Problem report
Resolution: Fixed
3.0.24, 4.0.3, 4.2.0alpha2
Sprint 47, Dec 2018, Sprint 48, Jan 2019
Steps to reproduce:
- open slides.php without any GET parameters
SQL error will occur and the page will be redirected to slideconf.php
pg_query(): Query failed: ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "" LINE 1: SELECT s.* FROM slideshows s WHERE s.slideshowid='' ^ [slides.php:166 → get_slideshow_by_slideshowid() → DBselect() → pg_query() in include/db.inc.php:369] Error in query [SELECT s.* FROM slideshows s WHERE s.slideshowid=''] [ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "" LINE 1: SELECT s.* FROM slideshows s WHERE s.slideshowid='' ^]
Page should be redirected without SQL errors.