Problem report
Resolution: Duplicate
Debian GNU/Linux 8.10 (jessie) x86_64 3.16.0-5-amd64
CentOS 7 3.10.0-514.26.2.el7.x86_64
In 'item prototypes' i have a 'dependent item' with a 'preprocessing' regex that work on my Debian servers, but not on CentOS.
[Item prototype] Name = Certificate EndDate for {#WEBSITE} Type = Dependent item Key = sites.enabled.cert.enddate[{#WEBSITE}] Master item = Sites enabled parser execution: sites.enabled.parser[{#WEBSITE}] [Preprocessing] Name = Regular expression Parameters = {#WEBSITE}"\s*"(.*)"\s*"(.*)"\s*"(.*)"\s*"(.*)"\s*"(.*)"$ Output = \3
The 'Master item' full content output is:
"zmb-hom-proxy01.internal" "Autoridade Certificadora SSL" "2018-05-16 11:01:49" "1526479309" "20" "1784102" "zmb-pro-web01.internal" "Autoridade Certificadora SSL" "2018-04-15 10:00:38" "1212323478" "78" "1649959"
And I get the expected result on Debian.
On CentOS, however, i get 'not supported' on the frontend, and the log below on the server:
37389:20180425:192649.577 error reason for "zmb-hom-proxy01:sites.enabled.cert.enddate[zmb-hom-proxy01.internal]" changed: Item preprocessing step #1 failed: cannot perform regular expression match on value ""zmb-hom-proxy01.internal" "Autoridade Certificadora SSL" "2018-05-16 11:01:49" "1526479309" "20" "1784102"" of type "string": pattern does not match
- duplicates
ZBXNEXT-4163 Using LLD macros on item preprocessing
- Closed