Incident report
Resolution: Commercial support required
About every 30 minutes the proxy server on our proxies is restarting itself. in the log file is
zabbix_proxy [30952]: failed to open log file: [24] Too many open files
zabbix_proxy [30952]: failed to write [cannot accept incoming IPC connection: [24] Too many open files] into log file
One child process died (PID:30953,exitcode/signal:1). Exiting ...
zabbix_proxy [27043]: Error waiting for process with PID 30953: [10] No child processes
27043:20190630:034738.492 syncing history data...
27043:20190630:034738.502 syncing history data... 100.000000%
27043:20190630:034738.502 syncing history data done
27043:20190630:034738.503 Zabbix Proxy stopped. Zabbix 4.2.3 (revision 3685611ba5).
709:20190630:034749.239 Starting Zabbix Proxy (active) []. Zabbix 4.2.3 (revision 3685611ba5).
running rhel 7.