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  2. ZBX-13384

minor template issues - naming, comments, parameters


    • Sprint 67 (Aug 2020), Sprint 68 (Sep 2020)
    • 0.5

      3 somewhat minor issues with the default templates. please let me know if these should be split in separate reports.

      1. obscure triggers

      the "Template App Generic Java JMX" template has "{HOST.NAME} runs suboptimal VM type" and "{HOST.NAME} uses suboptimal JIT compiler" triggers. these look for server vs client, but that is not obvious without looking at the trigger expressions. it is suggested to add a brief comment.

      related - one trigger uses "str(Client)}=1", the other - "str(Server)}<>1". is there a reason for that ? if not, maybe they can be unified.

      2. obsolete trigger function parameters
      in "Template App Generic Java JMX" and possibly other templates obsolete parameter is used for last(), for example :

      {Template App Generic Java JMX:jmx["java.lang:type=Memory",HeapMemoryUsage.committed].last(0)}={Template App Generic Java JMX:jmx["java.lang:type=Memory",HeapMemoryUsage.max].last(0)}

      3. template names not following conventions
      some of the template names do not follow the naming convention - http://zabbix.org/wiki/Docs/template_guidelines#Naming :

      All names (group, template, item, trigger, graph, application, screen, discovery) use normal case inside the specific part - for example, "Template App Zabbix server"

      a few template names that do not follow the convention :

      • Template App Zabbix Agent - should have been "Template App Zabbix agent"
      • Template App SSH Service - should have been "Template App SSH service"
      • Template Module ICMP Ping - should have been "Template Module ICMP ping"
      • Template Module Interfaces Simple SNMPv1 - should have been "Template Module Interfaces simple SNMPv1"

      please note that there are more templates with this issue.

      the benefit of the convention is that template names are easier to perceive. title case makes it harder to figure out where the category-identifier ends. with ""Template App SSH service" it is more obvious that "SSH service" is the "app".

      note that this is not consistent - normal case is already used in some templates, for example :

      • Template Net Cisco IOS versions 12.0_3_T-12.2_3.5 SNMPv2
      • Template Net Cisco IOS prior to 12.0_3_T SNMPv2

      this minor change makes the template names easier to perceive, which is helpful as there are more templates bundled now.

            tuskov Tikhon Uskov (Inactive)
            richlv richlv
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