Incident report
Resolution: Won't fix
I am trying to create a maintenance with my powershell script as shown below,
# Create Maintenance With Servername function global:Zabbix-CreateMaintenance \{ $ErrorActionPreference = 'Continue' $body = @\{ "method" = "maintenance.create" "jsonrpc" = $zabSessionParams.jsonrpc "id" = ++$zabSessionParams.id "auth" = $zabSessionParams.session "params" = @\{ name = "WELCOME" maintenance_type = 0 description = "OD-ServerMaintenance" active_since = 1358844540 active_till = 1390466940 groupids = @\{ groupid = "6" } hostids = @\{ hostid = "10257" } timeperiods = @\{ dayofweek = 1 period = 3600 start_date = 2147483647 start_time = 64800 timeperiod_type = 3 } } } $respond = Invoke-RestMethod $zabSessionParams.url -ContentType "application/json" -Body ($body | ConvertTo-Json) -Method Put If ($respond.error) \{ Write-Error "Unable to Create Maintenance for OD-ServerMaintenance" Write-Error $respond.error Exit -1 } Else \{ Write-Host "$respond.result" } }
I tried with required combinations of parameters used for creating the maintenance and I endup in error message with invalid parameters as shown below,
*Error Message:* Zabbix-CreateMaintenance : Unable to Create Maintenance for OD3 At C:\Octopus\Work\20180725152127-759-12\Script.ps1:39 char:5 + Zabbix-CreateMaintenance + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Write-Error], WriteErrorException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException,Zabbix-CreateMaintenance Zabbix-CreateMaintenance : @\{code=-32602; message=Invalid params.; data=Atleast one maintenance period must be created.; debug=System.Object[]} At C:\Octopus\Work\20180725152127-759-12\Script.ps1:39 char:5 + Zabbix-CreateMaintenance + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Write-Error], WriteErrorException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException,Zabbix-CreateMaintenance
Please correct me if I am wrong with the syntax, as per the documentation I tried the same with zabbix documentation version of 3.4.11