Incident report
Resolution: Duplicate
Trigger expression on Host is broken after LLD.
It got truncated after the "<" sign.
Template Prototype:
{Template OS Windows Active:service.info[{#SERVICE.NAME},startup].last()}=0 and {Template OS Windows Active:service.info[{#SERVICE.NAME},state].min(#3)}<>0
Host Prototype:
{fqdn.domain.tld:service.info[{#SERVICE.NAME},startup].last()}=0 and {fqdn.domain.tld:service.info[{#SERVICE.NAME},state].min(#3)}<>0
Created LLD Trigger:
{fqdn.domain.tld:service.info[Appinfo,startup].last()}=0 and {fqdn.domain.tld:service.info[Appinfo,state].min(#3)}<
When switching the expression around it truncates after "last()}"
{fqdn.domain.tld:service.info[Appinfo,state].min(#3)}<>0 and {fqdn.domain.tld:service.info[Appinfo,startup].last()}
It seems not to be related to the expression length as I have other, longer, expressions that work without any problem.
The Item in the database (PostgreSQL 9.5) is also truncated.
Created Trigger:
SELECT "expression" FROM "public"."triggers" WHERE "triggerid" = '49698' "{31711832}=0 and {31711833}<"
Trigger Prototype:
SELECT "expression" FROM "public"."triggers" WHERE "triggerid" = '49643' {31706903}=0 and {31706904}<>0
SELECT "expression" FROM "public"."triggers" WHERE "triggerid" = '14803' "{31604268}=0 and {31604269}<>0"
- duplicates
ZBX-11855 Carriage Return Causes Data Truncation During Escaping
- Closed