Steps to reproduce:
- Install Linux Maschine with Name "" with Zabbix Agent
- Configure Maschine in Zabbix with Lower and Upper Case
- Create Items for Machine with "Zabbix Agent (Active)" Checks and "Zabbix Agent" Checks
Zabbix Agent Checks are there
Zabbix Agent Active Checks are not displayed
Log File shows:
22554:20181030:045215.477 In recv_agenthistory()
22554:20181030:045215.477 In process_client_history_data()
22554:20181030:045215.477 In parse_history_data()
22554:20181030:045215.477 End of parse_history_data():SUCCEED processed:20/20
22554:20181030:045215.477 In process_history_data()
22554:20181030:045215.477 End of process_history_data() processed:0
22554:20181030:045215.477 End of process_client_history_data():SUCCEED
22554:20181030:045215.477 In zbx_send_response()
22554:20181030:045215.477 zbx_send_response() '{"response":"success","info":"processed: 0; failed: 20; total: 20; seconds spent: 0.000308"}'
Only in Debug Mode!
Log File should show something like this, so we know that the configuration of the Server was wrong:
Machine not found for sending active Checks to Zabbix