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  2. ZBX-16323

SNMP Traps V3 documentation is lacking


    • Sprint 56 (Sep 2019), Sprint 55 (Aug 2019), Sprint 54 (Jul 2019), Sprint 57 (Oct 2019), Sprint 58 (Nov 2019), Sprint 59 (Dec 2019), Sprint 60 (Jan 2020), Sprint 61 (Feb 2020), Sprint 62 (Mar 2020), Sprint 63 (Apr 2020), Sprint 64 (May 2020), Sprint 65 (Jun 2020), Sprint 66 (Jul 2020), Sprint 67 (Aug 2020), Sprint 68 (Sep 2020), Sprint 69 (Oct 2020), Sprint 70 (Nov 2020), Sprint 71 (Dec 2020), Sprint 72 (Jan 2021), Sprint 73 (Feb 2021), Sprint 74 (Mar 2021), Sprint 75 (Apr 2021), Sprint 76 (May 2021), Sprint 77 (Jun 2021), Sprint 78 (Jul 2021), Sprint 79 (Aug 2021), Sprint 80 (Sep 2021), Sprint 81 (Oct 2021), Sprint 82 (Nov 2021), Sprint 83 (Dec 2021), Sprint 84 (Jan 2022), Sprint 85 (Feb 2022), Sprint 86 (Mar 2022), Sprint 87 (Apr 2022), Sprint 88 (May 2022), Sprint 89 (Jun 2022), Sprint 90 (Jul 2022), Sprint 91 (Aug 2022)
    • 0

      there is no real documentation around snmp v3 traps in zabbix and how to set it up
      for example net-snmp at least in Centos 7 is not supporting AES 256Bit encryption only 128 in zabbix we will not see warnings about it it will just not work

      also the configuration in snmptrapd.conf is a bit different

      createUser -e <engineid> <user> SHA <key> AES <key>
      authUser log,execute <user>
      perl do "/usr/bin/zabbix_trap_receiver.pl";

      authUser needs to have the execute option else the perl script will not be executed also the engineid is the engineid for the traps not the engineid configured on the switch.
      there is also the option to send traps or informs with informs sending an ack back to the switch 


            martins-v Martins Valkovskis
            patrik patrik uytterhoeven
            Team C
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