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  2. ZBX-12707

cannot get required data


    • Icon: Incident report Incident report
    • Resolution: Won't fix
    • Icon: Trivial Trivial
    • None
    • 3.4.1
    • None
    • None

      Dear Support team,
      I have been using zabbix for more than a year now for my netmon needs and it is working like a dream. i upgraded to 3.4 which is when the problem started .. i need to monitor the network(ISP backhaul) through maps. in the new version i cannot get the current bandwidth displayed on link labels and being updated dynamically as was the case in 3.2. Also any and all macros remain expanded by default while map making (eg. host.name) which makes making maps really confusing cause after a point i dont know which icon represents which device, they are all called host.name. Maybe i am doing it wrong. All help regarding the following issues would be deeply appreciated:
      1. Display and dynamically update bandwidth(speed, both and in and out) on links between hosts.
      2. turn off the macros expansion while making the map so i can actually see values instead of long link labels and macros.
      3. this is out of context but can i also see and calculate the actual amount of data transfered through a link for a custom intervel .. would be very helpful to tell the clients that they have consumed let's say 1GB data in 15 days at a speed of 2Mbps.

      I am attaching a file of my map along with this message. please see and tell me what i missed.
      I am a big fan of zabbix .. cause it is really making life easy and would i have been of a coding background i would have really contributed to its development.

      thanks and awaiting the revert.
      Ammar Hussain
      [email protected]

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            ammar.hussain Ammar Hussain
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