG,hpomuser,utf-16le] and monitor is ok.
We tried all alternative way file encoding,UCS2-LE or UTF-16 on windows server etc. But not
changed issue.
Is there any way to solve that problem?
- duplicates
ZBX-11855 Carriage Return Causes Data Truncation During Escaping
- Closed