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  2. ZBX-15830

Macro is not resolved in Maps if it inherits its value from a user defined Macro


    • Icon: Problem report Problem report
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Trivial Trivial
    • None
    • 4.2.0rc1
    • Frontend (F)

      Problem description:
      When a valid Macro the value of which is defined by a user defined Macro is added in Label, URL or URL name fields of an element in Maps, the value of the user defined Macro is not resolved in the map.

      Steps to reproduce:
      1 - Go to Configuration => Templates => Create template
      2 - Fill out all mandatory fields, navigate to "Macros" tab and create a user defined Macro, for example: {$DNS_MACRO} => yahoo.com.
      3 - Create a Host and attach it to the previously created template.
      4 - Use the user defined Macro {$DNS_MACRO} as the value of the "DNS name" field.
      5 - Navigate to Monitoring => Maps and press "Create map".
      6 - Fill in all mandatory fields, enable "Advanced labels" checkbox and set "Host label type" to "Label" and save the newly created map.
      7 - Open the map and press edit map.
      8 - Add a host element to the map, in "Host" field select the previously created host
      9 - Use macro {HOST.DNS} (valid according to Supported Macros) as the value of Label, URL name and URL fields:

      10 - Save the element and update the map.
      11 - Open the previously created map.

      Whole scenario:

      Result: The actual text of the user defined macro is returned in the Label and URLs fields. The same behavior is observed for the URL value.

      Expected: The value of the user defined marco should be picked up by the


      macro and should be displayed in the Label and URLs fields, and should be used in the actual URL.

            zabbix.dev Zabbix Development Team
            solonkins Sergejs Olonkins
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            2 Start watching this issue
