Problem report
Resolution: Duplicate
Linux zabbixeqt 4.9.0-9-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.9.168-1+deb9u3 (2019-06-16) x86_64 GNU/Linux
description: Space-saving Computer
vendor: WYSE
version: Rev 1
width: 64 bits
Hello, I'm sorry but I do not know how to categorize this ...
We need to know that the solution is safe in the short and medium time, thank you. (we resume below)
In summary, we have many Java services in the same virtual machine, and each of these Java services has independent endpoints to monitor with JMX, but we need to monitor the same KEYS ...
For example:
jmx ["java.lang: type = ClassLoading", UnloadedClassCount]
The problem is that Zabbix does not accept more than one KEY on the same host, and we found a solution for this, but ...
We have found a solution, and this is to add a "blank space" in the key ... For example:
jmx ["java.lang: type = ClassLoading", UnloadedClassCount]
jmx ["java.lang: type = ClassLoading", UnloadedClassCount]
jmx ["java.lang: type = ClassLoading", UnloadedClassCount]
Of course, I do not understand exactly why this works, but my fears are that in the future, zabbix will be updated and ... Is posible this will stop working.
The question is, how safe is this method to be used?
Thank you
- duplicates
ZBXNEXT-1490 Unable to use same SNMP trap item key with multiple interfaces
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