Encountered a problem while monitoring logs -Information in the log is written in such blocks:
2019-03-01- E2493A370 LEVEL: Error PID : 11927806 TID : 1 PROC : db2vend INSTANCE: db2 NODE : 000 HOSTNAME: srv1 EDUID : 1 FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, database utilities, sqluvput, probe:932 DATA #1 : TSM RC, PD_DB2_TYPE_TSM_RC, 4 bytes TSM RC=0x0000009D=157 – see TSM API Reference for meaning.
Using a item
log[/db2/\{$DBNAME}/db2dump/db2diag.log,"LEVEL: Error"]
we manage to get a string in the last data
2019-05-14- E1279614A870 LEVEL: Error
The question is how to modify the item to get the whole block in the post-data, all the lines after "LEVEL: Error?"
here are also blocks with the level of LEVEL: INFO in the log, so the option of reading the entire log does not fit ..
- duplicates
ZBXNEXT-1428 log[] item slould be able to fetch multiple sequental lines
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